Ajit Balakrishnan
From Wikipedia
Ajit Balakrishna
Citizenship India
Balakrishnan holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Kerala and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management with Master in Business studies (MBA) from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (1971).
Balakrishnan's first business was Rediffusion, now known as Rediffusion DY&R (Dentsu Young & Rubicam), which he co-founded when he was 22. In 1995, he founded Rediff.com, which became a highly successful internet site, and was listed on NASDAQ in 2001. Writing
He writes a column in Business Standard and has written a book published by Macmillan Publishers called The Wave Rider. He has co-authored a research paper, Generic Framework for a Recommendation System using Collective Intelligence, with Alkesh Patel which was presented at the International Conference on Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 2009.
Public service
Balakrishnan served as the Chairman of the Board of Governors of IIM Calcutta for two five-year terms ending in March 2017. He presently serves on the Governing Council of Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC. He was named Chairman Emeritus of the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). He has served as the Chairman of the Govt of India, Ministry of Information Technology Working Group on Internet Governance and Proliferation. He chaired a Committee appointed by India's Ministry of Human Resource Development on 'Research and Faculty Enhancement at the 7 IIMs'. He has served as a member of the Central Advisory Board of Education of the Government of India.
आरुणाचलम मुरुर्गनंथम
Arunachalam Muruganantham
Published By : Jivani.org
अरुणाचलम मुरुगनांठम का जन्म 1962 में कोइम्ब्टुर, तमिलनाडु में हुआ था। इनके पिता का नाम एस अरुणाचलम और माँ का नाम ए वनिता था. माँ और पिता दोनो ही हेंड लूम बुनकर का काम करते थे. इनके घर की आर्थिक स्थिति ज़्यादे अच्छी नही थी. जब ये सिर्फ़ 14 साल के थे तो इनके पिता का सड़क एक्सिडेंट मेँ देहांत हो गया। परिवार का खर्च चलाने के लिए इन्होने पढ़ाई छोड़ दी. परिवार की आर्थिक मदद के लिए इन्होने उन्होंने खेत में मजदूरी काम किया। वेल्डर, फार्म लेबर, मशीन टूल ऑपरेटर का काम किया. मरुगनाथम ने साल 1998 में शादी कर ली इनकी पत्नी का नाम शांति है। शादी के बाद ही इन्होने कम कीमत में सेनेटरी नैपकिन का निर्माण शुरू किया और अपनी पत्नी के साथ मिलकर ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में महिलाओं की पीरियड्स के प्रति जागरूक करना शुरू किया।
1998 में उन की शादी शांति नाम की लड़की से हुई , एक दिन मुरुगनाथम ने अपनी पत्नी को एक बहुत ही गन्दा कपडा हाथ में लेजाते देखा , जिस को उस की पत्नी periouds में इस्तमाल करती थी , मुरुगनाथम ने एक इंटरव्यू में बताया के वह कपडा इतना गन्दा था के उस से वह अपनी बाइक वी साफ़ न करें ।
मुरुगनाथम ने अपनी पत्नी को कहा के वह Periouds में पैड का इस्तेमाल क्यों नहीं करती तो उन की पत्नी ने कहा के जा तो वोह घर के लिए दूध खरीद सकती है जा फिर इतने पैसो में Sanetery Pad । क्यों की उस समय इन पैड की कीमत बहुत ज्यादा थी।
फिर एक दिन मुरुगनाथम अपनी पत्नी को खुश करने के लिए बाजार से पैड खरीदने गए तो उनोह ने देखा के पैड की कीमत बहुत ज्यादा थी । जब उनोह ने पैड को हाथ में पकड़ के देखा तो उनोह ने अंदाज़ा लगाया के इन पैड को सिर्फ 10 पैसो में तैयार किया जा सकता है मगर उन की कीमत उस से 40 गुना ज्यादा थी।
जो मुश्किल Periouds में उन की पत्नी को होती है वही मुश्किल न जाने कितनी महलाओं को होती होगी ।
वही से मुरुगनाथम ने कम कीमत में अच्छे पैड बनाने का बीड़ा उठाया । पहले वह उन पैड की जाँच अपनी पत्नी से कराते थे। मगर कुछ समय बाद उन की पत्नी ने उन के इस काम के लिए इनकार कर दिया। उस के बाद वह पैड की जांच मेडिकल कॉलेज की लड़कियो से कराने लगे। मगर उस समय कोई वी लड़की इस विषय पर खुल के बात नहीं करना चाहती थी । जिस के कारण उन लड़कियो ने वी मुरुगनाथम को ज्यादा मदद न की।
इंडस्ट्रीज की शुरूआत
लगातार रिसर्च और प्रॅक्टिकल से अरूणाचलम मुरूगनंतम को सस्ते सॅनिटरी नॅपकिन बनाने के नये नये आइडियास आने लगे. इसी के तहत सेनेटरी पैड बनाने वाली मशीन और तकनीकी के बारे में अरूणाचलम मुरूगनंतम ने अपने सुझाव 2006 में आईआईटी मद्रास के सामने रखा. अरूणाचलम मुरूगनंतम के इस कीमती आइडिया को बाद में नेशनल इनोवेशन अवार्ड (National Innovation Award) के लिए भेजा गया जहाँ अरूणाचलम मुरूगनंतम का यह आइडिया पहले स्थान में आया. अवार्ड जीतने के बाद उन्होंने जयाश्री इंडस्ट्रीज की शुरूआत की. अरूणाचलम मुरूगनंतम के इस अनौखे आइडिया को खरीदने के लिए बड़ी कंपनी और कॉर्पोरेट संस्थानों ने बहुत कोशिश की लेकिन अरूणाचलम मुरूगनंतम ने इसे ना बेचने का निर्णय लिया.
