LINGAM & YONI Lingam and Yoni are the male and female sexual organs respectively. Hindus are allowed to worship anything - including sexual organs. It is not unknown for them to name their children Shiva Lingam (god Shiva's sexual organ) or Rama Lingam (god Rama's sexual organ). (In some places in Karnataka, the gods demand both male and females to pray naked together.)
We can safely conclude that Hinduism, as a religion, does not satisfy human nature. It is based on inequality.
Empty claims such as urine drinking and sun worship further make this an unsound religion.
Should you read the Ramayan you will come to the conclusion that it cannot be a God revealed book. On the other hand you will find materials of pornography, incest, lies, cheating etc.
The average Hindu is kept in the dark and in reality, he is ignorant on matters pertaining to Hindu beliefs.
"THE GITA AS IT WAS" is a shocking book which reveals the Brahmin fabrication and forgery of the Gita. Mr Phulgenda Sinha, a Sanskrit scholar from Bihar, now settled in the U.S., has come out with the original Gita which, he says, the Brahmin have interpolated to obscure its original message. The author also gives the original text in Sanskrit and English to prove his claim. The book is available from: Open Court, La Salle, Illinois -61301, U.S.A. Price US$ 15.95.
(A) THE EARTH IS FLAT : The NARASINGA PURANA, Page 169 : Abithana Sinthamani, the Vedas and `holy' Puranas claim that the Earth is flat. Today it has been proved beyond doubt by the scientists that the earth is round. Yet some people refuse to believe this and have hence set up a `Jambudvipa Institute' in Gujarat which tries to `prove' the Vedic flat Earth theory !
(B) DISTANCE BETWEEN EARTH, SUN & MOON : The VISHNU PURANA says that sun is 800,000 miles and moon is 2,200,000 miles away from the earth respectively. Astronomy has now proved that the moon is nearer to the earth, i.e. 240,000 miles and that the sun is 93,000,000 miles away from the earth.
(C) THE AREA OF THE EARTH : MARKANDEYA PURANA says that the earth has an area of 4,000,000,000 square miles. According to astronomy, it is only 190,700,000 square miles.
(D) VIBOOTHI (COW DUNG ASH) The Vedas say that the cow is holy and should be worshipped. These Brahmins also claim that cow dung ash has medicinal value. Samples sent to a leading test laboratory in West Germany have proved this to be untrue.
In India people are dying of hunger. Why are these low caste Hindus prohibited from eating beef ? In India cow meat is cheaper than other available meats. According to Valmith's Ramayana, god Rama "ATE" meat. Why then have these Brahmins given up beef-eating ?
(E) URINE DRINKING " One erstwhile Prime Minister, Morarji Desai (Brahmin), boasted that he was drinking eight ounces of his own urine daily (pure and fresh!) in the morning in accordance with the Vedas claim that urine has medicinal value.
No scientists have ever claimed that urine has any medicinal value. On the contrary it is well known fact that urine is an unwanted organic substance that the human body needs to discharge.
(F) SUN WORSHIP : The Vedas and Puranas say that all Hindus must pray to the sun god SURYA, and that if you look at the sun daily every morning with your naked eyes, your sight will improve. Accordingly many Hindus practise this act of worship; but instead of their eyesight improving, India is the country that has the most blind people in the world (2.5 million blind people and 9 million with corneal blindness).
There is no scientific truth in sun worship, and on the contrary the scientist and doctors advise everyone not to look at the sun directly with the naked eye. Who is telling us the truth, the Scientists or the Hindu scriptures? You be the judge!
(G) THE RIVER GANGES : Hindus are dumping half-cremated bodies, and the ashes of these corpses, into River Ganges for their salvation as ordered by the Hindu scriptures. This has made the Ganges water polluted and a breeding ground for numerous diseases.
This is what Wilkins has to write about Hinduism :
"The most absurd stories of their gods are readily believed... This hurrying from one means of salvation to another can be accounted for partly by the fear that though an act of merit may have satisfied the claims of one deity, others who have not been pacified may wreck their vengeance upon them.
Interested and unscrupulous priests make capital out of the gross ignorance and credulity of the people.... Shrine after shrine is visited and word after word is done; and yet the fear remains that some deity has been neglected who at any moment may demand his rights, or punish for neglect..... There are so many deities, and are so different in character, that almost any habit can be different in, almost any vice committed, under the impression that it is pleasing to one or another." -- W.J. Wilkins, Modern Hinduism
Inequity and degradation of women are sanctified in the Hindu religion. Manu Smriti says: " Never trust a woman.
Never sit alone with a woman even if it may be your mother, she may tempt you.
Do not sit alone with your daughter, she may tempt you.
Do not sit alone with your sister, she may tempt you.
Again the same Manu Smriti continues:
"Na stree swadantriya marhathi".
"No liberty for women in society".
The Brahmin media made a big campaign recently out of the Shah Banu case and they blew it out of all proportion. They implied that Islam restricted the freedom of women. Let us compare the positions of the Hindu woman and the Muslim woman. See the following facts for comparison.
The Hindu woman has no right to divorce her husband. She has no property or inheritance rights. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewellery or colourful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children's marriage!) Child and infant marriage is encouraged.
If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).
She cannot remarry.
The Muslim woman has the right to divorce.
She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.
She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent has to be taken. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife (not the other way round as is practised by some ignorant Muslims).
A Muslim widow can remarry.
Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a means to prevent racism creeping into society.
A Muslim mother is given the highest form of respect.
The living revolutionary Mr. Rajashekar questions what right have the Hindus to criticise the Muslims? Have you ever heard of a Muslim burning his wife? Every day we read in the paper about dowry deaths, Hindu women being burnt by the husband or in-laws. It is a fact that upper caste Hindus ill-treat their women. The Brahmin press has brainwashed all of us saying that Muslims do not give freedom to their women. He again questions, "Do the Hindus respect their women?" You be the judge!
If the Hindu man's wife dies, he is free to go and find another beautiful woman when he wants. But if the Hindu woman's husband dies, not only is she prohibited to remarry but she should be cremated along with her dead husband ("Sati"). According to the Haria, the woman who follows her husband in death purifies three families - her father's, her mother's and her husband's. These Brahmin theologians propagate the theory based in the Vedas that a woman who did not burn herself would never become free of being born as a woman again.
If a woman's husband was guilty of the murder of a Brahmin or guilty of "ingratitude" - then the wife who died clasping his body was said to purify him of his sins.
When His "Holiness" Puri Shankaracharya was asked about the fate of the widow's children, he replied - "it is fate! Let the children suffer or die without a mother. But SATI has to be performed according to Hinduism".
"SATI MATA Kl JAI" The Times of India reported (14-9-87): Jaipur- In what appeared to be a revival of a centuries-old custom of "Sati", a young woman belonging to a warrior caste of Rajasthan climbed into the funeral pyre of her husband, police said yesterday. Eighteen-year old Roop Kanwar's husband, Mansingh, had died in a hospital in Kikar district on Friday, His body was later taken to his home village at Diwrala for cremation. Roop Kanwar sat on the funeral pyre while it was lit by one of Mansingh ' s relatives. Hundreds of villagers who knew of her "Sati" well in advance gathered at the spot shouting slogans in praise of the burning widow. Police, who claimed to have received the information late, registered a case against four close relatives of Mansingh for having "HELPED" Roop Kanwar commit "Sati".
Roop Kanwar's husband, Mansingh took more than Rs. 100,000 worth of dowry in the form of money, 25 tola of gold, a TV, a radio and a refrigerator. Though Mansingh had demanded dowry worth of 200,000 rupees, her father had success- fully negotiated and reduced the amount to Rs. 100,000/=. So far in the same village more than 23 dowry killings have occurred in the last 3 years as recompense for not bringing the promised dowry in time.
The paper continues that the most revealing statement came from Mr. Cheeta Singh, a village teacher who said: "After all, she had no life to look forward to. As a widow, remarriage was out of the question in the Hindu tradition bound community".
The teacher continues: "The society treats a widow as a "kulachani" (an evil omen) and a economic liability. She has to remain barefoot, sleep on the floor and is not allowed to venture out of the house. She is slandered if seen talking to any male. It was better that she died, than live such a life "he said.
A report from REUTER (25-9-87): said that Roop Kanwar was forced onto the funeral pyre against her will and struggled to save her life. Some villagers alleged that Roop Kanwar was forced onto the pyre and that she cried piteously as she died. A police report established conclusively on 4-10-87 that Roop Kanwar did try to escape from the pyre before it was lit. But she was unable to do so as logs of wood were stacked up to her neck. Her screams, which the villagers insist was the recital of "Gayatri mantra," were drowned in the slogans of "Sati mata kijai" (long live the lady of "Sati"). Although neighbours claimed that she was 18, the Times of India quoted school records as showing her date of birth as August 15th 1971. A survey by a Calcutta Women's Association reveals that most of the "Sati" are conducted because of the compulsion of the dead Hindu husbands close relatives, irrespective of the young widow's protests to commit suicide. Though the Indian Law prohibits such a cruel act, never in Indian history have any of the dead Hindu husband's close relatives been punished for forcing such crimes.
DR. LAKSHMI'S ADVICE TO BRAHMIN WOMEN Dr. Lakshmi, a well known gynaecologist and social worker from Delhi, and who herself is a Brahmin (and married to the age of 37), suggests that Brahmin women should come out of their shells and act their own since she claims that their corroded thoughts won't save them at all.
She says that if you are a Hindu woman you cannot love anyone you like and you cannot marry anyone whom you choose. Your birth sign (stars) should match your mate's birth sign. In addition you should meet the unbearable dowry demand.
Skanda Purana
The goddess then entered the palace of the god who bears the moon as his diadem. When the three eyed god saw her he said, "Damn 'women," and she bowed to him and said, "You have spoken truely, and not falsely. This portion of Nature is senseless; women deserve to be reviled. It is the grace of men which brings release from the ocean of existence". Then Hara rejoiced and said to her, "Now you are worthy, and I will give you a son who will bring renown to you who are fair and glorious". Hara, the abode of various wonders, then made love with the goddess.
Purpose of writing puranas
Dr. Ambedkar avers that “This literature arose during the period subsequent to the triumph of Brahmins under the leadership of Pushyamitra” (p.257 W&S vol.3) Original authors were non-brahmin sutas, but later they were ousted by brahmins who made monopoly of it. At that time they were finally edited and extra new subjects, apart from five traditional ones, were incorporated. [W&S vol 3, p.255]. But if you consider the fact that the majority of people were only allowed to know either by reading or hearing, and mostly by hearing, only these so called scriptures and nothing else, it becomes evident that the purpose of these books was rather more for false appeasement rather than information or enlightenment, let alone their progress and liberation, so that they don’t aim and strive for any higher literature. The real purpose of Puranas was to misled the dalitbahujan masses regarding their aspirations to knowledge, to curb down their desire for more information and limit their desires to their paltry needs. BSO has always done that and even now, we see that. An example of Gandhi admonishing the savarna leaders for accepting Agnibhoj, an untouchable in the Congress ministry by saying that this will increase the aspirations of these lowly born harijans is well known.
In practice, the stories in Puranas were used to present a make shift explanation for unexplainable capture of Buddhist monuments by the Brahmnical priests and to tell the dalitbahujans that the Brahmnical values are their own, when in fact, the masses were opposed to these values. It was also used to regularize the usurpation of Buddhist temples and tirthas, and thus misleading masses about their real history and heritage.
The Ramayana and the Mahabharat are no doubt GREAT stories, but they are also stories that belong to India's ancient past. We cannot scientifically or factually prove the authenticity of these tales.
Religion is a "man to God" relationship and not a "man to man" relationship. To reach God, treating fellow human beings with love, justice and equal rights is a duty upon the believer. Most religions preach these ideals. Unfortunately Hinduism, which originated from the Brahmins, preaches that to reach your God you should not give them equal rights.(lower caste)
Is there any historically documentated evidence to prove that Rama ruled India? Can any of the so-called Brahmin scholars quote any Western historian to support them? For example where is Hanuman's bridge today? Is the moon on top of the Himalayas? Can immorality be identified with religion?
The Puranas and Vedas state that a true Brahmin should not cross the sea and that is the reason behind Rama asking Hanuman to build a bridge to Sri Lanka. But today Brahmins not only cross the sea but they are working as airline pilots etc. The Achariyas (Brahmin priests) have now passed a resolution saying that the egg is a vegetable food and therefore may be eaten by Hindus. Bengali Brahmins are already eating fish claiming that it is a water flower.
Brahmin women are not only remarrying, but they are also marrying men from other castes. Thanks to reformist like Dr. Ambedkar, E.V.'R. Preriar, Lord Pending and Dr. Ramdas, many low-caste Hindus have now become administers, scientists and even priests.
To know more about Hinduism, please read the Vedas and Puranas with an unbiased mind. Before long, you will see a big difference in the way that you view the Hindu religion.
Manu Smriti and Shudras
By Agniveer
If Agniveer were to list the top two nuisances in India, it would undoubtedly be birth-based caste system and gender discrimination.
Yes, India is plagued by a plethora of challenges today – corruption, fundamentalism, terrorism, conversions, moral degradation, lack of education, health issues, sanitation problems and so many more. But despite all these problems and threats, the top two – by a wide margin – would remain casteism and gender discrimination.
This is because all the rest of the problems can be attributed in one way or the other to these two core disgraces of our otherwise glorious culture. And till these two problems – that remain the primary causes of almost all our miseries of past and present – are eradicated from root, the hope of a glorious future would remain nothing more than hallucinations of an insane.
In other words, a prosperous and powerful society cannot co-exist with casteism and gender-discrimination.
Please note that casteism and gender-discrimination are not specifically Hindu issues. On contrary, they are more of cultural issues. Gender discrimination has been a global phenomenon for ages. And casteism seems like a South Asian nuisance affecting all societies and religions that breed here.
However Hinduism being the oldest culture and fountainhead of all other religions has to accept the blame of polluting the source. Because these two nuisances were tolerated, the society was weakened and deluged with so many different cults and religions leading to further weaknesses. All leading to the present mess and all the messes of past that we know from history.
It is surprising to find even today, many a defenders of these two nuisances from otherwise intellectual and educated backgrounds. The virus of birth-based superiority is so strong that it renders even the most rational insane. Many of these virus-affected patients are considered among scholars and leaders of contemporary Hinduism!
They would innocently point to ancient scriptures that justify these nuisances and then attempt to prove the ‘science’ behind consuming this trash. The most popular scripture that is used as scapegoat is the Manu Smriti – the oldest text on social systems.
Some also attempt to allege casteism in Vedas as well. However we have already debunked these fake claims and established the Vedic view in the series on Vedas and Caste System. Refer
In this series of articles, we shall evaluate the Manu Smriti.
Now, Manu Smriti is among the most controversial texts of Vedic culture. It is not only known as the first codified text on ethics and laws in the world, but also as a text promoting blatant casteism. The entire Dalit movement of modern times is based on foundations of protesting against ‘Manuvaad’.
While Manu is hero for casteists, Dalit leaders typecast Manu as a great villain. Copies of Manu Smriti are burnt en masse to showcase love for backward sections of society by likes of Agnivesh, Mayawati and many more. Films have been made depicting Manu as a horned devil in guise of scholar forcing brutal atrocity on lower caste people to fulfill his perverted fetishes. Manu Smriti has become the favorite pasture for scavengers keen on bashing Hinduism and Vedas. This becomes among the most potent tools for promoting conversion away from Hinduism. And interestingly most of these Manu bashers perhaps never ever gave Manu Smriti a serious reading!
On other side, for sadist forces within Hinduism who want to fool themselves and others on basis of their so-called birth superiority, Manu Smriti is a religious text that gives them the divine authority to deny fair treatment to one section of population merely because they were not born special. They would quote from fake adulterated verses of Manu Smriti that smell of casteism and gender discrimination, conveniently ignoring plethora of shlokas that speak exactly the opposite.
The tussle between these two forces has not only shaped the current cheap politics of Bharat but has been a major factor leading to foreign invasions of last 1000 years. This wretched caste-system was the prime reason why we could not defend our nation against barbaric invaders. This illogical caste-system was the prime reason why India had to be partitioned in 1947. And this disgusting caste-system is the prime reason why despite so much of talent and intellectual treasure, India is still a sluggish meek spineless snail in the race towards prosperity and power.
Thus it becomes utmost necessary to review Manu Smriti and check what it actually stands for.
Three allegations on Manu Smriti
There are 3 major allegations on Manu Smriti:
1. Manu founded the caste-system based on birth.
2. Manu legalized harsh punishments for Shudras and special provisions for upper-castes and especially Brahmins.
3. Manu was anti-women and condemned them. He accorded inferior rights to women.
Let us now review these allegations using evidences from Manu Smriti itself.
First allegation – that Manu was founder of birth-based caste system.
We would strongly recommend that the readers review our series on Caste System in Vedas to understand the context and definitions of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra as per Vedas.
(Please review the series at
Manu Smriti and Caste System
1. Manu Smriti hails from an era when even the concept of birth-based caste system did not exist. Thus Manu Smriti nowhere supports a social system based on birth. Maharshi Manu took inspiration from Vedas (refer Rigveda 10.10.11-12, Yajurveda 31.10-11, Atharvaveda 19.6.5-6) and proposed a social system based on qualities, actions and nature of the individual.
2. This is called Varna System. Now the very word Varna derived from root word “Vrinja” means “Choice“. A similar usage happens in common used word “Varan” meaning “choosing” or “Var” meaning a husband chosen by the girl. This also shows that in Vedic system the girl had complete rights to choose her husband.
3. The biggest proof of Manu Smriti proposing Varna System and NOT Caste System is that in the first Chapter of Manu Smriti, there is mention of origin of 4 Varnas and no mention of castes or gotras. Had caste or gotra been important, Manu would have mentioned which castes belong to Brahmins, which to Kshatriyas, which to Vaishyas and which to Shudras.
This also means that those who feel proud in calling themselves Brahmins or upper-caste by birth have no evidence to prove so. They can at best prove that a few generations of their forefathers used to also call themselves upper-caste. But there is no way to prove that they were upper-castes since inception of civilization. And when they cannot prove so, what right do they have to allege that a so-called birth-based Shudra was also not a Brahmin several generations ago? And that they themselves were not Shudras a few generation ago!
4. In fact Manu Smriti 3.109 clearly states that one who eats by glorifying his Gotra or Family is considered an eater of his own vomit. Thus, as per the Manu Smriti that the self-proclaimed birth-based Brahmins or upper-castes believe in, the very act of glorifying their lineage or gotra to demand special privileges makes them deserving of condemnation.
5. Manu Smriti 2.136 states that one earns respect due to wealth, company, age, actions and knowledge in increasing order. There is no mention of family, gotra, caste, lineage and other non-factors to demand or earn respect.
Migration within Varnas
6. Manu Smriti 10.65 asserts that Brahmin can become Shudra and Shudra can become Brahmin. Similarly Kshtariyas and Vaishyas can also change their Varnas.
7. Manu Smriti 9.335: If a Shudra (uneducated) serves the educated ones, is polite, devoid of ego and stays in respectful company of knowledgeable ones, he/ she is considered as having a noble birth and stature.
8. There are several shlokas in Manusmriti that state that a person belonging to high Varna falls down to level of a Shudra (uneducated) if he does not conduct noble deeds. For example,
2.104: A person who does not worship the Supreme Lord twice daily should be considered a Shudra.
2.172. He who has not been initiated with teaching of the Vedas is a Sudra.
4.245: A Brahmin acquires brilliance through company of noble persons and avoiding bad company. On contrary, if he indulges in bad company, he becomes a Shudra.
Thus clearly, Brahmin refers to a scholarly person who conducts noble deeds. And Shudra refers to an uneducated person. This has nothing to do with birth in any manner.
2.168: A Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya who puts efforts in other areas except understanding and following the Vedic precepts becomes a Shudra and his future generations also suffer from ignorance of Vedas.
Thus, as per Manu Smriti, almost the entire population of India today, barring few exceptions, is Shudra because we do not abide by the Vedic concepts and are indulged in anti-Vedic activities – corruption, casteism, selfishness, superstitions, irrationality, gender-discrimination, sycophancy, immorality etc.
2.126: Even if he is a Brahmin otherwise, a person who does not politely respond to a greeting is actually a Shudra (uneducated person).
Even Shudras can teach
9. Though Shudra means an uneducated person, a Shudra can also become a teacher for specific knowledge that he has. For example,
2.238: One should acquire knowledge even from a person born in a low family otherwise. Similarly, one should accept a noble woman as wife even if her family is otherwise not up to mark.
2.241. If needed, one may acquire knowledge from one who is not a Brahmin; and that he shall follow and serve such a teacher, as long as the instruction lasts.
Status of Brahmin is acquired by deeds and not by name
10. As per Manu Smriti, one has to earn the qualification of Brahmin. During childhood, parents are supposed to send their children for specialized education of Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya depending on observed nature of children. So many Brahmin parents may desire that their children also become Brahmins. However that is not sufficient. One becomes Brahmin only if he completes the education and not merely by taking birth in a Brahmin family or taking admission in Brahmin course of a gurukul.
2.157: A Brahmin devoid of education is equivalent to an elephant made of wood or a deer made of leather. They are merely namesake and not real.
2.28: The body is made fit to be called Brahmin only through study of scriptures, discipline, noble selfless deeds, study of duties, science and meditation, charity and goal oriented actions.
Education is true birth
11. As per Manu, actual birth happens after completion of education. All human beings are Shudras or uneducated when born. Those who complete their education are supposed to have a new birth. Thus they are called Dwija or Twice Born. Those who were unable to complete the education remain Shudra. This has nothing to do with birth or heredity. This is pure meritocracy.
2.148: When a teacher who is well-versed in Vedas teaches a student the science of Gayatri (that summarizes all principles of Vedas and rational living), then the actual birth of the student takes place. This birth is free from risks of death or destruction and leads the student to immortality.
Thus, forget about being a Brahmin, Kshatriya or Vaishya, one is not considered even a human unless he/she receives education.
2.146: The teacher who provides education is a father who is much greater than the father who gave birth. The knowledge provided by the teacher remains with the soul even after the death and leads him to immortality. But the body provided by father destroys when death comes.
2.147: The birth that happens from womb of mother after parents desire for procreation is an ordinary birth. Real birth happens when the person completes his education.
Thus, citing lineage to showcase casteist superiority is an extremely foolish act as per Manu Smriti. Instead of quoting the clan, one becomes superior by showcasing that he is more educated.
10.4: Brahmin, Kashtriya and Vaishya take second birth after education. Shudra who could not complete education is fourth Varna. There is no fifth Varna among Arya or noble people.
This also means that merely because a person did not complete education does not make him a villain. He is still regarded as a noble person if his deeds are noble.
And if he completes the education, he can become a Dwija as well. Thus Shudra is an adjective and NOT a nomenclature for any castes.
Never insult anyone born in lower family
12. To further ensure that one is not insulted or denied opportunities merely because he/she was born in a family where others did not excel in education, wealth or other parameters of success in society, Maharshi Manu laid the rule very clearly:
4.141: Never deny respect and/or rights to a person who is handicapped, uneducated, aged, not handsome, not wealthy or coming from a lower family. These are NOT the parameters to judge a person.
Examples of Varna migration in ancient history
13. The concept of Varnas – Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra – being merit based and NOT birth based is not merely a theoretical concept. It was practiced in ancient era. The greatest misery befell on us when our misguided ancestors converted this scientific meritocracy into a foolish birth-based system causing all the miseries we face today.
Here are some examples:
a. Aitareya Rishi was son of a Daasa or criminal but became a Brahmin of highest order and wrote Aitareya Brahman and Aitareyopanishad. Aitareya Brahman is considered critical to understand Rigveda.
b. Ailush Rishi was son of a Daasi, gambler and of low character. However he researched on Rigveda and made several discoveries. Not only was he invited by Rishis but also made an Acharya. (Aitareya Brahman 2.19)
c. Satyakaam Jaabaal was son of a prostitute but became a Brahmin.
d. Prishadh was son of King Daksha but became a Shudra. Further he did Tapasya to achieve salvation after repenting. (Vishnu Puran 4.1.14)
Had Tapasya been banned for Shudra as per the fake story from Uttar Ramayan, how could Prishadh do so?
e. Nabhag, son of King Nedishtha became Vaishya. Many of his sons again became Kshatriya. (Vishnu Puran 4.1.13)
f. Dhrist was son of Nabhag (Vaishya) but became Brahmin and his son became Kshatriya (VP 4.2.2)
g. Further in his generation, some became Brahmin again (VP 9.2.23)
h. As per Bhagvat, Agniveshya became Brahmin though born to a king.
i. Rathotar born in Kshatriya family became a Brahmin as per Vishnu Puran and Bhagvat.
j. Haarit became Brahmin though born to Kshatriya (VP 4.3.5)
k. Shaunak became Brahmin though born in Kshatriya family. (VP 4.8.1). In fact, as per Vayu Puran, Vishnu Puran and Harivansh Puran, sons of Shaunak Rishi belonged to all four Varnas.
Similar examples exist of Gritsamad, Veethavya and Vritsamati.
l. Matanga was son of Chandal but became a Brahmin. (Mahabharat Anushasan Parva Chapter 3)
m. Raavan was born from Pulatsya Rishi but became a Rakshas.
n. Pravriddha was son of Raghu King but became a Rakshas.
o. Trishanku was a king but became a Chandal.
p. Sons of Vishwamitra became Shudra. Vishwamitra himself was a Kshatriya who later became a Brahmin.
q. Vidur was son of a servant but became a Brahmin and minister of Hastinapur empire.
r. Vatsa became a Rishi though born to a Shudra (Aitareya Brahman 2.19)
s. Many verses of adulterated Manu Smriti (10.43-44) state that certain castes were earlier Kshtariya but became Shudra later. These verses are adulterated but prove that concept of Varna migration did exist. The castes mentioned are: Paundrak, Audru, Dravid, Kamboj, Yavan, Shak, Parad, Palhava, Cheen, Kirat, Darad, Khash.
t. Mahabharat Anushasana Parva 35.17-18 adds the following to above list: Mekal, Laat, Kanvashira, Shaundik, Daarva, Chaur, Shabar, Barbar.
u. Several gotras are common across Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Dalits implying that all of them hailed from same family but rather got entrapped in the stupid casteism.
Respect for Shudras
14. Manu was a great humanitarian. He knew that not all Shudras miss their education deliberately. He also understood that just because one ignored education in early part of his life does not mean that he should be penalized for that mistake for entire life. Thus he ensured that even Shudras get their due respect in society. Thus he never used any insulting adjective for Shudras. On contrary their are several instances of Manu using respectful adjectives for Shudras.
Being vulnerable due to lack of education, Shudras deserve greater sensitivity in treatment from rest of the society as per Manu. We have seen some examples of these earlier.
Here are some more:
3.112: If a Shudra or Vaishya comes as a guest, the family should feed him with due respect.
3.116: A householder should eat from remaining food only after he has fed the scholars and servants (Shudras) to their satisfaction.
2.137: A very old Shudra deserves more respect than anyone else regardless of their wealth, company, age, actions or knowledge. This special provision is accorded only to Shudra.
Vedas are foundation of Manu Smriti
15. No text apart from Vedas is free from potential for interpolations. To understand why Vedas are immune to tampering, please review
That is why Vedas are accorded such high importance in our culture. Vedas form the foundation of everything else and hence if Vedas are conserved, other texts can be derived by seers in future as well.
16. Thus the benchmark for interpreting any other scriptural text is the Vedas. They are to be interpreted and accepted only to extent they comply with Vedas. This is true for ALL texts including Smritis, Brahmans, Mahabharat, Ramayan, Geeta, Upanishads, Ayurveda, Neeti Shastra, Darshans etc.
17. Manu himself announces in the Manu Smriti that Vedas alone form the foundation of Dharma. Refer 2.8-2.11
(Manu 2.8: A learned man after fully scrutinising all this with the eye of knowledge, should, in accordance with the authority of the Vedas, intent on the performance of his duties.)
Thus, it becomes clear that Manu Smriti has to be interpreted ONLY in lines with Vedas.
Shudras have right to study Vedas and conduct Vedic rituals
18. Vedas very clearly provide right to Shudras (and women) – in fact entire humanity – to study Vedas and conduct Vedic rituals like Yajna. Refer Yajurveda 26.1, Rigveda 10.53.4, Nirukta 3.8 etc. Also refer our series on Vedic Caste System at
Thus Manu Smriti also supports the same Vedic truth. That is why nowhere in the context of Upanayan (education initiation) does Manu forbid Upanayan or sacred thread for Shudras. On contrary, one who refuses to accept Sacred Thread of education is called a Shudra!
19. In lines with Vedas, Manu also orders the ruler to ensure that the salary and perks of Shudras be never reduced in any circumstance. (7.125-126, 8.216)
To summarize, the assumption of Manu formulating a birth-based caste system is baseless. On contrary, Manu Smriti is vehemently against any reference to family or birth to judge a person.
The Varna system of Manu is a pure meritocracy.
Each human has all the 4 Varnas – Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Manu attempted to organize the predominant Varna of each individual in social context in a manner that aids individual and collective uplift.
Manu himself said about fraud and wrong practices.
He says in 4.30 that frauds, wrong practices, deceit, perversion and falsehood should not be respected even by words.
Caste system based on birth is one of the most disgusting fraudulent deceitful perverted and false practices to exist among civilized human beings. And thus, as per Manu and as per Vedas, one should work to destroy this criminal practice by all means – harshest words and strongest actions. To show soft corner to birth-based caste system even in words is against Manu.
Wait Wait Wait Agniveer!
Before you end, I demand you to explain those perverted verses of Manu Smriti that are quoted everywhere to justify birth-based casteism and gender discrimination. I can provide hundreds of such shlokas from Manu Smriti.
That is the point my friend. How can the same Manu Smriti have both verses defending as well as rejecting birth-based casteism? This means that Manu Smriti demands a closer scrutiny. We shall also do the same in a future article. But in summary:
a. The current Manu Smriti is full of interpolated/ adulterated verses that were added much later for various reasons. Almost 50% of Manu Smriti is actually fake.
b. Interpolation is not a problem with Manu Smriti. Apart from Vedas – that are preserved through a unique Patha and Swara method – all other texts of almost all belief systems are prone to modifications, interpolations and deletions. These include Ramayana, Mahabharat, Bible, Quran. Not to talk of texts like Bhavishya Puran that continued to be modified till printing press arrived!
c. Three editions of Ramayan are available today – Dakshinatya, Pashchamottariya and Gaudiya which are different. Even Geetapress Gorakhpur has indicated many chapters as adulterated (Prakshipta). Most scholars agree that Balkanda and Uttarkanda are grossly adulterated.
Similarly Mahabharat is known to be a grossly interpolated text. Garud Puran Brahmakanda 1.59 states that in Kaliyuga many frauds are posing as Brahmins to remove certain shlokas and add new ones in Mahabharat.
Mahabharat Shantiparva 265.9, 4 itself states that Vedic texts clearly prohibit alcohol, fish and meat. All these have been propagated by frauds who have added such verses in scriptures through deceit.
Original version of Bible does not exist today! We only have translations of translations of some translations of the original Bible which no one has ever seen.
Quran also is claimed to be a modified version of original teachings of Muhammad. Refer
Thus no wonder Manu Smriti – the oldest text on social systems – is also prone to modifications. More so because Manu Smriti historically had the greatest influence in day to day life of each citizen as well as politics of the nation. After all it was like the constitution for centuries. Thus the incentives for a crooked one to interpolate Manu Smriti were very high.
d. When we review Manu Smriti, we find 4 kinds of interpolations: to bring completeness, for selfish reasons, to exaggerate and to bring defects. Most of these interpolations are blatantly obvious. Dr Surendra Kumar has written a detailed translation of Manu Smriti in Hindi that analyzes each shloka on various parameters to weed out those verses that are obviously interpolated.
He has deduced that of the 2685 shlokas of Manu Smriti, at least 1471 shlokas are adulterated. He has classified the adulterations as :
- out of subject
- out of context
- contradictory
- repetition
- difference in usage and style
- blatant contradiction with Vedas
We recommend all keen students of Vedic texts to procure a copy of Manu Smriti by Dr Surendra Kumar (published by Aarsh Sahitya Prachar Trust, Delhi) from which would make this point as transparent as air.
e. Dr Surendra Kumar is not the only person to point out adulterations in Manu Smriti. Even many a western indologists like Macdonnell, Keith, Buhler etc have expressed the same.
f. Even BR Ambedkar accepted that ancient scriptures have been adulterated. He has alleged adulterations in Ramayan, Mahabharat, Geeta, Purans and even in Vedas. He cited contradictory verses from Manu Smriti. But he tactfully desisted from calling these verses of Manu Smriti as adulterated.
This myopic act of Ambedkar did make him a hero of Dalit movement. It did stir up an anti-Manu movement and created political careers for many a politicians including Ambedkar himself. But this selective honesty only worsened the caste-based hatred and made Manu – a true hero – a popular villain.
Even so-called Arya Samaji Sanyasis like Agnivesh burnt copies of Manu Smriti and disgraced the great Rishi only to score political brownies. Though he very well knew that Swami Dayanand himself had asserted that Manu Smriti has been interpolated but the unadulterated verses of Manu Smriti form the foundation of his Vedic ideology.
And now people expect such enlightened people to be instrumental in eradicating corruption from the nation by being masterminds of Anna Hazare movement! We seem to never learn from history! But thats a different story.
Manu Smriti has been subject to significant adulterations. However the adulterated verses are easy to identify and trash. The rest of the Manu Smriti is an excellent text that establishes the foundations of a meritocracy based rational society that values each individual and ensures collective success.
Vedas form the foundation of original Manu Smriti.
The existing movement against Manu Smriti is purely a political game led by those who never reviewed Manu Smriti in first place.
True Manuvaad refers to complete outright rejection of birth-based caste system and heavy punishment for those who justify discrimination on basis of birth. It also refers to refusal of word ‘Dalit’ or ‘crushed one’ for certain people who are completely equal to rest of the humanity in all aspects.
Let us all work to install this Manuvaad in our society by working towards a completely casteless and merit-based society. This is the only way to save humanity and the nation.
Let us follow the true Dharma – that is same for all human beings regardless of caste, birth, gender, geography, religion and other baseless parameters.
Manu Smriti 8.17: Dharma or noble deeds is only one true friend that accompanies one ever after death. All others desert one as soon as death has overtaken.
References: Works of Dr Surendra Kumar, Pt Gangaprasad Updhyaya, and Swami Dayanand Saraswati
Gods and Rishis Ejaculating
We hear from gullible Hindus about how pious Rishis were, that they practised celibacy and didn’t even marry. This is not true, Gods had many wives and almost all Rishis were married and had children. Leave aside marriage, Rishis even in their old stricken age were so sexually aroused that just a sight of a beautiful girl resulted in emission of semen. Some of the Sages include seven main Rishis like Bhardvaja, Kratu, Vasista, Gautama etc. I will start mentioning about Gods and later of Rishis,
Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.32-33 Just as a maddened bull elephant follows a female elephant who is able to conceive pregnancy, Lord Siva followed the beautiful woman and discharged semen, even though his discharge of semen never goes in vain. O King, where so ever on the surface of the globefell the semen of the great personality of Lord Siva, mines of gold and silver later appeared.
Shiva is considered the ascetic god. Due to this emission of Shiva’s semen, the monkey god Hanuman was also born which is explained in Adultery Section. Shiva was so maddened about Mohini that he followed her in fully nude state and even ejaculated. It is said that this happened before Parvati the wife of Shiva and her head was lowered in shame because her husband was lusting after another woman in her presence. This chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam is briefly explained in the LGBT Section.
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Sati Khanda 2, Ch 19.26-28 ”Then, O sage, afflicted by the cupid and delighted in the heart of hearts, I [Brahma] lifted her veil and stared into the face of Sati. I looked at the face of Sati many a time. I was helpless in curbing the onset of a sensuous organism. Four drops of my semen virile got displaced and fell on the ground like drops of dew as a result of staring into her face.”, Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
This story is also supported by Brahma Purana Gautami-Mahatmya 3.15. As we all know Brahma was an old man, he is sometimes considered the grandfather. But this grandfather couldn’t even resist his desire seeing his granddaughter. He discharged semen after seeing the face of Sati the wife of Shiva. Shiva came to know about this and he was so agitated that he was about to kill Brahma. But Brahma later repented and begged for forgiveness. Then Shiva forgave Brahma. Isn’t it ironic that Shiva became angry just because Brahma ejaculated on seeing his wife but Shiva had no problem at all commanding Vishnu to rape the chaste lady named Vrinda (Tulsi). As we have already read that even Shiva ejaculated on seeing Mohini (Vishnu), Shiva even tried to seduce sages’ wives after appearing naked. When Shiva can do all these shameless things then why get angry when someone else does the same thing with your wife? Hindu gods did the same act again and again, they did not consider it to be wrong. Brahma is said to have ejaculated on seeing the wives of gods, Apsaras and other women,
Vayu Purana, Part 2, 4.29-31 ”The brilliantly shining goddess Earth, the quarters, the intermediate quarters, the Lords of quarters, the celestial virgins, the wives of Devas, the mothers and Ayu all these were present there in embodied form in front of the Lord (Brahma) who was performing the Yajna assuming the form of Varuna. On seeing the ladies, the semen virile of Svayambhu fell on the ground…” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda 11-20 ”This Khma who wields the following arrows, namely, killing. stupifying, soporific, emaciating and maddening, experimentally discharged the arrrows on all and, at the desire of the Supreme Being every one was excited with lust. To crown all, the great anchorite, Brahma looked with wistful eyes at Rati and immediately his semen was discharged…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma had again ejaculated on seeing a nymph,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 131.2-10 Subsequently at that place nymphs who had sprung out of the body of Visnu and who were the digits of Visnu began to dance and chant Visnu’s hymns in a melodious tone. The paternal grandfather Brahma, observing their hard buttocks, thick spherical breasts and smiling lotus faces, was excited with passion. He could not control his heart; his semen was discharged; and out of shame he concealed it on the ground with his cloth. O Saunaka, after the music was over, he threw the semen along with the cloth rendered hot by lust into the sea of milk.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Is it befitting for gods to watch girls dancing? That too wearing such cloths or no cloths at all? This gathering was also attended by Agni and he is also said to have discharged his semen and tried to hide it in similar way.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 131.34-38 Once upon a time, all the gods having assembled in the council of the gods, the celestial whores busied themselves with dancing and singing. On that occasion, the fire-god (having seen Rambha with graceful buttocks), was excited with passion and discharged his semen…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Rambha was an Apsara (Nymph) she was also the concubine of the King of Gods Indra. What can be said about such gods who are so lecherous.
Srimad Bhagavatam 6.18.6 ”Upon seeing Urvasi, the celestial society girl, both Mitra and Varuṇa discharged semen, which they preserved in an earthen pot. The two sons Agastya and Vasiṣṭha later appeared from that pot, and they are therefore the common sons of Mitra and Varuṇa. Mitra begot three sons in the womb of his wife, whose name was Revatī. Their names were Utsarga, Ariṣṭa and Pippala.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
This story is also supported by Rig Veda 7.33.1 and Nirukta 5.13. All these gods and Rishis had so unique technique of begetting sons from a pot. Now it may help Hindu fanatics who say Science in ancient India was on its peak and Ganesha’s head was really fixed by a plastic surgeon.
