Dalit man beaten to death for attending garba event in Gujarat, 8 booked The accused said Dalits “do not have any right to watch garba. He made casteist remarks and asked some men to come to the spot”. india Updated: Oct 01, 2017 Press Trust of India, Ahmedabad Hindu devotees perform Garba, a traditional folk dance, during the celebrations to mark the Navratri festival at Surat in Gujarat. (Reuters Photo) A 21-year-old Dalit man was allegedly beaten to death by a group of men belonging to the upper caste Patel community for attending a garba event in Gujarat’s Anand district in the early hours on Sunday, police said. The incident took place around 4 am. Jayesh Solanki, cousin Prakash Solanki and two other Dalit men were sitting near a house adjacent to a temple in Bhadrania village when a person made “derogatory remarks about their caste”, police said quoting a complaint filed in connection with the incident. The accused said Dalits “do not have any right to watch garba. He made castei...
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