सैनेटरी नैपकिन की राह
अरुणाचलम को पता नहीं चल पा रहा था कि आखिर उनका रुई वाला पैड काम क्यों नही कर रहा था. तब एक कॉलेज प्रोफेसर ने उन्हें सैनेटरी नैपकिन बनाने वाली कम्पनियों के नम्बर दिए. बाद में उन्हें पता चला कि बाजार में मिलने वाले सैनेटरी नैपकिन मे साधारण रुई नहीं बल्कि एक पेड़ के तने से तैयार सेल्युलोज काम में आता है. उन्हें 2 साल और 3 महीने के बाद पूरी तरह पता चला कि आखिर सैनेटरी पैड बनता कैसे है.
अरुणाचलम के सामने नई समस्या यह थी कि इसे बनाने के लिए जो मशीन चाहिए उसकी कीमत लाखों में है. अब उनके सामने नयी चुनौती ऐसी मशीन तैयार करने की थी जिसकी लागत कम हो. फिर साढ़े चार साल के प्रयोगों के बाद अरुणाचलम ने आखिर कम लागत से सैनेटरी नैपकिन बनाने की मशीन तैयार कर ही ली. बिल गेट्स Bill Gates के साथ 2014 में ग्रांड चैलेंजेज एनुअल मीटिंग ‘Grand Challenges Annual Meeting 2014’ में मुरुगानंतम ने बताया कि इस काम में उन्होंने किसी की भी आर्थिक मदद नहीं ली. कई बार तो आने—जाने के किराए के लिए उन्होंने अपना खून तक भी बेचा.
गेस्ट लेक्चरर के रूप में
सोशल एंटरप्रेन्यॉर के रूप में स्थापित अरुणाचलम अपनी इस उपलब्धि के बाद देश के कई उत्कृष्ट संस्थानों के गेस्ट लेक्चरर Guest Lecturer बने. उन्होंने आईआईएम अहमदाबाद IIM Ahmedabad, आईआईएम बैंगलोर IIM Bangalore और आईआईटी बॉम्बे IIT Bombay जैसे संस्थानों में अपनी उपलब्धि पर लेक्चर दिए. न सिर्फ इतना ही बल्कि 2014 में हार्वर्ड विश्वविद्यालय Harvard University की इंडिया कॉन्फ्रेंस India Conference में भी अरुणाचलम अपनी कहानी साझा करने के लिए स्पीकर के रूप में शामिल हुए. वह 2011 में जयपुर में आयोजित इंक कॉन्फ्रेंस के वक्ताओं में शामिल हुए. टेड की प्रतिष्ठित टेड टॉक्स में भी उन्होंने स्पीच दी.
Arunachalam Muruganantham in English
Arunachalam Muruganantham was obsessed with making the perfect sanitary pad for his wife. After years of work, his invention has changed the lives of millions of women in India.
It all began in 1998, when Arunachalam Muruganantham, the son of poor handloom weavers in South India, realised that his wife was using old rags to deal with menstruation because she couldn’t afford sanitary pads. Muruga was shocked. But he also saw a chance to impress her. He decided to produce her sanitary pads himself. At first it seemed a simple task: he bought a roll of cotton wool and cut it into pieces, the same size as the pads sold in the shops, and then wrapped a thin layer of cotton around it. He presented this homemade prototype pad to his wife and asked her to test it. The feedback she gave him was devastating: his pad was useless and she would rather continue using old rags. 300 million
The number of women in India without access to safe menstrual hygiene products
Where did he go wrong? What was the difference between his sanitary pads and those available at the shop? Muruga started experimenting with different materials, but was faced with another problem: he always had to wait a month before his wife could test each new prototype. Muruga needed volunteers and had an idea where he might find them. He askedmedical students at a university close to his village. Some of them actually tested his pads but they were too shy to give him detailed feedback. Left with no alternative, he decided to test the sanitary pads himself. He built a uterus using a rubber bladder, filled it with animal blood and fixed it to his hip. A tube led from the artificial uterus to the sanitary pad in his underpants. By pressing the bladder he simulated the menstrual flow.