When gods can do such acts then why can’t sages do the same. Rishi Bhardvaja is said to have ejaculated on seeing a Apsara (nymph) named Ghritachi, the old Rishi Bhardwaja went to Ganga to perform ablutions, the nymph Ghritaci too had went there to perform holy rites which includes dipping into Ganges river, Seeing her wet body and dishevelled dress the Rishi was aroused and out of desire his semen came out,
Mahabharata, Adi Parva 1.131 “Vaisampayana said, ‘There dwelt at the source of the Ganga, a great sage named Bharadwaja, ceaselessly observing the most rigid vows. One day, of old, intending to celebrate the Agnihotra sacrifice he went along with many great Rishis to the Ganga to perform his ablutions. Arrived at the bank of the stream, he saw Ghritachi herself, that Apsara endued with youth and beauty, who had gone there a little before. With an expression of pride in her countenance, mixed with a voluptuous languor of attitude, the damsel rose from the water after her ablutions were over. And as she was gently treading on the bank, her attire which was loose became disordered. Seeing her attire disordered, the sage was smitten with burning desire. The next moment his vital fluid came out, in consequence of the violence of his emotion. The Rishi immediately held it in a vessel called a Drona. Then, O king, Drona sprang from the fluid thus preserved in that vessel by the wise Bharadwaja. And the child thus born studied all the Vedas and their branches.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
This story is also mentioned in Mahabharata 1.168. Another Rishi named Vyasa had ejaculated on seeing Ghritachi but this didn’t occur at Ganges river,
Devi Bhagavatam 1.14.1-70 ”…The Muni Vyasa Deva tried his best and exerted his power of patience to its utmost, but failed to control his restless mind to enjoy the woman. Though he was very energetic, and he tried repeatedly to control his heart, enchanted with the beautiful form of Ghritachi, yet he could not, as due to a state of things pre-ordained by God, control his mind. At this state, when he was rubbing the fire sticks to get the sacred fire, the two pieces of wood used in kindling the fire, his seed (semen) fell upon the Arani (the two pieces of wood used in kindling the sacred fire). But he did not take any notice of that, and he went on rubbing the firesticks when arose from that Arana the wonderfully beautiful form of S’uka deva, looking like a second Vyasa. This boy, born of Arana fuel, looked there brilliant like the blazing fire of the sacrificial place, whereon oblations of ghee are poured… ” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
This story is also mentioned in Narada Purana II.58.19-27 and Mahabharata 12.325. A Rishi named Vibhandaka had also discharged his semen when he spotted a beautiful woman near a lake,
Mahabharata, Vana Parva 3.110 ”And that son of Kasyapa, Vibhandaka, having proceeded to a big lake, devoted himself to the practice of penances. And that same saint, comparable to a god, laboured for a long period. And once while he was washing his mouth in the waters, he beheld the celestial nymph Urvasi–whereupon came out his seminal fluid.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
There is a story of another sage named Mankana who was the son of Kashyap, He ejaculated seeing Apsara Rambha while both were taking bath,
Vamana Purana, Satomahatmya 17.2-5 “Lomaharsana said The sage Mankana was the mind-born son of Kasyapa. He was ready to bathe with his valkala in his hand. There came Rambha taking good, bright and charming other Apsarases and began to take their bath by his side. At this due to excitement of passion his semen dropped in the water. The great sage collected that semen in a jar. That semen in the jar became differentiated into seven portions. Out of them were born seven Rsis who are known as the Marut hosts.” Tr. Anand Swarup Gupta
This clearly proves that women who go to Banaras (Vanarasi) for pilgrimage are not safe from the lustful Hindu priests. The Hindu priests would have no problem watching lustfully the wet bodies of women as they are aware of what their greatest Rishis did. There is another version of this story mentioned in Mahabharata,
Mahabharata 9.38 ”Listen now to a great feat of Mankanaka, who had from his youth led the life of a brahmacari. While employed in performing his ablutions in the river, he beheld (one day), O Bharata, a woman of faultless limbs and fair brows, bathing in the river at will, her person uncovered. At this sight, O monarch, the vital seed of the Rishi fell unto the Sarasvati. The great ascetic took it up and placed it within his earthen pot. Kept within that vessel, the fluid became divided into seven parts. From those seven portions were born seven Rishis from whom sprang the (nine and forty) Maruts.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Just like Rishi Mankanaka another Rishi named Dadhica had emitted his semen into the river Sarasvati after seeing Apsara Alambusa,
Mahabharata 9.51 “In days of yore, O monarch, there was an intelligent sage of great ascetic merit. He was celebrated by the name of Dadhica. Possessing a complete control over his senses, he led the life of a brahmacari…At last the chastiser of Paka, for tempting the sage, despatched unto him the exceedingly beautiful and celestial apsara, by name Alambusa. Thither where on the banks of the Sarasvati the high souled sage was engaged in the act of gratifying the gods, the celestial damsel named above, O monarch, made her appearance. Beholding that damsel of beautiful limbs, the vital seed of that ascetic of cleansed soul came out.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
People of the Kshatriya caste also did this act, There is a story mentioned about father and son who were archers,
Matsya Purana 50.10 ”At the sight of a nymph, Satyadhriti cast his seed in a pool of water, out of which, one son and a daughter were born.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Like Father like Son,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.21.35 The son of Satananda was Satyadhṛti, who was expert in archery, and the son of Satyadhṛti was Saradvan. When Saradvan met Urvasi, he discharged semen, which fell on a clump of sara grass. From this semen were born two all-auspicious babies, one male and the other female.
This is also mentioned in Vayu Purana, Part 2.37.198. The sage Gautama who cursed Indra for ravishing his wife had too ejaculated on seeing a woman,
Shiva Purana, UmaSamhita 5.4.32-33 ”The sage Gautama had his mind deluded by Siva’s Maya. On seeing Saradvati in the nude he was excited and he indulged in sexual intercourse with her. He collected the semen emitted in a wooden bowl.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Kratus had also done this act,
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Sati Khanda 2, Ch 3, verse 51-55 ”From the drops of sweat that fell from Daksa’s body, a splendid woman endowed with good qualities was born. She was of slender body with symmetrical hips. Her waist was well shaped; small curly hairs embellished it. She was soft in body with fine teeth. She had a shining golden complexion. In her body, she was perfect. Her face shone like the full moon and full blown lotus. Her name was Rati. She was capable of captivating even the sages. Excepting Kratu, Vasistha, Pulastya and Angiras the six viz. Marici and others successfully curbed their senses and their activities. O excellent sage, the semen virile of the four Kratu and others fell on the ground from which other types of manes were born.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
A sage named Suparsva had emitted his semen after he spotted a Rakshasi girl,
Varaha Purana 95.18-20 ”There a young and beautiful Raksasa girl by name Indumati, bathing naked, was seen by this sage. Then he had an emission which he dropped in a stony crevice at the river (and it got mixed with water).” Tr. Venitasubramonia Iyer, edited by J.L. Shastri
A Sudra woman named Kalavati wife of Drumila went to Kashyapa Rishi for contracting Niyoga. But Kashyap Rishi didn’t contract Niyoga with her as he feared that he may loose his status if he engages in sexual intercourse with a Shudra woman. But an Apsara was passing by, seeing the Apsara the Rishi ejaculated,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Kanda 20.33-46 ”…At that time, Menaka was passing by that way,At the sight of her thigh and breast the semen of the saint was discharged. Thereupon the woman Kalavati drank it cheerfully, went to her husband, bowed to him and told him everything about, her pregnancy…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda 20.12-20 ”Santi replied, At Kanauj one Drumila had a barren wife named Kalavati devoted to her husband. She was barren through the faults of her husband. By the command of her husband she once upon a time went to Kasyapa Muni who dwelt in a forest…. [21-32] The Muni addressed her thus ‘Who are you in this solitary forest? Whose wife are you? Why have you come here… ”O best of the twice born aint I he daughter ofa cow herd, the wife of Drumila. By the command of my husband. I have come to you as I desire to have a son. Kindly impregnate me. You should not slight a woman who has come to you voluntarily…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Adultery/Fornication with Women
Gods and Rishis had illicit relationship with several women. Gods and sages had no problem committing adultery with several women, As we read the words of Indra who calls himself ‘Master in Sexual Science’, Shiva and Krishna were also considered ‘Lusty’. Committing adultery is a matter of shame among religious leaders and people but for Hindu gods and sages it was a matter of pride and enjoyment. One of the most popular God among these is Krishna who was considered a womanizer by his rivals. Vishnu as well as his Mohini avatar addresses Brahma in the following way,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 33.1-11 ”…Then Mohini ridiculed him saying ”O Lord, a being who, allured only by hints from a woman, drags her to his side and enjoys her society is regarded as the best person. Whoever having clearly perceived the intentions of a woman commits sexual intercourse with a woman after he is entreated by her to do so is regarded as the second best. And a wretch who being entreated by a passionate woman fails to commit sexual intercourse with her even in solitude does not deserve to be called a man but a eunuch…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarata Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda, 33.47-63 ”Hari smiled when he heard all this and addressed him with words, delightful, substantial, truthful and beneficial to the world thus: ”O Brahma, you are conversant with the Vedas. You are chief of the spiritual guides of the learned; and yet you have performed and act which cannot be committed by a murderer. Why did you subdue your passions? Nay, even in India, if a woman excited with passion accidently appears before a man and desires his company, the latter, even if dispassionate, should not reject her offer. If he rejects her offer, he is defrauded in several ways in this world and goes to hell in the next world…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
A Hindu Purana proves how lecherous Hindu gods were
Devi Bhagavatam 4.13.11-13. “O Giver of honour! When all the Devas, Vas’istha, Vâmadeva, Vis’vamitrâ, Brihaspatî and other ascetic Munis get themselves overpowered by lust and anger, when their intelligence gets destroyed by covetousness and avarice, when they are addicted to vices and are expert in fraud, pre-text and trickery, then what fate, alas! can you expect of Dharma and what help is there of any religious persons! Alas! lndra, Agni, Moon, and Brahmâ when these get overpowered by the strong influence of lust, are in illicit love with others’ wives, where is the goodness and virtuous behavior in this Trilokî?” Tr. Swami Vijnananda,
Today Hindu apologists are posting anything without verifying it. They invent lies in such a clean manner that it deceives the gullible people. One such deceit is in defending the acts of Krishna. They say Krishna and Gopis were playing together when they were small and in the play Krishna and Gopis circumambulated the fire and hence those 16008 Gopis accidently became the wives of Krishna. Another rebuttal made by apologists is that, those 16008 girls belonged to lower caste and were captured by a demon when Krishna defeated the Demon he married them to uplift their status.
All these explanations are wrong, the second explanation is true to an extent. Krishna did liberate girls from a demon and later married them, but those were only sixteen thousand and one hundred (16,100) girls and were all royal Princesses belonging to Kshatriya caste.
Linga Purana section 1.69.82 “The excessively strong one, of unequalled exploit, Krsna took up sixteen thousand one hundred girls for his own pleasure.” Tr. Board of Scholars, edited by J.L. Shastri
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.59.33 ”There Lord Kṛṣṇa saw sixteen thousand royal maidens, whom Bhauma had taken by force from various kings.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.59.42 ”Then the imperishable Supreme Personality, assuming a separate form for each bride, duly married all the princesses simultaneously, each in her own palace.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Swami Prabhupada writes,
”There were 16,100 beautiful girls who were daughters of many kings and were forcibly stolen by Bhaumasura, who kept them captive for his carnal desire. These girls prayed piteously to Lord Kṛṣṇa for their deliverance, and the merciful Lord, called by their fervent prayer, released them all by fighting and killing Bhaumāsura. All these captive princesses were then accepted by the Lord as His wives…” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.10.29 [ ]
So those were 16,100 Princess and later Krishna married additional 8 wives on various occasions,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.55 Lord Devakī-suta, the chief of the Yadus, then took His dowry and Satyā to Dvārakā and continued to live there happily.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.56 Bhadrā was a princess of the Kaikeya kingdom and the daughter of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s paternal aunt Śrutakīrti. The Lord married Bhadrā when her brothers, headed by Santardana, offered her to Him.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.57 Then the Lord married Lakṣmaṇā, the daughter of the King of Madra. Kṛṣṇa appeared alone at her svayaṁvara ceremony and took her away, just as Garuḍa once stole the demigods’ nectar.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.58 Lord Kṛṣṇa also acquired thousands of other wives equal to these when He killed Bhaumāsura and freed the beautiful maidens the demon was holding captive.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.31 My dear King, Lord Kṛṣṇa forcibly took away Princess Mitravindā, the daughter of His aunt Rājādhidevī, before the eyes of the rival kings. Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.10.29 ”The children of these ladies are Pradyumna, Sāmba, Amba, etc. Ladies like Rukmiṇī, Satyabhāmā and Jāmbavatī were forcibly taken away by Him from their svayaṁvara ceremonies after He defeated many powerful kings, headed by Śiśupāla. And other ladies were also forcibly taken away by Him after He killed Bhaumāsura and thousands of his assistants. All of these ladies are glorious.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Devi Bhagavatam 4.24.41-42 ”Afterwards He [Krishna] brought also Jâmbavatî, Satyabhâmâ, Mitravindâ, Kâlindî, Laksmanâ, Bhadrâ, and auspicious Nâgnajitî (the daughter of the king Nagnajit)on various occasions and married them. O Lord of the earth! These eight women were the best and most beautiful of S’rî Krisna’s wives.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Krishna married Rukmini after abducting in a Rakshasa form of marriage which is described in Hindu scriptures as Rukmini herself wanted this to happen and later when Rukmi the brother of Rukmini came to know about it he fought Krishna to get his sister back,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.54.32-33 “Seeing Lord Kṛṣṇa ready to kill her brother, saintly Rukmiṇī was filled with alarm. She fell at her husband’s feet and piteously spoke as follows. Śrī Rukmiṇī said: O controller of all mystic power, immeasurable one, Lord of lords, master of the universe! O all auspicious and mighty-armed one, please do not kill my brother” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.54.35 “Lord Kṛṣṇa tied up the evil-doer with a strip of cloth. He then proceeded to disfigure Rukmī by comically shaving him, leaving parts of his mustache and hair. By that time the Yadu heroes had crushed the extraordinary army of their opponents, just as elephants crush a lotus flower.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Devi Bhagavatam 4.24.40 “At the marriage ceremony of S’is’upâla, at the palace of the king of Vidarbha, Janârdan Visnu carried away by force Rukminî, the bride elect from the Svayambara assembly (where the husband is self elected by the bride herself) and afterwards married her according to the rule called Râkhsasa Vidhi (one of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu Law in which a girl is forcibly seized and carried away after the defeat or destruction of her relatives in battle).” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Krishna also beat Mitravinda’s brother before marrying her,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.83.12 “Śrī Mitravindā said: At my svayaṁvara ceremony He came forward, defeated all the kings present — including my brothers, who dared insult Him — and took me away just as a lion removes his prey from amidst a pack of dogs. Thus Lord Kṛṣṇa, the shelter of the goddess of fortune, brought me to His capital city. May I be allowed to serve Him by washing His feet, life after life.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Krishna also beat Jambavati’s father before marrying her, Jambavati after fighting Krishna for 27 days presented his daughter to Krishna,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.83.10 “Śrī Jāmbavatī said: Unaware that Lord Kṛṣṇa was none other than his own master and worshipable Deity, the husband of Goddess Sītā, my father fought with Him for twenty-seven days. When my father finally came to his senses and recognized the Lord, he took hold of His feet and presented Him with both me and the Syamantaka jewel as tokens of his reverence. I am simply the Lord’s maidservant.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Krishna married 16,100 princesses after liberating them from a demon and he also married eight other princesses on various occasions. Apart from 16,108 wives Krishna had several hundreds or thousands of concubines/girlfriends, they were mostly Gopis the milk-maids. Among all, Krishna’s favourite girlfriend was Radha, it is uncertain whether Krishna married her or not but many major sources don’t speak anything about their marriage. Several verses from Purana shows that his concubines/girlfriends known as Gopis (milk-maids) had husbands and even children,
Vishnu Purana 5.13 …The Gopis repeatedly exclaimed, “Bravo, Krishna!” to his song. When leading, they followed him; when returning, they encountered him; and, whether he went forwards or backwards, they ever attended on his steps. Whilst frolicking thus with the Gopis, they considered every instant without him a myriad of years; and, prohibited in vain by husbands, fathers, brothers,they went forth at night to sport with Krishnna, the object of their affection…
Gopis addressing Balrama the elder brother of Krishna after Krishna abandoned them,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.65.11-12 — “For Kṛṣṇa’s sake, O descendant of Dāśārha, we abandoned our mothers, fathers, brothers, husbands, children and sisters, even though these family relations are difficult to give up. But now, O Lord, that same Kṛṣṇa has suddenly abandoned us and gone away, breaking off all affectionate ties with us. And yet how could any woman fail to trust His promises?” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
So this proves that those Gopis were already married and even had children. This shows that apart from 16,108 wives he had illicit relationship with Gopis also. He not just had illicit relation with Gopis but with other independent women too, Krishna had sex with a hunch back woman in her own house,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.48.6-7 ”Calling forward His beloved, who was anxious and shy at the prospect of this new contact, the Lord pulled her by her bangled hands onto the bed. Thus He enjoyed with that beautiful girl, whose only trace of piety was her having offered ointment to the Lord. — Simply by smelling the fragrance of Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet, Trivakra cleansed away the burning lust Cupid had aroused in her breasts, chest and eyes. With her two arms she embraced between her breasts her lover, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the personification of bliss, and thus she gave up her long-standing distress.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 72.56-69 ”…So saying, Krishna, the asylum of fortune, held the licentious woman to his breast. Made her naked, associated with her and kissed her. Then the hump-backed woman, while relishing the initial sexual intercourse, dragged Krisna to her arms like Kamala and kissed his cheek. Both the pair were particularly proficient in matters relating to sexual intercourse from which they did not desist for a moment. The intercourse took several forms. Then Lord Krisna lacerated the rising breast and the loins of the woman with the strokes of his keen nails and her lips with the bite of his teeth. Later on, at day-break, when he passed the semen, the beautiful hump-backed woman in the excess of her enjoyments fainted…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
He had committed fornication with independent woman named Naradi,
Narada Purana, Uttarabhaga 80.31-32 “When the messengers returned, Naradi was called by the lover of cowherdesses. After bowing down to the lord, she went near him bashfully. The man of taste (Lord Krsna) embraced her, had the sportful dalliance with her and then dismissed her. Gradually she came once again to the lake Puspasaras.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Krishna’s act with Radha
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 127.1-21 ”…Lord Krisna dragged her to his beast and kissed her lips (upper and lower), the chin and both the sides of her cheek. Radha also kissed the handsome lunar face of Krisna and with both her hands pressed Krisna, the Lord of her life, to her bosom. Lord Krisna committed the desired act of sexual intercourse in sixteen ways as prescribed by the sexual science and calculated to please both man and wife. He lacerated the whole constitution of Radha with marks of nail and bit her lips whereby there was a thrill of raptures in his body and he experienced a feeling of lassitude…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Sex with other Concubines
Let me show you how this vulgar act of Krishna is praised in the Hindu scripture. And how he used to fornicate with them,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.16-17 ”In this way Lord Kṛṣṇa, the original Lord Nārāyaṇa, master of the goddess of fortune, took pleasure in the company of the young women of Vraja by embracing them, caressing them and glancing lovingly at them as He smiled His broad, playful smiles. It was just as if a child were playing with his own reflection.— Their senses overwhelmed by the joy of having His physical association, the gopis could not prevent their hair, their dresses and the cloths covering their breasts from becoming disheveled. Their garlands and ornaments scattered, O hero of the Kuru dynasty.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.29.45-46 ”Sri Kṛṣṇa went with the gopis to the bank of the Yamuna, where the sand was cooling and the wind, enlivened by the river’s waves, bore the fragrance of lotuses. There Kṛṣṇa threw His arms around the gopīs and embraced them. He aroused Cupid in the beautiful young ladies of Vraja by touching their hands, hair, thighs, belts and breasts, by playfully scratching them with His fingernails, and also by joking with them, glancing at them and laughing with them. In this way the Lord enjoyed His pastimes.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Skanda Purana II.iii.4.17 ”With the tip of his nail with which he had pierced the neck of hyena, he pinched the breasts of the cowherd lasses. He has been sportingly given many form by young women. Let this Sesa (?) be for (i.e. bring about) calmness and peace.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 46.61-71 ”…On the other hand Siva was also engaged in the sexual act.” Saint Narayana said, ‘Lord Krishna having said so to the glancing, smiling Radha went along with her to the sandal forest…O saint, Radha and the Lord of the sphere became paralysed through the pleasure of sexual intercourse and being intimately associated with one another, they spent their time there…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 69.1-11 ”…Lord Krisna who was anxious to enjoy the taste of the Rasa copulated with the clever Radha according to the measure supplied by sixty-four practical arts in the sphere of the Rasa.’ At that time the loins and the spherical breast of Radha were lacerated with the injuries inflicted by the nails of Krisna; the vermillion-mark on the partings of her hairs on the head was obliterated; and her chignon was relaxed. Later on, the naked Radha thrilling with raptures and fainting with the excess of pleasure was harboured by the goddess of sleep.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.3.21 ”The Lord enjoyed His pastimes, both in this world and in other worlds [higher planets], specifically in the association of the Yadu dynasty. At leisure hours offered by night,He enjoyed the friendship of conjugal love with women.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.30.33-34 Certainly Kṛṣṇa sat down here with His girlfriend
to arrange Her hair. The lusty boy must have made a crown for that lusty girl out of the flowers He had collected. — [Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] Lord Kṛṣṇa enjoyed with that gopī, although He enjoys only within, being self-satisfied and complete in Himself. Thus by contrast He showed the wretchedness of ordinary lusty men and hardhearted women.
Kurma Purana 1.26.14-16 ”A certain fawn eyed damsel, fascinated by passionate love, approached Krsna and kissed his lotus like face. Catching hold of the hand of Govinda, the first cause of the wordls, a certain girl who was deluded by his Maya, took him to her own house. Assuming multifarious forms sportively, the lotus-eyed Lord Krsna fulfilled their desires.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 105.1-10 ”He put on her forehead a beautiful mark of vermillion and painted lines of cosmetics on her breast. He also painted the members of her lotus feet with lac dye and then with his nails constructed an artificial lotus on her loins and breast. Then Krisna got up and along with Radha went to the local lovely pond fall of water…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 52.20-28 ”…There Krisna assumed several forms at once and the sametime and indulged with the cow-herdesses in the sport which enchants licentious people. He held in his embrace the passionate Radha and went up to the temple of lust constructed by the Viswa-Karma. Afterwards at that place he slept with Radha on a bed redolent of the Champaka and annointed her with sandal, aloe, musk and saffron. The lustful Krisna versed in sexual science sported with the licentious Radha in several ways.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vairvarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 29.1-10 ”…Some passionate milk-maid said to Krishna, the lord of her life, ”Krisna, wrap me in your yellow dress.” Someone said to Krisna, the Lord of the universe, ”Lord, apply vermillion to my forehead.” Someone arrived there soon and said, ”Lord, arrange the lock of my hair and bind my chignon.” Some milk-maid bent on her toilet deputed Krisna to fetch sandal foliage for her ear-rings. Someone by mysterious signs explained to him what was passing in her heart and with a face beaming with smiles looked at him soliciting sexual intercourse. Some milk-maids dragged him by force, snatched from his flute, took away his yellow dress, made him naked and smiled. Some dignified girl said to the conqueror of Madhu, ”Lord, paint the nails of my feet with lac-dye.” Someone said affectionately to him, ”O Lord of my life, paint my cheek and breast with lines of cosmetics of various colours.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
It is mentioned in Brahma Vaivarta Purana Krishna Janma Khanda 53.16-27 that Krishna did all those things mentioned above which the Gopis demanded. He did these shameless act with the milk maids who had husbands and children. It doesn’t behove for a god to act in this manner. The above verse from Brahma Vaivart Purana shows that he was denuded by those milk maids and instead of being embarrassed and feeling guilty he smiled like a shameless person. Can such person be considered a god?
Shiva Purana, Satarudra Samhita 3, 22.45-46 In the meantime Visnu saw those damsels born of nectar sprays who were haughty due to their divine beauty and whose faces resembled the full moon. Fascinated by the cupid’s arrow Visnu attained highest pleasure only there. He began to indulge in sexual dalliance with those women of exquisite beauty…” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Kartikkeya was the son of Shiva. His mother Parvati told him to enjoy his life as wished. He took advantage of this and started committing adultery with the wives of gods. Many heaven dwellers tried to stop him but he didn’t so they requested Parvati to do something. Urged by those people Parvati changed the appearance of women as herself whom Kartikkeya was approaching, so at last this stopped Kartikeya from committing adultery,
Brahma Purana: Gautami Mahatmya 11.2-5 “When the asura Taraka was killed and the three worlds became quiet and normal, Parvati spoke to her eldest son Karttikeya with great pleasure: ‘By my consent and the grace of your father, be delighted in your mind. Enjoy as you please the worldly pleasures in the three worlds, which are dear to your mind.’ Thus addressed by his mother, Visakha (Karttikeya) the beloved of gods, sported about as be pleased with the wives of gods. The wives of gods also sported about. While the wives of gods were being enjoyed, O Narada, the heaven-dwellers were not able to prevent Karrtikeya.” Tr. Board of Scholars, edited by J.L. Shastri
Devi Bhagavatam 9.40.13-25 ”Nârâyana said :– In ancient days, Indra the Lord of the three worlds, intoxicated with wine and becoming lustful and shameless, began to enjoy Rambhâ in a lonely grove. After having enjoyed her, he became attracted to her; his mind being wholly drawn to her, he remained there in that forest, his mind becoming very passionate.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
There are two versions on the birth of the monkey god Hanuman, it is said that his biological father was the wind god Vayu and other version shows he was actually Shiva’s incarnation born from Shiva’s sperm,
Brahmanda Purana ”…Kesari married the daughter of Kunjara named Anjana. That lady of great purity and good fortune went to a park named Pumsavana. Vayu (the wind-god) made advances to the lady who was proud of her youth. Hanuman was born of her union with Vayu the (source of) life into the entire universe…” Tr. G.V. Tagare
It is mentioned in Shiva Purana that after Shiva emitted his semen, the semen was taken via leaf and poured into the ears of Anjani by the sages. Later Hanuman was born as a reincarnation of Shiva
Shiva Purana, Sataruda Samhita 3.20.3-7 ”Once lord Siva of wonderfu sports saw Visnu in the form of an enchantress with glittering qualities. As if hit by the arrows of Cupid, Siva let fall his semen dislodged from its seat, for Rama’s work. Eagerly urged by him mentally for Rama’s work the seven celestial sages retained that semen in a leaf. For Rama’s work that semen was poured through the ears of Anjani, the daughter of Gautama, by those sages. In due course Siva was born of it in the form of a monkey named Hanumat. He had great strength and exploit.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Gods were always afraid of sages, that they may attain the status of god or higher than that through their penances thus few Gods sent Apsaras to seduce them and to interrupt their penance. A sage named Kandu was seduced by an Apsara named Pramlocha. And both of them enjoyed each other for hundreds of years,
Vishnu Purana 1.50 …”There was formerly (said Soma) a sage named Kandu, eminent in holy wisdom, who practised pious austerities on the lovely borders of the Gomati river. The king of the gods sent the nymph Pramlocha to disturb his penance, and the sweet-smiling damsel diverted the sage from his devotions. They lived together, in the valley of Mandara, for a hundred and fifty years; during which, the mind of the Muni was wholly given up to enjoyment…
Aniruddha the grandson of Krishna had fornicated with Uma the daughter of Bana,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.62.22 ”When Usa beheld Him, the most beautiful of men, her face lit up with joy. She took the son of Pradyumna to her private quarters, which men were forbidden even to see, and there enjoyed with Him.” Swami Prabhupada
A Rishi named Vishwamitra had fornicated with the Apsara named Menaka,
Mahabharata 1.75 ”Urvasi, Purvachitti, Sahajanya, Menaka, Viswachi and Ghritachi, these are the six foremost of Apsaras. Amongst them again, Menaka, born of Brahman, is the first. Descending from heaven on Earth, after intercourse with Viswamitra, she gave birth to me. That celebrated Apsara, Menaka, brought me forth in a valley of Himavat.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
A sage named Devadutta was peforming penance and Indra feared that the sage may replace him from his status so to stop his penance he sent a Apsara to interrupt his penance,
Varaha Purana 29-35 ”Hearing hat music beautiful with the Pancama svara the mind of the sage became perturbed. Kamadeva tirelessly shot his arrows again on him…Hit by the arrows of Kamadeva, the great sage appraoched her with a smile. She too looked at him amorously but with shyness. Attracting the mind of the sage with her irresistible charms, she continued to play the ball unmindful of flowers falling from her dishevelling hair. At that time the Malaya wind blew off her garment freeing it from its knot and the girdle holding it…[40-1] The he held that smiling damsel by the right hand. He embraced her and gave her delight. Day and night he enjoyed with her every pleasure helped by the power he had acquired by his penence.” Tr. Venkitasubramonia Iyer, edited by J.L. Shastri
Apart from committing adultery the gods were also fond of stealing garments of women. The below section also includes Gods and Rishis committing adultery.
Stealing Garments of Women
The gods were also fond of stealing garments of women to watch their naked bodies. Many Hindus even hang the portrait on their wall depicting Krishna sitting on a branch of tree with the cloths of Gopis while the Gopis coming out of the water in fully nude state. However Krishna was not the only God who did this, several other gods did this act too,
Mahabharata, Adi Parva 1.72 Kanwa continued, ‘And Sakra, thus addressed by her, then commanded him who could approach every place (viz., the god of the wind) to be present with Menaka at the time she would be before the Rishi. And the timid and beautiful Menaka then entered the retreat and saw there Viswamitra who had burnt, by his penances, all his sins, and was engaged still in ascetic penances. And saluting the Rishi, she then began to sport before him. And just at that time Marut robbed her of her garments that were white as the Moon. And she thereupon ran, as if in great bashfulness, to catch hold of her attire, and as if she was exceedingly annoyed with Marut. And she did all this before the very eyes of Viswamitra who was endued with energy like that of fire. And Viswamitra saw her in that attitude. And beholding her divested of her robes, he saw that she was of faultless feature. And that best of Munis saw that she was exceedingly handsome, with no marks of age on her person. And beholding her beauty and accomplishments that bull amongst Rishis was possessed with lust and made a sign that he desired her companionship. And he invited her accordingly, and she also of faultless features expressed her acceptance of the invitation. And they then passed a long time there in each other’s company. And sporting with each other, just as they pleased, for a long time as if it were only a single day, the Rishi begat on Menaka a daughter named Sakuntala.
Krishna stole the garments of Gopis just to enjoy watching their naked bodies and later gave a lame excuse,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.22.16-17 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: If you girls are actually My maidservants, and if you will really do what I say, then come here with your innocent smiles andlet each girl pick out her clothes. If you don’t do what I say, I won’t give them back to you. And even if the king becomes angry, what can he do? Then, shivering from the painful cold, all the young girls rose up out of the water, covering their pubic area with their hands.
Krishna had done similar act to Radha in front of all the Gopis,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 28.117-132 …Hari snatched away the cloth of Radha and thus denuded her. Then he tore her wreath and loosened her chignon…Hari embraced the naked Radha, sank into the water and after having played therein got up again along with her. Then Krishna after having displayed the abashed, naked Radha to the cowherdesses threw her again at a distance into the water….Then Radha dragged Hari and gave him a push whereupon the Lord of the universe was immersed in deep water at a distance. But shortly afterwards he emerged from the liquid with a smile, kissed and embraced the naked Radha, again and again…After the play was over, the naked Lord and Radha both came to the coast and demanded their clothes from one another….” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
For fun Indra blew the garments of girls taking bath,
Matysa Purana 27.3-5 ”…Accepting the request of the Devas, the Maghavan, along with them, set out on his mission and, in the way, he came across a group of women in the forest. He saw those damsels bathing and enjoying themselves, as they do in they do in the pleasure-garden of Kuvera.Then Indra, in the form of a gust of wind, blew away and mixed up their garments. At that, all the maidens, hastily coming out of water, dressed themselves with the clothes as they found them.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Dancing Girls
The gods were no different than present day lecherous people, they had the habit of fornicating with women, drinking liquor, and even watching girls dancing. We have already seen an instance of the assembly of gods where the Apsaras were dancing. Below are some verses from Srimad Bhagavatam about Krishna dancing with Gopis.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.2 ”There on the Yamuna’s banks Lord Govinda then began the pastime of the rasa dance in the company of those jewels among women, the faithful gopis, who joyfully linked their arms together. [7-8] As the gopis sang in praise of Krishna, their feet danced, their hands gestured, and their eyebrows moved with playful smiles. With their braids and belts tied tight, their waists bending, their faces perspiring, the garments on their breasts moving this way and that, and their earrings swinging on their cheeks, Lord Krishna’s young consorts shone like streaks of lightning in a mass of clouds. Eager to enjoy conjugal love, their throats colored with various pigments, the gopis sang loudly and danced. They were overjoyed by Krishna’s touch, and they sang songs that filled the entire universe. [10-12] When one gopi grew tired from the rasa dance, She turned to Krishna, standing at Her side holding a baton, and grasped His shoulder with Her arm. The dancing had loosened Her bracelets and the flowers in Her hair. Upon the shoulder of one gopi Krishna placed His arm, whose natural blue-lotus fragrance was mixed with that of the sandalwood pulp anointing it. As the gopi relished that fragrance, her bodily hair stood on end in jubilation, and she kissed His arm. Next to Krishna’s cheek one gopi put her own, beautified by the effulgence of her earrings, which glittered as she danced. Krishna then carefully gave her the betel nut He was chewing. [17-18] Their senses overwhelmed by the joy of having His physical association, the gopis could not prevent their hair, their dresses and the cloths covering their breasts from becoming disheveled. Their garlands and ornaments scattered, O hero of the Kuru dynasty. The wives of the demigods, observing Krishna’s playful activities from their airplanes, were entranced and became agitated with lust. Indeed, even the moon and his entourage, the stars, became astonished. [22]Lord Krishna’s garland had been crushed during His conjugal dalliance with the gopis and colored vermilion by the kunkuma powder on their breasts…” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Other gods also enjoyed dance of women and nymphs,
Skanda Purana V.iii.172.1-2 ”Sri Markandeya said: Then all the sages and Devas with Indra at their head came to the meritorious hermitage of Mandavya on the banks of Narmada. The courtesans began to dance to the tunes of the songs of the celestial damsels. Lights shone and conchs and Dundubhi drums were sounded.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda 13.1-10 ”…Having tasted the pleasures of a kingdom for some time in the company of his wives, once upon a time, singing the eulogies of Hari, he suddenly came to Brahma at the shrine of the Puskara. At that time Brahma was witnessing the dance of a celestial nymph called Rambha along with other gods. Suddenly he (Upavarhana) became impatient at the sight of her thigh (beautiful like plantain) and hard, spehrical rising breast exposed by the wind. His semen was discharged…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Sex Life
Many gods especially Krishna’s sex life is highly praised in the Hindu scripture. Here is how they had sex with their wives,
Krishna with his Wives
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.90.10-11 Under the drenched clothing of the queens, their thighs and breasts would become visible. The flowers tied in their large braids would scatter as they sprayed water on their consort, and on the plea of trying to take away His syringe, they would embrace Him.By His touch their lusty feelings would increase, causing their faces to beam with smiles. Thus Lord Kṛṣṇa’s queens shone with resplendent beauty. Lord Kṛṣṇa’s flower garland would become smeared with kuṅkuma from their breasts, and His abundant locks of hair would become disheveled as a result of His absorption in the game. As the Lord repeatedly sprayed His young consorts and they sprayed Him in turn, He enjoyed Himself like the king of elephants enjoying in the company of his bevy of she-elephants.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 112.34-46 ”O Narada, later on, Lord Krisna in due order by turns committed sexual intercourse on the auspicious day prescribed by the Vedas with seven women, viz., Kalindi, Satyabhama, Satya, NagnaJiti, sati, Jambavati and Laksmana. In course of time, each of these seven women bore ten sons and one daughter…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 46.30-44 ”At that time, Parvati (who is the direct emblem of energy) and the powerful Sankara were not in the least exhausted by the above act…At that time they slept on a bed covered with flowers and with their heart animated with joy and with their bodies thrilling with raptures, they were pierced with the darts of Cupid, fainted and thus passed their days. Both of them who were expert in sexual science were rendered stark-naked through excess of pleasure; and their bodies were marked with the injuries inflicted by teeth and nails. The sandal-paste, aloe-paste and musk of their bodies and the vermillion on the forehead of Parvati disappeared; the garland of both were torn and the chignon of Gauri was relaxed. O fair one, at the time of intercourse her anklet, bracelet, anklet and earrings continued to resound…The earth being overloaded with the energy of Siva, the supporter of the world, was about to be rent asunder and quaked along with mountains, forests and oceans…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhitra 2, Sati Khanda 2, 21.19-24 ”Sometimes Siva would become invisible through his Maya and suddenly embrace her when she would become terrified and agitated. Sometime with musk he would make marks like bees on her breasts that resembled the buds of a golden lotus. Sometimes he would take the necklace off her breasts and press them with his hands…Even as she was looking on, sometimes he would come to her lofty breasts saying with laughter, this dark spot ”Kalika” on your breasts is your companion of the same colour as it contains the same letter as are found in your name ‘Kalika’.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Srimad Bhagavatam 6.17.7 ”Lord Śiva, whose hair is matted on his head, has certainly undergone great austerities and penances. Indeed, he is the president in the assembly of strict followers of Vedic principles. Nonetheless, he is seated with his wife on his lap in the midst of saintly persons and is embracing her as if he were a shameless, ordinary human being.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Kumara Khanda 4, 1.24 ”For a thousand years according to the calculation of the gods, Siva the Yogin has been engaged in sexual dalliance. He does not desist from it.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Skanda Purana I.iii(P).13.11-12”On hearing these words of the Goddess, Sambhu, the Lord of Sonacala, the bestower of boons, granted everything desired by her as a boon. He was desirous of having sexual intercourse with her. Out of eagerness Siva asked her to applied the fascinated musk (to herself).” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Once Shiva was so much aroused that he repeatedly told Nandi to bring Parvati, he also told that Parvati should dress herself properly. Shiva couldn’t even wait till she prepared her toilet and sent Nandin again and again. So some girls especially Uma the daughter of Bana thought it would be nice idea to assume the form of Parvati and copulate with Shiva, she was very desirous of cohabiting with Shiva because previously she had seen Shiva and Parvati engaged in intercourse. So she tried to assume the form of Parvati and approach Shiva but Parvati learnt about it and stopped her, Parvati later told her that a person will come in her dream and rape her and he will be her future husband. And that guy was the grandson of Krishna named Anirudha. There is little variation in the story, it is uncertain whether Parvati told this to Uma when Uma saw Shiva and Parvati copulating or when Uma was going to assume the form of Parvati when Shiva was aroused.
