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Showing posts from July 8, 2021

पासी जाति

पासी जाति पासी कौंन होते है ? Indian Pasi Society Rajesh Ramnarayan Pasi The title of my article is Indian Pasi Society. Will you come to mind whether there is Pasi outside India too, which I have written a lot of Pasi society. So yes there is no society outside India in the name of Pasi but Pasi name in some countries. It is popular. Searching the internet, it is found that some people in America write the name Passi and the name Passi is known as King or Royal. The name Passi is named after boys. People use it but some people keep the name Pasi in America. This is true. And there is also the name Pasi which means King. When you did some more searching, the original name of Pasi was found on different sites. Some Americans are telling some Greece and some Australians are also telling, but the most powerful point is that of Greece, which tells in detail how this word was born. The BAISL and basil from BASILUS create words. The word BASILEUS was used in ancient Greece to mean war or kin...

Hela (caste)

Hela (caste) Wikipedia The Hela are a Hindu found in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. They are a sub-group within the larger community of North India .People of India Uttar Pradesh Volume XLII Part Two edited by A Hasan & J C Das page 603 to 605 Manohar Publications</ref> The Hela are a community of agricultural labourers. Their traditional occupation was to do agriculture. They are found mainly in the districts of Varanasi , Ghazipur and Mirzapur . Hela Mehtar From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Hela are a Dalit Muslim community found in the state of Rajasthan in India . They are Muslim converts from the Hindu Hela caste . Origin The Hela are a community of musicians. They claim to have come from Arabia , sometime in the distant past. The Hela are found in the districts of udaipur Bundi , Kota , Tonk and Jhalawar . They speak the Hadoti dialect of Hindi . The Hela are strictly endogamous, and marry close kin. Present Hela communities exist in Udaipur , Ujj...


चांडाल मुक्त ज्ञानकोश  चांडाल भारत में व्यक्तियों का एक ऐसा वर्ग है, जिसे सामान्यत: जाति से बाहर तथा अछूत माना जाता है। यह एक प्राचीन अन्त्यज, नीच और बर्बर जाति है। इसे श्मशान पाल, डोम, अंतवासी, थाप, श्मशान कर्मी, अंत्यज, चांडालनी, पुक्कश, गवाशन, चूडा, दीवाकीर्ति, मातंग, श्वपच आदि नामों से भी पुकारा जाता है। भगवान गौतमबुद्ध ने सुत्तनिपात में चांडाल का जिक्र किया है। खत्तिये ब्राह्मणे वेस्से, सुद्दे चण्डालपुक्कु से। न कि ंचि परिवज्जेति, सब्बमेवाभिमद्दति।। मृतुराज क्षत्रिय , ब्राह्मण , वैश्य , शूद्र और चंडाल - किसी को भी नहीं छोड़ता, सबको कुचल डालता है। अभ्युदय " सुत्तनिपात " में " भगवान बुद्ध " ने चांडाल वर्ण व्यवस्था की सबसे निचली पाँचवा वर्ण बताया है, "खत्तिये ब्राह्मणे वेस्से, सुद्दे चण्डालपुक्कु से।" "न कि ंचि परिवज्जेति, सब्बमेवाभिमद्दति।।" "मृतुराज क्षत्रिय , ब्राह्मण, वैश्य,शूद्र और चंडाल - किसी को कोभी नही छोड़ता, सबको कुचल डालता है।" प्राचीन विधि संहिता " मनु स्मृति " के अनुसार, इस वर्ग का उदय एक ब्राह्मण महिला औ...