Unfortunately he began to smell foul and his clothes were often stained with blood. His neighbours soon noticed this. It was clear to them that Muruga was either ill or perverted. After a while his wife couldn’t stand the constant gossip. She left him and went to live with her mother.
But Muruga didn’t give up. He knew why he was going through all this. During his research he had learned that only ten totwenty percent of all girls and women in India have access to proper menstrual hygiene products. This was no longer just about helping his wife. Muruga was on mission: to produce low-cost sanitary pads for all the girls and women in his country.
It was two years before he finally found the right material and another four years before he developed a way to process it. The result was an easy-to-use machine for producing low-cost sanitary pads.Imported machines cost over US$500,000. Muruga’s machine, by contrast, is priced at US$950. Now women’s groups or schools can buy his machine, produce their own sanitary pads and sell the surplus. In this way, Muruga’s machine has created jobs for women in rural India. He has started a revolution in his own country, selling 1,300 machines to 27 states, and has recently begun exporting them to developing countries all over the world.
Today he is one of India’s most well-known social entrepreneurs and TIME magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2014.
Several corporations have offered to buy his machine, but he has refused, instead preferring to sell to women’s self help groups.
Avinash Jagtap
We, Everest Spun Pipe Industries, established in 1980, are well-known manufacturers and suppliers of a broad range of RCC Products. Our offered products range includes RCC Pipes, Water Storage Tank, Septic Tanks and many more. We are backed by our integrity, reliability and client centric approach, that reflect in our success rate that is characterized by our ever-growing client list.
We are a prominent company engaged in Manufacturing and Supplying a wide range of RCC Pipes, Water Storage Tank, Septic Tanks and many more. These are manufactured by experienced professionals using advanced production techniques and superior quality raw materials that are procured from authentic vendors of the market. Available in various sizes, thickness and length, we also provide customization facility that helps us in meeting the individual requirements of the customers.

We are backed by a state-of-the-art infrastructural unit that covers a vast area and is equipped with latest machines and tools to manufacture bulk quantities of products in a streamlined manner. Moreover, we hire the industries’ best qualified work force that always tries to give its best. With the aid of latest and modern technology, we provide our customers innovative and hi- tech products. Furthermore, we never compromise with the quality we offer, thereby strict checking is conducted at each stage of production to ensure defect-free and flawless range of products. In addition, we are supported by a spacious warehousing unit that is adequately compartmentalized and equipped with necessary tools to enable systematic storage for bulk quantities of products. In addition to this, our well coordinated supply and logistics system enables us to deliver products in a safe and efficient way at the clients’ premises.
Our company has achieved peaks of success over last three decades under the adroit and visionary leadership of our mentors Mr. Avinash N. Jagtap and Mr. Joshi. They are not just successful business leaders but ideal role models for responsible, authentic and dynamic leadership. We have been able to carve a niche in the industry with our customer friendly approach along with transparent business practices.
Project: Setting up a roller flour mill VC funding: Rs 4.9 crore
An electronics engineer from Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engineering and Technology, Gondia, Maharashtra, Abhitabh Meshram worked as a software professional in Hyderabad and Bengaluru for 4-5 years before he pawned his mother’s jewellery to start a mineral water business under the brand name ‘Supreme Aqua’ in 2005. His living room served as his office and the 6,000-sq-ft plant in Jaripatka, Nagpur, produced 1,000 litres an hour. His customers include government departments and banks.
“Banks don’t give loans without collateral to a first-generation entrepreneur. My father joined the Income-Tax department as a clerk and my mother ran a kirana store. The toughest part was to bring money to the table,” he says.
With the VC fund supporting up to 25 per cent of the project cost at concessional interest rates (10 per cent on debt), Meshram claims to be the first SC entrepreneur to set up a roller flour mill with a capacity of 120 tonnes a day over 3.5 acres at Saoner in Nagpur. He says he decided to set up the flour mill, Prowess Ind. Pvt Ltd, given the booming demand in the bakery industry. “Our population growth suggests that the demand for maida, tandoori aata, chakki aata and rava (sooji) will not go down. In a competitive market, if I provide quality products at a good rate, my business will take off,” he says.
He also plans to apply under the new procurement policy that requires government departments to buy 4 per cent of their requirement from Dalit entrepreneurs. “Of 126 PSUs, 60 have their own canteens. I will be the only supplier because there are no other SC entrepreneurs with flour mills. I have spoken to three departments. The 4 per cent norm is not mentioned clearly in many tender documents. I will fight for this,” he says.
Anuj Kumar
( Founder Kn'M SErvices , USA)
Kn'M provides business consulting, systems integration and managed services to world wide companies, medium-sized businesses, and government organizations. We leverage extensive industry and technology domain experience and flexible tools and methodologies to successfully deliver on time and on budget. As business systems integrators, we align our clients’ business processes and information systems to enable them to access the right information at the right time, empowering them to achieve their desired business results and create enterprise value.