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Yudha Khanda 5, 51.35-43 ”Then being glanced at by Kama who was not vanquished, the crescent-crested lord Siva highly indulgent in sports spoke to Nandin. Go and quickly from this forest and tell the dark complexioned Parvati everything and bring her here from Kailasa after she has bedecked herself… O excellent sage, then, at his importunity, Parvati, devoted to her husband, began to bedeck herself ardently…Siva who was extremely agitated told Nandin again. ”Dear, go again and fetch Parvati from there”. ”Yes, sir”, said he. He went to Parvati of sweet appearance and said: ”Your lord wishes to see you beautifully and gorgeously dressed. O goddess,Siva is eagerly waiting for various sports. O daughter of the mountain, please go since the lord is distressed with passion.”[61-62] Then the goddess Parvati bedecked herself zealously and went to Siva. She then sported with him. O sage, at the end of the dalliance Lord Siva vanished from the place accompanied by his wife, the Ganas and the gods.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Devi Bhagavatam 9.14.4-23 ”…Ganga Devi was very much overpowered with enjoyment in her first intercourse with Narayana; so much so that She remained motionless…” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Mahabharata 3.97 “…After a considerable time, O king, the illustrious Rishi one day beheld Lopamudra, blazing in ascetic splendour come up after the bath in her season. And pleased with the girl, for her services, her purity, and self control, as also with her grace and beauty, he summoned her for marital intercourse…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Indian government spends crores of rupees for Hindu pilgrims as a subsidy to travel to Mansarovar. But this pilgrimage site namely Mansarovar was more like a honeymoon spot used by Hindu gods and sages,
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.23.39-40 ”In that aerial mansion he traveled to the pleasure valleys of Mount Meru, which were rendered all the more beautiful by cool, gentle, fragrant breezes that stimulated passion. In these valleys, the treasurer of the gods, Kuvera, surrounded by beautiful women and praised by the Siddhas, generally enjoys pleasure. Kardama Muni also, surrounded by the beautiful damsels and his wife, went there and enjoyed for many, many years. Satisfied by his wife, he enjoyed in that aerial mansion not only on Mount Meru but in different gardens known as Vaiśrambhaka, Surasana, Nandana, Puṣpabhadraka and Caitrarathya, and by the Mānasa-sarovara Lake.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Mahabharata 1.157 ”…Hidimva sported with the Pandava and studied to make him happy. So also, in inaccessible regions of forests, and on mountain-breasts overgrown with blossoming trees on lakes resplendent with lotuses and lilies, islands of rivers and their pebbly banks, on sylvan streams with beautiful banks and mountain-currents, in picturesque woods with blossoming trees and creepers in Himalayan bowers, and various caves, on crystal pools smiling with lotuses, on sea-shores shining with gold and pearls, in beautiful towns and fine gardens, in woods sacred to the gods and on hill-sides, in the regions of Guhyakasand ascetics, on the banks of Manasarovara abounding with fruits and flowers of every season Hidimva, assuming the handsomest form, sported with Bhima and studied to make him happy. Endued with the speed of the mind, she sported with Bhima in all these regions, till in time, she conceived and brought forth a mighty son begotten upon her by the Pandava…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Sex Slaves
There is a story mentioned in Matsya Purana which tells us how the Devas used to capture women and forced them into prostitution. Can the Hindu digest these verses and show it to others so that everyone may know what Hinduism is really about. The verses are pretty clear and speaks for itself so I won’t be explaining it,
Matsya Purana 71.26-30 ”Once upon a time thousands and thousands of the demons (Danavas, Asuras, Daityas and Raksasas) were killed in the war between the Devas and the demons. Indra told their numberless widows and those women who were forcibly seized and enjoyed, to lead the life of prostitutes and remain devoted to the kings and the Devas. Indra continued, ‘You should look upon, with equal eye, the kings your masters and on Sudra. All of you will attain prosperity, according to your fate. You should satisfy those who would come to you with adequate sum of money to enjoy your company, even if they be poor. ” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Indra told the widows of Demons (Non Hindus) how they should lead their prostitution life,
Matsya Purana 71.44-45 ”That Brahmana should be well fed and be devoutly looked upon as cupid,for the sake of sexual enjoyment. Each and every desire of that Brahmana should be satisfied by the woman devote. She should, with all heart and soul and with a smile on her face, yield herself up to him.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Matsya Purana 71.56-59 ”Henceforth, any Brahmana coming to them for the sake of sexual enjoyment on a Sunday, should be respected and honoured. If with the consent of that Brahmana, another handsome person come to them, these women should, with love and affection and to the best of their ability, perform all the fiftyeight kinds of observances of Love, favourite of man and gods, which would lead to pregnancy and which is not harmful to their soul’s welfare. ” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Bhishma had also taken women captives with him,
Mahabharata 1.102 ”Bhishma cut off, with his arrows, on the field of battle, bows, and flagstaffs, and coats of mail, and human heads by hundreds and thousands…Then that foremost of all wielders of weapons having vanquished in battle all those monarchs, pursued his way towards the capital of the Bharatas, taking those maidens with him.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Hinduism clearly sanctions Slavery, readers can go through the article Slavery in Hinduism. As I wrote in this article in the Rape category under sub category Rape and Abduction is legitimized that Hinduism permits Rakshasa form of marriage for the Kshatriya caste, It can be considered rape because it is done after family of the girl is slain and she is forcibly taken away, Mahabharata 13.44 says that bridegroom may forcibly take away the girl he likes to marry even after killing or beheading the girl’s kinsmen and Manu Smriti 3.33 says that sometimes the girl forcibly taken away may cry and weep and this is permitted in Mahabharata 1.73.
Many Hindu scriptures clearly speaks about female slaves,
Narada Smriti 12.78 Intercourse is permitted with a wanton woman, who belongs to another than the Brahman caste, or a prostitute, or a female slave, or a female not restrained by her master (nishakasini), if these women belong to a lower caste than oneself; but with a woman of superior caste, intercourse is prohibited.,
Agni Purana 211.37-43 ”…By making the gift of a female slave to one of the foremost of the Brahmanas, a man becomes an inmate of the region of the Apasaras (nymphs)…” Tr. Manmath Nath Dutt
Hinduism also levies custom duties on importing female slaves,
Agni Purana 223.23-29 ”…Duties payable on importing female slaves into the country should be determined with a due regard to the country imported from and the time of the import. The duties payable on animals and gold shall be a fifth and sixth part of the original value, while a sixth part of their value should be paid as the kings dues on importing articles of perfumery, cereals, flowers, roots…” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Krishna also gave many females slaves,
Mahabharata 4.72 ”…And Krishna gave unto each of the illustrious sons of Pandu numerous female slaves, and gems and robes…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Krishna’s father Vasudeva also a over a thousand concubines,
Mahabharata 14.7 ”The Brahmanas and Kshatriyas, and Vaisyas, and wealthy Sudras, set out, keeping before them the 16,000 women that had formed Vasudeva’s harem, and Vajra, the grandson of the intelligent Krishna.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Hindu god Rama’s father named Dasharath also had many conubines, I am reproducing the passage where Dashrath’s organizes Ashvamedha Yajna,
Valmiki Ramayan, Bala Kanda 1.14.35 ”Thus, the officiating priests of the ritual, namely hota,adhwaryu and udgaata have received in their hand the Crowned Queen, the neglected wife, and a concubine of the king, next as a symbolic donation in the ritual by the performer, the king.” Tr. Shri Desiraju Hanumanth Rao
Hindu scriptures on concubines of Kings,
Natya Shastra 34.26-29 I shall now describe the classes and function of women who live in the harem and have dealings with the king. They are the chief queen (maha-devi), other queens (devi), his high born wives (sramini), ordinary wives (sthayini), concubines (bhogini) craft women (silpakarini), acresses (natakiya), dancers (nartaki), maids in constant attenance (ancarika), maids of special work (paricarka), maids in constant movement (sancarika), maids for running errands (presana-carika), Mahattaris (matron), old dames (sthavira). Ayuktikas and (overseer), Pratiharis (usher), maidens (kumari).
Natya Shastra 34.40 Concubines (bhogini) to a king are known as well-behaved, gentle [in manners], not very hanghty, and they are indifferent [to rivals], modest, affectionate but not held in high honor.
It’s mentioned in Narada Purana,
Narada Purana 35.43 “A son born of a virgin girl is called ‘Kanina’, and that born of pregnant before marriage is called ‘Sahodhaka’. One purchased by price is called ‘Krita’, ‘Punarbhava’ is two-fold.” Tr. Anand Swarup Gupta
Maharshi Manu on types of Slaves,
Manu Smriti 8.415 ”A captive of war, a slave for maintenance, the son of a female slave, one purchased for money, a slave obtained as a present, a hereditary one, and one condemned to slavery for any offence, these are the seven kinds of slave (lit., sources of slavery)” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Female Slave can’t perform the rites of a wife,
Baudhyana Dharma Sutra, Prasna 1, Adhyaya 11, Kandika 21 Now they quote also (the following verse): ‘It is declared that a female who has been purchased for money is not a wife. She cannot (assist) at sacrifices offered to the gods or the manes. Kasyapa has stated that she is a slave.
What does that mean? It means a female slave can do other works of wife (like carnal pleasure) but not the sacrificial rites of wife. Leave aside this purchasing of female slaves, Hinduism even brings a kind of marriage into slavery. As we know there are many forms of marriage in Hinduism, one of them is Manusha rite. Vasistha explains it as,
Vasistha Dharma Sutra 1.35-36 If, after making a bargain (with the father, a suitor) marries (a damsel) purchased for money, that (is called) the Manusha-rite. The purchase (of a wife) is mentioned in the following passage of the Veda, ‘Therefore one hundred (cows) besides a chariot should be given to the father of the bride.’
This will be an eye opener for some Hindus, because those poor Hindu used to say Marriage in Hinduism is a very spiritualistic matter and very unique compared to other religions. Is that the ‘Uniqueness’ they talk about? Purchasing a wife like a one purchases a commodity.
LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. To be precise Hinduism clearly sanctions Transgenderism and Lesbianism. Many gods committed transgenderism. Which has compelled Hindu scholars to accept LGBT. The most famous story about LGBT in Hinduism is that of Shiva and Vishnu. Here is a verse from Skanda Purana which is addressed to Shiva,
Skanda Purana I.iii(U).20.32-33 ”Be victorious, O Lord, whose head is adorned with Ganga and the crescent moon, O Lord, who have fascinated the minds of the wives of all sages by means of your handsome features. Be victorious, O Lord, who are possessed of the glory of the god of Love due to the close contact of the daughter of the Mountain. Be victorious, O Lord, who are an expert in the repetition of the (sexual) play over the body of Naranaya adopted by means of Maya (?).” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Narayana and Hari are the synonyms of Vishnu, Hara, Sankara, Shambhu are synonyms of Shiva’s name. This verse shows that Shiva had sex with Vishnu. As per story mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam, Vishnu assumed the form of a beautiful woman, This form of Vishnu is known as Mohini. He assumed this form to lure and defeat the demons. Later on Shiva requested Vishnu to assume the form which is pleasing to the lusty people, Shiva wanted to see his Mohini form. Thus requested by Shiva, Vishnu assumed the form of Mohini. Shiva despite knowing that it was Vishnu just couldn’t resist his desire and followed Vishnu in front of his wife and even discharged semen out of desire. Both Mohini and Shiva were naked and Shiva forcefully embraced Vishnu (Mohini).
Agni Purana 3.17-20 He [Vishnu] was then requested by Hara to show (this form) unto him. The Divine Hari then displayed his female form unto Rudra. Overpowered by his (Vishnu’s) illusory power, Shambhu, renouncing Gouri, longed for that damsel. He became naked and looked like a maniac. He held the woman by the hair and she, releasing her hairs, ran away. He too followed her.Wherever dropped Hara’s seminal fluid there sprang up fields of his phallic emblem and gold.
The story mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam will briefly explain this,
Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.15-16 ”The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: When the demons took away the jug of nectar, I assumed the form of a beautiful woman to bewilder them by directly cheating them and thus to act in the interest of the demigods. O best of the demigods, I shall now show you My form that is very much appreciated by those who are lusty. Since you want to see that form, I shall reveal it in your presence. [19] Because the ball was falling down and bouncing up, as She played with it Her breasts trembled, and because of the weight of those breasts and Her heavy flower garlands, Her waist appeared to be all but breaking at every step, as Her two soft feet, which were reddish like coral, moved here and there. [21] As She played with the ball, the sari covering Her body became loose, and Her hair scattered. She tried to bind Her hair with Her beautiful left hand, and at the same time She played with the ball by striking it with Her right hand. This was so attractive that the Supreme Lord [Vishnu], by His internal potency, in this way captivated everyone. [24-26] Thus Lord Śiva saw the woman, every part of whose body was beautifully formed, and the beautiful woman also looked at him. Therefore, thinking that She was attracted to him, Lord Śiva became very much attracted to Her. Lord Śiva, his good sense taken away by the woman because of lusty desires to enjoy with Her, became so mad for Her that even in the presence of Bhavānī [Shiva’s wife] he did not hesitate to approach Her. The beautiful woman was already naked, and when She saw Lord Śiva coming toward Her, She became extremely bashful. Thus She kept smiling, but She hid Herself among the trees and did not stand in one place. [28-32] After following Her with great speed, Lord Śiva caught Her by the braid of Her hair and dragged Her near him. Although She was unwilling, he embraced Her with his arms. Being embraced by Lord Śiva like a female elephant embraced by a male, the woman, whose hair was scattered, swirled like a snake. O King, this woman, who had large, high hips, was a woman of yoga-māyā presented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She released Herself somehow or other from the fond embrace of Lord Śiva’s arms and ran away. As if harassed by an enemy in the form of lusty desires, Lord Śiva followed the path of Lord Viṣṇu, who acts very wonderfully and who had taken the form of Mohinī. Just as a maddened bull elephant follows a female elephant who is able to conceive pregnancy, Lord Śiva followed the beautiful woman and discharged semen, even though his discharge of semen never goes in vain.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
As per Brahmanda Purana a son was born to Shiva-Vishnu known as Shasta.
Brahmanda Purana Lalita Mihatmya 6.7-9 “The second form appeared when the churning for the sake of Nectar was being carried out. That form fascinated Sarva (Siva). It cannot be comprehended by the mind or expressed through words. On seeing it, even isa (god Siva) became charmed and enchanted although he is omniscient. When prohibited by her, he left off Parvati all of a sudden and he indulged in sexual intercourse with her (i.e. Mohini). He begot of her (the son) Sasta, the supressor of Asuras.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Shasta is popularly known as Ayyappa in south India. He is also known by the name Hari-Hara. As he was born from Hari (Vishnu) and Hara (Shiva).
Apologists try to give lame explanation for this homosexual act, they say that Shiva did not have sex (read rape) with Vishnu but with Mohini who was a woman. For the sake of the argument even if I accept this to be true then does that mean it is permissible to have sex with a transgender? As Vishnu transformed himself into a woman and today it’s possible for a man to become woman after going through some surgeries. Moreover this is not a avatar of Vishnu its just his form, when you search the meaning of Avatar on Google you will find the following meaning
”a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher”
Some examples are Krishna and Ram, the two avatars of Vishnu who had taken birth on the earth through human parents. But unlike these two Mohini didn’t took birth on earth. Gods like Shiva assumed forms of beggar and other people to carry on their so called test on people, so Hindus don’t say ”so and so beggar tested those people” but they say “Shiva assumed the form to test them” similarly Mohini was Vishnu itself this is why some Hindu scholars permits homosexuality on the basis that Shiva and Vishnu were engaged in this act,
There is one more story of LGBT of Shiva.
Where Shiva ejaculated his semen into the mouth of the fire god Agni, after Agni interrupted their sexual dalliance. The context of this story is that all the gods were frightened by a demon named Taraka who was causing trouble on earth, no god could defeat him except Shiva. But Shiva was engaged in sexual intercourse with his wife for a very long time. All the gods waited for it to finish, but Shiva did not stop from that. So at last the gods sent Agni to summon Shiva to kill the demon Taraka. Agni went to the palace after assuming the form of a bird and interrupted their intercourse. Shiva in anger ejaculated the semen in Agni’s mouth,
Brahma Purana, Gautami-Mahatmya 58.16-24 ”At the instance of Devas the fire-god assumed the form of a parrot and went to the place where the lord of the worlds was sporting with Uma…The lord of Devas called the fire-god moving about in front of him, in the form of a bird and said, ”O Agni, you have been recognised through various ways. Do not speak anything. Open your mouth. Take this in and carry it with you.” After saying this lord Sambhu discharged a great deal of semen into the mouth of fire-god. With this semen within him Agni could not at all go. Utterly tired, Agni sat down on the bank of Ganga. He then discharged a greater portion of that semen into Krttikas wherefrom Karttika was born. The remaining portion of the semen of Sambhu that had been within his body, Agni split into two and deposited into his beloved wife Svaha who was particularly eager to have a child.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Kartikkeya is considered the son of Shiva and Agni as per Vamana Purana as the semen was swallowed by Agni,
Vamana Purana 31.26-28 “O Brahman, in the meantime Brahman said to Agni ‘How old and grown up is your son, Guha now’? Hearing his words, and not knowing his son, Agni said to Brahman, I do not know who is Guha,’ Being pleased, the Lord said, ‘You drank the semen of Sankara in the past, so a child, the lord of the three worlds has been born in the thickest of reeds.” Tr. Anand Swarup Gupta
As per another version, the sages’ wives who were bathing in the river were also impregnated as Agni had deposited a portion of the semen in the river. Later all those wives aborted except Arundhati. Agni is an intermediary, i.e. whatever is put in Agni reaches the god as a result that semen of Shiva went into the stomach of all the gods and they were impregnated by it,
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Kumara Khanda 4. Ch 2.25 ”The gods are wont to partake of the offerings of food etc. consigned to the fire in accordance with the Vedic text. Hence the gods became pregnant.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
The gods later vomited the semen on the behest of Shiva,
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Kumara Khanda 4. Ch 2.30-38 ”We have become pregnant and also scorched by your semen. O Siva, take pity on us. Remove our miserable plight…[Shiva said] At my Behest you shall vomit this semen virile of mine. you will be happy thereby. Accepting this command with bent head Visnu and the other gods immediately vomited it out after duly remembering Siva the imperishable” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Another form of LGBT is also found in Srimad Bhagavatam. Some sages went to the abode of Shiva but as soon as they spotted Shiva and Parvati engaged in sexual intercourse they immediately went away. To please Parvati, Shiva said that anyone coming near his area shall become a woman. A king accidently stepped into that area and became a woman, later (s)he had sex with the son of moon god Soma named Budha,
Vayu Purana, Part 2.23.15-18 …He who is revered in the three worlds is famous as Sudyumna. He has attained the form of a lady. That noble lady returned to her father after securing the boon. After getting an opportunate moment, she was invited for love making (sexual intercourse) by Budha (the planet mercury). From Budha, the son of Soma, Puruavas, the son of Ila was born. After giving birth to the son born of Budha, she became Suyumna again. Sudyumna had three sons, all extremely virtuous” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.1.30-35 ”When the goddess Ambikā saw the great saintly persons, she was very much ashamed because at that time she was naked. She immediately got up from the lap of her husband and tried to cover her breast. Seeing Lord Śiva and Pārvatī engaged in sexual affairs, all the great saintly persons immediately desisted from going further and departed for the āśrama of Nara-Nārāyaṇa. Thereupon, just to please his wife, Lord Śiva said, “Any male entering this place shall immediately become a female!” Since that time, no male had entered that forest. But now King Sudyumna, having been transformed into a female, began to walk with his associates from one forest to another. Sudyumna had been transformed into the best of beautiful women who excite sexual desire and was surrounded by other women. Upon seeing this beautiful woman loitering near his āśrama, Budha, the son of the moon, immediately desired to enjoy her. The beautiful woman also desired to accept Budha, the son of the king of the moon, as her husband. Thus Budha begot in her womb a son named Purūravā.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
This is also mentioned in Matsya Purana 11.50 and Brahmanda Purana Arjuna the biggest devotee of Krishna is said to have transformed himself into an eunuch,
Mahabharata 4.45 ”…Indeed, thou seemest to me to be Mahadeva, or Indra, or the chief of the Gandharvas, dwelling in the guise only of one of the third sex.’ “Arjuna said, ‘I tell thee truly that I am only observing this vow for a whole year agreeable to the behest of my elder brother. O thou of mighty arms, I am not truly one of the neuter sex, but I have adopted this vow of eunuchism from subservience to another’s will and from desire of religious merit. O prince, know me now to have completed my vow…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Shatapatha Brahmana also promotes Homosexuality, it is about the homosexual act of the Vedic gods Mitra-Varuna,
Satapatha Brahmana In that same night Mitra implants seed in Varuna, and when it (the moon) then it is produced from that seed…
Niyoga is sanctioned by Hindu scriptures. Swami Vivekananda writes,
“…Another cause was instrumental in bringing this about — the change in the system of marriage. The earliest system was a matriarchal one; that is, one in which the mother was the centre, and in which the girls acceded to her station. This led to the curious system of the Polianders [polyandrous], where five and six brothers often married one wife. Even the Vedas contain a trace of it in the provision, that when a man died without leaving any children, his widow was permitted to live with another man, until she became a mother; but the children she bore did not belong to their father, but to her dead husband…” By Swami Vivekananda, Ideals of Womanhood,(Brooklyn Standard Union, January 21, 1895)
It is mentioned in Sutras,
Gautama Dharma Shastra 18.4 A woman whose husband is dead and who desires offspring (may bear a son) to her brother-in-law. [6] (On failure of a brother-in-law she may obtain offspring) by (cohabiting with) a Sapinda, a Sagotra, a Samanapravara, or one who belongs to the same caste.
Baudhyana Dharma Sutra A widow shall avoid during a year (the use of) honey, meat spirituous liquor, and salt, and sleep on the ground. Maudgalya (declares that she shall do so) during six months. After (the expiration of) that (time) she may, with the permission of her Gurus, bear a son to her brother in law, in case she has no son.
It is mentioned in Puranas,
Garuda Purana ch 95 ”The younger brother of a husband, may go unto a childless wife of his elder brother for the purpose of begetting an offspring on her person with the permission of his elders, first had and obtained in that behalf, and with his body annointed with clarified butter.” Tr. M.N. Dutt Another version of this Purana translated by J.L. Shastri is given below,
Garuda Purana I.95.16-17 “For producing a son and a heir in the family the brother-in-law or a cousin or a person of the same clan can have intercourse with an issueless widow till she conceives. If he touches her after that he becomes degraded. The son born thus is the legitimate son of the deceased husband.” Tr. J.L. Shastri
Kurma Purana 2.22.98 ”…a son born of the Niyoga rite should perform Sraddha to his progenitor as well as the dead husband of his mother. Then he shall be the true heir. If a son is born out of the semen virile without the sanction of Niyoga, the son should offer Pindas to the progenitor. However, he may perform Sraddha to the Ksetrin (mother’s husbands).” Tr. G.V. Tagare
It is mentioned in Vishnu Smriti,
Vishnu Smriti 15.1-3 Now there are twelve kinds of sons. The first is the son of the body, viz. he who is begotten (by the husband) himself on his own lawfully wedded wife. The second is the son begotten on a wife, viz. one begotten by a kinsman allied by funeral oblations, or by a member of the highest caste, on an appointed (wife or widow).
It is mentioned in Yajnavalkya Smriti,
Yajnavalkya Smriti, Book 1 Achara Adhyaya, chapter 3, verse 68 ”The younger brother of the husband, a Sapinda or a Sagotra, being anointed with clarified butter, and with the permission of the Guru, may go to a sonless widows, when in season, with the desire of raising a son.” Tr. R.B.S. Chandra Vidyarnava
Maharshi Manu writes,
Manu Smriti 9.190 ”Let the widow of a deceased, sonless man get a son procreated on her person by a man of her husband’s Gotra (i.e., his younger brother, or a Sapinda relation), and let the entire estate of that deceased person be invested in that son.” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Manu Smriti 9.59 ”In the absence of a son, a woman wishing to obtain a progeny, shall lie down under an appointment, with a younger brother, or with a Sapinda relation, of her husband for the procreation of a son.” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Manu Smriti 3.173 ”He, who, otherwise than under an appointment of begetting a son on her, visits the widow of his deceased elder brother, out of passion, is called the husband of a deceased elder brother’s widow.” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Niyoga in Manu is obscure. There are couple of stories which proves Niyoga existed in the Vedic period, Niyoga was perhaps also used to satisfy the desire which is evident from the story of Muni Vyasa and maid servant. Sage Vasistha the son of Mitra-Varuna had contracted Niyoga with the wife of a King,
Mahabharata 1.179 ”…O best of Brahmanas, I desire to obtain from thee that by which, O foremost of all that are conversant with the Vedas, I may be freed from the debt I owe to the race of Ikshvaku! O best of men, it behoveth thee to grant me, for the perpetuation of Ikshvaku’s race, a desirable sonpossessing beauty and accomplishments and good behaviour.’ “The Gandharva continued, ‘Thus addressed, Vasishtha, that best of Brahmanas devoted to truth replied unto that mighty bowman of a monarch, saying, ‘I will give you…After the royal sage had entered his capital, the queen, at the king’s command, approached Vasishtha. The great Rishi, making a covenant with her, united himself with her according to the high ordinance. And after a little while, when the queen conceived, that best of Rishis, receiving the reverential salutations of the king, went back to his asylum. The queen bore the embryo in her womb for a long time. When she saw that she did not bring forth anything, she tore open her womb by a piece of stone. It was then that at the twelfth year (of the conception) was born Asmaka, that bull amongst men, that royal sage who founded (the city of) Paudanya.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
This story is also mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam 9.9 and Narada Purana,
Narada Purana, Uttarabhaga 28.32 “O Brahmana, the activities of the Lord are beyond human scrutiny though he abides by the favourably Dharma. Vyasa the son of Parasara, is himself the classifier of the Vedas. He was a man of truthful vision. His very form is worthy of being worshipped. (But) he was born of the semen virile of one who destroyed the virginity (of a woman). Hence he is called a Kanina (son of an unmarried girl). Moreover, he had sexual intercourse with the wives of his younger brothers.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Satyavati requested Vyasa who was born of her form Parasara, to have sons from the queens of his younger brother Vicitravirya as mentioned in Mahabharata Adi Parva section 104 & 105
This king was cursed thus he couldn’t impregnate his wife and requested Vasistha to impregnate her. But why did Vasistha do that when he could have just discharged semen in a pot and give birth to a son just like he was born or else use his mystic power to remove the curse. Another sage named Dirghatama had done similar act with the wife of King Bali named Sudeshana but the King wasn’t cursed,
Mahabharata 1.104 ”The virtuous Vali, ever devoted to truth, then learning who the man was that was thus saved by him, chose him for raising up offspring. And Vali said, ‘O illustrious one, it behoveth thee to raise upon my wife a few sons that shall be virtuous and wise.’ Thus addressed, theRishi endued with great energy, expressed his willingness. Thereupon king Vali sent his wife Sudeshna unto him. But the queen knowing that the latter was blind and old went not unto him, she sent unto him her nurse. And upon that Sudra woman the virtuous Rishi of passions under full control begat eleven children of whom Kakshivat was the eldest…Thy unfortunate queen Sudeshna, seeing me blind and old, insulted me by not coming herself but sending unto me, instead, her nurse.’ The king then pacified that best of Rishis and sent unto him his queen Sudeshna. The Rishi by merely touching her person said to her, ‘Thou shalt have five children…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Let me show you the ugly side of this Rishi Dirghatama,
Matsya Purana 48.67-76 ”After that, King Bali appeased that sage and was furious with his wife; and sent her again well-dressed, after her toilet, to the sage, when the seer said. ”O. Devi! Cast off your bashfulness and then lick the whole of my body with your tongue, after rubbing it with salt, curds and honey; you will then attain your wish and get sons.” The queen followed the directions of the seer, but omitted to lick the hind private parts. When the sage said; ”O, blessed one! Your eldest son will be without that part of the body which you have omitted to lick.” The queen said:- ”Sire! It is not worthy of you to bless me with such an offspring. Be pleased at my devotion and show your mercy to me.” Dirghatama said:- ”O, Blessed one, through your fault this will happen exactly as I have told you and this son of yours will not delight you in any way, but your grandson will; he will, however, not feel the necessity of the missing part of his body.” Then the sage, touching her abdomen, said, ”O, queen because you have licked all parts of my body except the privates, your sons will be like the full moon, and, in all you will be blessed with five sons of Divine beauty who will be most illustrious, renowned, righteous and performers of sacrifices.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Why does the Rishi need to do this shameless act? We read in scriptures that gods and sages possess mystic power and are capable to do anything. Even if the king is impotent or infertile then why doesn’t he use the spells mentioned in the Vedas for fertility? If the Virility spells in the Vedas are useless then why keep it in the Vedas just tear and throw it away. Why fill the society which such vulgar Vedic practices.
A sage named Angira had also contracted Niyoga with the wife of Rathitara,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.6.2-3 ”Rathītara had no sons, and therefore he requested the great sage Aṅgirā to beget sons for him. Because of this request, Aṅgirā begot sons in the womb of Rathītara’s wife. All these sons were born with brahminical prowess.— Having been born from the womb of Rathītara’s wife, all these sons were known as the dynasty of Rathītara, but because they were born from the semen of Aṅgirā, they were also known as the dynasty of Aṅgirā. Among all the progeny of Rathītara, these sons were the most prominent because, owing to their birth, they were considered brāhmaṇas.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
King Pandu was also born of Niyoga. After his marriage he urged his wife Kunti to contract Niyoga with other men and beget offspring. Pandu’s biological father was Muni Vyasa,
Devi Bhagavatam 6.25.1-10 ”Vyasa said :– OKing! The mother became astonished to hear me. Becoming very anxious for a son, she began to speak to me. O Child! The wife of your brother, the daughter Ambalika of Kasiraj, is a widow; she is very sorrowful; she is endowed with all auspicious signs and endowed with all good qualities; better cohabit with that beautiful young wife and get a child according to the tradition of the S’istas…Seeing me an ascetic with matted hairs on my head and void of every love sentiment, perspiration came on her face; her body turned pale and her mind void of any love towards me. When I saw that lady trembling and pale beside me, I angrily spoke :– “O One of beautiful waist! When you have turned out pale, considering your own beauty, let your son be of a pale colour.” Thus saying I spent there that night with Ambalika. After enjoying her I took farewell from my mother and went to my place.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
It is also mentioned in Mahabharata Adi Parva 106. Muni Vyasa was appointed to cohabit with the princess but at first the princess sent a maid. Despite knowing that it was a maid servant Muni Vyasa enjoyed her. Vyasa speaks about it in the following way,
Devi Bhagvatam 6.25.11-21 ”Ambika sent to me a maid-servant of Vichitravîrya, full of youth and beauty, and adorned with various ornaments and clothings. That maid-servant of beautiful hairs and of a swan-like gait adorned with garlands and red sandal-paste, came to me with many enchanting gestures and making me take my seat on the cot, became herself merged in love sentiments. O Muni! I became pleased with her gestures and amorous sports and passed the night, full of love towards her and played and cohabited with her.” Tr. Vijnananda
The story of Muni Vyasa cohabiting with the maid servant is also mentioned in Devi Bhagavatam 2.6.1-12. King Pandu was afflicted with a curse and thus couldn’t approach his wife for carnal purpose. But he did not hesitate in ordering his wife to cohabit with other men,
Mahabharata, Adi Parva 1.120 ”Hearing these words of the ascetics, Pandu, remembering the loss of his procreative powers owing to the curse of the deer, began to reflect deeply. And calling his wedded wife the excellent Kunti, unto him, he told her in private, ‘Strive thou to raise offspring at this time of distress… The religious institutes mention six kinds of sons that are heirs and kinsmen, and six other kinds that are not heirs but kinsmen. I shall speak of them presently. O Pritha, listen to me. They are: 1st, the son begotten by one’s own self upon his wedded wife; 2nd, the son begotten upon one’s wife by an accomplished person from motives of kindness; 3rd, the son begotten upon one’s wife by a person for pecuniary consideration; 4th, the son begotten upon the wife after the husband’s death; 5th, the maiden-born son; 6th, the son born of an unchaste wife; 7th, the son given; 8th, the son bought for a consideration; 9th, the son self-given; 10th, the son received with a pregnant bride; 11th, the brother’s son; and 12th, the son begotten upon a wife of lower caste. On failure of offspring of a prior class, the mother should desire to have offspring of the next class. In times of distress, men solicit offspring from accomplished younger brothers. The self-born Manu hath said that men failing to have legitimate offspring of their own may have offspring begotten upon their wives by others, for sons confer the highest religious merit. Therefore, O Kunti, being destitute myself of the power of procreation, I command thee to raise good offspring through some person who is either equal or superior to me. O Kunti, listen to the history of the daughter of Saradandayana who was appointed by her lord to raise offspring.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
King Pandu also ordered his wife Kunti to conceive children with the Sun god Surya,
Mahabharata 1.123 “Vaisampayana said, ‘O Janamejaya, when Gandhari’s conception had been a full year old, it was then that Kunti summoned the eternal god of justice to obtain offspring from him. And she offered without loss of time, sacrifices unto the god and began to duly repeat the formula that Durvasa had imparted to her some time before. Then the god, overpowered by her incantations, arrived at the spot where Kunti was seated in his car resplendent as the Sun. Smiling, he asked, ‘O Kunti, what am I to give thee?’ And Kunti too smiling in her turn, replied, ‘Thou must even give me offspring.’ Then the handsome Kunti was united (in intercourse) with the god of justicein his spiritual form and obtained from him a son devoted to the good of all creatures. And she brought his excellent child, who lived to acquire a great fame…And this first child of Pandu shall be known by the name of Yudhishthira. Possessed of prowess and honesty of disposition, he shall be a famous king, known throughout the three worlds.’
Not to confuse this consensual sex with the rape. When Surya raped Kunti a son named Karna was born, see Devi Bhagavatam 2.6.36-48 and it happened before her marriage. While the above one happened after her marriage to King Pandu and a son name Yuddhishtira was born. So both these are two different stories. As Hindu scripture permits Niyoga, King Pandu had absolutely no problem with it. He kept on asking his wife to contract Niyoga with many men, finally the distressed Kunti resisted it and addressed Pandu in the following way,
Mahabharata 1.123 “The celebrated Pandu, tempted by the desire of having more children wished to speak again unto his wedded wife (for invoking some other god). But Kunti addressed him, saying, ‘The wise do not sanction a fourth delivery even in a season of distress. The woman having intercourse with four different men is called a Swairini (heanton), while she having intercourse with five becometh a harlot. Therefore, O learned one, as thou art well-acquainted with the scripture on this subject, why dost thou, beguiled by desire of offspring, tell me so in seeming forgetfulness of the ordinance?'” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
This is just a reason given by Kunti to stop her husband from violating her by other men. Vedic law permits a women to cohabit with up to 11 men to beget children. When Parashurama the sixth avatar of Vishnu annhilated Kshatriya men 21 times, the female Kshatriyas went to Brahmins to contract Niyoga and begat progen who were Kshatriyas as the law of Niyoga is that the son belongs to the deceased father but not to the biological father who contracted Niyoga. Kshatriya women contracted Niyoga with Brahmin twenty-one times,
Brahmanda Purana “After killing all the Ksatriyas on the surface of the Earth, Rama became calm…Ksatriya kings were begotten of the widowed wives of those Ksatriyas by Brahmanas. Again he (Rama) killed hundreds and thousands of such kings. In two years, Rama made the Earth devoid of Ksatriyas once again…Again, O king, enlightened Ksatriyas were procreated by the Brahmanas. Rama killed them entirely like the god of death, the destroyer of the Earth.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Mahabharata 1.104 “And the illustrious scion of Bhrigu’s race, by means of his swift arrows annihilated the Kshatriya tribe one and twenty times. “And when the earth was thus deprived of Kshatriyas by the great Rishi, the Kshatriya ladies all over the land had offspring raised by Brahmanas skilled in the Vedas. It has been said in the Vedas that the sons so raised belongeth to him that had married the mother. And the Kshatriya ladies went in unto the Brahamanas not lustfully but from motives of virtue. Indeed, it was thus that the Kshatriya race was revived.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Hinduism also allows Bestiality i.e. sex with animals. A passage from Mahabharata shows that a Rishi used to have sex with other deer as he was uncomfortable in having sex with humans,
Mahabharata, Adi Parva 1.118 “Vaisampayana said, ‘O king, one day Pandu, while roaming about in the woods (on the southern slopes of the Himavat) that teemed with deer and wild animals of fierce disposition, saw a large deer, that seemed to be the leader of a herd, serving his mate. Beholding the animals, the monarch pierced them both with five of his sharp and swift arrows winged with golden feathers. O monarch, that was no deer that Pandu struck at, but a Rishi’s son of great ascetic merit who was enjoying his mate in the form of a deer. Pierced by Pandu, while engaged in the act of intercourse, he fell down to the ground, uttering cries that were of a man and began to weep bitterly…[Rishi in deer form said] The time of sexual intercourse is agreeable to every creature and productive of good to all. O king [Pandu], with this my mate I was engaged in the gratification of my sexual desire. But that effort of mine hath been rendered futile by thee…I am, O king [Pandu], a Muni who liveth on fruits and roots, though disguised as a deer…I was engaged in sexual intercourse with this deer, because my feelings of modesty did not permit me to indulge in such an act in human society. In the form of a deer I rove in the deep woods in the company of other deer. Thou hast slain me without knowing that I am a Brahmana, the sin of having slain a Brahmana shall not, therefore, be thine. But senseless man, as you have killed me, disguised as a deer, at such a time, thy fate shall certainly be even like mine. When, approaching thy wife lustfully, thou wilt unite with her even as I had done with mine… Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli
Maharshi Manu writes that many sages were born after sages had sex with animals,
Manu Smriti 10.72 ”Since through their excellent energies (potency), seeds, cast in the wombs of beasts (by the holy sages), fructified in the shapes of human beings, who became honoured and commendable Rishis in life; the seed is commended (as of greater importance in an act of fecundation).” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Ved Vyasa was attracted to Apsara Ghritachi even after she assumed the form of a parrot,
Narada Purana II.58.18-25 “After having obtained that excellent boon from the Lord, Vyasa, the son of Satyavati, was one day engaged in churning the sacrificial sticks, with the desire of making a fire (for sacrificial purpose). At that time, the illustrious sage happened to see a heavenly damsel called Ghrtaci who, in consequence of her brilliant splendour, possessed excellent beauty. Seeing that celestial damsel, in that forest, the great sage Vyasa became instantly passionately enamoured of her. After making Vyasa deeply agitated with passion, the most beautiful Ghrtaci, transforming herself into a she-parrot, approached him. Even after seeing the celestial lady disguised in another form, he was overcome with cupid (passionate love) who spread in every part of his body…Due to the inevitablity of Destiny (lit.what was to happen) the heart of the sage was fascinated by the (beautiful) form (of Ghrtaci). With the desire to do this (viz. the kindling of fire) while he was suppressing his passion with special efforts, all of sudden his semen fell on the churning sticks. It was thus that the great ascetic Suka was born, while Vyasa continued the churning of sacrificial sticks.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
There is another version of this story Devi Bhagavatam 1.14.1-70
A demon named Rambha was a devotee of the fire god Agni. Not to get confused with this demon Rambha as the Apsara named Rambha. He was desirous of having progeny. Agni accepted his prayer and said that he should immediately copulate with any specie and he will get a progeny.
Devi Bhagavatam 5.2.27-31 ”…Vyasa said :– O king! Hearing thus the sweet words of Fire, Rambha quitted the hold of his hairs and said :– O Lord of the Devas! If thou art pleased, grant my desired boon that a son be born unto me, who will destroy the forces of my enemy and who will conquer the three worlds. And that son be invincible in every way by the Devas, Danavas and men, very powerful, assuming forms at will, and respected by all. The Fire [Agni] said :– O highly Fortunate! You will get your son, as you desire; therefore desist now from your attempting suicide. O highly fortunate Rambha! With any female of whichever species, you will co-habit, you will get a son, more powerful than you; there is no doubt in this. Vyasa said :– O king! Hearing thus the sweet words of the Fire as desired, Rambha, the chief of the Danavas, went, surrounded by Yaksas, to a beautiful place, adorned with picturesque sceneries; when one lovely she-buffalo, who was very maddened with passion, fell to the sight of Rambha. And he desired to have sexual intercourse with her, in preference to other women. The she-buffallo, too, gladly yielded to his purpose and Rambha had sexual intercourse with her, impelled as it were by the destiny. The she-buffalo became pregnant with his semen virile…” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Why does a Vedic god like Agni command his devotee to have sex with ‘any specie’? The word of god becomes the command and can be taken as permissibility. The excerpts from Manu Smriti itself are enough to prove bestiality was practised in the Vedic period.
