Caste systems in Africa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Caste systems in Africa are a form of social stratification found in numerous ethnic groups, found in over fifteen countries, particularly in the Sahel , West Africa , and North Africa . These caste systems feature endogamy , hierarchical status, inherited occupation, membership by birth, pollution concepts and restraints on commensality. The specifics of the caste systems in Africa vary among the ethnic groups. Some societies have a rigid and strict caste system with embedded slavery , whereas others are more diffuse and complex. Countries in Africa that have societies with caste systems include Mali , Mauritania , Senegal , Gambia , Guinea , Ivory Coast , Niger , Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Liberia , Sudan , Sierra Leone , Algeria , Nigeria , Chad , Ethiopia , S...
Blog included maximum info. on Chamar/Dalits and modifying regularly. Readers are requested to give feedback and help to explore the community people who are known to you or leftout here. Support by sending untold story of SC/STs. I will also request you to join hand with me for the benifit of society and spread awareness for our future generation. I am regularly trying to find enough dalits who had sacrificed their life & ignored by Brahmins