Kn’M ’s business philosophy aims at integrating leading edge technology and superior customer service to deliver contemporary and innovative solutions that significantly reduce development costs and provide quality. Kn’M ’s Competency -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strong in Oracle Apps Implementation, Support and Upgrade Includes a team of trained and experienced groups of consultants with the relevant skill set, focusing exclusively on oracle applications suite of products.
Have done Oracle ERP development in HRMS modules.
A Dedicated team with thorough understanding of business processes and best practice requirements. Consistently delivers on value and service and are trained for Go-Live and Subsequent Support. Carried out Generic enterprise applications solutions, which include full cycle implementations. Proven competency and capability to deliver solutions and services to requirements that range from a wide scale of complexity and scope. Skilled in User Training and Documentation for easier maintenance, support and future upgrades. Contact Tel: (951) 496-4252 Fax: (951) 848-0537 Sales: info@KnMServices.com
Invoice: accounts@KnMServices.com
Industry : Information Technology and Services
Type : Privately Held
Headquarters : 92882 United States
Company Size : 11-50 employees
From a mini solar plant to an e-commerce site for second-hand vouchers, a group of Dalits have turned into first-generation entrepreneurs, backed by a government VC fund.
Over the last 20 years, Avichal Dhiwar has tried his hand at several small-scale businesses — setting up a telephone and photocopier kiosk, selling stationery items, and renting out colour TVs and VCRs — and met with little success. Now, at 50, Dhiwar has a big idea: running a facility that will sell 10,000 litres of water everyday.
Dhiwar “could muster the courage” to set up the business only after he learnt of the Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Castes, a scheme the government launched on January 16 to finance business projects set up by Dalits. Until now, says Dhiwar, “as a Dalit”, securing loans for business was “almost impossible”.
So far, 14 projects, including Dhiwar’s, have been approved for financing under the VC fund. They will receive Rs 66.77 crore over the next couple of months, with two entrepreneurs having already received their share of the money.
While reservation in education and public sector jobs were watershed moments for Dalits, helping raise their socio-economic profile, the 1991 economic reforms, which abolished the licence raj, failed to nurture the community’s entrepreneurial spirit. Limited access to institutionalised finance ensured that only a few thousand among the 20.13 crore Dalits (according to Census 2011) emerged as businesspersons of any reckoning.
Shivendra Tomar, managing director, IFCI Venture Capital Funds Ltd, the asset management company operating the VC fund, hopes that will change now. “If I am willing to listen, they are more than willing to talk,” says Tomar. IFCI VC Funds has roped in the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI), an umbrella organisation of about 3,000 Dalit entrepreneurs, and held meetings in several states to identify beneficiaries of the scheme.
The VC Fund extends money on certain conditions, among them, the prospective entrepreneur should have incorporated the company for at least one year and should present a collateral against loans or debentures. Though Dhiwar feels “too many riders will be counter-productive”, the stories of at least five beneficiaries shows that an affirmative push is all that’s needed for dreams to take off.
Project: Automated drinking water unit VC funding: Rs 3.99 crore
As a Dalit politician who has dabbled in small business ventures, the relevance of affirmative action in entrepreneurship is not lost on Avichal Dhiwar. His new company, a packaged drinking water facility that aims to process 8,000 litres of water in an hour, is named ‘20th March Venture Pvt Ltd’, inspired by Babasaheb Ambedkar’s historic march on that day in 1927 to Chavdar lake in his native Satara district.
“The lake had remained out of bounds for Dalits. But that day, they drank water from it,” says Dhiwar, who became general secretary of the Maharashtra unit of the BSP five years ago.
Son of Janabai Nivrutti Dhiwar and Nivrutti Kisan Dhiwar, a labourer in an ammunition factory who died when Avichal was hardly in his teens, he did many small businesses to make ends meet. Between 1985 and 1995, he would rent out colour TVs and VCRs. Dhiwar, a BA from Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, later set up a kiosk that provided telephone and photocopying services.
It’s not that he never dreamt big. The idea of setting up the drinking water facility first came up a few years ago. But, says Dhiwar, at least four banks — Bank of Maharashtra, Indian Bank, IDBI and Punjab National Bank – denied him a loan “on some pretext or the other”. “Some said, go for a smaller loan… This is like saying, don’t try to become too big for your caste!”
Dhiwar says that though banks are required to provide funds to disadvantaged sections, it’s tough for a Dalit to get a loan. “A lot”, he says, “depends on the branch manager”. “When people don’t see merit just because you are a Dalit, it is an assault on your self-respect,” he says.
With the VC Fund offering Rs 3.99 crore of the Rs 7 crore he needed for the project, Dhiwar has now begun applying for government clearances to set up the facility. He has bought land on a 20-year lease and mortgaged both the land and the building, besides contributing Rs 30 lakh from his own savings, to avail of the VC funding. “I have got individual contributions of Rs 2-3 lakh from 47 people, most of them Dalits,” Dhiwar says, adding that he hopes to begin commercial production within a couple of months.