Sex Positions
Why the word of god has to explain sex position? It’s not a porn literature after all. We have already seen how the Vedas talks about sex position. When Vedas the highest authoritative text can teach such vulgar things then why can’t other Hindu scriptures,
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.9-10 ”If a man desires his wife with the thought: ”May she enjoy love with me.” Then, after inserting the member in her, joining mouth to mouth and stroking her organ, he should utter the following mantra ”O semen, you have been produced from my every limb…Bring this women under my control, like a deer pierced by a poisoned arrow.” Now, the wife whome he desires with the thought: ”May she not conceive”- after inserting the member in her and joining mouth to mouth, she should inhale and exhale, repeating the following mantra: ”with power, with semen, I reclaim the semen from you.” Thus she comes to be without semen.” Tr. Swami Nikhilananda
There is another verse in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad which is based on Vedas,
Atharva Veda 14.2.71 ”O bride, I am Amah and you are Saa I am Saman and you are Rik and I am sun and you earth. Let both of us unite together and procreate progeny.” Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri (Arya Samaj)
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.20-22 Then he embraces her, repeating the following mantra: I am the vital breath and you are speech. You are speech and I am the vital breath. I am Saman and you are Rig; I am heaven and you are earth. Come, let us strive together so that we may have a male child.” Then he spreads apart her thighs, repeating the following mantra: “Spread yourselves apart, Heaven and Earth.” Inserting the member in her and joining mouth to mouth, he strokes her three times from head to foot, repeating the following mantra:” Let Vishnu make the womb capable of bearing a son! Let Tvashtra shape the various limbs of the child! Let Prajapati pour in the semen! Let Dhatra support the embryo! O Sinivali, make her conceive; O goddess whose glory is widespread, make her conceive! May the two Atvins, garlanded with lotuses, support the embryo! “Let the two Atvins chum the womb with the two golden arani sticks! I am placing a seed in your womb to be delivered in the tenth month. As the earth has fire in its womb, as heaven is pregnant with the sun, as the quarters are impregnated by air, so I am impregnating you by placing this seed in your womb.” After the reciting of the mantra, he utters his own name and that of his wife and places the seed.” Tr. Swami Nikhilananda
The Padma Purana also shows vulgarity,
Padma Purana II.53.98-109 ”…O messenger, the organs of generation of the male and also of the female throb. Then the male and the female, being inflamed with passion, unite. The body (of the male) is rubbed with the body (of the female). Due to coitus a momentary pleasure is produced…” Tr. N.A. Deshpande
Padma Purana V.100.59b-77 ”…O king, there is the itching for sex in all beings. The penis of the man expands, so also the vulva of the woman. The woman and the man, getting mad, are then united. Due to rubbing of one body with another, there is a momentary pleasure…” Tr. N.A. Deshpande
Devi Bhagavatam 6.28.1-11 ”…Thus the Bhagavan Narayana was playing in amorous movements with the daughter of the ocean, fully capable to give one delight and enjoyment. Seeing me, the lovely Devi Kamala, dear to Vasudeva, full of youth and beauty, decorated with ornaments, endowed with all auspicious signs, superior to all the women, went away at once (to another room) from the presence of Janardana. The breast of Laksmi Devi was becoming visible even through the cloth thrown over it…” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Vishnu’s avatar Krishna had also done similar act, His girlfriend Radha was too agitated because of that,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Prakriti Khanda 49.1-9 ”…Once upon a time, Lord Krisna, well decked was sporting with a cow herdess named Viraja on a part of the Sata Sringa mountain situatied in Vrindavana at the Goloka…Their sexual intercourse was interminable Krisna and Viraja both expert in sexual intercourse enjoyed the pleasures of that intercourse. For one Manwantra according to the calculation of the residents of the Goloka, free from death and birth their intercourse lasted. Four female messengers of Radha went and informed Radha of the matter. Radha was thereupon highly incensed and threw down the garland from her breast…She ascended,, with millions of her beloved female companions…This car was faster in speed than the mind. Sudama, the friend of Krisna as soon as he perceived the approach of Radha, warned Krisna and ran away with his associates. Afraid of forfeiting the love of his beloved Radha, Krishna left the chaste Viraja and disappeared. Viraja, too, through Radha’s fear, committed suicide…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
An old sage named Parasara became passionate after he saw a girl named Satyavati on the boat and wanted to have sex right on the boat before everyone,
Mahabharata 1.63 ”…While engaged in this vocation, Satyavati was seen one day by the great Rishi Parasara, in course of his wanderings. As she was gifted with great beauty, an object of desire even with an anchorite, and of graceful smiles, the wise sage, as soon as he beheld her, desired to have her. And that bull amongst Munis addressed the daughter of Vasu of celestial beauty and tapering thighs, saying, ‘Accept my embraces, O blessed one!’ Satyavati replied, ‘O holy one, behold the Rishis standing on either bank of the river. Seen by them, how can I grant thy wish?’ “Thus addressed by her, the ascetic thereupon created a fog (which existed not before and) which enveloped the whole region in darkness. And the maiden, beholding the fog that was created by the great Rishi wondered much. And the helpless one became suffused with the blushes of bashfulness…”And Satyavati gratified with having obtained the excellent boon in consequence of which she became sweet-scented and her virginity remained unsullied conceived through Parasara’s embraces. And she brought forth the very day, on an island in the Yamuna, the child begot upon her by Parasara…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
This is also mentioned in Shiva Purana Umasamhita 44.23. The poor girl named Satyavati couldn’t openly refuse as she was afraid that the Rishi may curse her. So she tried many other things given below,
Shiva Purana, Umasamhita 5.14.18-25 ”Afflicted with lust the sage caught hold of the lass. Tremblingly the lass spoke to the merciful sage. ”O great sage, I have foul smell and black complexion…Afflicted by lust the sage caught hold of her again. On seeing him bent upon seizing her she said again. ”It is mentioned in the Vedas that sexual intercourse shall be indulged in at night; not during the day…Hence please wait till the night falls. Now all the men will see us and so shall my father who stands at the other bank.” On hearing the words uttered by her, the leader sage immediately created a screen of snow, thanks to his strength of his merit.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
As far as my opinion is concerned I consider this to be no different than prostitution. In prostitution money is exchanged for illicit sex and here the Rishi offered her pleasant smell and beautiful form. This old Rishi was so aroused that he didn’t care about her foul smell, her ugly appearance, he held her hand and wanted to have sex right on the boat, he didn’t even care about other people standing on the other side of the shore. All he wanted was carnal satisfaction. Who knows the people on the other side may have seen this act but turned a blind eye because this was such a disgusting act.
A Rakshasa king spotted a Rishi having sex with his wife,
Narada Purana I.9.52 “Moving about on the banks of the Narmada, that Raksasa (king) who frightened all the world, happened to see a certain sage engaged in amorous sports with his beloved.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
On seeing Gandharvas making love a sage became very passionate,
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Parvati Khanda 4, 34.9-10 ”The Gandharva was an expert in the science of erotics. He was in the company of a woman. He was therefore completely submerged in the ocean of pleasure, sexual dalliance and was lusty. On seeing him the great sage became very lustful. He lost interest in penance and began to think of acquiring a wife.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
King of Gandharva had also copulated in open and was seen by a Brahmin woman,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.16.2-3 Once when Reṇukā, the wife of Jamadagni, went to the bank of the Ganges to get water, she saw the King of the Gandharvas, decorated with a garland of lotuses and sporting in the Ganges with celestial women [Apsarās]. She had gone to bring water from the Ganges, but when she saw Citraratha, the King of the Gandharvas, sporting with the celestial girls, she was somewhat inclined toward him and failed to remember that the time for the fire sacrifice was passing.
What else can be more disgusting than this. Balrama the elder brother of Krishna went to the Gopis which were abandoned by Krishna, they addressed him in the following way,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.65.11-12 — “For Kṛṣṇa’s sake, O descendant of Dāśārha, we abandoned our mothers, fathers, brothers, husbands, children and sisters, even though these family relations are difficult to give up. But now, O Lord, that same Kṛṣṇa has suddenly abandoned us and gone away, breaking off all affectionate ties with us. And yet how could any woman fail to trust His promises?” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Balrama followed the footsteps of his younger brother Krishna. Balrama had sex with all of them instead of telling them to lead a chaste life,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.65.17-18 ”Lord Balarama, the Personality of Godhead, resided there for the two months of Madhu and Mādhava, and during the nights He gave His cowherd girlfriends conjugal pleasure. In the company of numerous women, Lord Balarama enjoyed in a garden by the Yamunā River. This garden was bathed in the rays of the full moon and caressed by breezes bearing the fragrance of night-blooming lotuses.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Swami Prabhupada tries his level best to show that these Gopis were different from those enjoyed by Krishna. But Srimad Bhagavatam10.65.9-10 clearly tells that those Gopis which were enjoyed by Balrama were the same Gopis which Krishna had enjoyed. Balrama like his brother Krishna was not ashamed at all copulating with numerous women at the same time. Another passage from Srimad Bhavatam shows that Apsaras also have group sex,
Srimad Bhagavatam 4.6.25 ”My dear Kṣattā, Vidura, the celestial damsels come down to those rivers in their airplanes with their husbands, and after sexual enjoyment, they enter the water and enjoy sprinkling their husbands with water.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
As per the story mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam a sage named Kardama divided himself into 9 men and impregnated his wife with 9 discharges,
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.23.47 ”The powerful Kardama Muni was the knower of everyone’s heart, and he could grant whatever one desired. Knowing the spiritual soul, he regarded her as half of his body.Dividing himself into nine forms, he impregnated Devahuti with nine discharges of semen.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Hinduism has many more immoral things prescribed in the scripture. When Shiva’s wife died, he held her dead body and kissed her frequently which can be described as Necrophilia,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 43.1-24 ”…Lamenting thus and afflicted with grief, he held the dead body of his beloved wife to his breast and kissed and embraced it again and again.Siva pressed his lips to the lips of his beloved and embracing her repeatedly swooned again” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
It is mentioned in Sutra that if a younger brother marries before the marriage of his elder brother then he should give his wife to the elder brother and later take her back after his elder brother has copulated with his wife,
Vasistha Dharma Sutra 20.10.8 Now he who has taken a wife before his elder brother shall perform a Krikkhra penance and an Atikrikkra penance, give (his wife) to that (elder brother), marry again, and take (back) the same (woman whome he wedded first).
This is also mentioned in Mahabharata,
Mahabharata 12.165 ”If a younger brother weds before his elder brother, then the younger brother, the elder brother and the woman that is married, all three, in consequence of such wedding, become fallen. All of them should observe the vows prescribed for a person who has neglected his sacrificial fire, or practise the vow of Chandrayana for a month, or some other painful vow, for cleansing themselves of their sin. The younger brother, wedding, should give his wife unto his unmarried elder brother. Afterwards, having obtained the permission of the elder brother, the younger brother may take back his wife.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Manu Smriti 3.171-2 He must be considered as a Parivettri who marries or begins the performance of the Agnihotra before his elder brother, but the latter as a Parivitti. The elder brother who marries after the younger, the younger brother who marries before the elder, the female with whom such a marriage is contracted, he who gives her away, and the sacrificing priesst, as the fifth, all fall into hell.
A sage named Yajnavalkya accidently impregnated his own sister,
Skanda Purana V.iii.42.8-12 ”She attended to his needs and stayed there performing penance. On a certain occassion, she had her monthly course during the day when she took her bath. She saw a rag kept concealed and so wore it as her undergarment. In the meantime, at night Yajnavalkya had an erotic dream in a place where there was none. As a result of the dream, there was an emission of semen in his loin cloth. It resembled a drop of blood…The poor Brahmana woke up and found the piece of cloth defiled. He thought it not worthy of being touched and so cast it off and washed himself clean in accordance with the injunctions in the Smrti texts. Bath at night has been prohibited. So the Brahmana went to sleep again. At midnight the woman took this cloth and covered her vaginal aperture.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
She later abandoned the child,
Skanda Purana V.iii.42.16-24 ”O lady of auspicious Vratas, it is none of your faults nor mine. Of the foetus in your womb, fate alone is the cause. It has to be carefully preserved by you forever. It should not be destroyed. It should be awaited till the whole period is over.” The chaste lady was ashamed. Yet she said in distress, ”So be it”. She nurturted the child in the womb till the normal deliver. As soon as the child was born, the Brahmana lady came to the root of a banyan tree. Abandoning the child there she spoke thus: ”May all those living beings in all the worlds, mobile and immoble, protect this child abandoned by me.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Is it really possible that a woman conceives child just by wearing a loin cloth in which semen was emitted? In my opinion this sage Yajnavalkya had intercourse with her and later gave this lame excuse. The semen dries quickly and it needs to be put into the female organ to impregnate a woman, how did she conceive the child just by wearing that loin cloth. It is very doubtful.
A story in Skanda Purana goes like,
Skanda Purana I.i.21.112-115 “On being rebuked thus by Rati, the excellent sage Narada himself hurriedly went to Sambara, the leading Daitya. He intimated to the king of Daityas that Madana had been burned by Rudra who had become furious. Then he continued: ‘His wife is a noble-minded lady. Bring her here, O highly fortunate one. Make her your wife, O mighty one. Among all those beautiful ladies who have been brought by you, that Rati, the wife of Madana, will be the most beautiful one.’ On hearing these words of the celestial sage of sanctified soul, he went to that place where the highly splendid lady was staying.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Rati insults Sage Narada for his overtures. Sage Narada takes revenge by instigating Sambara, king of Daityas, to abduct Rati and marry her. He abducts her but couldn’t marry her as he is unable to touch her as Rati decreed that he would be reduced to ashes if he touches her so he makes her the chief of his kitchen under the name of Mayavati. Such was the character of Hindu sage that he instigated a Daitya king to abduct and marry her just because she insulted him.
Ravana describes beauty of Sita,
Valmiki Ramayana, Aranya Kanda 3.46.16-20 “While standing before her then Ravana eyed at the auspicious wife of Rama, whose lips and teeth are fine, visage is shiny like a full moon, and who is presently tortured by her tearful lamentation and sitting in the straw-cottage, and he approached that lotus-petal eyed Vaidehi who is dressed in ochry silks, as that night-walker is gladdened at his heart for her solitude. Glittering like the glitter of gold, silkened in ochry silks, you are like a lotus-tendril garlanded with divine lotuses as your ensemble, who are you?” Thus Ravanan started addressing Seetha. “Oh, rosy faced one, are you the personified numen of Respect, Renown or Resplendence, or the Felicitous Lakshmi herself, or oh, curvaceous one, are you a nymphal Apsara, or the numen of Benefactress, or a self-motivated woman, or Rati Devi, the consort of Manmatha, the Love God. “Your hips are beamy, thighs burly akin to elephant’s trunks, and these two breasts of yours that are ornamented with best jewellery are rotund, rubbing and bumping each other, and they are swinging up and up, their nipples are brawny and jutting out, and they are smoothish like palm-fruits, thus they are covetable for they are beautiful.” Tr. Shri Desi Raju Hanumantha Rao
Sita was wearing a silk saree so it’s possible that her breasts and nipples were visible through that saree.
Hinduism teaches extremely obscene black magic spells and techniques.
Khadira Grihya Sutras 1.4.15-16. At the time of her courses he should touch with his right hand her secret parts with (the verse), ‘May Vishnu make thy womb ready’ (MB. I, 4, 6). When (that verse) is finished, he should cohabit with her, with (the verse), ‘Give conception’ (l.l. 7).
Narada Purana III.84.32-35 “In the north-eastern corner he shall duly worship Vighnaraja accompanied by his beloved. He is shining with goad and noose in his hands. His fingers are engaged in touching the beloved’s private parts. He is naked and holds a skull filled with wine. With the tusk he is holding a bowl that shines and from which jewels roll down. He shall worship Pusti who is also naked. Her features resembles saffron. She is unfettered in her intoxicated gestures and movements. With one hand, she holds a red lotus and with the other she touches penis. She is pink in colour. She has embraced her lover. The two treasures are to be worshipped…” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Narada Purana III.84.24-26 “He who meditates on the vaginal passage of a woman splashed with the menstrual blood and repeats the mantra ten thousand times, shall certainly fascinate and captivate the people by means of sweet poesy. The devotee shall meditate on Kali as follows: She is stationed on the chest of Shiva who is on the Yantra with fifteen corners. She is engaged in amorous battle with lord Mahakala and is smiling sweetly. The devotee himself shall perform sexual intercourse. even as he does so he shall repeat the mantra a thousand times. [29] While during the day, the devotee should take sacrificial meals and during the night while engaged in sexual intercourse he should repeat the mantra a hundred thousand times. He shall thereby become a king” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Technique to secure the love of Husband
Agni Purana 302.7-18 ”…The above Mantra sacred to the goddess Chamunda, should be deemed as the best of charms. A wife, should wash her vagina with the expressed juice of the drugs known as the Triphala, whereby she would be able to win her husband’s affections for good. Similarly a wife should apply over her private parts, a paste composed of Ashvagandha, barley, turmeric, camphor, Pippali, the eight sorts of grain known as the Ashtadhanya, Vrihati, and twenty black pepper, who would thereby retain the affection of her husband for the last day of her life…” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Below is the verse telling how to secure the love of husband and how to stop him from going to other women,
Garuda Purana, Dhanvantari Samhita 203. ”…A plaster composed of Samdhava, Krishna Lavanam, galls of fishes, and sugar pasted together with honey and clarified butter may be applied by a woman to her own private parts before sharing the bed of a man. The man, who will know her thus, will never visit any other woman in his life…” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Agni Purana 313.15-23 ”…The same Mantra, repeated by a man or a wife at the time of sexual intercourse, would captivate his or her mind forever. A man, fondly looking at the nudity of a woman, or touching her while repeating the Mantra, is sure to enthrall her mind for good…” Tr. M.N Dutt
Hindu scriptures has such techniques for men also,
Garuda Purana Ch 208 ”O thou supreme deity, O thou beloved of Parvati, let a man, during an act of sexual congress, take his own seed, and smear the left leg of the woman therewith with this left hand, whereby he is sure to bring her under his control. O thou supreme deity, the application of a plaster composed of pigeon’s dung and rock-salt pasted together with honey by a man, before an act of coitus, to his own reproductive organ, enables him to bring the woman under his control. Take five red flowers of different species, and Privangu, equal in weight with these flowers; and paste them together. The plastering of his reproductive organ with this paste, before an act of sexual union, gives a man the power of fascinating the woman.” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Demons suck the blood of menstruating women,
Garuda Purana 2.22.61-62 ”[Ghosts said] We lick up the urine mixed with semen from the vaginal passage of the widow having illicit intercourse with her paramour. Dear friend, I am ashamed to tell you about the food we take. O pious brahmana, we lick up the menstrual blood from the generative organ of a woman.” J.L. Shastri
Giving breasts to Brahmana to suck before son. A woman insisted a Brahmana to suck her breasts and he did it,
Skanda Purana V.iii.20.47-48 Sri Devi said:- If a righteous son well-known all over the world is to be born to me, I will first breast-feed a Brahmana and then alone my son. O great sage, such a son has been born to me. O eminent Brahmana, if you wish to be alive suck the breasts.” Tr. G.V. tagare
The above verses may sound decent after reading Narada Purana verses. The Narada Purana contains many absurd black magic spells,
Narada Purana III.84.22-24 ”In the cremation ground the devotee shall sit naked on the chest of a corpse. Repeating the mantra he shall offer a thousand flowers of the arka plant smearing them with his own semen. With these flowers he shall devotedly worship the goddess. Ere long, he shall become the lord of the earth. He who meditates on the vaginal passage of a woman splashed with the menstrual blood and repeats the mantra ten thousand times, shall certainly fascinate and captivate the people by means of sweet poesy.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Narada Purana III.84.20 ”He who repeats mantra ten thousand times seeing the sexual organ of a woman with beautiful eyes shall attain equality with the lord of speech ere long.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Narada Purana III.84.25-26 ”The devotee shall meditate on Kali as follows: She is stationed on the chest of Siva who is on the Yantra with fifteen corners. She is engaged in amorous battle with lord Mahakala and is smiling sweetly. The devotee himself shall perform sexual intercourse. Even as he does so he shall repeat the mantra a thousand times.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Narada Purana III.84.29 ”While during the day, the devotee should take sacrificial meals and during the night while engaged in sexual intercourse he should repeat the mantra a hundred thousand times. He shall thereby become a king.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Narada Purana III.87.32-36 ”On the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight, during the pitch dark midnight, the devotee shall take bath and wear red garments, garlands and unguents. He must bring a woman of youthful charms to represent the deity Chinnamasta and worship her. She must be beautiful and capable of having intercourse with five men, be of smiling look and have her hair dishevelled. She should be made satisfied by offering her ornaments. She must be made naked and worshipped and then he must repeat the mantra ten thousand times. After giving her offering and spending the night she should be sent away fully contended with gifts of wealth. He shall then deef the brahmins with different kinds of food. In this manner, he shall attain good fortune, sons, grandsons, wealth, fame, good wife, longevity, happiness, virtue and desired things.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Narada Purana III.84.32-33 ”In the north-eastern corner he shall duly worship Vigjnaraja accompanied by his beloved. He is shining with goad and noose in his hands. His fingers are engaged in touching the beloved’s private part. he is naked and holds a skull filled with wine. With the tusk is is holding a bowl that shines and from which jewels roll down.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
As per Brihadaranyaka Upanishad all creatures were born after God raped his own daughter,
Birhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.3-4 ”He was not at all happy. Therefore people (still) are not happy when alone. He desired a mate. He became as big as man and wife embracing each other. He parted this very body into two. From that came husband and wife. Therefore, said Yajnavalkya, this (body) is one-half of oneself, like one of the two halves of a split pea. Therefore this space is indeed filled by the wife. He was united with her. From that men were born. She thought, ‘How ccan he be united with me after producing me from himself? Well, let me hide myself.’ She became a cow, the other became a bull and was united with her; from that cows were born. The one became a mare, the other a stallion; the one became she-ass, the other became a he-ass and was united with her; from that one hoofed animals were born. The one became a ewe, the other became a ram and was united with her; from that goats and sheep were born. Thus did he project everything that exists in pairs, down to the ants.” Tr. Swami Madhavananda
Adi Shankaracharya writes on this verse,
‘’He, the Viraj called Manu, was united with her, his daughter called Satarupa, whom he conceived of as his wife. From that union men were born.’’ by Shankara on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.3, Shankara Bhashya, p.101, Tr. Swami Madhavananda.
Samba was the son of Krishna born to his wife Jambavati. Krishna’s sixteen thousand wives were sexually aroused seeing their step son Samba. So Krishna in anger cursed his son.
Varaha Purana 177.2-31 “When Krsna was living there with his wives and sons, once Narada stepped in…But Narada took Krsna aside and spoke to him in private. ‘I have to tell you something in secret. Please liten. Your son Samba is young, eloquent and handsome is longed by all the women here. The Supreme God gave you these sixteen hundred divine women for your pleasure. Their minds get agitated (with love) when they see Samba, and this (scandal) has spread even in Brahmaloka…By calling Samba and all this multitute of women and seating them here, I shall show you whether what I say is true or false…Then Samba entered with folded hands and waited to know the command (of Krsna). Seeing the exceptionally handsome Samba, all those noble women felt agitated in mind even when Krsna was watching them. Then Krsna asked these beloved women of his to get up and go to their homes and they did so… Looking at Narada, Krsna bent down his face in shame. He then told Narada in detail about the nature of women and their conduct leading to sin. ‘They have no consideration of time, of secrecy of what they do. Still they pass to be virtous. Women irrespective of their age, whether they be girls, teenagers, middle-aged or advanced in age, get their passion excited at the sight of a handsome man. O great sage, this is natural to them… A chariot does not move, ‘ (he said), ‘with a single wheel alone. It is only with the response of men do women get excited with passion. They get gratified by the looks of men. Seeing (your other son) Pradyumna, they become highly shy. But by seeing Samba, they become stricken with passion and the sandal paste and such other things (on his body) act as additional excitants. So Samba must be held responsible for ruining your women and you cannot obliterate the scandal that has reached even Satyaloka…Krsna then cursed Samba to become ugly and immediately he became a leper. Foul smelling blood began to ooze from his body which became full of wounds.” Tr. Venkitasubramonia Iyer, J.L. Shastri
There is another version of this story,
Matsya Purana 70.2- “Siva said:- There will be 16,000 wives of Krisna in the Yuga mentioned before. When once, in the spring time, those ladies, having decorated themselves with ornaments, would be drinking together on the banks of a pond studded with full budded lotus flowers, dancing with the wind and resounding with the melodious notes of the cuckoo and musical tunes of the big black bee, they will see Lord Samba, beautiful like Cupid, having eyes handsome like those of a gazelle, and wearing the garlands of malati, passing by. They will cast on him amorous glances, their hearts being fired with lustful feelings and they being targets of the arrows of Cupid. Lord Krishna will come to know all that with his mental vision, and will curse them as follows: ‘Because you cherished the desire of amorous pastime during my absence, all of you will be taken away by bandits.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, edited by B.D. Basu
During propagation of living beings, Manu sprang from lower half of Brahma and Satarupa from left hand side of Brahma’s body. And these two siblings then begat couple of children,
Devi Bhagavatam 3.13.15-16 Next Svayambhava Manu sprang from the lower half of Brahma; and the daughter named Satarupa came out of the left hand side of the Brahma’s body. The two sons Priyavrata and Uttânapâda were born of Manu in the womb of S’atarûpâ and the three daughters, very beautiful and fair complexioned, were also born of him.
Another version shows that when Prajapati created sons and a daughter from himself his sons were attracted to their sister and out of desire they discharged semen which Brahma preserved it in a bowl
Kausitaki Brahmana 6.1.1-12 “Prajapati, being desirous of propagation, underwent penance; from him when heated were born five, Agni, Vayu, Adityaa, Candramas, and Usas as fifth. He said to them, ‘Do ye also practise fervour.’ They consecrated themselves; then when they had consecrated themselves and had acquired fervour, Usas, offspring of Prajapati, taking the form of an Apsaras, came out in front of them; to her their minds inclined; they poured out seed; they went to Prajapati, their father, and said, ‘We have poured out seed; let it not remain here’. Prajapati made a golden bowl, an arrow breadth in height and similar in breadth; in it he poured the seed; then arose he of a thousand eyes, of a thousand feet, with a thousand fitted (arrows).” Tr. A.B. Keith
Hindus views marriages with cousin as incesteous, but Krishna himself is said to have married his paternal aunt’s daughter. Mitravinda was the daughter of Rajadhidevi who was the sister of Krishna’s father Vasudeva making Mitravinda the first cousin of Krishna,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.31 “My dear King, Lord Kṛṣṇa forcibly took away Princess Mitravindā, the daughter of His aunt Rājādhidevī, before the eyes of the rival kings.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Krishna is said to have married another cousin named Bhadra,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.56 “Bhadrā was a princess of the Kaikeya kingdom and the daughter of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s paternal aunt Śrutakīrti. The Lord married Bhadrā when her brothers, headed by Santardana, offered her to Him.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.83.15-16 “Śrī Bhadrā said: My dear Draupadī, of his own free will my father invited his nephew Kṛṣṇa, to whom I had already dedicated my heart, and offered me to Him as His bride. My father presented me to the Lord with an akṣauhiṇi military guard and a retinue of my female companions. My ultimate perfection is this: to always be allowed to touch Lord Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet as I wander from life to life, bound by my karma.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
A story in Mahabharata says that after Asura Ilwala killed the pitrs of Rishi Agastya, they requested Agastya to beget a son that would save them from the pit (hell). As requested by them Rishi Agastya first creates a girl with an intention of marrying her. Logically this makes her the daughter of Rishi Agastya. After creating her, Rishi Agastya gives her to a childless king who was performing penance to obtain progeny, and the king adopts the girl child who was named Lopamudra. After reaching the proper age fit to beget a child, Rishi Agastya marries her and begets a child,
Mahabharata, Vana Parva 3.96 “…Agastya replied, saying, ‘Ye Pitris, I will accomplish your desire. Let this anxiety of yours be dispelled.’ And the illustrious Rishi then began to think of perpetuating his race. But he saw not a wife worthy of him on whom he himself could take his birth in the form of a son. The Rishi accordingly, taking those parts that were regarded as highly beautiful, from creatures possessing them, created therewith an excellent woman. And the Muni, endued with great ascetic merit, thereupon gave that girl created for himself to the king of the Vidharbhas who was then undergoing ascetic penances for obtaining offspring. And that blessed girl of sweet face (thus disposed of) then took her birth (in Vidarbha’s royal line) and, beautiful as the effulgent lightning, her limbs began to grow day by day…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Mahabharata, Vana Parva 3.97 “…And at these words of his daughter, O monarch, the king gave away Lopamudra unto the illustrious Agastya with due rites. And obtaining her as wife…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Some Hindu text prohibits prostitution but some also permits it. Devdasi means servant of god, Devdasi should dance in temple and she is also forced into prostitution and sexually abused by the Brahmins. Although Devdasi is banned by government but Temple prostitution or sacred prostitution is still prevalent in many parts of India,
According to a report by one-man commission headed by Justice Raghunath Rao in 2015, there are 80,000 Devdasi in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states.
As per’s 2011 report
“The National Commission for Women estimate that there are 48,358 Devadasis currently in India.”
And as per
Quoting the National Commission for Women, the authority says there are 2.5 lakh “Devadasi” girls who have been dedicated to Yellamma and Khandoba temples on Maharastra-Karnataka border. This includes 16,624 from Andhra Pradesh, 22,941 from Karnataka and 2,479 from Maharastra. The Devadasi system is prevalent in 10 districts of north Karnataka and 14 districts in Andhra Pradesh.
One can find sanction of this evil practice in Hindu scriptures,
Padma Purana V.113.40-46b ”Vasistha said:- O king, you have not asked enough. That is said to be holy which enables one to be more sportive, O king. He should make Siva’s temple white with whitewash on all sides. He should have women who are endowed with beauty and graceful movements, adorned with all ornaments, skilled in (singing) many good songs, and proficient in various kinds of dancing…All should be beautiful and should have graceful movements. All should be of firm breasts. They should be skilled in the ways of sexual love and should be trustworthy…O king, he who has caused women like this to dance (even) on one day, gets into a (divine) aeroplane in a year.” Tr. N.A. Deshpande
Vijay Mallya should learn something from these verses, As Kingfisher airline is incurred huge loss. Is it a temple or a night club which asks its followers to construct a temple and make girls dance before men? A story mentioned in Padma Purana shows that Krishna cursed his 16100 wives to become prostitutes (after his death) after they were enamored seeing their step son Samba. Krishnas wives are then instructed by sage Dalbhya Caikitayana on how to lead the life in temple prostitution. This chapter of Padma Purana is titled “The vows of Prostitutes”, the title of the chapter itself is a summary of the chapter which shows that temple prostitution is permissible in Hinduism,
Padma Purana 1.23.74b-87a “The Lord said: O Brahman, born from the lotus, in the same city there will be sixteen thousand wives of Vasudeva. Krsna, the universal soul, having eyes like those of a deer, the dignified scion of Yadu family, who had put the garland of Malati flowers on his head, and being adorned with his praiseworthy wives, will enjoy with them in a garden rich with flowers, and situated on the bank of a lake, in the spring season abounding in cuckoos and swarms of bees. Samba, Jambavatl’s son, adorned with all (kinds of ornaments), going along with the path nearby, really of the form of Cupid, will be longingly seen by the ladies and passion will be aroused in the hearts of them who will be tormented by the arrows of Cupid. He, the lord of the world, the omniscient master, having perceived it with his eye of contemplation, will say to them: “The evil being will kidnap you, since you have thus entertained the passion of love (for Samba) in my presence.” Then the revered lord, the cause of beings, the holder of the bow made of horn, being propitiated (by the ladies) tormented with the curse, will say this: “(You will observe) the vow, beneficial in the future, which sage Dalbhya, emancipator of the fishermen living in the north and of an unlimited (generosity of) mind will tell you.” Saying so and leaving them, the lord vanished. Then after a (long) time when the burden (on the earth as a result of the great Bharatawar) will be lightened and when the fight with clubs (among the Yadavas) will be over, when Kesava will have come back to the heaven, when the entire Yadu-family will be no more, when even Arjuna will be defeated by the thieves, when Krsna’s wives will be kidnapped and will be enjoyed by the fishermen for a hundred million years and when they will be (thus) tormented, a devout soul, Dalbhya by name, with great penance (to his credit) will come there.”
Padma Purana 1.23.91-121 “O revered sir, all of us have been perforce enjoyed by the evil beings; we have slipped from (i.e. erred in) our duty. You are our refuge. O brahmana, you have been formerly instructed by the intelligent Kesava. Why have we become prostitutes after having come in contact with the lord? O you, whose wealth is penance, explain to us the duties of the prostitutes.” I shall tell you what Dalbhya Caikitayana said to them. Dalbhya said: Formerly Narada approached you, who were proud, while (you were) sporting in the water of the Manasa lake. All of you were daughters of Agni and were the nymphs in olden days. Not saluting Narada through haughtiness you asked the sage conversant with deep and abstract meditation: “Advise us as to how Narayana will be our husband.” From him, this boon and this curse came forth (i.e. Narada gave this boon to and pronounced this curse on the ladies) in ancient days: “By giving a couple of beds with articles of gold (to a brahmana) on the twelfth day of the bright fortnight of Caitra and Vaisakha, Narayana will certainly be your husband (i.e. you will obtain Narayana as your husband); (and) since, you asked me (a question) without saluting me, due to your selfish addiction to your beauty and good fortune, you will be kidnapped by thieves and will become prostitutes.” Thus, due to the curse of Narada and also that of Kesava, all of you, deluded by passion, have become prostitutes. O you excellent ladies, listen, even now, to what I shall say. The lord of lords, the best speaker, formerly said to the hundreds and thousands of thousands of the wives of the demons, the Asuras (the evil spirits—enemies of gods), the sons of Diti and the goblins, when these (ladies) were married and enjoyed by force (by the gods), after hundreds of the Asuras and demons were killed by the gods in the war between gods and Asuras (that took place) in ancient days: “O you devout and beautiful ladies, now live as prostitutes in king’s residences and in temples of gods; you will obtain your livelihood from the king and the master; and all of you will have good fortune as per your capacity. He, who enters your house with the fee should be served by you with attitude of love void of deceit… At that time, he, having the five arrows as his soul (i.e. Cupid), will go (i.e. remain) near Hari. She should worship the lotus-eyed (god i.e. Visnu), followed by eulogies of Cupid. She should worship the feet (of the image of the deity saying:) ‘My salutation to Kama’; (she should worship) the shanks (saying:) ‘My salutation to Vaimohakarin’; (she should worship) the generative organ (of the image of the deity saying:) ‘My salutation to Kandarpanidhi…Having thus worshipped Govinda, the lord of the form of Ananga, the lady having made an offering with sandal, flowers and incense, and then having invited a Brahmana knowing customary observances, who has mastered the Vedas and who is without any deformity, and then having honoured him with adoration of sandal, flowers etc. she should give the brahmana rice of the measure of a prastha along with a pot of ghee, (saying:) ‘May Madhava be pleased’. She should bear in mind that the best Brahmana, who has eaten well according to his sweet will, is Kamadeva meant for Rati. The lady should do whatever the best Brahmana desires.”
Padma Purana 1.23.130b-142 “Then having circumambulated and allowed the best Brahmana to go, she should take all (the articles) like the bed, the seat, to the Brahmana’s house. Since then whosoever comes to her house for sexual enjoyment should be similarly honoured on a Sunday and should always be adored. Thus till the thirteenth month arrives, she should gratify a Brahmana and then send him to his house; with his permission (she may entertain) a handsome (person) till he arrives (to her residence). When she has a difficulty as a result of impurity due to child-birth or abortion or from the king or a difficulty due to divine or human (forces) or due to an eclipse, then she should offer herself according to her capacity, for fifty-eight times. This (vow) I have especially narrated to you, since this is the duty that should be always performed by the prostitutes in this world…”
Sage Dalbhya instructs them to lead prostitution just like Indra had commanded the wives of slain demons mentioned in Matsya Purana 71.26-59 which I have already mentioned in Sex Slaves category, readers are requested to read Matsya Purana 71.26-59 again to better understand this. Agni Purana 211.37-43 also talks about gifting female slaves to Brahmins which I have mentioned in Sex Slaves category.
There is a story of a Rishi Galava who engaged his daughter into prostitution just to get horses, The story is very long and mentioned in three sections of Mahabharata hence it’s not possible to mention every detail but I will post the summarized version created by Ibn Muhammad,
Mahabharata Udyog Parva section 115 “She is my daughter. She is extremely beautiful and virtuous. She is desired by every male in three worlds. She can charm any Sur, Asur, Aryan or non-Aryan. I offer my daughter to you. You can sell her to any king and manage to have your gurudakhshina.”
Mahabharata Udyog Parva, Section 116 “So, Rishi Galav, without any qualms of conscience, accepts the king’s daughter and mortgages her to Ayodhya’s king Haryashaw and in return gets 200 horses. He takes 200 horses, leaving Madhavi to bear a son to the king.”
Mahabharata Udyog Parva, section 117 and 118 “The Rishi Galav then searched another buyer for Madhavi and this time it is king Divodas who gives 200 horses in the bargain. (Udyog Parv, section117). Then he takes her to king Ushinao and manages to strike a better bargain. He receives now 400 horses. (Udyog Parv, section 118).
There is a story mentioned in Brahma Purana which says that Devas exchanges Saraswati with the Asuras for Soma Ras
Brahma Purana Gautami Mahatmya 35.6-13 ”…If Devas are prepared let them come there for sacrifice. Gandharvas are always fond of women. Exchange me for Soma”. ”So be it”, said Devas who firmly agreed to what was said by Sarasvati. Through the messengers they invited Devas, Yaksas, Gandharvas and Nagas severally to the sacred mountain. There-after, O sage, the name of that mountain became Devagiti. There came Devas, Gandharvas, Yaksas, Raksasas, Siddhas, sages and the eight species of inferior gods… [Indra said] Exchange the nectar-souled Soma of yours for Saraswati. [Brahma said] At the instance of Indra those Gandharvas, passionate over women, gave Soma to Devas and took Saraswati. Devas possessed Soma and Gandharvas possessed Saraswati.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Hinduism is filled with obscenities, for more information read the article Obscenity in Vedas. Do not use the above passages to offend Hindus. This article is written only as a response to those Hindu fanatics who mock other religions. In such case you can use any of the passage.
Hinduism and Lust
Vulgarity in Vedas is already discussed in the article Obscenity in Vedas. In this article I shall deal with vulgarities in other Hindu scriptures. Talking about sexuality is the most favorite topic of Hindus. Obviously it’s rooted in their genes. Hindu fanatics enjoy a lot mocking others religions with fake references and the only solution to this seems to be showing some facts about their gods and sages from their own books. As I said in the article Obscenity in Vedas, I have no intention to mock Hindu religious personalities or hurt the sentiments of Hindus. But after seeing their mockery of other religions it looks like just a refutation to Hindu fanatics isn’t enough, Hinduism has to be decoded to show those fanatics what they follow. Hindu fanatics just by watching epic movies like Mahabharata and Ramayana on television start believing Hinduism to be the most decent religion and are in the delusion that Hindu gods were the greatest being on earth.
