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Showing posts from March 3, 2021

Dalit Christians

Dalit Christians In India As is the case with other religious communities in India, a majority of the Christian community in India consists of Dalit and other low caste converts. Approximately 75-80% of Indian Christians are Dalit Christian, members of the Dalit or backward classes. Most of the Dalit Christians are descendants of Dalits who converted to Christianity en masse from around 1750 onwards to escape caste. Their forefathers saw In Christianity the social equality, spiritual equality and human dignity that was historically denied to them under the caste system. More importantly, they saw these values in practise among Christians during colonial rule as they started getting non-caste employment, education and religious liberty to communicate with the God of the Bible. At the same time, though, you also had upper castes converts during the period who became Christians purely on the basis of religious convictions. The conversion of the dalits and other low castes, however, did n...