To be launched initially in Nashik, Sholapur and Nagpur, he hopes to take his 20th March brand nationally. “It will be hygienic. No cutting corners. It will compete with the big brands,” says Dhiwar, who is studying for an MBA.
Dhiwar believes that there not too many SC entrepreneurs and the VC Fund will struggle to find takers. “Its success depends a lot on how the scheme is implemented, the processes it follows and the flexibility it provides,” he says.
For him, money is not everything. “We need to give back to the society. For Dalits, it’s about self respect. We need to create and provide jobs, not beg for them.”
Ashok Khade
(The cobbler's son who built a business worth Rs 500 crore)
Image Source: YoutubeAshok Khade is the Managing Director of DAS Offshore, an engineering company that builds and refurbishes offshore rigs and platforms. His father was a cobbler and worked under a tree in Mumbai. Braving all odds, Ashok finished his education from his village and went to college.
He then started working at a government-run shipyard in the city. After acquiring the required skills in offshore maintenance and construction, he started his own company, and delivered on the opportunities presented at him by the rising oil services industry during the 90s. Ashok’s company today provides job to 4,500 employees and has an annual turnover of Rs 500 crore.
Starting From Nothing
Ashok Khade’s rags-to-riches story stands out because of how completely he transformed himself, with some luck and some help from India’s opening economy, from an illiterate cobbler’s son to a multimillionaire player in the booming oil services industry.
He was born in a mud hut in Ped in 1955, one of six children. His parents were day laborers who toiled in upper-caste farmers’ fields for pennies. His father would often travel to Mumbai, then known as Bombay, to work as a shoe repairman. He came from a family of Chamhars, a caste at the very bottom of the Hindu hierarchy. Their traditional job was to skin dead animals.
They were poor and always hungry. One day, his mother sent him to fetch a small bag of flour on credit from a nearby flour mill so she could cook flatbread for dinner. But it was the monsoon season and Ashok slipped in the mud. The precious flour landed in a puddle.
“I came home weeping,” he said. “My mother was weeping. My brothers and sisters were hungry. There was nothing in the house.”
But that hunger gave him drive. “That was my starting day,” he said.
Mr. Khade got his first big break that year, when he won admission to a school run by a charity in a nearby town. Away from the village and its deeper caste prejudice, he thrived. Upper-caste teachers nurtured him, and he strived to impress them.
But caste was not entirely absent. In the school’s musty register from 1973, the year he finished high school, next to his name is his caste: Chamhar.
All through school, poverty gnawed at him. Students had to provide their own paper to write their exams, and one day he found himself without even a few pennies to buy the necessary sheets of foolscap. A teacher tore pages from the attendance ledger. Too poor to buy string to tie the pages together, he used a thorn from a tree. None of it mattered. He graduated near the top of his class.
Setbacks and Luck
Mr. Khade’s elder brother, Datta, had managed to get an apprenticeship as a welder at a government-owned ship building company, Mazagon Dock, in Mumbai. He persuaded young Ashok to move to the big city. The tiny room where Datta lived with relatives was already full, so Ashok slept for a time under a nearby staircase on a folding cot.
Mr. Khade dreamed of becoming a doctor and studied at a local college. But Datta, who supported the entire family, begged his younger brother to drop out of school and start working. Datta helped Ashok get a job as an apprentice draftsman at Mazagon Dock.
What seemed like a setback turned out to be a stroke of luck. His flawless drafting skills and boundless appetite for hard work won him promotions. In 1983, he was sent to Germany to work on a submarine project.
One day, he saw the pay slip of one of his German colleagues, who earned in one month more than Mr. Khade earned in a year. “I thought about my family’s needs,” he said. “My sisters needed to get married. I knew I could do better than working for someone else.”
When he returned from Germany, he began laying the groundwork to start his own company. The risk was enormous, and it was almost unheard of to leave a steady job to start a company. But his two brothers were expert offshore welders. They had good contacts from their years at Mazagon Dock.
And the economy was changing after years of stagnation as the 1991 reforms began to reduce the bureaucracy’s control of the economy and stimulate growth. “It was obvious there was a chance to make a lot of money,” he said.
The brothers used their savings to finance the small subcontract jobs they began with, and in 1993 they got their first big order, for some underwater jackets for an offshore oil rig, from Mazagon Dock.
Mr. Khade’s hunch was right, and his timing was impeccable. Faster growth meant India’s appetite for fossil fuels grew ever more rapacious. His company, which builds and refurbishes offshore oil rigs, has expanded rapidly and he is expanding to the Middle East. He recently signed a deal with a member of the royal family of Abu Dhabi to work on oil wells there, and he is building what will be India’s biggest jetty fabrication yard on the Maharashtra coast. He has 4,500 employees, and his company is valued at more than $100 million.