As a matter of fact Hindu gods were no different than present Swamis and other Hindu priests who are caught in rape and murder cases. Today it’s only because of media, open mindedness of women and excellent work of police that all these Swamis are caught red handed. But police and media weren’t there back then, but the shameless act of their gods is well preserved in their own scriptures. If a religion can be blamed for terrorism only because of its few followers then why Hinduism shouldn’t be blamed for the rapists Swamis who are caught once every month. After all Swamis are representatives of Hindu religion, then why spare them. Rape and Murder has become like an eligibility to become Swami. I was embarrassed to write this article because many verses are so obscene that it cannot be discussed openly. Nowadays Hindus are very actively insulting other religions on the internet, This compelled me to write this article
Description of Women
Hindu texts’ description of Women is an insult to all women. It insults women in the following way,
Mahabharata 13.40 “Bhishma said, ‘It is even so as thou sayest, O thou of mighty arms. There is nothing untrue in all this that thou sayest, O thou of Kuru’s race, on the subject of women. In this connection I shall recite to thee the old history of how in days of yore the high-souled Vipula had succeeded in restraining women within the bounds laid down for them. I shall also tell thee, O king,how women were created by the Grandsire Brahman and the object for which they were created by Him. There is no creature more sinful, O son, than women. Woman is a blazing fire. She is the illusion, O king, that the Daitya Maya created. She is the sharp edge of the razor. She is poison. She is a snake. She is fire. She is, verily, all these united together. It has been heard by us that all persons of the human race are characterised by righteousness, and that they, in course of natural progress and improvement, attain to the status of deities. This circumstance alarmed the deities. They, therefore, O chastiser of foes, assembled together and repaired to the presence of the Grandsire. Informing Him of what was in their minds, they stood silent in his presence, with downcast eyes. The puissant Grand sire having ascertained what was in the hearts of the deities, created women, with the aid of an Atharvan rite. In a former creation, O son of Kunti, women were all virtuous. Those, however, that sprang from this creation by Brahman with the aid of an illusion became sinful. The grandsire bestowed upon them the desire of enjoyment, all kinds of carnal pleasure. Tempted by the desire of enjoyment, they began to pursue persons of the other sex. The puissant lord of the deities created Wrath as the companion of Lust. Persons of the male sex, yielding to the power of Lust and Wrath, sought the companionship of women. Women have no especial acts prescribed for them. Even this is the ordinance that was laid down. The Sruti declares that women are endued with senses the most powerful, that they have no scriptures to follow, and that they are living lies.” Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguli
This passage from Mahabharata shows that in the beginning all men were righteous and due to their righteousness they were going to attain the status of Deity. But Hindu gods were afraid and wondered how to stop them and for this reason they created women. Although the creator of the universe Brahma himself lusted after his own daughter. This shows that women have no especial acts prescribed and are created only to make men fall from righteousness. The next passage is from Srimad Bhagavatam which is also known as Bhagvad Purana,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.14.36-38 ”Urvasi said: My dear King, you are a man, a hero. Don’t be impatient and give up your life. Be sober and don’t allow the senses to overcome you like foxes. Don’t let the foxes eat you. In other words, you should not be controlled by your senses. Rather, you should know that the heart of a woman is like that of a fox. There is no use making friendship with women.Women as a class are merciless and cunning. They cannot tolerate even a slight offense. For their own pleasure they can do anything irreligious, and therefore they do not fear killing even a faithful husband or brother. Women are very easily seduced by men…” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
The description of women given by another Apsara to a Sage named Narada is also an insult, I won’t highlight those ugly words,
Shiva Purana, UmaSamhita 5.24.16-36 ”There is none more sinning and more sinful than women. Women are at the root of all sins…Women usually do not observe the limitations of conventional decency. If at all they stand by them with their husbands it is because no man makes advances to them or because they are afraid of their husbands…They carry on their dalliances with any man ugly or beautiful…Even women of noble families aspire for the life of lascivious women who in their prime of youth adorned with lovable ornaments and beautiful wearing garments move about frivolously…Women become desperate when they do not get men…women are not satiated with the number of men they cohabit with. O excellent sage, there is another secret of all women that immediately on seeing a man their vaginal passage begins to exude slimy secretions. On seeing a man fresh and clean from his bath with his body perfumed with sweet scents, the vaginal passage of women begins to exude like water dripping from a leather bag…on hearing her words Narada was satisfied in his mind. Considering it to be the truth.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by Jagdish Lal Shastri
The entire chapter 24 of Shiva Purana is dedicated in insulting women. Had this been the personal views of Apsara there wouldn’t be an entire chapter for this and even Sage Narada considered it to be truth and was satisfied by her words. The founder of ISKCON Swami Prabhupada writes,
”The heavenly pleasure for the conditioned soul is sexual pleasure, and this pleasure is tasted by the genitals. The woman is the object of sexual pleasure, and both the sense perception of sexual pleasure and the woman are controlled by the Prajapati, who is under the control of the Lord’s genitals…” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam 2.10.26 [ ]
Mahabharata 5.39 ”The fruits of the Vedas are ceremonies performed before the (homa) fire; the fruits of an acquaintance with the scriptures are goodness of disposition and conduct. The fruits of women are the pleasures of intercourse and offspring.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
I shall not indulge further in what Hindu scriptures say about women. An entire book can be written on this issue. As for now these references will suffice. So in short women are like sly fox, cunning, poisonous snakes, sex maniac, bad luck, destitute of knowledge and intelligence, can’t inherit property… But are object of lust and a child production factory. Read the article Women in Hinduism for more information.
Swami Prabhupada the founder of ISKCON writes,
”…In this regard, the word vikhyātam is very significant. A man is always famous for his aggression toward a beautiful woman, and such aggression is sometimes considered rape. Although rape is not legally allowed, it is a fact that a woman likes a man who is very expert at rape.” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam 4.25.41 [ ]
Readers are requested to read the commentary on next verse also after going to the above given link. Swami Prabhupada also writes,
”Both man and woman desire one another; that is the basic principle of material existence. Women in general always keep themselves beautiful so that they can be attractive to their lusty husbands. When a lusty husband comes before his wife, the wife takes advantage of his aggressive activities and enjoys life. Generally when a woman is attacked by a man-whether her husband or some other man—she enjoys the attack, being too lusty…”A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhu on Srimad Bhagavatam 4.26.26 [ ]
Is it really true that women enjoy been raped? And does she really like rapists? What made such a great scholar like Swami Prabhupada utter this? Well, actually almost every Hindu god raped women, Below are some references,
Vishnu is said to have raped Tulsi/Vrinda by assuming the guise of her husband. What can be more disgusting than a god raping a chaste lady,
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Yudha Khanda 5, Ch 23.38-45 ”On seeing her husband, Vrnda too was delighted. She forgot her sorrow. She considered everything a dream. Delighted in the heart and with all the dormant passions kindled up, she sported with him for many days in the middle of that forest. Once at the end of the sexual intercourse she realised that it was Visnu. Vrnda rebuked him angrily and spoke thus. Vrnda said:—Fie on this misdeed of Visnu in outraging the modesty of another man’s wife. I have now realised you as the wielder of illusion, appearing in the guise of an ascetic. Sanatkumara said:—O Vyasa, saying thus in great anger she showed her brilliant powers as a staunch chaste lady by cursing Visnu. “O base foe of the Daityas, defiler of other people’s virtue, O wicked one, take this curse from me, greater in force than all persons. The two persons whom you made to appear in front of me shall become Raksasas and abduct your wife. You will be distressed on account of separation from your wife roaming about with Sesa ‘lord of snakes’ who posed as your disciple here. You will seek the help of monkeys in the forest.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by Jagdish Lal Shastri
This story is also supported by Skanda Purana II.iv.21-10-24, Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Yudha Khanda 5, Ch 41 verses 1-35, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Prakriti Khanda 21.18-31 and also mentioned in Devi Bhagavatam 9.24.14-22 with a slight variation, readers can check Devi Bhagavatam verses which are available online at I will avoid posting the same story from different scriptures as I don’t want to flood this article with several passages. The variation of this story is in only in names, the name of Tulasi also appears as Vrinda and her husband’s Shankachuda’s name is replaced by Jalandhar.
This poor lady named Vrinda/Tulasi was a devotee of Vishnu, it must have been so disheartening for her to be raped by the man whom she worshipped so devotedly everyday. As per Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita section 5, Ch 41.3-5 Vishnu assumed the form of her husband and raped her on the behest of Shiva. It was Shiva who ordered such heinous act. This was done in order to kill her husband in the battlefield, it is said that her husband Shankachuda/Jalandhar couldn’t be killed unless the chastity of his wife is outraged. Shiva is part of Trimurti and is considered the Destroyer but Shiva the so called Destroyer couldn’t destroy Jalandhar/Shankachuda so he commanded Vishnu to go and rape Vrinda/Tulsi. She cursed Vishnu to become a rock and that in his next incarnation (as Rama) his wife (Sita) will be kidnapped by a demon and he will have to seek help of monkeys (Hanuman/VanarSena). As per this story Ravana made no mistake by kidnapping Sita the wife of Rama, as this was already destined to happen. And was a result of Ram’s past deeds (rape of Vrinda/Tulasi).
Well, If you are thinking that such an act can’t be done by a person like Indra then you are absolutely wrong. Indra was very popular among gods and sages for ravishing others’ wives and had done this to Ahalya by assuming the form of her husband Sage Gautama,
Skanda Purana V.iii.136.2-16 ”There was a Brahmana named Gautama who was like another Brahma. He was endowed with truthfulness and piety. He was engrossed in the Vanaprastha stage of life. His blessed wife named Ahalya was very famous in all the three worlds as a woman endowed with beauty and prime of youth. Satakratu [Indra], the king of Devas, was infatuated by the exceptional beauty of Ahalya. The Slayer of Bala, therefore, tempted her. ”O beautiful lady of uncensured features, resort to me, the king of Devas, Sport about with me. You shall be one honoured in all the three worlds. What will you do with this Brahmana who has become lean and emaciated due to his over-zealousness for purity and conventional rites and austerities and Vedic studies! O lady of beautiful eyes, you must be rather undergoing sufferings now.”…Getting an opportunity, he assumed the excellent guise of the sage and carnally delighted Ahalya who believed (that he was Gautama) in the inner apartment. Within a moment thereafter, O descendant of Bharata, the excellent sage hurriedly entered the apartment. On seeing Gautama come Purandara [Indra] became terrified and he went out. Seeing him he thought (knew) that it was Sakra. So Gautama became highly enraged and he cursed Devendra: ”Since you could not control your senses, be one with a thousand vaginal apertures.” On being cursed thus, Devendra was instantly covered with a thousand vaginal apertures.” Tr. Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare
This story is also mentioned in Brahma Purana, Gautami-Mahatmya Part IV.16.39-44 and Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda chapter 61. When Indra saw sage Gautama going out with his disciples, he took it as an opportunity and raped Ahalya by assuming Gautama’s form and Ahalya wasn’t aware of this fact, As per Brahma Purana Gautami-Mahatmya part IV.16.51 she asked Indra ‘who are you’ and she suddenly got up from the bed. When Gautama caught Indra’s licentious act he cursed Indra. The curse on Indra by Gautama is quite funny. As a result of the curse Indra lost his testicles and penis and also had one thousand marks of vagina all over his body,
Brahma Purana, Gautami-Mahatmya 16.59 Gautama said:- ”Sin has been committed by you due to your passion for the vagina. Hence become a person with a thousand vaginas in your body”. Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Mahabharata 12.343 ”In consequence of his licentious assault on Ahalya, Indra was cursed by Gautama, her husband, through which Indra got a green beard on his face. Through that curse of Kausika Indra lost, also, his own testicles, which loss was afterwards (through the kindness of the other deities) made up by the substitution of the testicles of a ram.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
This is also mentioned in,
Brahmanda Purana ”Formerly, the penis of Indra along with his scrotum, O sage conversant with virtue, was made to fall down on the earth by the infuriated sage Gautama.” Tr. Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare
Swami Prabhupada writes,
”…Once he [Indra] raped the wife of Gautama Muni by using his disappearing art, and similarly by becoming invisible he stole the horse of Maharaja Prthu….” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagawatam 4.24.5 [ ]
Indra somehow got the scrotum of a ram fixed in his body, and the marks of thousand vaginas were later turned into thousand visions.
Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.26-30 ”The beautiful woman was already naked, and when She saw Lord Siva coming toward Her, She became extremely bashful. Thus She kept smiling, but She hid Herself among the trees and did not stand in one place. His senses being agitated, Lord Siva, victimized by lusty desires, began to follow Her, just as a lusty elephant follows a she-elephant. After following Her with great speed, Lord Siva caught Her by the braid of Her hair and dragged Her near him. Although She was unwilling, he embraced Her with his arms. Being embraced by Lord Siva like a female elephant embraced by a male, the woman, whose hair was scattered, swirled like a snake. O King, this woman, who had large, high hips, was a woman of yogamaya presented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She released Herself somehow or other from the fond embrace of Lord Siva’s arms and ran away.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Although this is not a rape but if a man does this in the present age he would surely be put behind the bars for attempt to rape. Above verses are explained briefly in the LGBT section. This is Shiva’s rape of Vishnu (Mohini).
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.14.4 ”After conquering the three worlds [the upper, middle and lower planetary systems], Soma, the moon-god, performed a great sacrifice known as the Rājasūya-yajña. Because he was very much puffed up, he forcibly kidnapped Bṛhaspati’s wife, whose name was Tara”. Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 80.9-19 ”[Tara to Soma]…And if you commit rape with me, you will surely be guilty of woman slaughter. But when the Moon, without minding her words was about to commit rape with her, the dispassionate chaste woman cursed him thus…In spite of the curse however, the Moon, held her and associated with her. Afterwards, holding the sorrowful, weeping wife of the Guru in his lap, he left that place.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
It is also mentioned in Brahmanda Purana Brihaspati is considered the Guru of all Gods. Soma without thinking about violating the bed of guru raped the preceptor’s wife. But Brihaspati was not an angel, he too raped a woman.
Brihaspati the Guru of all Gods raped his own pregnant sister in law named Mamata. A man with what kind of heart would do that,
Matsya Purana 49.17-28 ”Suta said:- Brihaspati, whilst staying on Earth, one day saw the wife of his brother, Usija, who was big with child, and addressed her thus:- ”Dress thyself well and let us enjoy.” She, being thus addressed, replied to Brihaspati thus:- ”The embryo in my womb is mature and is already reciting the Vedas. Thy seed will also not be fruitless and thy proposal is sinful.” Hearing which, Brihaspati said:- ”I need not to be taught morality by thee, O sweet one.” After saying that, he carried out his desire by force…” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
This rape is also mentioned in Vayu Purana Part 2, 37.140 and Mahabharata Adi Parva 1.104 but the translator K.M. Ganguli has translated those particular lines of Mahabharata in Latin language. This story of Mamata’s rape is also mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.20.36 ”When the demigod named Bṛhaspati was attracted by his brother’s wife, Mamata, who at that time was pregnant, he desired to have sexual relations with her. The son within her womb forbade this, but Bṛhaspati cursed him and forcibly discharged semen into the womb of Mamata.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Rape of Mamata is also mentioned in Brahmanda Purana It was like a battle of rape going on between Hindu gods like Soma, Indra and Brihaspati. All of them raped women which is also mentioned in Purana in one single passage,
Devi Bhagavatam 4.15.59-64 ”Look! The Moon stole away per force knowingly the wife of Brihaspati; Indra, knowing what is religion stole away the wife of Gautama; Brihaspati enjoyed forcibly the wife of his younger; and also he outraged his elder brother’s wife in her pregnant state and cursed the boy in the womb…” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Varuna is the god of water. He is praised in several hymns of the Vedas. A story mentioned in the Mahabharata tells Varuna’s rape of Bhadra the another wife of Utathya,
Mahabharata 13.154 ”…’Hear now, O king, the story of Utathya who was born in the race of Angiras. The daughter of Soma, named Bhadra, came to be regarded as unrivalled in beauty. Her sire Soma regarded Utathya to be the fittest of husbands for her…the handsome Varuna had, from a long time before, coveted the girl. Coming to the woods where Utathya dwelt, Varuna stole away the girl when she had plunged into the Yamuna for a bath. Abducting her thus, the Lord of the waters took her to his own abode…There, within that palace, the Lord of waters; O king, sported with the damsel. A little while after, the fact of the ravishment of his wife was reported to Utathya…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Surya is the Sun-God and several hymns of Vedas are dedicated to him. He raped the virgin Kunti. Kunti was just examining her mystic power and the sun god appeared before her and was smitten with passion after seeing young and beautiful Kunti and then raped her.
Devi Bhagavatam 2.6.13-35 ”…Surya Deva said :– “O Kunti! What for you called me, by virtue of the Mantra? Calling me, why do you not worship me, standing before you? O beautiful blue one! Seeing you, I have become passionate; so come to me. By means of the mantra, you have made me your subservient so take me for intercourse.” Hearing this, Kunti said:– “O Witness of all! O knower of Dharma! You know that I am a virgin girl. O Suvrata! I bow down to you; I am a family daughter; so do not speak ill to me.” Surya then said :– “If I go away in vain, I will be an object of great shame, and, no doubt, will be laughed amongst the gods; So, O Kunti! If you do not satisfy me, I will immediately curse you and the Brahmin who has given you this mantra. O Beautiful one! If you satisfy me, your virginity will remain; no body will come to know and there will be born a son to you, exactly like me.” Thus saying Surya Deva enjoyed the bashful Kunti, with her mind attracted towards him; He granted her the desired boons and went away. The beautiful Kunti became pregnant and began to remain in a house, under great secrecy. Only the dear nurse knew that; her mother or any other person was quite unaware of the fact. In time, a very beautiful son like the second Sun and Kartikeya, decked with a lovely Kavacha coat of mail and two ear-rings, was born there.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Their conversation is mentioned in detail in Srimad Bhagavatam,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.24.33-36 As soon as Kunti called for the demigod of the sun, he immediately appeared before her, and she was very much surprised. She told the sun-god, “I was simply examining the effectiveness of this mystic power. I am sorry I have called you unnecessarily. Please return and excuse me.” The sun-god said: O beautiful Pritha, your meeting with the demigods cannot be fruitless. Therefore, let me place my seed in your womb so that you may bear a son. I shall arrange to keep your virginity intact, since you are still an unmarried girl. After saying this, the sun-god discharged his semen into the womb of Pritha and then returned to the celestial kingdom. Immediately thereafter, from Kunti a child was born, who was like a second sun-god. Because Kunti feared people’s criticisms, with great difficulty she had to give up her affection for her child. Unwillingly, she packed the child in a basket and let it float down the waters of the river. O Maharaja Parikshit, your great-grandfather the pious and chivalrous King Pandu later married Kunti.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
This son was later known as Karna. Kunti somehow tried to resist the rape by warning him not to do this, by telling him that she is from a good family, she was only examining her powers, she is a virgin but all in vain. When Surya thought his sweet words are not going to seduce Kunti he threatened to curse her as a last resort. Poor Kunti had no choice but to get raped by the sun god. Surya devoid of any morality didn’t even care about rape and adultery, He just wanted to relieve his desire forcefully and went away but the poor Kunti had to pay the price for this act. As Kunti was not ready for all these things, she had to abandon her illegitimate child to avoid a bad name for her family and embarrassment. Kunti later married King Pandu. And after her marriage the Sun god again had sex with Kunti but this time it was a consensual sex which is explained in the Niyoga Section. The series of rape by the sun god doesn’t end her, He is said to have raped his own wife. He assumed another form and approached her. She tried to resist the rape but the Sun god successfully carried out his act. This is explained in the Oral Sex Section.
Ashvinkumara was the son of the Sun God. He is said to have raped a Brahmin lady and impregnated her.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Kanda, 10.125-134 Saunaka was astonished at the words of Sauti and said, ‘Sir, what irony of fate led Aswinkumara, the offspring of the sun, to copulate with a Brahmin woman? Kindly narrate this incident and gratify my curiosity” Santi, the best of saints replied, ”O best of Munis, impossible are the ways of Providence . Once upon a time, this tranquil, strong offspring of the sun was enamoured of a Brahmin woman while she was going out on pilgrimage. Though he was dissuaded by her again and again he forcibly took her to a grove, ravished and impregnated her. The lady, bewildered with shame and fear caused her own miscarriage…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Like father like son. Modern day examples of Surya and Ashvinkumara are Asaram and his son Sai Narayana who are both convicted of raping women. Had these father-son duo (Asaram-Narayan) existed in Vedic period they would have been worshiped by the people.
The Hindu scripture lists several forms of marriages, one of them is known as Rakshasa marriage. Rape and abduction of females is legitimized under this form of marriage. Maharshi Manu explains Rakshasa marriage in the following way,
Manu Smriti 3.33 The forcible abduction of a maiden from her home, while she cries out and weeps, after (her kinsmen) have been slain or wounded and (their houses) broken open, is called the Rakshasa rite.
Swami Prabhupada writes,
”…There are other kinds of marriage, such as gāndharva marriage and marriage by love, which are also accepted as marriage. Even if one is forcibly kidnapped and later on accepted as a wife, that is also accepted…” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagawatam 3.22.15 [ ]
This form of marriage is permitted for the Kshatriya caste,
Manu 3.24 ”The four forms (of Marriage) the seers have ordained as proper for Brahmanas; only the Rakshasa form as proper for Kshatriyas, and the A’sura form as proper for Vais’yas and S’udras.” Tr. M.N. Dutt
It is also mentioned in Mahabharata,
Mahabharata 1.73 ”…There are, in all, eight kinds of marriages. These are Brahma, Daiva, Arsha, Prajapatya, Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa, and Paisacha, the eighth. Manu, the son of the self-create, hath spoken of the appropriateness of all these forms according to their order. Know, O faultless one, that the first four of these are fit for Brahmanas, and the first six for Kshatriyas. As regards kings, even the Rakshasa form is permissible. The Asura form is permitted to Vaisyas and Sudras. Of the first five the three are proper, the other two being improper. The Paisacha and the Asura forms should never be practised. These are the institutes of religion, and one should act according to them.The Gandharva and the Rakshasa form are consistent with the practices of Kshatriyas…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Brihadarayaka Upanishad also promotes rape,
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.7 ”If she does not willingly yield her body to him, he should buy her with presents. If she is still unyielding, he should strike her with a stick or with his hand and overcome her, repeating the following mantra: “With power and glory I take away your glory.” Thus she becomes discredited.” Tr. Swami Nikhilananda
As far as enjoying numerous women is concerned, the Brahmins exclusively enjoy this right through Niyoga. Which we have already read in the article Obscenity in Vedas.
Virgins in Heaven
For people in heaven, Ishwar has arranged hundreds and thousands of Apsaras or ‘Harlot’ as per the term used by Hindus on this issue. Hindu fanatics try to make mockery of Muslims on this issue but have they ever read what their scripture say about it?
Parashara Smriti 3.28-29 Celestial damsels seize for themselves, and take delight with the hero, whose body is wounded or cut by arrows, clubs, or maces. Thousands of celestial damsels, rush forward in a hurry towards a hero killed in battle, each proclaiming, ‘He is my lord, he is mine’.
Parashara Smriti 3.31 If victorious, wealth is won; if death results, beautiful women fall to his share; since this corporeal frame is liable to perish in an instant’s time, why should we be shy of meeting death on a field of battle?
Mahabharata 12.98 ”Foremost of Apsaras, numbering by thousands, go out with great speed (for receiving the spirit of the slain hero) coveting him for their lord.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Hindu fanatics should somehow make sure that their wives’ doesn’t immolate themselves in their funeral pyre. Because if the wife immolates with her husband then he can’t enjoy Virgins in heaven,
Devi Bhagavatam 3.15.10-13 ”Some warriors on being slain in the battle instantly arose in a celestial car to the heavens and was seen addressing the celestial nymph, who came already within his embrace, thus “O one of beautiful thighs. Behold! how my beautiful body is lying on the earth below!” Another warrrior thus slain got up in the heavens on a celestial car, came in possession of a celestial nymph and when he was sitting with her in the car, his former wife in the earth made herself a sati and burnt herself up in the funeral pyre, thus got a celestial body, came up to the heavens; and that chaste virtuous woman drew away perforce her own husband away from that celestial nymph. Two warriors, went up, slew each other and lay down dead at the same time. They went up in the heavens at the same time and there began quarrel with each other and fight with their weapons for one and the same celestial nymph. Some hero got in the heavens a nymph more lovely and beautiful than himself and he thus became very much attached and devoted her. He began to describe his own heroic qualities and also to copy dotedly the qualities of his lover so that she might remain faithfully attached to him.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
His fellow warriors enjoyed the virgins but this poor guy couldn’t because his wives immolated herself in his pyre. And took him away forcibly from the celestial nymph (Apsara).
Mahabharata 13.79 ”That man who habitually makes gifts of kine comes to be regarded as the foremost of his species. When thus proceeding to Heaven, he is received by a thousand celestial damsels of beautiful hips and adorned with handsome robes and ornaments. These girls wait upon him there and minister to his delight. He sleeps there in peace and is awakened by the musical laughter of those gazelle-eyed damsels, the sweet notes of their Vinas, the soft strains of their Vallakis, and the melodious tinkle of their Nupuras. ” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Mahabharata 3.42 ”…It is through thy grace, O mountain, that Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas attain heaven, and their anxieties gone, sport with the celestials…” ” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Mahabharata 13.106 ”’…That man who, unafflicted by disease and free from every malady, observes a fast, verily acquires, at every step the merits that attach to Sacrifices. Such a man ascends to Heaven on a car drawn by swans. Endued with puissance, he enjoys every kind of happiness in heaven for a hundred years. A hundred Apsaras of the most beautiful features wait upon and sport with him…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Padma Purana VII.9.99b-104 ”I shall tell you about the abode of him whose dead body is seen on the sandy bank of Ganga heated by the rays of the sun: with his entire body smeared with divine fragrant substances and sandal he always sports with divine damsels in heaven.” Tr. N.A. Deshpande
Shiva Purana, Vidyeshwara Samhita 1, 24.66-70 ”He who wears Tripundra raises a thousand predecessors and a thousand successors in his family. In this life he will enjoy all wordly pleasures… He will assume then a divine auspicious body endowed with eight accomplishments. He will travel by a divine aerial chariot attended by celestial gods… finally reach Brahma’s region where he will sport with a hundred virgins.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by Jagdish Lal Shastri
Skanda Purana V.iii.198.115-117 ”The man who has become pure (by taking bath) and who has observed fast shall keep awake in the night on the fourteenth lunar day in the dark half. He shall then worship Siva. Dispelling the delusion caused by sins, he goes to Rudraloka. He will acquire the form of Rudra with three eyes and four arms. He will sport about with celestial girls as long as the moon, sun and stars shine.” Tr. Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare
Brahma Purana 65.4-5 ”Brahma said:- O sages, listen all of you, even as I speak about that highest region which is wished for by the devotees. It is blessed, holy land and destructive of the world. It is most excellent of all the worlds. it is named (Visnu-loka) after the name of Visnu. It is a sacred abode full of mysteries. It is honoured and worshipped by the three worlds.[18-29] In that city of Visnu, worshipped by all, people walk about in divine aerial chariots…They are adorned by the celestial maidens…The people sport about with the various young women of Gandharvas and the group of celestial clans. The young women look very splendid with their faces as charming as the moon. Their breasts are plump and lifted up. Their waists are beautiful and elegant. Some are dark in complexion and some fair. Their gait is like that of elephants in their rut…As long as the heaven stands alongwith the moon and stars, they dally with the celestial nymphs. They resemble heated gold. They are devoid of old age and death.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Brahma Purana 59.3-8 ”O brahmins, by taking the holy dip perfectly in the ocean thus, in that excellent holy centre, by duly worshipping Narayana…He goes to the world of Visnu on an aerial chariot with the lustre and colour of the sun…For the period of a hundred Manvantaras or more he will enjoy excellent pleasures and carry on dalliance with the celestial damsels. He will be devoid of old age and death.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Devi Bhagavatam 4.6.56-58 ”The Apsaras said :– Of the five senses; sound, etc., the pleasures attained through the sensation of touch are excellent, and are reckoned as the source of Bliss; no other pleasures stand equal to it…If you like to go to Heaven, be pleased to know that there is no Superior Heaven to Gandhamadan (the mountain like intoxicating happiness of the senses). Dost thou enjoy the highest bliss, the pleasant sexual intercourse with us, the heavenly damsels in this very beautiful and lovely place.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Skanda Purana III.i.1.77 ”If one takes the holy bath for the sake of sexual pleasure with celestial damsels in heaven, he attains the same.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Agni Purana 292.10-17 ”…The Man who joins the cows in their dance of wild ecstasy, is sure to enjoy the fruits of heaven in the company of celestial dancing girls…” Tr. Manmath Nath Dutt
Matsya Purana 78.10 ”He also goes to the all the seven lokas, in each kalpa, where he enjoys in the company of the nymphs and get bliss…” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Matsya Purana 107.4-5 ”One who resides on the banks of the Ganges, with or without any object in view, and dies there, goes to heaven and remains far away out of the sight of hell. Such a man sits in a vimana, adorned by decent birds, like swans and flamingoes, where celestial nymphs sing lovely songs. Thus he enjoys long life in heaven.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 59.77-103 ”…Virtuous men, after having performed sacred deeds in India, go to heaven and there attended by celestial damsels enjoy celestial bliss for a long time…Fair one, this Heaven is not a field of action; it is a place of enjoyment. And of all enjoyments, association with an excellent woman is the best…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen, Edited by B.D. Basu
Varaha Purana 149.24-25 “In Dvaraka which gives delight to the Vaisnavas, there is the great place called Pancasara which is a little within the shore. He who bathes there foregoing siz meals, delights himself with the Apsarases in heaven.” Tr. Venkitasubramonia Iyer, J.L. Shastri
Vamana Purana 9.52 “One this occasion the musical instruments of gods and demons began to play, groups of saints and Siddhas stationed in the sky began to witness the brave warriors who were killed in the open battle, fighting each other and whom the best of the Apsarases were conveying to heaven.” Tr. Anand Swarup Gupta
Narada Purana, Uttarabhaga 63.153b-156a “Willingly or unwillingly he who dies in Ganga, attains the abode of Sakra. He never goes to hell. He rides in an aerial chariot to which swans and Sarasa birds are yoked. He sleeps in the midst of Apsaras and is wakened by them…” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Shiva Purana, Umasamhita 7.45-46 “Yama tells them -‘You are noble souls duly blessed, since you have performed what is ordained in the Vedas. Good deeds that are conducive to divine happiness have been performed by you. Ascend the celestial aerial chariot and go to heaven to enjoy the pleasures in the company of celestial damsels and fulfil your cherished desires.” Tr. J.L. Shastri
Who are the Apsaras (Nymphs/Heavenly Virgins)?
Devi Bhagavatam 9.1.96-143 ”…those that are sprung from Tamo Guna are recognised as worst and belonging to the unknown families. They are very scurrilous, cheats, ruining their families, fond of their own free ways, quarrelsome and no seconds are found equal to them. Such women become prostitutes in this world and Apsaras in the Heavens…” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
In other words Ishwar provides the Dvijas (Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas) with numerous prostitutes in heaven. Especially for those who are slain in the battlefield. After reading these verses will Hindu fanatics post these verses on their Facebook wall?
Vishwakarma was enamoured of a Apsara named Ghirtachi who was going for pilgrimage. He invited her for having sex, but she refused. He even tried to rape her, but she resisted the rape just by warning him about the consequences.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda, 10.24-31 Sauti answered, ‘O best of saints, once upon a time the celestial nymph Ghritachi, being extremely excited with passion put on a lovely dress and proceeded in the direction of Puskara for pilgrimage iin the mean time, Viswakarma cheefully arrived there from the solar region and suddenly observed the sportive damsel. As soon as he saw her, he was pierced with the darts of Cupid. Having lost all control over his will he demanded carnal intercourse from that nymph…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Ashwins lusted after the wife of old Rishi Chyavana named Sukanya. They tried to seduce her but all in vain so at least they gave her an offer that they will rejuvenate her old husband and in return she has to marry one of them. After consulting with her husband she agreed. So Ashwins told Chyavan to enter water so he entered the water. Ashwins were playing tricks here and they too entered the water and when three of them (two ashwins and Chyavana) came out of the water all of them had the same appearance. And Rishi Chyvana was rejuvenated. Ashwins made the same appearance in order to disflower Sukanya. This story of Rishi Chyavana been rejuvenated is also mentioned in Rig Veda, Nirukta, several Puranas and Pancavimsa Brahmana.
Mahabharata 3.123 “Lomasa said, ‘Once on a time, O king, those celestials, namely the twin Aswins, happened to behold Sukanya, when she had (just) bathed, and when her person was bare. And seeing that one of excellent limbs, and like unto the daughter of the lord of celestials, the nose-born Aswins neared her, and addressed her, saying, ‘O thou of shapely thighs, whose daughter art thou? And what doest thou in this wood? O auspicious one, O thou of excellent grace, we desire to know this, do thou therefore tell us.’ Thereupon she replied bashfully unto those foremost of celestials. ‘Know me as Sarayati’s daughter, and Chyavana’s wife…O thou of luminous smiles? O divinely beautiful damsel, do thou, forsaking Chyavana accept one of us for husband. It behoveth thee not to spend thy youth fruitlessly…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Brahma Purana 110.13-15 ”When the holy god Moon did not see his daughter Urja, he was upset. Where she may have gone? He thought to himself. The Soma came to know the facts. He knew that manes were after her, that they were sexually inclined to her and had accepted by the virtue of their penance. The moon was overcome with anger.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
A sage named Chyavana was attracted to a Princess named Sukanya,
Mahabharata 3.122 “Lomasa said, ‘A son was born to the great saint Bhrigu, Chyavana by name…Now after the lapse of a long space of time, that ruler of earth, Saryati by name, for amusement visited this pleasant and excellent lake. With him were four thousand females, espoused by him, O son of Bharata’s race! there was also his only daughter endued with beautiful brows, named Sukanya. She surrounded by her maids, and decked out with jewels fit for the celestials, while walking about, approached the anthill where Bhrigu’s son was seated. And surrounded by her maids, she began to amuse herself there, viewing the beautiful scenery, and looking at the lofty trees of the wood. And she was handsome and in the prime of her youth; and she was amorous and bent on frolicking. And she began to break the twigs of the forest trees bearing blossoms. And Bhrigu’s son endued with intelligence beheld her wandering like lightning, without her maids, and wearing a single piece of cloth and decked with ornaments. And seeing her in the lone forest, that ascetic of exceeding effulgence was inspired with desire. And that regenerate Rishi possessing ascetic energy, who had a low voice, called the auspicious one,–but she heard him not.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
This is also mentioned in Srimad Bhagavatam 9.3. The Princess named Sukanya accidentally harmed Rishi Chyavana who had assumed the form of an earth worm. He was going to curse her, but then the king the father of Sukanya urged Chyavana not to curse his daughter then Chyavana agreed on one condition that he should give his daughter to him in marriage as he was sexually aroused on seeing her.
There is a story of another sage named Pippalada who was very old and had also threatened to curse the king if he doesn’t give his daughter to him, unlike Chyavana he wasn’t harmed at all by the Princess. He became lustful after seeing the beautiful daughter of the king even in his old stricken age,
Shiva Purana, Satarudra Samhita 3.25.2-14 ”Once while going to the river Pushpabhadra for his ablution, the great sage saw the beautiful youthful maiden Padma, a part of Siva herself. Desirious of getting her, the sage traversing the world and an expert in following the established conventions went to the abode of king Anaranya, her father…The sage repeated the request, saying ”Give me your daughter devoutly. Otherwise I will reduce everything to ashes along with you.”…Then the king was much frightened and he lamented again and again. He gave his daughter Padma, fully bedecked in ornaments to the old sage. After marrying her Padma, the daughter of the king and part of Siva, the sage Pippalada joyously took her to his hermitage… Then the excellent sage Pippalada, a part of Siva, became a young man by means of his divine sport and sported with that young lady. Ten noble sons, all of them great sons, were born to the sage.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Another Sage named Suci was attracted to the wife of a Rakshasa,
Skanda Purana III.i.11.44-56 ”There was a sage named Suci in that forest. He was engaged in penance and meditation. He was devoted to the study of the Vedas. That lady of excellent complexion went to his hermitage. On seeing her the sage became afflicted with erotic passion and he lost all his steadiness and composure. Approaching the beautiful lady, the excellent sage spoke thus: Suci said:- O young lady, welcome to you. O lady of bright smiles, whose wife are you? What is the task for which you have come to this extremely dreadful forest? You are excessively tired. Stay within this hut of mine. On being told thus, that lady of beautiful buttocks replied to the sage: ”O sage, I am the wife of a Raksasa named Trivakra. I am Susila by name. I have come to this forest with a desire to gather some flowers. I have no son, O sage. My husband eagerly wishers for a son and hence I have been urged by him, ‘Propititate sage Suci and get a son from him.’ On being directed by my husband thus, I have approached you. Beget a son of me, O sage. Take pity on me.” On being told thus sage Suci spoke to her thus: O Susila, I am highly delighted now on seeing you. Fulfil the ocean of the wishes of mine. After saying thus the sage sported with her for three days. Then the delighted sage said to Susila of beautiful features: ”You will have in your womb a very powerful sonnamed Kapalabharana.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
A sage Vedasiras ejaculated seeing an Apsara Suci, not to confuse this Suci as Sage Suci,
Skanda Purana IV.ii.59.19-21 “Formerly there was a sage of great penance named Vedasiras, born in the family of Bhrgu. It was as though he was another embodied form of the Vedas. While that sage was performing the penance, Suci, the most excellent one of the celestial damsels, endowed with beauty and well-shaped limbs came into his view. Merely at her sight the mind of the sage became extremely agitated. He had an emission of semen immediately. The excellent celestial damsel became frightened.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
The sage said that semen should not go waste hence she must swallow it. So she swallowed the semen and became pregnant with a baby girl and the sage named her Dhutapapa.
Leave aside about those Rishis getting aroused on seeing beautiful girls, an old sage named Saubhari was aroused just by seeing the sexual intercourse of fishes,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.6.39-43 ”Saubhari Ṛṣi was engaged in austerity, deep in the water of the river Yamuna, when he saw a pair of fish engaged in sexual affairs. Thus he perceived the pleasure of sex life, and induced by this desire he went to King Mandhata and begged for one of the King’s daughters. In response to this request, the King said, “O brahmaṇa, any of my daughters may accept any husband according to her personal selection.” Saubhari Muni thought: I am now feeble because of old age. My hair has become grey, my skin is slack, and my head always trembles. Besides, I am a yogi. Therefore women do not like me. Since the King has thus rejected me, I shall reform my body in such a way as to be desirable even to celestial women, what to speak of the daughters of worldly kings. Thereafter, when Saubhari Muni became quite a young and beautiful person, the messenger of the palace took him inside the residential quarters of the princesses, which were extremely opulent. All fifty princesses then accepted him as their husband, although he was only one man.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
When the Sages possessing mystic powers can do these things then why can’t a normal Brahmin do the same?
Brahma Purana 120.120-122. ”The Siddha roamed over the earth as he pleased. The excellent lady Urvasi went to Varanasi and took her bath in the waters of Matsyodari assuming her divine form. This foolish Brahman too had gone to the river Matsyodari. On seeing Urvasi bathing there he was overwhelmed by passionate love that agitated him too much.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
An old aged Brahmin was so aroused that he ordered his sons to get a woman to satisfy him,
Padma Purana II.1.28-30 ”Having ordered the glorious one, devoted to this father, the brahmana (i.e. Sivasarman), thinking of the second son, called (him viz.) Vedasarman (and said to him): ”Go by my order; being stuperfied by passion of love (i.e. sex) I cannot stand without a woman (by my side).” He presented, by means of his magical power, a woman full of all charm (before Vedasarman). (He told him:0 ”O boy, determined for me, bring this woman to me.” Tr. N.A. Deshpande
A sage named Ruru also lusted after a youthful girl,
Devi Bhagavatam 2.8.24-49 ”…the chief Apsara Menaka held sexual intercourse with Visvavasu Gandharva on the banks of a river and became pregnant. She went out from that place to the hermitage of Sthulakes’a on the river bank and gave birth to a very beautiful daughter. Seeing this girl quite an orphan and very beautiful, the Muni Sthulakes’a began to rear up her and named her Pramadvara. This all-auspicious girl Pramadvara attained youth in due course when the Muni Ruru saw her and became smitten with passion.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Bizarre Birth
The prime minister of India Narender Modi said that there must have been some plastic surgeon who fixed the head of an elephant to Ganesha and started the practice of plastic surgery. Well there were many more ‘Scientific’ techniques used by Hindu gods and sages to procreate children. We only know about test tube babies and surrogate babies, but there were many kind of babies especially pot babies in ancient India.
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.20.23 ”Lord Brahmā then gave birth to the demons from his buttocks, and they were very fond of sex. Because they were too lustful, they approached him for copulation.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Forget buttocks, babies can be born from male organs too,
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Yudha Khanda 5, Ch 14.1”It is by repeating this mantra that Sukra came out of the belly of Siva through the penis, like the powerful semen.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Brahmanda Purana I.2.8.25 Since the lord [Brahma] created the Asuras at night from his loins through the vital breaths, and as they were born during the night, they are invincible during the night.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda 5.56-66 ”…Thereafter, from the private parts of Krisna, a mighty being of tawny colour with his companions came out and inasmuch as they emanated from his private parts they are known by the name of Guhyas, but the best and the mightiest of them is called Kuvera…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Drinking semen can also lead to pregnancy,
Mahabharata 1.3 ”…The Rishi thus addressed, answered Janamejaya, ‘O Janamejaya, this my son, deep in ascetic devotions, accomplished in the study of the Vedas, and endued with the full force of my asceticism, is born of (the womb of) a she-snake that had drunk my vital fluid…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Varaha Purana 95.20-21 ”Finding the water fragrant (with it), Mahismati told her friends that she would drink it. She then drank the water containing the emission of the sage. As a result she conceived and in due time brought forth, a son named Mahisa, intelligent and valiant.” Tr. Venkitaasubramonia Iyer, edited by J.L. Shastri
Skanda Purana III.iii.19.64 The semen virile of the royal sage Yupaketu fell into water. It is said that a harlot drank that water together with the semen and became pregnant” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Skanda Purana III.iii.19.65 ”After drinking the semen of Sage Vibhandaka together with water, a female deer became pregnant and gave birth to Rsyasrnga.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Skanda Purana V.iii.5.27-37 ”…O excellent king, Paramesthin Rudra sported about with Uma in the vast expanse of sea-like water. A splendid girl was born out of the sweat of Uma due to her delight.When Sarva’s chest pressed against the breasts of Uma, a great girl of lotus-like eyes issued forth from the sweat…” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Vishnu Purana 4.2 Yuvanaswa had no son, at which he was deeply grieved. Whilst residing in the vicinage of the holy Munis, he inspired them with pity for his childless condition, and they instituted a religious rite to procure him progeny. One night during its performance the sages having placed a vessel of consecrated water upon the altar had retired to repose. It was past midnight, when the king awoke, exceedingly thirsty; and unwilling to disturb any of the holy inmates of the dwelling, he looked about for something to drink. In his search he came to the water in the jar, which had been sanctified and endowed with prolific efficacy by sacred texts, and he drank it. When the Munis rose, and found that the water had been drunk, they inquired who had taken it, and said, “The queen that has drunk this water shall give birth to a mighty and valiant son.” “It was I,” exclaimed the Raja, “who unwittingly drank the water!” and accordingly in the belly of Yuvanaswa was conceived a child, and it grew, and in due time it ripped open the right side of the Raja, and was born, and the Raja, did not die.
