PORNOGRAPHY IN RAMAYANA LINGAM & YONI Lingam and Yoni are the male and female sexual organs respectively. Hindus are allowed to worship anything - including sexual organs. It is not unknown for them to name their children Shiva Lingam (god Shiva's sexual organ) or Rama Lingam (god Rama's sexual organ). (In some places in Karnataka, the gods demand both male and females to pray naked together.) THE CONCLUSION We can safely conclude that Hinduism, as a religion, does not satisfy human nature. It is based on inequality. Empty claims such as urine drinking and sun worship further make this an unsound religion. THE "HOLY" BOOKS (THE VEDAS) AND HINDUISM THE TALES OF RAMAYANA Should you read the Ramayan you will come to the conclusion that it cannot be a God revealed book. On the other hand you will find materials of pornography, incest, lies, cheating etc. The average Hindu is kept in the dark and in reality, he is ignorant on matters pertaining to Hindu beliefs. "...
Blog included maximum info. on Chamar/Dalits and modifying regularly. Readers are requested to give feedback and help to explore the community people who are known to you or leftout here. Support by sending untold story of SC/STs. I will also request you to join hand with me for the benifit of society and spread awareness for our future generation. I am regularly trying to find enough dalits who had sacrificed their life & ignored by Brahmins
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