His two brothers are now in politics — one leads the Ped village council, the other is a member of the state assembly, both holding seats reserved for Dalits. Mr. Khade has bought vast tracts of land around his village, the same plots where his mother, now 86, used to work for upper-caste farmers for pennies a day. Now she dresses in expensive silk saris, rides in a chauffeured car and wears gold jewelry. The sons of upper-caste families now work for Mr. Khade’s company. By any measure he is a man who has made it, and big.
“An untouchable boy the business partner of a prince?” Mr. Khade said. “Who would believe that is possible?”
Mr. Khade probably would not be in business with a prince had he not attended a networking cocktail reception hosted by the Dalit Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the five-star Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai this year. There he met the Indian businessman who introduced him to the Arab sheik, who helped him to globalize his company.
These kinds of connections are crucial to the nascent Dalit business community. Because Dalit businessmen often lack the social connections that lead to business ideas, loans and other support, a group of Dalit entrepreneurs created the chamber in 2005. It aims to build those networks so Dalit business leaders can help one another grow. The group has about 1,000 members, all of whom run companies with an annual turnover of at least $20,000.
It recently organized a meeting where Dalit businessmen pitched ideas to Tata Motors, one of India’s biggest car companies. Mr. Kamble, the Dalit contractor, said that of the 10 companies that attended, 4 had signed deals and 4 more were in negotiations. “There was a time when people like us could not even approach a company like Tata Motors,” he said. “Now we go meet them with dignity, not like beggars. We are job givers, not job seekers.”
The group has persuaded the government to embrace contracting preferences for Dalits like the ones that have helped businesses owned by women and minorities in the United States. It also seeks to persuade private companies to embrace affirmative action policies that would create more jobs and business opportunities for Dalits.
Few Options for Women
Despite the success of men like Mr. Khade, a Dalit entrepreneur is still much more likely to be a poor woman who has no choice but to start a small, low-profit margin business because so few other options are open to her, said Annie Namala, a researcher and activist who has worked on Dalit issues. A survey completed this year of Dalit women entrepreneurs in Delhi and Hyderabad found that most made less than $100 a month from their businesses.
“These are basically survival enterprises,” Ms. Namala said. “These women would prefer a steady job, but no jobs are available so they start a small business and work very hard with very little return.”
Despite gains for some Dalits, a recent paper from the Harvard Business School that used government data from 2005 found that even after the economic liberalization, Dalits “were significantly underrepresented in the ownership of private enterprises, and the employment generated by private enterprises.”
Even for those who have had wild success in business, social acceptance has proved harder to attain. While wealth insulates them to some degree from lingering caste prejudice, barriers remain even for rich Dalits.
Names often reveal a person’s caste, so one Dalit businessman who installs solar water heaters changed his last name because he worried that upper-caste people would not want a Dalit installing an appliance associated with personal hygiene in their homes.
Even Mr. Khade, with all his wealth and newfound status, does not want to offend potential upper-caste clients. His business card reads Ashok K, leaving off the last name that reveals what he is: a Dalit.
Hari Kumar contributed reporting.
Accentuating his words with hand movements that make his gold and diamond rings sparkle. "My father worked as a cobbler in Mumbai. You can still find the tree he planted and plied his trade under near Chitra Talkies."
For a businessman, Udyog Ratna awardee Ashok Khade has an incredible repertoire of childhood stories to tell. His story is compelling: from extreme poverty to heading one of the most sought-after offshore fabrication companies in Mumbai: DAS Offshore Engineering.
DAS is the biggest employer among dalit-owned companies — with 4,500 employees — and is credited with building Mumbai's first skywalk at Bandra. The company specialises in doing fabrication work on offshore platforms for energy and infrastructure companies.
Khade's beginnings in his native village Ped in Sangli district were humble. He was a bright student despite limitations like lack of electricity and inadequate nutrition. Teachers, he says, particularly admired his neat handwriting, proudly displaying the fine strokes on the yellowing paper of notebooks he has carefully preserved.
On his barefoot trudge to school decades ago, a young Ashok Khade passed inescapable reminders of what he was: the well from which he was not allowed to drink; the temple where he was not permitted to worship. At school, he took his place on the floor in a part of the classroom built a step lower than the rest. Untouchables like him, considered to be spiritually and physically unclean, could not be permitted to pollute their upper-caste neighbors and classmates.
As a Dalit, a member of the untouchable caste, Ashok Khade, here with his mother, has lived a rags-to-riches story in India. With a profitable business, he has “gone from village to palace.”
But on a recent afternoon, as Mr. Khade’s chauffeur guided his shimmering silver BMW sedan onto that same street in a village in the southern state of Maharashtra, village leaders rushed to greet him. He paid his respects at the temple, which he paid to rebuild. The untouchable boy had become golden, thanks to the newest god in the Indian pantheon: money.