Gods and Rishis Ejaculating
We hear from gullible Hindus about how pious Rishis were, that they practised celibacy and didn’t even marry. This is not true, Gods had many wives and almost all Rishis were married and had children. Leave aside marriage, Rishis even in their old stricken age were so sexually aroused that just a sight of a beautiful girl resulted in emission of semen. Some of the Sages include seven main Rishis like Bhardvaja, Kratu, Vasista, Gautama etc. I will start mentioning about Gods and later of Rishis,
Srimad Bhagavatam 8.12.32-33 Just as a maddened bull elephant follows a female elephant who is able to conceive pregnancy, Lord Siva followed the beautiful woman and discharged semen, even though his discharge of semen never goes in vain. O King, where so ever on the surface of the globefell the semen of the great personality of Lord Siva, mines of gold and silver later appeared.
Shiva is considered the ascetic god. Due to this emission of Shiva’s semen, the monkey god Hanuman was also born which is explained in Adultery Section. Shiva was so maddened about Mohini that he followed her in fully nude state and even ejaculated. It is said that this happened before Parvati the wife of Shiva and her head was lowered in shame because her husband was lusting after another woman in her presence. This chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam is briefly explained in the LGBT Section.
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Sati Khanda 2, Ch 19.26-28 ”Then, O sage, afflicted by the cupid and delighted in the heart of hearts, I [Brahma] lifted her veil and stared into the face of Sati. I looked at the face of Sati many a time. I was helpless in curbing the onset of a sensuous organism. Four drops of my semen virile got displaced and fell on the ground like drops of dew as a result of staring into her face.”, Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
This story is also supported by Brahma Purana Gautami-Mahatmya 3.15. As we all know Brahma was an old man, he is sometimes considered the grandfather. But this grandfather couldn’t even resist his desire seeing his granddaughter. He discharged semen after seeing the face of Sati the wife of Shiva. Shiva came to know about this and he was so agitated that he was about to kill Brahma. But Brahma later repented and begged for forgiveness. Then Shiva forgave Brahma. Isn’t it ironic that Shiva became angry just because Brahma ejaculated on seeing his wife but Shiva had no problem at all commanding Vishnu to rape the chaste lady named Vrinda (Tulsi). As we have already read that even Shiva ejaculated on seeing Mohini (Vishnu), Shiva even tried to seduce sages’ wives after appearing naked. When Shiva can do all these shameless things then why get angry when someone else does the same thing with your wife? Hindu gods did the same act again and again, they did not consider it to be wrong. Brahma is said to have ejaculated on seeing the wives of gods, Apsaras and other women,
Vayu Purana, Part 2, 4.29-31 ”The brilliantly shining goddess Earth, the quarters, the intermediate quarters, the Lords of quarters, the celestial virgins, the wives of Devas, the mothers and Ayu all these were present there in embodied form in front of the Lord (Brahma) who was performing the Yajna assuming the form of Varuna. On seeing the ladies, the semen virile of Svayambhu fell on the ground…” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda 11-20 ”This Khma who wields the following arrows, namely, killing. stupifying, soporific, emaciating and maddening, experimentally discharged the arrrows on all and, at the desire of the Supreme Being every one was excited with lust. To crown all, the great anchorite, Brahma looked with wistful eyes at Rati and immediately his semen was discharged…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma had again ejaculated on seeing a nymph,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 131.2-10 Subsequently at that place nymphs who had sprung out of the body of Visnu and who were the digits of Visnu began to dance and chant Visnu’s hymns in a melodious tone. The paternal grandfather Brahma, observing their hard buttocks, thick spherical breasts and smiling lotus faces, was excited with passion. He could not control his heart; his semen was discharged; and out of shame he concealed it on the ground with his cloth. O Saunaka, after the music was over, he threw the semen along with the cloth rendered hot by lust into the sea of milk.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Is it befitting for gods to watch girls dancing? That too wearing such cloths or no cloths at all? This gathering was also attended by Agni and he is also said to have discharged his semen and tried to hide it in similar way.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 131.34-38 Once upon a time, all the gods having assembled in the council of the gods, the celestial whores busied themselves with dancing and singing. On that occasion, the fire-god (having seen Rambha with graceful buttocks), was excited with passion and discharged his semen…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Rambha was an Apsara (Nymph) she was also the concubine of the King of Gods Indra. What can be said about such gods who are so lecherous.
Srimad Bhagavatam 6.18.6 ”Upon seeing Urvasi, the celestial society girl, both Mitra and Varuṇa discharged semen, which they preserved in an earthen pot. The two sons Agastya and Vasiṣṭha later appeared from that pot, and they are therefore the common sons of Mitra and Varuṇa. Mitra begot three sons in the womb of his wife, whose name was Revatī. Their names were Utsarga, Ariṣṭa and Pippala.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
This story is also supported by Rig Veda 7.33.1 and Nirukta 5.13. All these gods and Rishis had so unique technique of begetting sons from a pot. Now it may help Hindu fanatics who say Science in ancient India was on its peak and Ganesha’s head was really fixed by a plastic surgeon.
When gods can do such acts then why can’t sages do the same. Rishi Bhardvaja is said to have ejaculated on seeing a Apsara (nymph) named Ghritachi, the old Rishi Bhardwaja went to Ganga to perform ablutions, the nymph Ghritaci too had went there to perform holy rites which includes dipping into Ganges river, Seeing her wet body and dishevelled dress the Rishi was aroused and out of desire his semen came out,
Mahabharata, Adi Parva 1.131 “Vaisampayana said, ‘There dwelt at the source of the Ganga, a great sage named Bharadwaja, ceaselessly observing the most rigid vows. One day, of old, intending to celebrate the Agnihotra sacrifice he went along with many great Rishis to the Ganga to perform his ablutions. Arrived at the bank of the stream, he saw Ghritachi herself, that Apsara endued with youth and beauty, who had gone there a little before. With an expression of pride in her countenance, mixed with a voluptuous languor of attitude, the damsel rose from the water after her ablutions were over. And as she was gently treading on the bank, her attire which was loose became disordered. Seeing her attire disordered, the sage was smitten with burning desire. The next moment his vital fluid came out, in consequence of the violence of his emotion. The Rishi immediately held it in a vessel called a Drona. Then, O king, Drona sprang from the fluid thus preserved in that vessel by the wise Bharadwaja. And the child thus born studied all the Vedas and their branches.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
This story is also mentioned in Mahabharata 1.168. Another Rishi named Vyasa had ejaculated on seeing Ghritachi but this didn’t occur at Ganges river,
Devi Bhagavatam 1.14.1-70 ”…The Muni Vyasa Deva tried his best and exerted his power of patience to its utmost, but failed to control his restless mind to enjoy the woman. Though he was very energetic, and he tried repeatedly to control his heart, enchanted with the beautiful form of Ghritachi, yet he could not, as due to a state of things pre-ordained by God, control his mind. At this state, when he was rubbing the fire sticks to get the sacred fire, the two pieces of wood used in kindling the fire, his seed (semen) fell upon the Arani (the two pieces of wood used in kindling the sacred fire). But he did not take any notice of that, and he went on rubbing the firesticks when arose from that Arana the wonderfully beautiful form of S’uka deva, looking like a second Vyasa. This boy, born of Arana fuel, looked there brilliant like the blazing fire of the sacrificial place, whereon oblations of ghee are poured… ” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
This story is also mentioned in Narada Purana II.58.19-27 and Mahabharata 12.325. A Rishi named Vibhandaka had also discharged his semen when he spotted a beautiful woman near a lake,
Mahabharata, Vana Parva 3.110 ”And that son of Kasyapa, Vibhandaka, having proceeded to a big lake, devoted himself to the practice of penances. And that same saint, comparable to a god, laboured for a long period. And once while he was washing his mouth in the waters, he beheld the celestial nymph Urvasi–whereupon came out his seminal fluid.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
There is a story of another sage named Mankana who was the son of Kashyap, He ejaculated seeing Apsara Rambha while both were taking bath,
Vamana Purana, Satomahatmya 17.2-5 “Lomaharsana said The sage Mankana was the mind-born son of Kasyapa. He was ready to bathe with his valkala in his hand. There came Rambha taking good, bright and charming other Apsarases and began to take their bath by his side. At this due to excitement of passion his semen dropped in the water. The great sage collected that semen in a jar. That semen in the jar became differentiated into seven portions. Out of them were born seven Rsis who are known as the Marut hosts.” Tr. Anand Swarup Gupta
This clearly proves that women who go to Banaras (Vanarasi) for pilgrimage are not safe from the lustful Hindu priests. The Hindu priests would have no problem watching lustfully the wet bodies of women as they are aware of what their greatest Rishis did. There is another version of this story mentioned in Mahabharata,
Mahabharata 9.38 ”Listen now to a great feat of Mankanaka, who had from his youth led the life of a brahmacari. While employed in performing his ablutions in the river, he beheld (one day), O Bharata, a woman of faultless limbs and fair brows, bathing in the river at will, her person uncovered. At this sight, O monarch, the vital seed of the Rishi fell unto the Sarasvati. The great ascetic took it up and placed it within his earthen pot. Kept within that vessel, the fluid became divided into seven parts. From those seven portions were born seven Rishis from whom sprang the (nine and forty) Maruts.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Just like Rishi Mankanaka another Rishi named Dadhica had emitted his semen into the river Sarasvati after seeing Apsara Alambusa,
Mahabharata 9.51 “In days of yore, O monarch, there was an intelligent sage of great ascetic merit. He was celebrated by the name of Dadhica. Possessing a complete control over his senses, he led the life of a brahmacari…At last the chastiser of Paka, for tempting the sage, despatched unto him the exceedingly beautiful and celestial apsara, by name Alambusa. Thither where on the banks of the Sarasvati the high souled sage was engaged in the act of gratifying the gods, the celestial damsel named above, O monarch, made her appearance. Beholding that damsel of beautiful limbs, the vital seed of that ascetic of cleansed soul came out.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
People of the Kshatriya caste also did this act, There is a story mentioned about father and son who were archers,
Matsya Purana 50.10 ”At the sight of a nymph, Satyadhriti cast his seed in a pool of water, out of which, one son and a daughter were born.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Like Father like Son,
Srimad Bhagavatam 9.21.35 The son of Satananda was Satyadhṛti, who was expert in archery, and the son of Satyadhṛti was Saradvan. When Saradvan met Urvasi, he discharged semen, which fell on a clump of sara grass. From this semen were born two all-auspicious babies, one male and the other female.
This is also mentioned in Vayu Purana, Part 2.37.198. The sage Gautama who cursed Indra for ravishing his wife had too ejaculated on seeing a woman,
Shiva Purana, UmaSamhita 5.4.32-33 ”The sage Gautama had his mind deluded by Siva’s Maya. On seeing Saradvati in the nude he was excited and he indulged in sexual intercourse with her. He collected the semen emitted in a wooden bowl.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Kratus had also done this act,
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Sati Khanda 2, Ch 3, verse 51-55 ”From the drops of sweat that fell from Daksa’s body, a splendid woman endowed with good qualities was born. She was of slender body with symmetrical hips. Her waist was well shaped; small curly hairs embellished it. She was soft in body with fine teeth. She had a shining golden complexion. In her body, she was perfect. Her face shone like the full moon and full blown lotus. Her name was Rati. She was capable of captivating even the sages. Excepting Kratu, Vasistha, Pulastya and Angiras the six viz. Marici and others successfully curbed their senses and their activities. O excellent sage, the semen virile of the four Kratu and others fell on the ground from which other types of manes were born.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
A sage named Suparsva had emitted his semen after he spotted a Rakshasi girl,
Varaha Purana 95.18-20 ”There a young and beautiful Raksasa girl by name Indumati, bathing naked, was seen by this sage. Then he had an emission which he dropped in a stony crevice at the river (and it got mixed with water).” Tr. Venitasubramonia Iyer, edited by J.L. Shastri
A Sudra woman named Kalavati wife of Drumila went to Kashyapa Rishi for contracting Niyoga. But Kashyap Rishi didn’t contract Niyoga with her as he feared that he may loose his status if he engages in sexual intercourse with a Shudra woman. But an Apsara was passing by, seeing the Apsara the Rishi ejaculated,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Kanda 20.33-46 ”…At that time, Menaka was passing by that way,At the sight of her thigh and breast the semen of the saint was discharged. Thereupon the woman Kalavati drank it cheerfully, went to her husband, bowed to him and told him everything about, her pregnancy…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda 20.12-20 ”Santi replied, At Kanauj one Drumila had a barren wife named Kalavati devoted to her husband. She was barren through the faults of her husband. By the command of her husband she once upon a time went to Kasyapa Muni who dwelt in a forest…. [21-32] The Muni addressed her thus ‘Who are you in this solitary forest? Whose wife are you? Why have you come here… ”O best of the twice born aint I he daughter ofa cow herd, the wife of Drumila. By the command of my husband. I have come to you as I desire to have a son. Kindly impregnate me. You should not slight a woman who has come to you voluntarily…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Adultery/Fornication with Women
Gods and Rishis had illicit relationship with several women. Gods and sages had no problem committing adultery with several women, As we read the words of Indra who calls himself ‘Master in Sexual Science’, Shiva and Krishna were also considered ‘Lusty’. Committing adultery is a matter of shame among religious leaders and people but for Hindu gods and sages it was a matter of pride and enjoyment. One of the most popular God among these is Krishna who was considered a womanizer by his rivals. Vishnu as well as his Mohini avatar addresses Brahma in the following way,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 33.1-11 ”…Then Mohini ridiculed him saying ”O Lord, a being who, allured only by hints from a woman, drags her to his side and enjoys her society is regarded as the best person. Whoever having clearly perceived the intentions of a woman commits sexual intercourse with a woman after he is entreated by her to do so is regarded as the second best. And a wretch who being entreated by a passionate woman fails to commit sexual intercourse with her even in solitude does not deserve to be called a man but a eunuch…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarata Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda, 33.47-63 ”Hari smiled when he heard all this and addressed him with words, delightful, substantial, truthful and beneficial to the world thus: ”O Brahma, you are conversant with the Vedas. You are chief of the spiritual guides of the learned; and yet you have performed and act which cannot be committed by a murderer. Why did you subdue your passions? Nay, even in India, if a woman excited with passion accidently appears before a man and desires his company, the latter, even if dispassionate, should not reject her offer. If he rejects her offer, he is defrauded in several ways in this world and goes to hell in the next world…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
A Hindu Purana proves how lecherous Hindu gods were
Devi Bhagavatam 4.13.11-13. “O Giver of honour! When all the Devas, Vas’istha, Vâmadeva, Vis’vamitrâ, Brihaspatî and other ascetic Munis get themselves overpowered by lust and anger, when their intelligence gets destroyed by covetousness and avarice, when they are addicted to vices and are expert in fraud, pre-text and trickery, then what fate, alas! can you expect of Dharma and what help is there of any religious persons! Alas! lndra, Agni, Moon, and Brahmâ when these get overpowered by the strong influence of lust, are in illicit love with others’ wives, where is the goodness and virtuous behavior in this Trilokî?” Tr. Swami Vijnananda,
Today Hindu apologists are posting anything without verifying it. They invent lies in such a clean manner that it deceives the gullible people. One such deceit is in defending the acts of Krishna. They say Krishna and Gopis were playing together when they were small and in the play Krishna and Gopis circumambulated the fire and hence those 16008 Gopis accidently became the wives of Krishna. Another rebuttal made by apologists is that, those 16008 girls belonged to lower caste and were captured by a demon when Krishna defeated the Demon he married them to uplift their status.
All these explanations are wrong, the second explanation is true to an extent. Krishna did liberate girls from a demon and later married them, but those were only sixteen thousand and one hundred (16,100) girls and were all royal Princesses belonging to Kshatriya caste.
Linga Purana section 1.69.82 “The excessively strong one, of unequalled exploit, Krsna took up sixteen thousand one hundred girls for his own pleasure.” Tr. Board of Scholars, edited by J.L. Shastri
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.59.33 ”There Lord Kṛṣṇa saw sixteen thousand royal maidens, whom Bhauma had taken by force from various kings.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.59.42 ”Then the imperishable Supreme Personality, assuming a separate form for each bride, duly married all the princesses simultaneously, each in her own palace.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Swami Prabhupada writes,
”There were 16,100 beautiful girls who were daughters of many kings and were forcibly stolen by Bhaumasura, who kept them captive for his carnal desire. These girls prayed piteously to Lord Kṛṣṇa for their deliverance, and the merciful Lord, called by their fervent prayer, released them all by fighting and killing Bhaumāsura. All these captive princesses were then accepted by the Lord as His wives…” A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.10.29 [ ]
So those were 16,100 Princess and later Krishna married additional 8 wives on various occasions,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.55 Lord Devakī-suta, the chief of the Yadus, then took His dowry and Satyā to Dvārakā and continued to live there happily.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.56 Bhadrā was a princess of the Kaikeya kingdom and the daughter of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s paternal aunt Śrutakīrti. The Lord married Bhadrā when her brothers, headed by Santardana, offered her to Him.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.57 Then the Lord married Lakṣmaṇā, the daughter of the King of Madra. Kṛṣṇa appeared alone at her svayaṁvara ceremony and took her away, just as Garuḍa once stole the demigods’ nectar.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.58 Lord Kṛṣṇa also acquired thousands of other wives equal to these when He killed Bhaumāsura and freed the beautiful maidens the demon was holding captive.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.31 My dear King, Lord Kṛṣṇa forcibly took away Princess Mitravindā, the daughter of His aunt Rājādhidevī, before the eyes of the rival kings. Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 1.10.29 ”The children of these ladies are Pradyumna, Sāmba, Amba, etc. Ladies like Rukmiṇī, Satyabhāmā and Jāmbavatī were forcibly taken away by Him from their svayaṁvara ceremonies after He defeated many powerful kings, headed by Śiśupāla. And other ladies were also forcibly taken away by Him after He killed Bhaumāsura and thousands of his assistants. All of these ladies are glorious.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Devi Bhagavatam 4.24.41-42 ”Afterwards He [Krishna] brought also Jâmbavatî, Satyabhâmâ, Mitravindâ, Kâlindî, Laksmanâ, Bhadrâ, and auspicious Nâgnajitî (the daughter of the king Nagnajit)on various occasions and married them. O Lord of the earth! These eight women were the best and most beautiful of S’rî Krisna’s wives.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Krishna married Rukmini after abducting in a Rakshasa form of marriage which is described in Hindu scriptures as Rukmini herself wanted this to happen and later when Rukmi the brother of Rukmini came to know about it he fought Krishna to get his sister back,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.54.32-33 “Seeing Lord Kṛṣṇa ready to kill her brother, saintly Rukmiṇī was filled with alarm. She fell at her husband’s feet and piteously spoke as follows. Śrī Rukmiṇī said: O controller of all mystic power, immeasurable one, Lord of lords, master of the universe! O all auspicious and mighty-armed one, please do not kill my brother” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.54.35 “Lord Kṛṣṇa tied up the evil-doer with a strip of cloth. He then proceeded to disfigure Rukmī by comically shaving him, leaving parts of his mustache and hair. By that time the Yadu heroes had crushed the extraordinary army of their opponents, just as elephants crush a lotus flower.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Devi Bhagavatam 4.24.40 “At the marriage ceremony of S’is’upâla, at the palace of the king of Vidarbha, Janârdan Visnu carried away by force Rukminî, the bride elect from the Svayambara assembly (where the husband is self elected by the bride herself) and afterwards married her according to the rule called Râkhsasa Vidhi (one of the eight forms of marriage in Hindu Law in which a girl is forcibly seized and carried away after the defeat or destruction of her relatives in battle).” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Krishna also beat Mitravinda’s brother before marrying her,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.83.12 “Śrī Mitravindā said: At my svayaṁvara ceremony He came forward, defeated all the kings present — including my brothers, who dared insult Him — and took me away just as a lion removes his prey from amidst a pack of dogs. Thus Lord Kṛṣṇa, the shelter of the goddess of fortune, brought me to His capital city. May I be allowed to serve Him by washing His feet, life after life.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Krishna also beat Jambavati’s father before marrying her, Jambavati after fighting Krishna for 27 days presented his daughter to Krishna,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.83.10 “Śrī Jāmbavatī said: Unaware that Lord Kṛṣṇa was none other than his own master and worshipable Deity, the husband of Goddess Sītā, my father fought with Him for twenty-seven days. When my father finally came to his senses and recognized the Lord, he took hold of His feet and presented Him with both me and the Syamantaka jewel as tokens of his reverence. I am simply the Lord’s maidservant.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Krishna married 16,100 princesses after liberating them from a demon and he also married eight other princesses on various occasions. Apart from 16,108 wives Krishna had several hundreds or thousands of concubines/girlfriends, they were mostly Gopis the milk-maids. Among all, Krishna’s favourite girlfriend was Radha, it is uncertain whether Krishna married her or not but many major sources don’t speak anything about their marriage. Several verses from Purana shows that his concubines/girlfriends known as Gopis (milk-maids) had husbands and even children,
Vishnu Purana 5.13 …The Gopis repeatedly exclaimed, “Bravo, Krishna!” to his song. When leading, they followed him; when returning, they encountered him; and, whether he went forwards or backwards, they ever attended on his steps. Whilst frolicking thus with the Gopis, they considered every instant without him a myriad of years; and, prohibited in vain by husbands, fathers, brothers,they went forth at night to sport with Krishnna, the object of their affection…
Gopis addressing Balrama the elder brother of Krishna after Krishna abandoned them,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.65.11-12 — “For Kṛṣṇa’s sake, O descendant of Dāśārha, we abandoned our mothers, fathers, brothers, husbands, children and sisters, even though these family relations are difficult to give up. But now, O Lord, that same Kṛṣṇa has suddenly abandoned us and gone away, breaking off all affectionate ties with us. And yet how could any woman fail to trust His promises?” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
So this proves that those Gopis were already married and even had children. This shows that apart from 16,108 wives he had illicit relationship with Gopis also. He not just had illicit relation with Gopis but with other independent women too, Krishna had sex with a hunch back woman in her own house,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.48.6-7 ”Calling forward His beloved, who was anxious and shy at the prospect of this new contact, the Lord pulled her by her bangled hands onto the bed. Thus He enjoyed with that beautiful girl, whose only trace of piety was her having offered ointment to the Lord. — Simply by smelling the fragrance of Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet, Trivakra cleansed away the burning lust Cupid had aroused in her breasts, chest and eyes. With her two arms she embraced between her breasts her lover, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the personification of bliss, and thus she gave up her long-standing distress.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 72.56-69 ”…So saying, Krishna, the asylum of fortune, held the licentious woman to his breast. Made her naked, associated with her and kissed her. Then the hump-backed woman, while relishing the initial sexual intercourse, dragged Krisna to her arms like Kamala and kissed his cheek. Both the pair were particularly proficient in matters relating to sexual intercourse from which they did not desist for a moment. The intercourse took several forms. Then Lord Krisna lacerated the rising breast and the loins of the woman with the strokes of his keen nails and her lips with the bite of his teeth. Later on, at day-break, when he passed the semen, the beautiful hump-backed woman in the excess of her enjoyments fainted…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
He had committed fornication with independent woman named Naradi,
Narada Purana, Uttarabhaga 80.31-32 “When the messengers returned, Naradi was called by the lover of cowherdesses. After bowing down to the lord, she went near him bashfully. The man of taste (Lord Krsna) embraced her, had the sportful dalliance with her and then dismissed her. Gradually she came once again to the lake Puspasaras.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Krishna’s act with Radha
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 127.1-21 ”…Lord Krisna dragged her to his beast and kissed her lips (upper and lower), the chin and both the sides of her cheek. Radha also kissed the handsome lunar face of Krisna and with both her hands pressed Krisna, the Lord of her life, to her bosom. Lord Krisna committed the desired act of sexual intercourse in sixteen ways as prescribed by the sexual science and calculated to please both man and wife. He lacerated the whole constitution of Radha with marks of nail and bit her lips whereby there was a thrill of raptures in his body and he experienced a feeling of lassitude…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Sex with other Concubines
Let me show you how this vulgar act of Krishna is praised in the Hindu scripture. And how he used to fornicate with them,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.16-17 ”In this way Lord Kṛṣṇa, the original Lord Nārāyaṇa, master of the goddess of fortune, took pleasure in the company of the young women of Vraja by embracing them, caressing them and glancing lovingly at them as He smiled His broad, playful smiles. It was just as if a child were playing with his own reflection.— Their senses overwhelmed by the joy of having His physical association, the gopis could not prevent their hair, their dresses and the cloths covering their breasts from becoming disheveled. Their garlands and ornaments scattered, O hero of the Kuru dynasty.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.29.45-46 ”Sri Kṛṣṇa went with the gopis to the bank of the Yamuna, where the sand was cooling and the wind, enlivened by the river’s waves, bore the fragrance of lotuses. There Kṛṣṇa threw His arms around the gopīs and embraced them. He aroused Cupid in the beautiful young ladies of Vraja by touching their hands, hair, thighs, belts and breasts, by playfully scratching them with His fingernails, and also by joking with them, glancing at them and laughing with them. In this way the Lord enjoyed His pastimes.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Skanda Purana II.iii.4.17 ”With the tip of his nail with which he had pierced the neck of hyena, he pinched the breasts of the cowherd lasses. He has been sportingly given many form by young women. Let this Sesa (?) be for (i.e. bring about) calmness and peace.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 46.61-71 ”…On the other hand Siva was also engaged in the sexual act.” Saint Narayana said, ‘Lord Krishna having said so to the glancing, smiling Radha went along with her to the sandal forest…O saint, Radha and the Lord of the sphere became paralysed through the pleasure of sexual intercourse and being intimately associated with one another, they spent their time there…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 69.1-11 ”…Lord Krisna who was anxious to enjoy the taste of the Rasa copulated with the clever Radha according to the measure supplied by sixty-four practical arts in the sphere of the Rasa.’ At that time the loins and the spherical breast of Radha were lacerated with the injuries inflicted by the nails of Krisna; the vermillion-mark on the partings of her hairs on the head was obliterated; and her chignon was relaxed. Later on, the naked Radha thrilling with raptures and fainting with the excess of pleasure was harboured by the goddess of sleep.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.3.21 ”The Lord enjoyed His pastimes, both in this world and in other worlds [higher planets], specifically in the association of the Yadu dynasty. At leisure hours offered by night,He enjoyed the friendship of conjugal love with women.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.30.33-34 Certainly Kṛṣṇa sat down here with His girlfriend
to arrange Her hair. The lusty boy must have made a crown for that lusty girl out of the flowers He had collected. — [Śukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] Lord Kṛṣṇa enjoyed with that gopī, although He enjoys only within, being self-satisfied and complete in Himself. Thus by contrast He showed the wretchedness of ordinary lusty men and hardhearted women.
Kurma Purana 1.26.14-16 ”A certain fawn eyed damsel, fascinated by passionate love, approached Krsna and kissed his lotus like face. Catching hold of the hand of Govinda, the first cause of the wordls, a certain girl who was deluded by his Maya, took him to her own house. Assuming multifarious forms sportively, the lotus-eyed Lord Krsna fulfilled their desires.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 105.1-10 ”He put on her forehead a beautiful mark of vermillion and painted lines of cosmetics on her breast. He also painted the members of her lotus feet with lac dye and then with his nails constructed an artificial lotus on her loins and breast. Then Krisna got up and along with Radha went to the local lovely pond fall of water…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 52.20-28 ”…There Krisna assumed several forms at once and the sametime and indulged with the cow-herdesses in the sport which enchants licentious people. He held in his embrace the passionate Radha and went up to the temple of lust constructed by the Viswa-Karma. Afterwards at that place he slept with Radha on a bed redolent of the Champaka and annointed her with sandal, aloe, musk and saffron. The lustful Krisna versed in sexual science sported with the licentious Radha in several ways.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vairvarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 29.1-10 ”…Some passionate milk-maid said to Krishna, the lord of her life, ”Krisna, wrap me in your yellow dress.” Someone said to Krisna, the Lord of the universe, ”Lord, apply vermillion to my forehead.” Someone arrived there soon and said, ”Lord, arrange the lock of my hair and bind my chignon.” Some milk-maid bent on her toilet deputed Krisna to fetch sandal foliage for her ear-rings. Someone by mysterious signs explained to him what was passing in her heart and with a face beaming with smiles looked at him soliciting sexual intercourse. Some milk-maids dragged him by force, snatched from his flute, took away his yellow dress, made him naked and smiled. Some dignified girl said to the conqueror of Madhu, ”Lord, paint the nails of my feet with lac-dye.” Someone said affectionately to him, ”O Lord of my life, paint my cheek and breast with lines of cosmetics of various colours.” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
It is mentioned in Brahma Vaivarta Purana Krishna Janma Khanda 53.16-27 that Krishna did all those things mentioned above which the Gopis demanded. He did these shameless act with the milk maids who had husbands and children. It doesn’t behove for a god to act in this manner. The above verse from Brahma Vaivart Purana shows that he was denuded by those milk maids and instead of being embarrassed and feeling guilty he smiled like a shameless person. Can such person be considered a god?
Shiva Purana, Satarudra Samhita 3, 22.45-46 In the meantime Visnu saw those damsels born of nectar sprays who were haughty due to their divine beauty and whose faces resembled the full moon. Fascinated by the cupid’s arrow Visnu attained highest pleasure only there. He began to indulge in sexual dalliance with those women of exquisite beauty…” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Kartikkeya was the son of Shiva. His mother Parvati told him to enjoy his life as wished. He took advantage of this and started committing adultery with the wives of gods. Many heaven dwellers tried to stop him but he didn’t so they requested Parvati to do something. Urged by those people Parvati changed the appearance of women as herself whom Kartikkeya was approaching, so at last this stopped Kartikeya from committing adultery,
Brahma Purana: Gautami Mahatmya 11.2-5 “When the asura Taraka was killed and the three worlds became quiet and normal, Parvati spoke to her eldest son Karttikeya with great pleasure: ‘By my consent and the grace of your father, be delighted in your mind. Enjoy as you please the worldly pleasures in the three worlds, which are dear to your mind.’ Thus addressed by his mother, Visakha (Karttikeya) the beloved of gods, sported about as be pleased with the wives of gods. The wives of gods also sported about. While the wives of gods were being enjoyed, O Narada, the heaven-dwellers were not able to prevent Karrtikeya.” Tr. Board of Scholars, edited by J.L. Shastri
Devi Bhagavatam 9.40.13-25 ”Nârâyana said :– In ancient days, Indra the Lord of the three worlds, intoxicated with wine and becoming lustful and shameless, began to enjoy Rambhâ in a lonely grove. After having enjoyed her, he became attracted to her; his mind being wholly drawn to her, he remained there in that forest, his mind becoming very passionate.” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
There are two versions on the birth of the monkey god Hanuman, it is said that his biological father was the wind god Vayu and other version shows he was actually Shiva’s incarnation born from Shiva’s sperm,
Brahmanda Purana ”…Kesari married the daughter of Kunjara named Anjana. That lady of great purity and good fortune went to a park named Pumsavana. Vayu (the wind-god) made advances to the lady who was proud of her youth. Hanuman was born of her union with Vayu the (source of) life into the entire universe…” Tr. G.V. Tagare
It is mentioned in Shiva Purana that after Shiva emitted his semen, the semen was taken via leaf and poured into the ears of Anjani by the sages. Later Hanuman was born as a reincarnation of Shiva
Shiva Purana, Sataruda Samhita 3.20.3-7 ”Once lord Siva of wonderfu sports saw Visnu in the form of an enchantress with glittering qualities. As if hit by the arrows of Cupid, Siva let fall his semen dislodged from its seat, for Rama’s work. Eagerly urged by him mentally for Rama’s work the seven celestial sages retained that semen in a leaf. For Rama’s work that semen was poured through the ears of Anjani, the daughter of Gautama, by those sages. In due course Siva was born of it in the form of a monkey named Hanumat. He had great strength and exploit.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Gods were always afraid of sages, that they may attain the status of god or higher than that through their penances thus few Gods sent Apsaras to seduce them and to interrupt their penance. A sage named Kandu was seduced by an Apsara named Pramlocha. And both of them enjoyed each other for hundreds of years,
Vishnu Purana 1.50 …”There was formerly (said Soma) a sage named Kandu, eminent in holy wisdom, who practised pious austerities on the lovely borders of the Gomati river. The king of the gods sent the nymph Pramlocha to disturb his penance, and the sweet-smiling damsel diverted the sage from his devotions. They lived together, in the valley of Mandara, for a hundred and fifty years; during which, the mind of the Muni was wholly given up to enjoyment…
Aniruddha the grandson of Krishna had fornicated with Uma the daughter of Bana,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.62.22 ”When Usa beheld Him, the most beautiful of men, her face lit up with joy. She took the son of Pradyumna to her private quarters, which men were forbidden even to see, and there enjoyed with Him.” Swami Prabhupada
A Rishi named Vishwamitra had fornicated with the Apsara named Menaka,
Mahabharata 1.75 ”Urvasi, Purvachitti, Sahajanya, Menaka, Viswachi and Ghritachi, these are the six foremost of Apsaras. Amongst them again, Menaka, born of Brahman, is the first. Descending from heaven on Earth, after intercourse with Viswamitra, she gave birth to me. That celebrated Apsara, Menaka, brought me forth in a valley of Himavat.” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
A sage named Devadutta was peforming penance and Indra feared that the sage may replace him from his status so to stop his penance he sent a Apsara to interrupt his penance,
Varaha Purana 29-35 ”Hearing hat music beautiful with the Pancama svara the mind of the sage became perturbed. Kamadeva tirelessly shot his arrows again on him…Hit by the arrows of Kamadeva, the great sage appraoched her with a smile. She too looked at him amorously but with shyness. Attracting the mind of the sage with her irresistible charms, she continued to play the ball unmindful of flowers falling from her dishevelling hair. At that time the Malaya wind blew off her garment freeing it from its knot and the girdle holding it…[40-1] The he held that smiling damsel by the right hand. He embraced her and gave her delight. Day and night he enjoyed with her every pleasure helped by the power he had acquired by his penence.” Tr. Venkitasubramonia Iyer, edited by J.L. Shastri
Apart from committing adultery the gods were also fond of stealing garments of women. The below section also includes Gods and Rishis committing adultery.
Stealing Garments of Women
The gods were also fond of stealing garments of women to watch their naked bodies. Many Hindus even hang the portrait on their wall depicting Krishna sitting on a branch of tree with the cloths of Gopis while the Gopis coming out of the water in fully nude state. However Krishna was not the only God who did this, several other gods did this act too,
Mahabharata, Adi Parva 1.72 Kanwa continued, ‘And Sakra, thus addressed by her, then commanded him who could approach every place (viz., the god of the wind) to be present with Menaka at the time she would be before the Rishi. And the timid and beautiful Menaka then entered the retreat and saw there Viswamitra who had burnt, by his penances, all his sins, and was engaged still in ascetic penances. And saluting the Rishi, she then began to sport before him. And just at that time Marut robbed her of her garments that were white as the Moon. And she thereupon ran, as if in great bashfulness, to catch hold of her attire, and as if she was exceedingly annoyed with Marut. And she did all this before the very eyes of Viswamitra who was endued with energy like that of fire. And Viswamitra saw her in that attitude. And beholding her divested of her robes, he saw that she was of faultless feature. And that best of Munis saw that she was exceedingly handsome, with no marks of age on her person. And beholding her beauty and accomplishments that bull amongst Rishis was possessed with lust and made a sign that he desired her companionship. And he invited her accordingly, and she also of faultless features expressed her acceptance of the invitation. And they then passed a long time there in each other’s company. And sporting with each other, just as they pleased, for a long time as if it were only a single day, the Rishi begat on Menaka a daughter named Sakuntala.
Krishna stole the garments of Gopis just to enjoy watching their naked bodies and later gave a lame excuse,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.22.16-17 The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: If you girls are actually My maidservants, and if you will really do what I say, then come here with your innocent smiles andlet each girl pick out her clothes. If you don’t do what I say, I won’t give them back to you. And even if the king becomes angry, what can he do? Then, shivering from the painful cold, all the young girls rose up out of the water, covering their pubic area with their hands.
Krishna had done similar act to Radha in front of all the Gopis,
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 28.117-132 …Hari snatched away the cloth of Radha and thus denuded her. Then he tore her wreath and loosened her chignon…Hari embraced the naked Radha, sank into the water and after having played therein got up again along with her. Then Krishna after having displayed the abashed, naked Radha to the cowherdesses threw her again at a distance into the water….Then Radha dragged Hari and gave him a push whereupon the Lord of the universe was immersed in deep water at a distance. But shortly afterwards he emerged from the liquid with a smile, kissed and embraced the naked Radha, again and again…After the play was over, the naked Lord and Radha both came to the coast and demanded their clothes from one another….” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
For fun Indra blew the garments of girls taking bath,
Matysa Purana 27.3-5 ”…Accepting the request of the Devas, the Maghavan, along with them, set out on his mission and, in the way, he came across a group of women in the forest. He saw those damsels bathing and enjoying themselves, as they do in they do in the pleasure-garden of Kuvera.Then Indra, in the form of a gust of wind, blew away and mixed up their garments. At that, all the maidens, hastily coming out of water, dressed themselves with the clothes as they found them.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, Edited by B.D. Basu
Dancing Girls
The gods were no different than present day lecherous people, they had the habit of fornicating with women, drinking liquor, and even watching girls dancing. We have already seen an instance of the assembly of gods where the Apsaras were dancing. Below are some verses from Srimad Bhagavatam about Krishna dancing with Gopis.
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.2 ”There on the Yamuna’s banks Lord Govinda then began the pastime of the rasa dance in the company of those jewels among women, the faithful gopis, who joyfully linked their arms together. [7-8] As the gopis sang in praise of Krishna, their feet danced, their hands gestured, and their eyebrows moved with playful smiles. With their braids and belts tied tight, their waists bending, their faces perspiring, the garments on their breasts moving this way and that, and their earrings swinging on their cheeks, Lord Krishna’s young consorts shone like streaks of lightning in a mass of clouds. Eager to enjoy conjugal love, their throats colored with various pigments, the gopis sang loudly and danced. They were overjoyed by Krishna’s touch, and they sang songs that filled the entire universe. [10-12] When one gopi grew tired from the rasa dance, She turned to Krishna, standing at Her side holding a baton, and grasped His shoulder with Her arm. The dancing had loosened Her bracelets and the flowers in Her hair. Upon the shoulder of one gopi Krishna placed His arm, whose natural blue-lotus fragrance was mixed with that of the sandalwood pulp anointing it. As the gopi relished that fragrance, her bodily hair stood on end in jubilation, and she kissed His arm. Next to Krishna’s cheek one gopi put her own, beautified by the effulgence of her earrings, which glittered as she danced. Krishna then carefully gave her the betel nut He was chewing. [17-18] Their senses overwhelmed by the joy of having His physical association, the gopis could not prevent their hair, their dresses and the cloths covering their breasts from becoming disheveled. Their garlands and ornaments scattered, O hero of the Kuru dynasty. The wives of the demigods, observing Krishna’s playful activities from their airplanes, were entranced and became agitated with lust. Indeed, even the moon and his entourage, the stars, became astonished. [22]Lord Krishna’s garland had been crushed during His conjugal dalliance with the gopis and colored vermilion by the kunkuma powder on their breasts…” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Other gods also enjoyed dance of women and nymphs,
Skanda Purana V.iii.172.1-2 ”Sri Markandeya said: Then all the sages and Devas with Indra at their head came to the meritorious hermitage of Mandavya on the banks of Narmada. The courtesans began to dance to the tunes of the songs of the celestial damsels. Lights shone and conchs and Dundubhi drums were sounded.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Brahma Khanda 13.1-10 ”…Having tasted the pleasures of a kingdom for some time in the company of his wives, once upon a time, singing the eulogies of Hari, he suddenly came to Brahma at the shrine of the Puskara. At that time Brahma was witnessing the dance of a celestial nymph called Rambha along with other gods. Suddenly he (Upavarhana) became impatient at the sight of her thigh (beautiful like plantain) and hard, spehrical rising breast exposed by the wind. His semen was discharged…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Sex Life
Many gods especially Krishna’s sex life is highly praised in the Hindu scripture. Here is how they had sex with their wives,
Krishna with his Wives
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.90.10-11 Under the drenched clothing of the queens, their thighs and breasts would become visible. The flowers tied in their large braids would scatter as they sprayed water on their consort, and on the plea of trying to take away His syringe, they would embrace Him.By His touch their lusty feelings would increase, causing their faces to beam with smiles. Thus Lord Kṛṣṇa’s queens shone with resplendent beauty. Lord Kṛṣṇa’s flower garland would become smeared with kuṅkuma from their breasts, and His abundant locks of hair would become disheveled as a result of His absorption in the game. As the Lord repeatedly sprayed His young consorts and they sprayed Him in turn, He enjoyed Himself like the king of elephants enjoying in the company of his bevy of she-elephants.
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 112.34-46 ”O Narada, later on, Lord Krisna in due order by turns committed sexual intercourse on the auspicious day prescribed by the Vedas with seven women, viz., Kalindi, Satyabhama, Satya, NagnaJiti, sati, Jambavati and Laksmana. In course of time, each of these seven women bore ten sons and one daughter…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Krishna Janma Khanda 46.30-44 ”At that time, Parvati (who is the direct emblem of energy) and the powerful Sankara were not in the least exhausted by the above act…At that time they slept on a bed covered with flowers and with their heart animated with joy and with their bodies thrilling with raptures, they were pierced with the darts of Cupid, fainted and thus passed their days. Both of them who were expert in sexual science were rendered stark-naked through excess of pleasure; and their bodies were marked with the injuries inflicted by teeth and nails. The sandal-paste, aloe-paste and musk of their bodies and the vermillion on the forehead of Parvati disappeared; the garland of both were torn and the chignon of Gauri was relaxed. O fair one, at the time of intercourse her anklet, bracelet, anklet and earrings continued to resound…The earth being overloaded with the energy of Siva, the supporter of the world, was about to be rent asunder and quaked along with mountains, forests and oceans…” Tr. Rajendra Nath Sen
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhitra 2, Sati Khanda 2, 21.19-24 ”Sometimes Siva would become invisible through his Maya and suddenly embrace her when she would become terrified and agitated. Sometime with musk he would make marks like bees on her breasts that resembled the buds of a golden lotus. Sometimes he would take the necklace off her breasts and press them with his hands…Even as she was looking on, sometimes he would come to her lofty breasts saying with laughter, this dark spot ”Kalika” on your breasts is your companion of the same colour as it contains the same letter as are found in your name ‘Kalika’.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Srimad Bhagavatam 6.17.7 ”Lord Śiva, whose hair is matted on his head, has certainly undergone great austerities and penances. Indeed, he is the president in the assembly of strict followers of Vedic principles. Nonetheless, he is seated with his wife on his lap in the midst of saintly persons and is embracing her as if he were a shameless, ordinary human being.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Kumara Khanda 4, 1.24 ”For a thousand years according to the calculation of the gods, Siva the Yogin has been engaged in sexual dalliance. He does not desist from it.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Skanda Purana I.iii(P).13.11-12”On hearing these words of the Goddess, Sambhu, the Lord of Sonacala, the bestower of boons, granted everything desired by her as a boon. He was desirous of having sexual intercourse with her. Out of eagerness Siva asked her to applied the fascinated musk (to herself).” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Once Shiva was so much aroused that he repeatedly told Nandi to bring Parvati, he also told that Parvati should dress herself properly. Shiva couldn’t even wait till she prepared her toilet and sent Nandin again and again. So some girls especially Uma the daughter of Bana thought it would be nice idea to assume the form of Parvati and copulate with Shiva, she was very desirous of cohabiting with Shiva because previously she had seen Shiva and Parvati engaged in intercourse. So she tried to assume the form of Parvati and approach Shiva but Parvati learnt about it and stopped her, Parvati later told her that a person will come in her dream and rape her and he will be her future husband. And that guy was the grandson of Krishna named Anirudha. There is little variation in the story, it is uncertain whether Parvati told this to Uma when Uma saw Shiva and Parvati copulating or when Uma was going to assume the form of Parvati when Shiva was aroused.
Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Yudha Khanda 5, 51.35-43 ”Then being glanced at by Kama who was not vanquished, the crescent-crested lord Siva highly indulgent in sports spoke to Nandin. Go and quickly from this forest and tell the dark complexioned Parvati everything and bring her here from Kailasa after she has bedecked herself… O excellent sage, then, at his importunity, Parvati, devoted to her husband, began to bedeck herself ardently…Siva who was extremely agitated told Nandin again. ”Dear, go again and fetch Parvati from there”. ”Yes, sir”, said he. He went to Parvati of sweet appearance and said: ”Your lord wishes to see you beautifully and gorgeously dressed. O goddess,Siva is eagerly waiting for various sports. O daughter of the mountain, please go since the lord is distressed with passion.”[61-62] Then the goddess Parvati bedecked herself zealously and went to Siva. She then sported with him. O sage, at the end of the dalliance Lord Siva vanished from the place accompanied by his wife, the Ganas and the gods.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Devi Bhagavatam 9.14.4-23 ”…Ganga Devi was very much overpowered with enjoyment in her first intercourse with Narayana; so much so that She remained motionless…” Tr. Swami Vijnananda
Mahabharata 3.97 “…After a considerable time, O king, the illustrious Rishi one day beheld Lopamudra, blazing in ascetic splendour come up after the bath in her season. And pleased with the girl, for her services, her purity, and self control, as also with her grace and beauty, he summoned her for marital intercourse…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Indian government spends crores of rupees for Hindu pilgrims as a subsidy to travel to Mansarovar. But this pilgrimage site namely Mansarovar was more like a honeymoon spot used by Hindu gods and sages,
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.23.39-40 ”In that aerial mansion he traveled to the pleasure valleys of Mount Meru, which were rendered all the more beautiful by cool, gentle, fragrant breezes that stimulated passion. In these valleys, the treasurer of the gods, Kuvera, surrounded by beautiful women and praised by the Siddhas, generally enjoys pleasure. Kardama Muni also, surrounded by the beautiful damsels and his wife, went there and enjoyed for many, many years. Satisfied by his wife, he enjoyed in that aerial mansion not only on Mount Meru but in different gardens known as Vaiśrambhaka, Surasana, Nandana, Puṣpabhadraka and Caitrarathya, and by the Mānasa-sarovara Lake.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Mahabharata 1.157 ”…Hidimva sported with the Pandava and studied to make him happy. So also, in inaccessible regions of forests, and on mountain-breasts overgrown with blossoming trees on lakes resplendent with lotuses and lilies, islands of rivers and their pebbly banks, on sylvan streams with beautiful banks and mountain-currents, in picturesque woods with blossoming trees and creepers in Himalayan bowers, and various caves, on crystal pools smiling with lotuses, on sea-shores shining with gold and pearls, in beautiful towns and fine gardens, in woods sacred to the gods and on hill-sides, in the regions of Guhyakasand ascetics, on the banks of Manasarovara abounding with fruits and flowers of every season Hidimva, assuming the handsomest form, sported with Bhima and studied to make him happy. Endued with the speed of the mind, she sported with Bhima in all these regions, till in time, she conceived and brought forth a mighty son begotten upon her by the Pandava…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Maharshi Manu on types of Slaves,
Manu Smriti 8.415 ”A captive of war, a slave for maintenance, the son of a female slave, one purchased for money, a slave obtained as a present, a hereditary one, and one condemned to slavery for any offence, these are the seven kinds of slave (lit., sources of slavery)” Tr. M.N. Dutt
Female Slave can’t perform the rites of a wife,
Baudhyana Dharma Sutra, Prasna 1, Adhyaya 11, Kandika 21 Now they quote also (the following verse): ‘It is declared that a female who has been purchased for money is not a wife. She cannot (assist) at sacrifices offered to the gods or the manes. Kasyapa has stated that she is a slave.
What does that mean? It means a female slave can do other works of wife (like carnal pleasure) but not the sacrificial rites of wife. Leave aside this purchasing of female slaves, Hinduism even brings a kind of marriage into slavery. As we know there are many forms of marriage in Hinduism, one of them is Manusha rite. Vasistha explains it as,
Vasistha Dharma Sutra 1.35-36 If, after making a bargain (with the father, a suitor) marries (a damsel) purchased for money, that (is called) the Manusha-rite. The purchase (of a wife) is mentioned in the following passage of the Veda, ‘Therefore one hundred (cows) besides a chariot should be given to the father of the bride.’
This will be an eye opener for some Hindus, because those poor Hindu used to say Marriage in Hinduism is a very spiritualistic matter and very unique compared to other religions. Is that the ‘Uniqueness’ they talk about? Purchasing a wife like a one purchases a commodity.
As per Brihadaranyaka Upanishad all creatures were born after God raped his own daughter,
Birhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.3-4 ”He was not at all happy. Therefore people (still) are not happy when alone. He desired a mate. He became as big as man and wife embracing each other. He parted this very body into two. From that came husband and wife. Therefore, said Yajnavalkya, this (body) is one-half of oneself, like one of the two halves of a split pea. Therefore this space is indeed filled by the wife. He was united with her. From that men were born. She thought, ‘How ccan he be united with me after producing me from himself? Well, let me hide myself.’ She became a cow, the other became a bull and was united with her; from that cows were born. The one became a mare, the other a stallion; the one became she-ass, the other became a he-ass and was united with her; from that one hoofed animals were born. The one became a ewe, the other became a ram and was united with her; from that goats and sheep were born. Thus did he project everything that exists in pairs, down to the ants.” Tr. Swami Madhavananda
Adi Shankaracharya writes on this verse,
‘’He, the Viraj called Manu, was united with her, his daughter called Satarupa, whom he conceived of as his wife. From that union men were born.’’ by Shankara on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.4.3, Shankara Bhashya, p.101, Tr. Swami Madhavananda.
Samba was the son of Krishna born to his wife Jambavati. Krishna’s sixteen thousand wives were sexually aroused seeing their step son Samba. So Krishna in anger cursed his son.
Varaha Purana 177.2-31 “When Krsna was living there with his wives and sons, once Narada stepped in…But Narada took Krsna aside and spoke to him in private. ‘I have to tell you something in secret. Please liten. Your son Samba is young, eloquent and handsome is longed by all the women here. The Supreme God gave you these sixteen hundred divine women for your pleasure. Their minds get agitated (with love) when they see Samba, and this (scandal) has spread even in Brahmaloka…By calling Samba and all this multitute of women and seating them here, I shall show you whether what I say is true or false…Then Samba entered with folded hands and waited to know the command (of Krsna). Seeing the exceptionally handsome Samba, all those noble women felt agitated in mind even when Krsna was watching them. Then Krsna asked these beloved women of his to get up and go to their homes and they did so… Looking at Narada, Krsna bent down his face in shame. He then told Narada in detail about the nature of women and their conduct leading to sin. ‘They have no consideration of time, of secrecy of what they do. Still they pass to be virtous. Women irrespective of their age, whether they be girls, teenagers, middle-aged or advanced in age, get their passion excited at the sight of a handsome man. O great sage, this is natural to them… A chariot does not move, ‘ (he said), ‘with a single wheel alone. It is only with the response of men do women get excited with passion. They get gratified by the looks of men. Seeing (your other son) Pradyumna, they become highly shy. But by seeing Samba, they become stricken with passion and the sandal paste and such other things (on his body) act as additional excitants. So Samba must be held responsible for ruining your women and you cannot obliterate the scandal that has reached even Satyaloka…Krsna then cursed Samba to become ugly and immediately he became a leper. Foul smelling blood began to ooze from his body which became full of wounds.” Tr. Venkitasubramonia Iyer, J.L. Shastri
There is another version of this story,
Matsya Purana 70.2- “Siva said:- There will be 16,000 wives of Krisna in the Yuga mentioned before. When once, in the spring time, those ladies, having decorated themselves with ornaments, would be drinking together on the banks of a pond studded with full budded lotus flowers, dancing with the wind and resounding with the melodious notes of the cuckoo and musical tunes of the big black bee, they will see Lord Samba, beautiful like Cupid, having eyes handsome like those of a gazelle, and wearing the garlands of malati, passing by. They will cast on him amorous glances, their hearts being fired with lustful feelings and they being targets of the arrows of Cupid. Lord Krishna will come to know all that with his mental vision, and will curse them as follows: ‘Because you cherished the desire of amorous pastime during my absence, all of you will be taken away by bandits.” Tr. Taluqdar of Oudh, edited by B.D. Basu
During propagation of living beings, Manu sprang from lower half of Brahma and Satarupa from left hand side of Brahma’s body. And these two siblings then begat couple of children,
Devi Bhagavatam 3.13.15-16 Next Svayambhava Manu sprang from the lower half of Brahma; and the daughter named Satarupa came out of the left hand side of the Brahma’s body. The two sons Priyavrata and Uttânapâda were born of Manu in the womb of S’atarûpâ and the three daughters, very beautiful and fair complexioned, were also born of him.
Another version shows that when Prajapati created sons and a daughter from himself his sons were attracted to their sister and out of desire they discharged semen which Brahma preserved it in a bowl
Kausitaki Brahmana 6.1.1-12 “Prajapati, being desirous of propagation, underwent penance; from him when heated were born five, Agni, Vayu, Adityaa, Candramas, and Usas as fifth. He said to them, ‘Do ye also practise fervour.’ They consecrated themselves; then when they had consecrated themselves and had acquired fervour, Usas, offspring of Prajapati, taking the form of an Apsaras, came out in front of them; to her their minds inclined; they poured out seed; they went to Prajapati, their father, and said, ‘We have poured out seed; let it not remain here’. Prajapati made a golden bowl, an arrow breadth in height and similar in breadth; in it he poured the seed; then arose he of a thousand eyes, of a thousand feet, with a thousand fitted (arrows).” Tr. A.B. Keith
Hindus views marriages with cousin as incesteous, but Krishna himself is said to have married his paternal aunt’s daughter. Mitravinda was the daughter of Rajadhidevi who was the sister of Krishna’s father Vasudeva making Mitravinda the first cousin of Krishna,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.31 “My dear King, Lord Kṛṣṇa forcibly took away Princess Mitravindā, the daughter of His aunt Rājādhidevī, before the eyes of the rival kings.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Krishna is said to have married another cousin named Bhadra,
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.58.56 “Bhadrā was a princess of the Kaikeya kingdom and the daughter of Lord Kṛṣṇa’s paternal aunt Śrutakīrti. The Lord married Bhadrā when her brothers, headed by Santardana, offered her to Him.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
Srimad Bhagavatam 10.83.15-16 “Śrī Bhadrā said: My dear Draupadī, of his own free will my father invited his nephew Kṛṣṇa, to whom I had already dedicated my heart, and offered me to Him as His bride. My father presented me to the Lord with an akṣauhiṇi military guard and a retinue of my female companions. My ultimate perfection is this: to always be allowed to touch Lord Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet as I wander from life to life, bound by my karma.” Tr. Swami Prabhupada
A story in Mahabharata says that after Asura Ilwala killed the pitrs of Rishi Agastya, they requested Agastya to beget a son that would save them from the pit (hell). As requested by them Rishi Agastya first creates a girl with an intention of marrying her. Logically this makes her the daughter of Rishi Agastya. After creating her, Rishi Agastya gives her to a childless king who was performing penance to obtain progeny, and the king adopts the girl child who was named Lopamudra. After reaching the proper age fit to beget a child, Rishi Agastya marries her and begets a child,
Mahabharata, Vana Parva 3.96 “…Agastya replied, saying, ‘Ye Pitris, I will accomplish your desire. Let this anxiety of yours be dispelled.’ And the illustrious Rishi then began to think of perpetuating his race. But he saw not a wife worthy of him on whom he himself could take his birth in the form of a son. The Rishi accordingly, taking those parts that were regarded as highly beautiful, from creatures possessing them, created therewith an excellent woman. And the Muni, endued with great ascetic merit, thereupon gave that girl created for himself to the king of the Vidharbhas who was then undergoing ascetic penances for obtaining offspring. And that blessed girl of sweet face (thus disposed of) then took her birth (in Vidarbha’s royal line) and, beautiful as the effulgent lightning, her limbs began to grow day by day…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Mahabharata, Vana Parva 3.97 “…And at these words of his daughter, O monarch, the king gave away Lopamudra unto the illustrious Agastya with due rites. And obtaining her as wife…” Tr. K.M. Ganguli
Some Hindu text prohibits prostitution but some also permits it. Devdasi means servant of god, Devdasi should dance in temple and she is also forced into prostitution and sexually abused by the Brahmins. Although Devdasi is banned by government but Temple prostitution or sacred prostitution is still prevalent in many parts of India,
According to a report by one-man commission headed by Justice Raghunath Rao in 2015, there are 80,000 Devdasi in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states.
As per’s 2011 report “The National Commission for Women estimate that there are 48,358 Devadasis currently in India.”
And as per
Quoting the National Commission for Women, the authority says there are 2.5 lakh “Devadasi” girls who have been dedicated to Yellamma and Khandoba temples on Maharastra-Karnataka border. This includes 16,624 from Andhra Pradesh, 22,941 from Karnataka and 2,479 from Maharastra. The Devadasi system is prevalent in 10 districts of north Karnataka and 14 districts in Andhra Pradesh.
One can find sanction of this evil practice in Hindu scriptures,
Padma Purana V.113.40-46b ”Vasistha said:- O king, you have not asked enough. That is said to be holy which enables one to be more sportive, O king. He should make Siva’s temple white with whitewash on all sides. He should have women who are endowed with beauty and graceful movements, adorned with all ornaments, skilled in (singing) many good songs, and proficient in various kinds of dancing…All should be beautiful and should have graceful movements. All should be of firm breasts. They should be skilled in the ways of sexual love and should be trustworthy…O king, he who has caused women like this to dance (even) on one day, gets into a (divine) aeroplane in a year.” Tr. N.A. Deshpande
Vijay Mallya should learn something from these verses, As Kingfisher airline is incurred huge loss. Is it a temple or a night club which asks its followers to construct a temple and make girls dance before men? A story mentioned in Padma Purana shows that Krishna cursed his 16100 wives to become prostitutes (after his death) after they were enamored seeing their step son Samba. Krishnas wives are then instructed by sage Dalbhya Caikitayana on how to lead the life in temple prostitution. This chapter of Padma Purana is titled “The vows of Prostitutes”, the title of the chapter itself is a summary of the chapter which shows that temple prostitution is permissible in Hinduism,
Padma Purana 1.23.74b-87a “The Lord said: O Brahman, born from the lotus, in the same city there will be sixteen thousand wives of Vasudeva. Krsna, the universal soul, having eyes like those of a deer, the dignified scion of Yadu family, who had put the garland of Malati flowers on his head, and being adorned with his praiseworthy wives, will enjoy with them in a garden rich with flowers, and situated on the bank of a lake, in the spring season abounding in cuckoos and swarms of bees. Samba, Jambavatl’s son, adorned with all (kinds of ornaments), going along with the path nearby, really of the form of Cupid, will be longingly seen by the ladies and passion will be aroused in the hearts of them who will be tormented by the arrows of Cupid. He, the lord of the world, the omniscient master, having perceived it with his eye of contemplation, will say to them: “The evil being will kidnap you, since you have thus entertained the passion of love (for Samba) in my presence.” Then the revered lord, the cause of beings, the holder of the bow made of horn, being propitiated (by the ladies) tormented with the curse, will say this: “(You will observe) the vow, beneficial in the future, which sage Dalbhya, emancipator of the fishermen living in the north and of an unlimited (generosity of) mind will tell you.” Saying so and leaving them, the lord vanished. Then after a (long) time when the burden (on the earth as a result of the great Bharatawar) will be lightened and when the fight with clubs (among the Yadavas) will be over, when Kesava will have come back to the heaven, when the entire Yadu-family will be no more, when even Arjuna will be defeated by the thieves, when Krsna’s wives will be kidnapped and will be enjoyed by the fishermen for a hundred million years and when they will be (thus) tormented, a devout soul, Dalbhya by name, with great penance (to his credit) will come there.”
Padma Purana 1.23.91-121 “O revered sir, all of us have been perforce enjoyed by the evil beings; we have slipped from (i.e. erred in) our duty. You are our refuge. O brahmana, you have been formerly instructed by the intelligent Kesava. Why have we become prostitutes after having come in contact with the lord? O you, whose wealth is penance, explain to us the duties of the prostitutes.” I shall tell you what Dalbhya Caikitayana said to them. Dalbhya said: Formerly Narada approached you, who were proud, while (you were) sporting in the water of the Manasa lake. All of you were daughters of Agni and were the nymphs in olden days. Not saluting Narada through haughtiness you asked the sage conversant with deep and abstract meditation: “Advise us as to how Narayana will be our husband.” From him, this boon and this curse came forth (i.e. Narada gave this boon to and pronounced this curse on the ladies) in ancient days: “By giving a couple of beds with articles of gold (to a brahmana) on the twelfth day of the bright fortnight of Caitra and Vaisakha, Narayana will certainly be your husband (i.e. you will obtain Narayana as your husband); (and) since, you asked me (a question) without saluting me, due to your selfish addiction to your beauty and good fortune, you will be kidnapped by thieves and will become prostitutes.” Thus, due to the curse of Narada and also that of Kesava, all of you, deluded by passion, have become prostitutes. O you excellent ladies, listen, even now, to what I shall say. The lord of lords, the best speaker, formerly said to the hundreds and thousands of thousands of the wives of the demons, the Asuras (the evil spirits—enemies of gods), the sons of Diti and the goblins, when these (ladies) were married and enjoyed by force (by the gods), after hundreds of the Asuras and demons were killed by the gods in the war between gods and Asuras (that took place) in ancient days: “O you devout and beautiful ladies, now live as prostitutes in king’s residences and in temples of gods; you will obtain your livelihood from the king and the master; and all of you will have good fortune as per your capacity. He, who enters your house with the fee should be served by you with attitude of love void of deceit… At that time, he, having the five arrows as his soul (i.e. Cupid), will go (i.e. remain) near Hari. She should worship the lotus-eyed (god i.e. Visnu), followed by eulogies of Cupid. She should worship the feet (of the image of the deity saying:) ‘My salutation to Kama’; (she should worship) the shanks (saying:) ‘My salutation to Vaimohakarin’; (she should worship) the generative organ (of the image of the deity saying:) ‘My salutation to Kandarpanidhi…Having thus worshipped Govinda, the lord of the form of Ananga, the lady having made an offering with sandal, flowers and incense, and then having invited a Brahmana knowing customary observances, who has mastered the Vedas and who is without any deformity, and then having honoured him with adoration of sandal, flowers etc. she should give the brahmana rice of the measure of a prastha along with a pot of ghee, (saying:) ‘May Madhava be pleased’. She should bear in mind that the best Brahmana, who has eaten well according to his sweet will, is Kamadeva meant for Rati. The lady should do whatever the best Brahmana desires.”
Padma Purana 1.23.130b-142 “Then having circumambulated and allowed the best Brahmana to go, she should take all (the articles) like the bed, the seat, to the Brahmana’s house. Since then whosoever comes to her house for sexual enjoyment should be similarly honoured on a Sunday and should always be adored. Thus till the thirteenth month arrives, she should gratify a Brahmana and then send him to his house; with his permission (she may entertain) a handsome (person) till he arrives (to her residence). When she has a difficulty as a result of impurity due to child-birth or abortion or from the king or a difficulty due to divine or human (forces) or due to an eclipse, then she should offer herself according to her capacity, for fifty-eight times. This (vow) I have especially narrated to you, since this is the duty that should be always performed by the prostitutes in this world…”
Sage Dalbhya instructs them to lead prostitution just like Indra had commanded the wives of slain demons mentioned in Matsya Purana 71.26-59 which I have already mentioned in Sex Slaves category, readers are requested to read Matsya Purana 71.26-59 again to better understand this. Agni Purana 211.37-43 also talks about gifting female slaves to Brahmins which I have mentioned inSex Slaves category.
There is a story of a Rishi Galava who engaged his daughter into prostitution just to get horses, The story is very long and mentioned in three sections of Mahabharata hence it’s not possible to mention every detail but I will post the summarized version created by Ibn Muhammad,
Mahabharata Udyog Parva section 115 “She is my daughter. She is extremely beautiful and virtuous. She is desired by every male in three worlds. She can charm any Sur, Asur, Aryan or non-Aryan. I offer my daughter to you. You can sell her to any king and manage to have your gurudakhshina.”
Mahabharata Udyog Parva, Section 116 “So, Rishi Galav, without any qualms of conscience, accepts the king’s daughter and mortgages her to Ayodhya’s king Haryashaw and in return gets 200 horses. He takes 200 horses, leaving Madhavi to bear a son to the king.”
Mahabharata Udyog Parva, section 117 and 118 “The Rishi Galav then searched another buyer for Madhavi and this time it is king Divodas who gives 200 horses in the bargain. (Udyog Parv, section117). Then he takes her to king Ushinao and manages to strike a better bargain. He receives now 400 horses. (Udyog Parv, section 118).
There is a story mentioned in Brahma Purana which says that Devas exchanges Saraswati with the Asuras for Soma Ras
Brahma Purana Gautami Mahatmya 35.6-13 ”…If Devas are prepared let them come there for sacrifice. Gandharvas are always fond of women. Exchange me for Soma”. ”So be it”, said Devas who firmly agreed to what was said by Sarasvati. Through the messengers they invited Devas, Yaksas, Gandharvas and Nagas severally to the sacred mountain. There-after, O sage, the name of that mountain became Devagiti. There came Devas, Gandharvas, Yaksas, Raksasas, Siddhas, sages and the eight species of inferior gods… [Indra said] Exchange the nectar-souled Soma of yours for Saraswati. [Brahma said] At the instance of Indra those Gandharvas, passionate over women, gave Soma to Devas and took Saraswati. Devas possessed Soma and Gandharvas possessed Saraswati.” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Analysis of Lingam
Written by Sulaiman Razvi
The meaning of Shiva Ling or Lingam has become a subject of controversy in recent times. Hindu reveres the Shiv Ling, They use Shiv Ling’s photo on their vehicles, shops and houses for blessings. Hindu god Shiva is considered ”The Destroyer” part of Trimurti and he is also considered the Ascetic god. The early scholars of Hinduism didn’t emphasize the meaning of Shiv Linga, it was only in recent time when Hinduism was exposed to foreigners that some Hindu scholars started giving their own definitions. When dealing with such issues we have to look deep into it’s history. Shiva Linga actually a Phallic (male erected generative organ) emblem is considered a symbol by today’s Hindu scholars. We can find traces of Phallus or Shiva Lingam worshipers in the Rig Veda which is the oldest scripture of Hinduism, however we read that the ancient Aryans were hostile towards these worshipers,
Rig Veda 7.21.5 …Let our true God subdue the hostile rabble: let not the lewd[ShishanDeva] approach our holy worship.
The Sanskrit word here is Shishan+Deva which means Penis Worshipers. The word Shishan (also spelled Sisna) means Penis. Maharshi Yaska explains this verse in his book Nirukta,
”May he, the noble one, defy the manifold creatures, let phallus worshippers not penetrate our sanctuary.
May he overpower them, i.e. the manifold creatures who are hostile to us. Let the phallus worshippers, i.e. the unchaste Sisna (phallus) is derived from (the root) snath (to pierce) not approach our sanctuary, i. e. our truth, or sacrifice.”-Nirukta 4.19
Now who else could this Phallus worshippers be other than the Shiva Lingam worshippers.
Unlike some modern Hindu scholars who refuse to give the actual meaning of Shiva Linga, the Tantra or Tantric tradition of Hinduism maintains that Shiv Ling represents the male sexual organ and is worshiped for virility (and for some other reasons also), they quote this passage as proof for Penis worship,
”Mahadeva [Shiva] said: A Sadhaka wishing to worship a yoni, which is the form of the cosmos, should cause an erection and insert it into that thing which is Sakti Herself. The vagina is Mahamaya and the penis is Sadasiva. Worshipping them, one becomes liberated while still alive; there is no doubt off it. One should offer bali, flowers and so forth. If incapable of this, worship with wine, O Durga. One should do pranayama and my six limbed puja in the yoni region. After reciting the mantra 108 times at the base of the yoni, one should rub the linga and the yoni together.”- [Source: ]
Yoni (Vagina) worship can also be found in the Upanishad, it is mentioned,
Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6.4.2-3 “Prajapati said to Himself: “Well, let Me make a firm basis for it (semen).” So He created woman. Having created her, He worshipped her bottom portion. Therefore one should worship the bottom portion of a woman. He (Prajapati) extended His organ that projects and with it impregnated her.”
Now let’s have a look at Mahabharata,
बहुरूपाः परजा दृष्ट्वा विवृद्धाः सवेन तेजसा चुक्रॊध भगवान रुद्रॊ लिङ्गं सवं चाप्य अविध्यत
तत परविद्धं तदा भूमौ तथैव परत्यतिष्ठत तम उवाचाव्ययॊ बरह्मा वचॊभिः शमयन्न इव
किं कृतं सलिले शर्व चिरकालं सथितेन ते किमर्थं चैतद उत्पाट्य भूमौ लिङ्गं परवेरितम
bahurūpāḥ prajā dṛṣṭvā vivṛddhāḥ svena tejasā. cukrodha bhagavān rudro liṅgaṃsvaṃ cāpy avidhyata. tat praviddhaṃ tadā bhūmau tathaiva pratyatiṣṭhata. tam uvācāvyayo brahmā vacobhiḥ śamayann iva. kiṃ kṛtaṃ salile śarva cirakālaṃ sthitena te. kimarthaṃ caitad utpāṭya bhūmau liṅgaṃ praveritam [Source]
Mahabharata Sauptika Parva 10.17 ”After the creatures had multiplied and the Grandsire had become well pleased, the first-born rose from the water and beheld the living creation. He saw that diverse kinds of creatures had been created and that they had multiplied by their own energy. At this sight, Rudra [Shiva] became angry and caused his procreative limb [Lingam] to disappear in the bowels of the Earth. The unfading Brahma, soothing him by soft words, said unto him, “O Sharva, what wert thou doing so long within the water? For what reason, also hast thou caused thy limb of generation [Lingam] to disappear in the bowels of the Earth?” Thus questioned, that lord of the universe wrathfully answered the lord Brahman, “Somebody else has created all these creatures! What purpose then would be served by this limb of mine? I have by my austerities, O Grandsire, created food for all these creatures. These herbs and plants also will multiply like those that will subsist upon them!” Having said these words, Bhava went away, in cheerlessness and rage, to the foot of the Menjavat mountains for practising severer austerities.”-Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguly.
I will be explaining this briefly in this article. The purpose of quoting this passage from Mahabharata is to show that the word Linga/Lingam associated with Shiva represents his sexual organ.
The Meaning of Lingam
[Student’s Sanskrit English Dictionary 1893 edition, By V.S Apte, page 311]
Google translates also give the same definition for the word Linga.
ISKCON scholars give the following meaning,
”lingam — phallic symbol which is used in the worship of Lord Śiva.” [Source:]
It is mentioned in Mahabharata,
Mahabharata 13.14 …all creatures bear the signs that mark Mahadeva and his spouse. Hence, all creatures must be regarded as belonging to Maheswara. All creatures of the feminine sex, have sprung from Ulna’s nature as their cause, and hence it is they bear the mark of femininity that distinguishes Uma; while all creatures that are masculine, having sprung from Siva, bear the masculine mark that distinguishes Siva…
So what is that masculine mark that distinguishes a male person? Obviously the male organ (penis). And its that which distinguishes Siva also.
The Shiv Ling underwent physical changes over centuries, the Ling that we see today wasn’t in the same form 2000 years ago. Below are some images of Shiva Linga which dates back to ancient period,
[Ek Mukha Lingam, Aghapura, Bharatpur, Rajasthan. First Century A.D]
As you can see, these Lingams which are known to be the one of the oldest Lingams ever discovered completely resembles the male genital organ. The Gudimallam Lingam completely resembles penis while the Lingam found at Kannada district is smaller than Gudimallam. Details on Shiv Ling can mainly be found in the Puranas. The worship of Shiv’s Ling started after one of the Sage of Pine forests named Bhrigu cursed Shiva to be worshiped as Linga (Penis) in anger after he was dishonoured by Shiva. It is mentioned in Padma Purana,
”Bhrigu was sent to ascertain the preeminence of the three gods, on arriving at Kailasa he thus addressed Shiva’s door keeper [Nandi] ”Quickly inform Shankara that I, the Brahman Bhrigu, have come to see him.” But the door keeper [Nandi] said, ‘Stop, Stop if thou wishest to preserve thy life; for my lord cannot be approached at present, as he is engaged in amorous dalliance with Devi.’ The divine sage being thus denied access, waited some time at the gate of Shiva’s abode and at length incensed with anger imprecated this curse ”Since thou, O Shankara hast thus treated me with contempt, in consequence of thy preferring the embraces of Parvati, your forms shall on that account become the Lingam in the Yoni”- Padma Purana 6.255.6-43; 6.282.20-36
So we see that the angered Bhrigu cursed Shiva to be worshipped in the form of Linga (Penis) and Yoni (Female genital organ) which he loved the most. There is another story which shows that Bhrigu cursed Shiva when he saw him having sex in the forest.
Devi Bhagavatam 4.20.36-37 O King! When Mahadeva, being infatuated with Kama, went into the forest of Bhrigu and becoming naked, began to copulate, the ascetic Bhrigu, seeing him in that state, exclaimed “O You are very shameless” and cursed Him thus :– Let your penis drop off just now. Mahadeva, then to satisfy his thirst for passion, began to drink the water of the lake Amrita Vapi, dug by the Danavas.
The problem with the origin of Lingam worship is that there are different stories about its worship. According to Shiva Purana it was due to the curse by Sages not by Bhrigu that Lingam worship initiated, it also explains the worship of the Yoni (female genital organ) as well as the Linga being the cosmic pillar,
”Shocked by the appearance and behaviour of Shiva, the sages of the forest said to him, ‘You have acted perversely. That is contrary to the scriptures. Your sexual organ will fall to the ground’. When they had thus spoken, the sexual organ of this messenger of Heaven, who was none other than Shiva of the marvellous forms, at once fell to the ground. The phallus burned everything before it; wherever it went, all was consumed. It travelled through the under-world, in heaven and on the earth, never staying in one place. All the worlds and their inhabitants lived in anguish. The sages were struck with dismay. The gods, and the sages knew neither peace nor pleasure any more. [all the sages then went to God Brahma] and Brahma continued, ‘As long as this Phallus is not in a fixed position, no good can come to any of the three worlds. In order to calm its wrath, you must sprinkle this divine sexual organ with holy water, build a pedestal in the form of a vagina and shaft (symbol of the goddess), and install it with prayers, offerings, prostrations, hymns and chants accompanied by musical instruments. Then you shall invoke the god, saying, ‘You are present in everything that exists. The universe is but the form of yourself. O benevolent One! calm yourself and protect the world’. The sages therefore reverently approached Shiva who said to them, ‘The world shall not find peace until receptacle is found for my sexual organ. No other being except the Lady of the Mountain [ie., Parvati] may seize hold of my sexual organ. If she takes hold of it, it will immediately become calm’.- Shiva Purana, Kothi Rudra Samhita 4.12.17-46, Tr. Alain (Shiva Sharan)
This story is also supported by Kurma Purana II, chapters 38-39
There are more clear references of Phallic (Penis) worship in the Puranas wherein Hindu god Shiva himself commands his worshippers,
”Shiva said, ‘I am not distinct from the Phallus. The Phallus is identical with me. It draws my faithful to me, and therefore must be worshipped. My well beloved!Wherever there is an upright male organ, I myself am present, even if there is no other representation of me.”- Shiva Purana, Vidyeshwara Samhita 1, 9.43-44, Tr. Alain a.k.a Shiva Sharan.
”Those who practise ritual sacrifice and habitually worship the physical Linga are not capable of controlling their mental activity in meditating on its subtle aspect…Those who are not yet conscious of the mental, or subtle sexual organ, must worship the physical sexual organ, and not the contrary.” Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, 12.51-52, Tr. Alain (Shiva Sharan).
Devi Bhagawatam book 9, 41.48 Laksmi always remains there with the greatest gladness where conch-shells are blown, where there are conchsells, the S’alagrama stone, the Tulasi leaves and the service and meditation of Laksmi are daily done.Where the phallic emblem of Siva is worshipped… ”
Worship my Linga and do always meditate upon the form which you see just before you. When I am worshipped in the phallic form I will be delighted and will bestow different benefits upon all people, all that they wish for in their minds.- Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, 9.13-14, Tr. J.L. Shastri
Still some Hindus would argue that Shiva Linga is just a Symbol of Lord Shiva which does not represent his generative organ.
Yes, I agree with that but to an extent, it’s indeed a Symbol of Hindu god Shiva that represents the male and Shiva’s organ, The Shiva Purana explains this,
”The lord is the source of all enjoyment… For existence to be a perpetual joy, the follower must worship the phallus which is the god Shiva himself, the sun which gives birth to the world and upholds it. It is the symbol of the origin of all things.Shiva, the origin of all things, should be worshipped in the form of the phallus,through which the male principle is recognizable. The Phallus is thus the symbol of the god.”- Shiva Purana, Vidyeshwara Samhita 1, chapter 16.103-106, Tr. Alain (Shiva Sharan).
So this is how the Linga becomes the symbol of Hindu lord Shiva, and later it is considered only a symbol or cosmic pillar by modern Hindus. Modern Hindus base their claim that Linga is merely a symbol/cosmic pillar on what is known as Lingodbhava Myth, it is nothing more than just a myth since it can’t be taken as a substantial proof and majority of sources doesn’t support it. The myth goes like Brahma and Vishnu quarrels over who is the superior god then Shiva appears and becomes a pillar, then Vishnu becomes a Boar and digs the earth to find its beginning and Brahma becomes a swan and flies upwards to find its end, when they couldn’t find the beginning or end they return to the same place and accepts Shiva to be superior god and worships Shiva.
This may or may not be defining the meaning of Lingam but the story mentioned in Vamana Purana does mention that it was the male organ of Shiva, though it’s little different than this story,
Vamana Purana 6.57-84 Seeing Kama about to strike again, Shiva [Hara] fled to the Pine forest where he was pursued by Kama [Madana]. [but along the way], the wives of the Pine forest sages, seeing Shiva, became aroused themselves. They followed him everywhere like female elephants following male elephants.The sages then, angry at Shiva for captivating their wives, cursed Shiva’s Linga [Penis] to fall off. When it fell, the earth split open and Shankara became invisible…Because the earth was quite agitated, Brahma and Vishnu began to investigate [the beginning and end of Lingam]. But when they could not find the Linga’s begining or end, they decided to propitiate the great god. Hearing their words of praise, Shiva reappeared, asking them why they would propotiate him when his body was inflamed by Kama. Brahma and Vishnu requested that he withdraw his Linga from the earth, where it was causing havoc [for others]. Shiva agreed on the condition that the gods promise to worship the Linga [Penis]”.
Further this story is supported by other texts also refer to Shiva Purana, Kothi Rudra Samhita 4, 12.17-46 which I quoted above and also the stories mentioned in Skanda Purana I.1.6.25-44, The story goes like,
‘Owing to a curse by the forest sages, Shiva’s Linga [Penis] fell to the ground, where it continued to grow in size until it pervaded the entire universe. Both Brahma and Vishnu accepted his defeat at not finding the end of the Linga, but Brahma decided to cheat, saying that he had reached the top of the Linga’.