As the founder of a successful offshore oil-rig engineering company, Mr. Khade is part of a tiny but growing class of millionaires from the Dalit population, the 200 million so-called untouchables who occupy the very lowest rung in Hinduism’s social hierarchy.
“I’ve gone from village to palace,” Mr. Khade exclaimed, using his favorite phrase to describe his remarkable journey from the son of an illiterate cobbler in the 1960s to a wealthy business partner of Arab sheiks.
The rapid growth that followed the opening of India’s economy in 1991 has widened the gulf between rich and poor, and some here have begun to blame liberalization for the rising tide of corruption. But the era of growth has also created something unthinkable a generation ago: a tiny but growing group of wealthy Dalit business people.
Some measure their fortunes in hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a handful, like Mr. Khade, have started companies worth tens of millions. With their new wealth they have also won a measure of social acceptance.
“On his barefoot trudge to school decades ago,” Polgreen writes, “a young Ashok Khade passed inescapable reminders of what he was: the well from which he was not allowed to drink; the temple where he was not permitted to worship.”
Caste System India – Ashok Khade“At school, he took his place on the floor in a part of the classroom built a step lower than the rest. Untouchables like him, considered to be spiritually and physically unclean, could not be permitted to pollute their upper-caste neighbors and classmates.“
Hunger was an everyday reality for Khade and his five siblings. He asks if we know what it is to sleep on a hungry stomach. "Once, I went to get flour from the mill during the rains, but dropped it in the water. When I got home, my mother said there was nothing else to eat. I can never forget that incident." There are many other remembered snatches: how, for instance, the siblings would sleep in an embrace for warmth on winter nights.
Khade may be an overachiever, but he has his quirks too. He has been twirling a green fountain pen, which is now revealed to be the same pen with which he wrote his SSC exam 40 years ago. "Babloo", as he has affectionately nicknamed the instrument, cost him a precious Rs 3.50. "And yet," he opens a drawer, "only Babloo would make the cover of my autobiography," and casually scatters on the desk half a dozen Mont Blanc pens collectively worth .`5 lakh.
Ashok Khade’s father was a cobbler, working under a tree in Mumbai. Ashok went to college and then joined Mazagon Docks. He acquired skills in offshore maintenance and construction. Today, his company DAS Offshore is a major offshore services company and he now plans a jetty fabrication yard that will employ 2,500 workers. He does not believe in caste reservation—only 1% of his workers are dalits.
Khade's circumstances however were far from being amusing or romantic. He recalls how his background was a stumbling block in his education. The Brahmin boys in his class had an edge over him in Sanskrit because of the rituals they followed at home, while his struggling family had no time for poojas. He eventually topped his class 10 Sanskrit exam.
He also met some good samaritans along the way. During the famine of 1972, he was "adopted" by a man who gave him food, and one of his teachers bought him a new set of clothes after he showed up for an exam in torn trousers.
After finishing high school, Khade came to Mumbai to live with his uncle. He ended up working at Mazagon Dock when financial constraints cut short his desire to pursue medicine. "I went crying to the docks," says the future ship designer. He worked at Mazagon from 1975 to 1992, building a career as well as an enviable network of contacts and well-wishers, along with brothers Datta and Suresh.
The stint would bring new experiences into Khade's life. He was sent to West Germany in 1984 for an assignment related to submarine quality control, and married shortly after returning home. He also managed to complete a part-time diploma in mechanical engineering alongside his job. In 1992, Khade's uncle died leaving behind four unmarried daughters. This sudden tug on the family's pockets was the trigger that activated Khade's entrepreneurial ambitions. DAS Offshore — named after the initials of the three brothers — was established in 1995 without an ounce of external capital, according to Khade.
Their first project came from Mazagon Dock, their former employer. A contractor had abandoned a project halfway and bids were invited. Captain PV Nair, a retired Indian Navy officer and former chairman of Mazagon Dock, recommended DAS for finishing the job, and so they were awarded the contract worth Rs 1.82 crore. "I got all my supplies on credit from people I had worked with," says Khade. Nair, who now acts as advisor for DAS, says that Khade is "determined, hardworking, and will take the work to its logical conclusion."
Having battled against both financial and social odds, one might expect a dalit entrepreneur to favour positive discrimination towards his ilk. Khade, however, is a staunch believer in merit, and rejects the idea of giving more weightage to aspiring employees or vendors from his caste. Less than 1% of his employees are dalits. "I believe in quality control," says the man who once refused a job to an underqualified nephew.
Alagappa Chettiar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alagappa Chettiar
Chettiar on a 2007 stamp of India
Kottaiyur Veerappa Azhagappa Ramanathan Chettiar
6 April 1909
Died 5 April 1957 (aged 47)
Occupation Businessman, philanthropist
Spouse(s) Mathushri Lakshmi
Sir Kottaiyur Veerappa Alagappa Ramanatha Chettiar (6 April 1909 – 5 April 1957) was an Indian businessman and philanthropist. He received the Padma Bhushan award in 1956.