It is said that Shiva was cursed by Sages of Pine forest for seducing their wives, this is supported by Shiva, Brahma, Karma and Linga Puranas. A story mentioned in Shiva Purana says that Shiva went to the Pine forest only to seduce and enjoy the sages’ wives,
‘When Siva failed to be satisfied by making love to Gauri, his wife, he then went naked into the Pine forest in the guise of madman, his linga erect, his mind full of desire,wishing to obtain sexual pleasures with the wives of the sages.’- Shiva Purana, Dharmasamhita 10.187; 10.78-80
Shiva appeared naked with his penis erect before the wives of Sages, this is why the sages cursed him to be worshiped in the form of Penis for seducing their wives. There is another version of the Linga worship story, after Shiva was beaten up by sages for molesting their wives and his penis being torn off, Shiva disappeared from the place all people were terrified, terrible omen ensued. So Brahma advised them to make a Linga similar to the Penis (Linga) that was struck down and worship it the story goes like,
Shiva Purana, Kotirudra Samhita 4.12.8-13 ”Once the leading Brahmin devotees of Siva engrossed in the meditation of Siva went into the forest for bringing sacrificial twigs. In the meantime Siva himself assuming a very hideous form came there in order to test their devotion. He was very brilliant but stark naked. He had smeared ashes all over his body as the sole ornament. Standing there and holding his penis he began to show all sorts of vicious tricks. It was with a mind to do something pleasing to the forest-dwellers that Siva, favourite of the devotees, came to the forest at his will. The wives of the sages were extremely frightened at this sight. The other women excited and surprised approached the lord. Some embraced him. Others held his hands. The women were engrossed in struggling with one another. ” Tr. Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Kurma Purana II.38.52 ”The sages said: A certain highly brilliant person has entered the holy Daruvana along with his wife, who was very beautiful in all her limbs. But he was naked. The lordly person fascinated our entire women and daughters, with his charming personality. While his beloved defiled our sons. We heaped various imprecations and curses on him but they were defied and set at nought. He was beaten soundly by us. His Linga was struck down.” Tr. Ganesh Vasudeo
TagareBrahmanda Purana I.2.27.45 ”He [Shiva] was scolded and beaten. His Linga (?penis) was taken out. It is to alleviate his anger that we have sought refuge in you.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Kurma Purana II.39.1-3 “[The sages said:] O lord of all immortal beings, tell us, how we can see the Pinaka-bearing lord once again. You are the saviour of those who seek refuge. [Brahma said:] Make an excellent Linga of the Lord resembling the Linga which was seen by you all and struck down on to the ground, and observing celibacy, worship it with respect along with your wives and sons, through the varios Vedic observances.” Tr. G.V. Tagare
Different versions shows that it was due to the curse by Sage or Sages that Shiva’s Linga (Penis) fell down, but there is another story which shows that Shiva himself let his Penis fall down. There is a correlating story mentioned in Shiva Purana and Mahabharata which I have already quoted, and let me once again quote that passage,
Mahabharata Sauptika Parva 10.17 (Tr. Kisari Mohan Ganguly)”After the creatures had multiplied and the Grandsire had become well pleased, the first-born rose from the water and beheld the living creation. He saw that diverse kinds of creatures had been created and that they had multiplied by their own energy. At this sight, Rudra [Shiva] became angry and caused his procreative limb [Lingam] to disappear in the bowels of the Earth. The unfading Brahma, soothing him by soft words, said unto him, “O Sharva, what wert thou doing so long within the water? For what reason, also hast thou caused thy limb of generation [Lingam] to disappear in the bowels of the Earth?” Thus questioned, that lord of the universe wrathfully answered the lord Brahman, “Somebody else has created all these creatures! What purpose then would be served by this limb of mine? I have by my austerities, O Grandsire, created food for all these creatures. These herbs and plants also will multiply like those that will subsist upon them!” Having said these words, Bhava went away, in cheerlessness and rage, to the foot of the Menjavat mountains for practising severer austerities.”
We read in Shiva Purana that,
‘’He [Siva] agreed to this and laughed, for he was secretly amused, and he said to Brahma, ‘There is no good use for this Linga [Penis] except for the creation of progeny.’ And as he said this he broke it [His Penis] off and threw it upon the surface of the earth. The Linga broke through the earth down to the subterranean hell and went to the very sky. Vishnu sought the end of it below, and Brahma flew upwards, but they did not find the end of it, for all their vital effort. Then a voice arose out of the sky as the two of them sat there, and it said, ‘If the Linga of the god with braided hair is worshipped, it will certainly grant all desires that are longed for in the heart.’ When Brahma and Vishnu heard this, they and all the divinities worshipped the Linga [Penis] with devotion, with their hearts set upon Rudra (Shiva).”- Shiva Purana, Dharmasamhita 49:23b-46, 74-86
This is also supported by Varaha Purana 21.6-7. A Hindu scholar writes,
‘’According to the account given in the Dharmasamhita of the Shiva Purana, during the ekarnava state before creation, Brahma approached Shiva-Rudra and beseeched him to create the universe, Shiva agreed and entered into the vast ocean in order to prepare himself for the enormous task. However, he did not come out of the ocean for a considerbly long time. In the meantime, Brahma became fretful; he could not wait any longer and therefore brought about his own creation. When, later, Shiva-Rudra emerged out of the water, he found that the creation had already accomplished. He [Shiva], there, cut off his generative organ as it was no longer necessary and threw it down on the earth. Since then the Linga became the form in which Shiva came to be worshipped.”
This shows that it was actually a giant male organ of Shiva. So these stories which are slightly different than the story mentioned in Shiv Purana explain that the Linga was actually his male organ. Though there are different versions concerning the origin of Linga worship but all of them asserts that Linga or Lingam is actually Shiva’s male organ, besides all such clear references from Puranas there are many evidence like oldest Lingams which resembles the private organs, the name and meanings of Linga and Yoni to support this claim.
वेद का अर्थ और किसने सुने वेद, जानिए

WD| Last Updated: बुधवार, 23 अगस्त 2017)
''वह परम पुरुष जो निस्वार्थता का प्रतीक है, जो सारे संसार को नियंत्रण में रखता है, हर जगह मौजूद है और सब देवताओं का भी देवता है, एक मात्र वही सुख देने वाला है। जो उसे नहीं समझते वो दुःख में डूबे रहते हैं, और जो उसे अनुभव कर लेते हैं, मुक्ति सुख को पाते हैं।''- (ऋग्वेद 1.164.39)
।।ॐ।। वेद 'विद' शब्द से बना है जिसका अर्थ होता है ज्ञान या जानना, ज्ञाता या जानने वाला; मानना नहीं और न ही मानने वाला। सिर्फ जानने वाला, जानकर जाना-परखा ज्ञान। अनुभूत सत्य। जांचा-परखा मार्ग। इसी में संकलित है 'ब्रह्म वाक्य'। उल्लेखनीय है कि वेदना का अर्थ होता है ज्ञान से उपजा दुख, वैराग्य और दर्द। > अग्निवायुरविभ्यस्तु त्र्यं ब्रह्म सनातनम। > दुदोह यज्ञसिध्यर्थमृगयु : समलक्षणम्॥- मनु (1/13) जिस परमात्मा ने आदि सृष्टि में मनुष्यों को उत्पन्न कर अग्नि आदि चारों ऋषियों के द्वारा चारों वेद ब्रह्मा को प्राप्त कराए उस ब्रह्मा ने अग्नि, वायु, आदित्य और (तु अर्थात) अंगिरा से ऋग, यजुः, साम और अथर्ववेद का ग्रहण किया।
सुनकर हिन्दू बनना : वेद को 'श्रुति' भी कहा जाता है। 'श्रु' धातु से 'श्रुति' शब्द बना है। 'श्रु' यानी सुनना। कहते हैं कि इसके मन्त्रों को ईश्वर (ब्रह्म) ने प्राचीन तपस्वियों को अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से सुनाया था जब वे गहरी तपस्या में लीन थे। सर्वप्रथम परमेश्वर ने चार ऋषियों को इसका ज्ञान दिया:- अग्नि, वायु, अंगिरा और आदित्य।
वेद वैदिककाल की वाचिक परम्परा की अनुपम कृति हैं, जो पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी पिछले छह-सात हजार ईस्वी पूर्व से चली आ रही है। विद्वानों ने संहिता, ब्राह्मण, आरण्यक और उपनिषद इन चारों के संयोग को समग्र वेद कहा है। ये चार भाग सम्मिलित रूप से श्रुति कहे जाते हैं। बाकी ग्रन्थ स्मृति के अंतर्गत आते हैं।
वेदों का सार है उपनिषदें और उपनिषदों का सार 'गीता' को माना है। इस क्रम से वेद, उपनिषद और गीता ही धर्मग्रंथ हैं, दूसरा अन्य कोई नहीं। स्मृतियों में वेद वाक्यों को विस्तृत समझाया गया है। वाल्मिकी रामायण और महाभारत को इतिहास तथा पुराणों को पुरातन इतिहास का ग्रंथ माना है। विद्वानों ने वेद, उपनिषद और गीता के पाठ को ही उचित बताया है।
ऋषि और मुनियों को दृष्टा कहा गया है और वेदों को ईश्वर वाक्य। वेद ऋषियों के मन या विचार की उपज नहीं है। ऋषियों ने वह लिखा या कहा जैसा कि उन्होंने पूर्णजाग्रत अवस्था में देखा, सुना और परखा।
मनुस्मृति में श्लोक (II.6) के माध्यम से कहा गया है कि वेद ही सर्वोच्च और प्रथम प्राधिकृत है। वेद किसी भी प्रकार के ऊंच-नीच, जात-पात, महिला-पुरुष आदि के भेद को नहीं मानते। ऋग्वेद की ऋचाओं में लगभग 414 ऋषियों के नाम मिलते हैं जिनमें से लगभग 30 नाम महिला ऋषियों के हैं। जन्म के आधार पर जाति का विरोध ऋग्वेद के पुरुष-सुक्त (X.90.12), व श्रीमद्भगवत गीता के श्लोक (IV.13), (XVIII.41) में मिलता है।
पाश्चात्य विद्वानों जैसे मेक्समूलर, ग्रिफ्फिथ, ब्लूमफिल्ड आदि का वेदों का अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद करते समय हर संभव प्रयास था की किसी भी प्रकार से वेदों को इतना भ्रामक सिद्ध कर दे की हिन्दू समाज का वेदों से विश्वास ही उठ जाए और ईसाई मत के प्रचार प्रसार में अध्यात्मिक रूप से कोई कठिनाई नहीं आए। वे अपने इस कार्य में सफल भी हुए हैं।
संकलन : अनिरुद्ध जोशी 'शतायु'
अथर्ववेद - अश्लीलता के कुछ और नमूने वेदों में किस प्रकार अश्लीलता, जन्गी बातों और जादू-टोने को परोसा गया है.
धर्म-युद्ध: वेदों को गंदगी देख कर आप भी करने लगेंगे इनसे नफरत
हिन्दुओं के अन्य धर्मग्रंथों रामायण, महाभारत और गीता की भांति वेद भी लडाइयों के विवरणों से भरे पड़े है. उनमें युद्धों की कहानियां, युद्धों के बारे में दांवपेच,आदेश और प्रर्थनाएं इतनी हैं कि उन तमाम को एक जगह संग्रह करना यदि असंभव नहीं तो कठिन जरुर है. वेदों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढने से यह महसूस होने लगता है की वेद जंगी किताबें है अन्यथा कुछ नहीं। इस सम्बन्ध में कुछ उदाहरण यहाँ वेदों से दिए जाते है ....ज़रा देखिये
(1) हे शत्रु नाशक इन्द्र! तुम्हारे आश्रय में रहने से शत्रु और मित्र सही हमको ऐश्वर्य्दान बताते हैं |६| यज्ञ को शोभित करने वाले, आनंदप्रद, प्रसन्नतादायक तथा यज्ञ को शोभित करने वाले सोम को इन्द्र के लिए अर्पित करो |१७| हे सैंकड़ों यज्ञ वाले इन्द्र ! इस सोम पान से बलिष्ठ हुए तुम दैत्यों के नाशक हुए. इसी के बल से तुम युद्धों में सेनाओं की रक्षा करते हो |८| हे शत्कर्मा इन्द्र ! युद्धों में बल प्रदान करने वाले तुम्हें हम ऐश्वर्य के निमित्त हविश्यांत भेंट करते हैं |९| धन-रक्षक,दू:खों को दूर करने वाले, यग्य करने वालों से प्रेम करने वाले इन्द्र की स्तुतियाँ गाओ. (ऋग्वेद १.२.४)
(२) हे प्रचंड योद्धा इन्द्र! तू सहस्त्रों प्रकार के भीषण युद्धों में अपने रक्षा-साधनों द्वारा हमारी रक्षा कर |४| हमारे साथियों की रक्षा के लिए वज्र धारण करता है, वह इन्द्र हमें धन अथवा बहुत से ऐश्वर्य के निमित्त प्राप्त हो.(ऋग्वेद १.३.७)
(३) हे संग्राम में आगे बढ़ने वाले और युद्ध करने वाले इन्द्र और पर्वत! तुम उसी शत्रु को अपने वज्र रूप तीक्षण आयुध से हिंसित करो जो शत्रु सेना लेकर हमसे संग्राम करना चाहे. हे वीर इन्द्र ! जब तुम्हारा वज्र अत्यंत गहरे जल से दूर रहते हुए शत्रु की इच्छा करें, तब वह उसे कर ले. हे अग्ने, वायु और सूर्य ! तुम्हारी कृपा प्राप्त होने पर हम श्रेष्ठ संतान वाले वीर पुत्रादि से युक्त हों और श्रेष्ठ संपत्ति को पाकर धनवान कहावें.(यजुर्वेद १.८)
(४) हे अग्ने तुम शत्रु-सैन्य हराओ. शत्रुओं को चीर डालो तुम किसी द्वारा रोके नहीं जा सकते. तुम शत्रुओं का तिरस्कार कर इस अनुष्ठान करने वाले यजमान को तेज प्रदान करो |३७| यजुर्वेद १.९)
(५) हे व्याधि! तू शत्रुओं की सेनाओं को कष्ट देने वाली और उनके चित्त को मोह लेने वाली है. तू उनके शरीरों को साथ लेती हुई हमसे अन्यत्र चली जा. तू सब और से शत्रुओं के हृदयों को शोक-संतप्त कर. हमारे शत्रु प्रगाढ़ अन्धकार में फंसे |४४|
(६)हे बाण रूप ब्राहमण ! तुम मन्त्रों द्वारा तीक्ष्ण किये हुए हो. हमारे द्वारा छोड़े जाने पर तुम शत्रु सेनाओं पर एक साथ गिरो और उनके शरीरों में घुस कर किसी को भी जीवित मत रहने दो.(४५) (यजुर्वेद १.१७)
(यहाँ सोचने वाली बात है कि जब पुरोहितों की एक आवाज पर सब कुछ हो सकता है तो फिर हमें चाइना और पाक से डरने की जरुरत क्या है इन पुरोहितों को बोर्डर पर ले जाकर खड़ा कर देना चाहिए उग्रवादियों और नक्सलियों के पीछे इन पुरोहितों को लगा देना चाहिए फिर क्या जरुरत है इतनी लम्बी चौड़ी फ़ोर्स खड़ी करने की और क्या जरुरत है मिसाइलें बनाने की)
अब जिक्र करते है अश्लीलता का :-वेदों में कैसी-कैसी अश्लील बातें भरी पड़ी है,इसके कुछ नमूने आगे प्रस्तुत किये जाते हैं
(१) यां त्वा .........शेपहर्श्नीम ||
(अथर्व वेद ४-४-१) अर्थ : हे जड़ी-बूटी, मैं तुम्हें खोदता हूँ. तुम मेरे लिंग को उसी प्रकार उतेजित करो जिस प्रकार तुम ने नपुंसक वरुण के लिंग को उत्तेजित किया था.
(२) अद्द्यागने............................पसा:||
(अथर्व वेद ४-४-६) अर्थ: हे अग्नि देव, हे सविता, हे सरस्वती देवी, तुम इस आदमी के लिंग को इस तरह तान दो जैसे धनुष की डोरी तनी रहती है
(३) अश्वस्या............................तनुवशिन ||
(अथर्व वेद ४-४-८) अर्थ: हे देवताओं, इस आदमी के लिंग में घोड़े, घोड़े के युवा बच्चे, बकरे, बैल और मेढ़े के लिंग के सामान शक्ति दो
(४) आहं तनोमि ते पासो अधि ज्यामिव धनवानी, क्रमस्वर्श इव रोहितमावग्लायता
(अथर्व वेद ६-१०१-३) मैं तुम्हारे लिंग को धनुष की डोरी के समान तानता हूँ ताकि तुम स्त्रियों में प्रचंड विहार कर सको.
(५) तां पूष...........................शेष:||
(अथर्व वेद १४-२-३८) अर्थ: हे पूषा, इस कल्याणी औरत को प्रेरित करो ताकि वह अपनी जंघाओं को फैलाए और हम उनमें लिंग से प्रहार करें.
(६) एयमगन....................सहागमम ||
(अथर्व वेद २-३०-५) अर्थ: इस औरत को पति की लालसा है और मुझे पत्नी की लालसा है. मैं इसके साथ कामुक घोड़े की तरह मैथुन करने के लिए यहाँ आया हूँ.
(७) वित्तौ.............................गूहसि
(अथर्व वेद २०/१३३) अर्थात: हे लड़की, तुम्हारे स्तन विकसित हो गए है. अब तुम छोटी नहीं हो, जैसे कि तुम अपने आप को समझती हो। इन स्तनों को पुरुष मसलते हैं। तुम्हारी माँ ने अपने स्तन पुरुषों से नहीं मसलवाये थे, अत: वे ढीले पड़ गए है। क्या तू ऐसे बाज नहीं आएगी? तुम चाहो तो बैठ सकती हो, चाहो तो लेट सकती हो.
(अब आप ही इस अश्लीलता के विषय में अपना मत रखो और ये किन हालातों में संवाद हुए हैं। ये तो बुद्धिमानी ही इसे पूरा कर सकते है ये तो ठीक ऐसा है जैसे की इसका लिखने वाला नपुंसक हो या फिर शारीरिक तौर पर कमजोर होगा तभी उसने अपने को तैयार करने के लिए या फिर अपने को एनर्जेटिक महसूस करने के लिए किया होगा या फिर किसी औरत ने पुरुष की मर्दानगी को ललकारा होगा) तब जाकर इस प्रकार की गुहार लगाईं हो. Arun Gautam
वैदिक काल में पिता-पुत्री संबंध उचित माने जाते थे
वैदिक काल में पिता-पुत्री संबंध उचित माने जाते थे
वैदिक समाज में मादक द्रव्यों व नशों का प्रयोग,व्यसन, जुआ, जादू-टोना, अनैतिकताएं, अन्धविश्वास और मूर्खतापूर्ण रूढ़ियाँ व्यापक थीं. बौद्धकाल पूर्व के आर्यों में लैंगिक (sexual ) अथवा विवाह-संबंधों के प्रति कोई प्रतिबन्ध नहीं था. वैदिक समाज में पिता-पुत्री और बाबा-पोती में मैथुन समंध उचित माने जाते थे. वसिष्ठ ने अपनी पुत्री शतरूपा से विवाह रचाया, मनु ने अपनी पुत्री इला से विवाह किया, जहानु ने अपनी बेटी जहान्वी से शादी की, सूर्य ने अपनी बेटी उषा से ब्याह किया । धहप्रचेतनी और उस के पुत्र सोम दोनों ने सोम की बेटी मारिषा से संभोग किया. दक्ष ने अपनी बेटी अपने ही पिता ब्रह्मा को विवाह में दी और इन वैवाहिक-संबंधों से नारद का जन्म हुआ. दोहित्र ने अपनी २७ पुत्रियों को अपने ही पिता सोम को संतान-उत्पत्ति के लिए सौंपा.
आर्य खुले आम सब के सामने मैथुन करते थे. ऋषि कुछ धार्मिक रीतियाँ करते थे जिन्हें वामदेव-विरत कहा जाता था. ये रीतियाँ यज्ञ-भूमि पर ही की जाती थी. यदि कोई स्त्री पुरोहित के सामने सम्भोग करने की इच्छा प्रकट करती थी तो वह उसके साथ वहीँ सब के सामने मैथुन करता था. उदाहरांत: पराशर ने सत्यवती और धिर्घत्मा के साथ (यज्ञ-स्थल ही पर) सम्भोग किया." आर्यों में योनि नामक एक प्रथा प्रचलित थी.योनि शब्द का जैसा अर्थ अब लगाया जाता है वैसा शुरू में नहीं था शब्द योनि का मूलत: अर्थ है - घर. अयोनी का अर्थ है ऐसा गर्भ जो घर के बाहर ठहराया गया हो. अयोनी-प्रथा में कोई बुराई नहीं मानी जाती थी. सीता और द्रोपदी दोनों का जन्म अयोनि (यानी घर से बाहर) हुआ था."
आर्यों में औरत को भाड़े (किराये) पर दिया जाता था. माधवी की कहानी इस का एक स्पष्ट प्रमाण है. राजा ययाति ने अपनी बेटी माधवी को अपने गुरु गालव को भेंट में दे दिया. गालव ने माधवी को तीन राजाओं को भाड़े पर दिया. इस के पश्चात गालव ने माधवी का विवाह विश्वामित्र से कर दिया वह विश्वामित्र के पास उस समय तक रही जब तक उस ने एक पुत्र को जन्म नहीं दिया, यह सब कुछ होने के बाद गालव ने माधवी को वापिस लेकर उसे उसके पिता को लौटा किया."
शब्द कन्या का अर्थ भी वह अर्थ नहीं जो अब लगाया जाता है. वैदिक काल में कन्या का अर्थ था वह लड़की जो किसी भी पुरुष के साथ सम्भोग करने में स्वतन्त्र है. कुंती और मत्स्यगंधा के उदाहरण से यह स्पष्ट है. कुंती का पांडू के साथ विवाह होने से पूर्व उसके कई बच्चे पैदा हुए. मत्स्यगंधा ने भीष्म के पिता शांतनु के साथ विवाह करने से पूर्व मुनि पराशर से सम्भोग किया. आर्य बढ़िया संतान पैदा करवाने के लिए अपनी औरतों को देव नामक एक वर्ग को सौंपते थे. सप्तपदी की प्रथा का भी इसी रीति से आरम्भ हुआ. विवाह मंडप में जो वधू पवित्र अग्नि के इर्दगिर्द सात चक्कर काट देती थी, उसे देव से मुक्त करार दे दिया जाता था और ऐसा होने पर वर उसे ले जा सकता था.
आर्य पशुओं से भी सम्भोग करते थे. दाम ने हिरनी से और सूर्य ने घोड़ी से सम्भोग किया. अश्वमेध यज्ञ में औरत का मृत घोड़े से सम्भोग कराया जाता था."(देखें, महाराष्ट्र सरकार द्वारा प्रकाशित, डॉ.बाबासाहब आंबेडकर राइटिंग्स एंड स्पीचेज़ खंड ३ के पृष्ठ १५३-१५७) स्वामी दयानंद ने, यजुर्वेद भाष्य (पृष्ठ ७८८) में लिखा है: अश्विम्याँ छागेन सरस्वत्यै मेशेगेन्द्रय ऋषमें (यजुर्वेद २१/६०) अर्थात: प्राण और अपान के लिए दु:ख विनाश करने वाले छेरी आदि पशु से, वाणी के लिए मेढ़ा से, परम ऐश्वर्य के लिए बैल से-भोग करें. वेदों में दर्ज कुछ और नमूने अश्लील नमूने :-
वेदों में दर्ज कुछ और नमूने अश्लील नमूने :-
इन्द्राणी कहती है :-
न सेशे .................उत्तर: (ऋगवेद १०.८६.१६) अर्थ :-
हे इन्द्र, वह मनुष्य सम्भोग करने में समर्थ नहीं हो सकता, जिसका पुरुषांग (लिंग) दोनों जंघाओं के बीच लम्बायमान है वही समर्थ हो सकता है, जिस के बैठने पर रोमयुक्त पुरुषांग बल का प्रकाश करता है अर्थात इन्द्र सब से श्रेष्ठ है. इस पर इन्द्र कहता है.
न सेशे...........उत्तर. (ऋग्वेद १०-८६-१७)अर्थ :-
वह मनुष्य सम्भोग करने में समर्थ नहीं हो सकता, जिसके बैठने पर रोम-युक्त पुरुषांग बल का प्रकाश करता है. वही समर्थ हो सकता है, जिसका पुरुषांग दोनों जंघाओं के बीच लंबायमान है।
न मत्स्त्री.............................उत्तर:(ऋग्वेद १०-८६-६)
अर्थ :- मुझ से बढ़कर कोई स्त्री सौभाग्यवती नहीं है. मुझ से बढ़कर कोई भी स्त्री पुरुष के पास शरीर को प्रफुल्लित नहीं कर सकती और न मेरे समान कोई दूसरी स्त्री सम्भोग के दौरान दोनों जाँघों को उठा सकती है.
ताम.........................शेमम. (ऋग्वेद १०-८५-३७)
अर्थ :- हे पूषा देवता, जिस नारी के गर्भ में पुरुष बीज बोता है, उसे तुम कल्याणी बनाकर भेजो, काम के वश में होकर वह अपनी दोनों जंघाओं को फैलाएगी और हम कामवश उसमें अपने लिंग से प्रहार करेंगे.
(वैधानिक चेतावनी :- आप सभी से प्रार्थना है की इस ब्लॉग में लिखे की घर में आजमाइश न करें तो अच्छा है वर्ना कुछ भी हो सकता है.इसे वेदों तक ही सिमित रहने दें फिर भी अगर कोई करता है उसका होस्लेवाला जिम्मेदार नहीं होगा. आजकल छोटी-छोटी बातों की वजह से नौबत तलाक तक पहुंच जाती है ये तो फिर बहुत ही बड़ी बात है.बाकी वेदों में दर्ज इस अश्लीलता के बारे में अवश्य लिखें लेकिन वेदों को पढ़ने के बाद। बिना पढ़े यह न कह दें कि ये सारी बातें मनगढ़ंत हैं।) Arun Gautam
हिन्दू धर्मग्रंथ वेद और शूद्र

वेदों के बारे में फैलाई गई भ्रांतियों में से एक यह भी है कि वे ब्राह्मणवादी ग्रंथ हैं और शूद्रों को अछूत मानते हैं। जातिवाद की जड़ भी वेदों में बताई जा रही है और इन्हीं विषैले विचारों पर दलित आंदोलन इस देश में चलाया जा रहा है। लेकिन इन विषैले विचार की उत्पत्ति कहां से हुई?
सबसे पहले बौद्धकाल में वेदों के विरुद्ध आंदोलन चला। जब संपूर्ण भारत पर बौद्धों का शासन था तब वैदिक ग्रंथों के कई मूलपाठों को परिवर्तित कर समाज में भ्रम फैलाकर हिन्दू समाज को तोड़ा गया। इसके बाद मुगलकाल में हिन्दुओं में कई तरह की जातियों का विकास किया गया और संपूर्ण भारत के हिन्दुओं को हजारों जातियों में बांट दिया गया। फिर आए अंग्रेज तो उनके लिए यह फायदेमंद साबित हुआ कि यहां का हिन्दू ही नहीं मुसलमान भी कई जातियों में बंटा हुआ है।
अंग्रेज काल में पाश्चात्य विद्वानों जैसे मेक्समूलर, ग्रिफ्फिथ, ब्लूमफिल्ड आदि का वेदों का अंग्रेजी में अनुवाद करते समय हर संभव प्रयास था कि किसी भी प्रकार से वेदों को इतना भ्रामक सिद्ध कर दिया जाए कि फिर हिन्दू समाज का वेदों से विश्वास ही उठ जाए और वे खुद भी वेदों का विरोध करने लगे ताकि इससे ईसाई मत के प्रचार-प्रसार में अध्यात्मिक रूप से कोई कठिनाई नहीं आए। बौद्ध, मुगल और अंग्रेज तीनों ही अपने इस कार्य में 100 प्रतिशत सफल भी हुए और आज हम देखते हैं कि हिन्दू अब बौद्ध भी हैं, बड़ी संख्या में मुसलमान हैं और ईसाई भी।
अंग्रेज काल में वेदों को जातिवाद का पोषक घोषित कर दिया गया जिससे बड़ी संख्या में हिन्दू समाज के अभिन्न अंग, जिन्हें दलित समझा जाता है, को आसानी से ईसाई मत में किया गया। केरल, तमिलनाडु और पश्चिम बंगाल में गरीब और दलित हिन्दुओं के मन में वेद और ब्राह्मणों के प्रति नफरत भरी गई और यह बताया गया कि आज जो तुम्हारी दुर्दशा है उसमें तुम्हारे धर्म और शासन का ही दोष है। लेकिन ऐसा कहते वक्त वे ये भूल गए कि पिछले 200 साल से तो आप ही का राज था। फिर उसके पूर्व मुगलों का राज था और उससे पूर्व तो बौद्धों का शासन था। हमारी दुर्दशा सुधारने वाला कौन था?
सवाल यह उठता है कि शूद्र कौन? ब्राह्मण कौन? क्षत्रिय कौन? और वैश्य कौन? यदि हम आज के संदर्भ में शूद्र की परिभाषा करें तो महाभारत के रचयिता वेद व्यास शूद्र थे। रामायण के रचयिता वाल्मीकि भी शूद्र ही थे। भगवान कृष्ण अहीर यादव समाज से थे तो उन्हें भी शूद्र ही मान लिया जाना चाहिए। वेदों के ऋषियों की जाति पता करेंगे तो सभी शूद्र ही निकलेंगे।
स्वामी दयानंद ने वेदों का अनुशीलन करते हुए पाया कि वेद सभी मनुष्यों और सभी वर्णों के लोगों के लिए वेद पढ़ने के अधिकार का समर्थन करते हैं। स्वामीजी के काल में शूद्रों का जो वेद अध्ययन का निषेध था उसके विपरीत वेदों में स्पष्ट रूप से पाया गया कि शूद्रों को वेद अध्ययन का अधिकार स्वयं वेद ही देते हैं।
यजुर्वेद 26.2 के अनुसार हे मनुष्यों! जैसे मैं परमात्मा सबका कल्याण करने वाली ऋग्वेद आदि रूप वाणी का सब जनों के लिए उपदेश कर रहा हूं, जैसे मैं इस वाणी का ब्राह्मण और क्षत्रियों के लिए उपदेश कर रहा हूं, शूद्रों और वैश्यों के लिए जैसे मैं इसका उपदेश कर रहा हूं और जिन्हें तुम अपना आत्मीय समझते हो, उन सबके लिए इसका उपदेश कर रहा हूं और जिसे ‘अरण’ अर्थात पराया समझते हो, उसके लिए भी मैं इसका उपदेश कर रहा हूं, वैसे ही तुम भी आगे-आगे सब लोगों के लिए इस वाणी के उपदेश का क्रम चलाते रहो।
दरअसल, शूद्र किसी जाति विशेष का नाम नहीं था। ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय और वैश्य भी किसी जाति विशेष का नाम नहीं होता था। ये तो सभी बौद्धकाल और मध्यकाल की विकृतियां हैं, जो समाज में प्रचलित हो चलीं। वर्ण को जाति सिद्ध किया गया।
अथर्ववेद 19.62.1 में प्रार्थना है कि हे परमात्मा! आप मुझे ब्राह्मणों का, क्षत्रियों का, शूद्रों का और वैश्यों का प्यारा बना दें। इस मंत्र का भावार्थ यह है कि हे परमात्मा! आप मेरा स्वभाव और आचरण ऐसा बना दें जिसके कारण ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, शूद्र और वैश्य सभी मुझे प्यार करें। अब यहां समझने वाली बात यह है कि यह मंत्रकर्ता कौन था?
यजुर्वेद 18.48 में प्रार्थना है कि हे परमात्मन! आप हमारी रुचि ब्राह्मणों के प्रति उत्पन्न कीजिए, क्षत्रियों के प्रति उत्पन्न कीजिए, विषयों के प्रति उत्पन्न कीजिए और शूद्रों के प्रति उत्पन्न कीजिए।
मंत्र का भाव यह है कि हे परमात्मन! आपकी कृपा से हमारा स्वभाव और मन ऐसा हो जाए कि ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य और शूद्र सभी वर्णों के लोगों के प्रति हमारी रुचि हो। सभी वर्णों के लोग हमें अच्छे लगें। सभी वर्णों के लोगों के प्रति हमारा बर्ताव सदा प्रेम और प्रीति का रहे।
प्राचीनकाल में 'जन्मना जायते शूद्र' अर्थात जन्म से हर कोई गुणरहित अर्थात शूद्र हैं ऐसा मानते थे और शिक्षा प्राप्ति के पश्चात गुण, कर्म और स्वभाव के आधार पर वर्ण का निश्चय होता था। ऐसा समाज में हर व्यक्ति अपनी-अपनी क्षमता के अनुसार समाज के उत्थान में अपना-अपना योगदान कर सके इसलिए किया गया था। मध्यकाल में यह व्यवस्था जाति व्यवस्था में परिवर्तित हो गई।
यदि जाति के मान से आज देखें तो एक ब्राह्मण का बालक दुराचारी, कामी, व्यसनी, मांसाहारी और अनपढ़ होते हुए भी ब्राह्मण कहलाने लगा जबकि एक शूद्र का बालक चरित्रवान, शाकाहारी, उच्च शिक्षित होते हुए भी शूद्र कहलाने लगा। होना इसका उल्टा चाहिए था।
इस जातिवाद ने देश को तोड़ दिया। परंतु आज समाज में योग्यता के आधार पर ही वर्ण की स्थापना होने लगी है। एक चिकित्सक का पुत्र तभी चिकित्सक कहलाता है, जब वह सही प्रकार से शिक्षा ग्रहण न कर ले। एक इंजीनियर का पुत्र भी उसी प्रकार से शिक्षा प्राप्ति के पश्चात ही इंजीनियर कहलाता है और एक ब्राह्मण के पुत्र को अगर अनपढ़ है तो उसकी योग्यता के अनुसार किसी दफ्तर में चतुर्थ श्रेणी से ज्यादा की नौकरी नहीं मिलती। यही तो वर्ण व्यवस्था है।
दरअसल, वेद और पुराणों के संस्कृत श्लोकों का हिन्दी और अंग्रेजी में गलत अनुवाद ही नहीं किया गया, बल्कि उसके गलत अर्थ भी जान-बूझकर निकाले गए। अंग्रेज विद्वान जो काम करने गए थे उसे ही आज हमारे यहां के वे लोग कर रहे हैं, जो अब या तो वामपंथी हैं या वे हिन्दू नहीं हैं।
वेदों के शत्रु विशेष रूप से पुरुष सूक्त को जातिवाद की उत्पत्ति का समर्थक मानते हैं। पुरुष सूक्त 16 मंत्रों का सूक्त है, जो चारों वेदों में मामूली अंतर में मिलता है।
पुरुष सूक्त जातिवाद के नहीं, अपितु वर्ण व्यवस्था के आधारभूत मंत्र हैं जिसमें 'ब्राह्मणोस्य मुखमासीत' ऋग्वेद 10.90 में ब्राह्मण, क्षत्रिय, वैश्य और शूद्र को शरीर के मुख, भुजा, मध्य भाग और पैरों से उपमा दी गई है। इस उपमा से यह सिद्ध होता है कि जिस प्रकार शरीर के ये चारों अंग मिलकर एक शरीर बनाते हैं, उसी प्रकार ब्राह्मण आदि चारों वर्ण मिलकर एक समाज बनाते हैं।
जिस प्रकार शरीर के ये चारों अंग एक-दूसरे के सुख-दुःख को अपना सुख-दुःख अनुभव करते हैं, उसी प्रकार समाज के ब्राह्मण आदि चारों वर्णों के लोगों को एक-दूसरे के सुख-दुःख को अपना सुख-दुःख समझना चाहिए।
यदि पैर में कांटा लग जाए तो मुख से दर्द की ध्वनि निकलती है और हाथ सहायता के लिए पहुंचते हैं, उसी प्रकार समाज में जब शूद्र को कोई कठिनाई पहुंचती है तो ब्राह्मण भी और क्षत्रिय भी उसकी सहायता के लिए आगे आएं। सब वर्णों में परस्पर पूर्ण सहानुभूति, सहयोग और प्रेम-प्रीति का बर्ताव होना चाहिए। इस सूक्त में शूद्रों के प्रति कहीं भी भेदभाव की बात नहीं कही गई है।
इस सूक्त का एक और अर्थ इस प्रकार किया जा सकता है कि जब कोई भी व्यक्ति किसी भी जाति का हो यदि वह समाज में धर्म ज्ञान का संदेश प्रचार-प्रसार करने में योगदान दे रहा है तो वह ब्राह्मण अर्थात समाज का शीश है। यदि कोई व्यक्ति समाज की रक्षा अथवा नेतृत्व कर रहा है तो वह क्षत्रिय अर्थात समाज की भुजा है। यदि कोई व्यक्ति देश को व्यापार, धन आदि से समृद्ध कर रहा है तो वह वैश्य अर्थात समाज की जंघा है और यदि कोई व्यक्ति गुणों से रहित है अर्थात तीनों तरह के कार्य करने में अक्षम है तो वह इन तीनों वर्णों को अपने-अपने कार्य करने में सहायता करे अर्थात इन तीनों के लिए मजबूत आधार बने।
लेकिन आज के आधुनिक युग में इन विशेषणों की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। फिर भी अपने राजनीतिक हित के लिए जातिवाद को कभी समाप्त किए जाने की दिशा में आजादी के बाद भी कोई काम नहीं हुआ बल्कि हमारे राजनीतिज्ञों ने भी मुगलों और अंग्रेजों के कार्य को आगे ही बढ़ाया है। आज यदि स्कूल, कॉलेज या मूल निवासी का फॉर्म भरते हैं तो विशेष रूप से जाति का उल्लेख करना होता है। इस तरह अब धीरे-धीरे जातियों में भी उपजातियां ढूंढ ली गई हैं और अब तो दलितों में भी अगड़े-पिछड़े ढूंढे जाने लगे हैं।
- वेबदुनिया संदर्भ ग्रंथालय
पुराणों की संख्या, सच और उनका इतिहास-1

पुराण किसने लिखे, कब लिखे, कितनी है पुराणों की संख्या और क्या यह अप्रमाणिक ग्रंथ हैं? दूसरा सवाल कि क्या पुराणों में समय-समय पर संशोधन किए गए हैं? तीसरा सवाल कि क्या पुराण काल्पनिक ग्रंथ हैं? ऐसे कई सवाल हैं जिनता हम जबाब देंगे। फिलहाल जानिए पुराणों की संख्या और उनके नाम।
पुराणों की संख्या : 18
उप पुराणों की संख्या : अनुमानित 24
पुराणों की संख्या मुख्यत: 18 बताई गई है:- विष्णु, पद्म, ब्रह्म, शिव, भागवत, नारद, मार्कंडेय, अग्नि, ब्रह्मवैवर्त, लिंग, वाराह, स्कंद, वामन, कूर्म, मत्स्य, गरूड़, ब्रह्मांड और भविष्य।
इसे इस तरह समझें : ब्रह्म पुराण, पद्म पुराण, विष्णु पुराण, शिव पुराण (वायु पुराण), भागवत पुराण, (देवी भागवत पुराण), नारद पुराण, मार्कण्डेय पुराण, अग्नि पुराण, भविष्य पुराण, ब्रह्म वैवर्त पुराण, लिंग पुराण, वाराह पुराण, स्कन्द पुराण, वामन पुराण, कूर्म पुराण, मत्स्य पुराण, गरूड़ पुराण और ब्रह्माण्ड पुराण।
उप पुराण : गणेश पुराण, नरसिंह पुराण, कल्कि पुराण, एकाम्र पुराण, कपिल पुराण, दत्त पुराण, श्रीविष्णुधर्मोत्तर पुराण, मुद्गगल पुराण, सनत्कुमार पुराण, शिवधर्म पुराण, आचार्य पुराण, मानव पुराण, उश्ना पुराण, वरुण पुराण, कालिका पुराण, महेश्वर पुराण, साम्ब पुराण, सौर पुराण, पराशर पुराण, मरीच पुराण, भार्गव पुराण, हरिवंश पुराण और प्रज्ञा पुराण।
-अनिरुद्ध जोशी 'शतायु'
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