Early life
After his graduation he went to England to study law. He qualified for the Bar at Middle Temple in England in 1933 and became a 'Bar-at-Law' in Chettinad. During that time he also earned a pilot certificate at Croydon, London, and became the first Indian trainee in the Standard Chartered Bank, London.
Business acumen
Chettiar's activities as a business entrepreneur were acknowledged by the British Government when he was knighted in the 1946 New Year Honours at the age of 37; however, he renounced using the title of the knighthood when India attained independence. The President of India on 26 January 1956 conferred the distinction of Padma Bhushan on him. He proved himself a versatile business tycoon and an intrepid academician with a vision to transform Karaikudi into an educational Mecca. When he died prematurely at the age of 48, Dr. Alagappa Chettiar had redefined philanthropy and contributed more to the betterment of education in Tamil Nadu than any other person of eminence had done until then. Chettiar launched his career by pioneering in textiles. In 1937 he started Cochin Textiles, later Alagappa Textiles at Alagappa Nagar near Thrissur in Kerala. The township for Cochin textile staff was named "Alagappa Nagar" in his memory. As a business savvy tycoon he practised diversification of portfolios with rubber plantations in Malaya, tin mines in Burma, textile mills in Kerala, insurance companies in Calcutta, hotels in Bombay, theatres in Madras, a flourishing stock exchange company and a private airline and has been referred to as the unsung business maharaja of South India in the thirties and forties.
Chettiar harboured a firm conviction that education is an absolute must for a human being to become productive, wholesome and humane. In 1943 he donated one lakh (100,000) rupees for the installation and development of the Tamil Department of Travancore University. In 1947 at the Annie Besant centenary celebrations he answered the call for industrialists to help educate India by spontaneously offering to start an Arts College in Karaikudi. This college, Alagappa Arts College started at Gandhi Maleghai, opened three days later. His generous donations led to the establishment of a string of educational institutions, which formed the basis for the foundation of the Alagappa University in 1985 by the Government of Tamil Nadu. “ The magnificent gift of 300 acres of land and fifteen lakhs of rupees by Alagappa Chettiar helped the Government of India to select Karaikudi as the seat of Electro Chemical Research Institute. Being a businessman himself, Dr. Alagappa Chettiar is aware of the industrial possibilities of our country and the need for scientific, technical and technological education. In his lifetime he has built a monument for himself and you have only to look around. ”
Alagappa Chettiar pioneered the centre of excellence "A.C.College of Technology" (named after him) at Guindy, Chennai, which offers specialised Engineering & Technology courses including Chemical Technology, Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals, Textile Engineering, Leather Technology, Industrial Biotechnology, Ceramic Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology, Food Technology, etc. Presently it comes under the governance of Anna University. His gave away his own palatial residence in Kottaiyur to start a women's college. Notable donations and institutions
Dr.Alagappa Chettiar
His other foundations and charitable donations included:
Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering & Technology (ACCET) at Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. (Now an autonomous government institution)
Alagappa Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa Arts College, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa College of Polytechnic, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa Physical Education College, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa Primary School, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa Montessori School, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
Alagappa Preparatory School, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu (this is a private school managed by his daughter founded after him)
Alagappa Matriculation School, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu (this is a private school managed by his daughter founded after him)
Alagappa Model Higher Secondary School at his birthplace, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu
A ladies' hostel at Vepery, Chennai A gift for the development of the township infrastructure of Kottaiyur
A gift for the Meenakshi club at Kandanur, Tamil Nadu A donation for the H.M.I.S Fund
Foundation of a college of technology at Madras University, subsequently named Alagappa Chettiar College of Technology, Guindy, Chennai A donation to establish higher education in Malaysia
A donation to establish the South Indian Educational Society at New Delhi in 1948
A donation to the Lady Doak College at Madurai A donation for publishing Tamil Kalangiyam
A donation to the Cochin Cyclone Relief fund
A donation for geological research by the Travancore government A donation for establishing a maternity hospital and childcare centre in Cochin A donation for indigenous medicine research by Ernakulam Maharaja College
A donation to fund students from Cochin to study abroad
Funding the morning food scheme for Cochin children
Establishing the South Indian chamber of commerce in Cochin
At the age of 48, in the midst of single-handedly revolutionising his native place and changing the course of history, Chettiar succumbed to his illness. He was treated for cancer in 1955. After a brief recovery, his health worsened and died on 5 April 1957 at his residence in Vepery, Madras (now Chennai). Aroor Raja
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aroor Venkatachari Srinivasaraghavan (AVS) Raja (born March 23, 1939 in Aroor, India) is one of the founders of Shriram Group of companies.
Raja worked for Indian Railway before becoming co-founder of the Shriram along with R. Thyagrajan. His "Silver Medallion campaign" took the small company to national recognition.
In 1985 Raja convinced all the part-time Chief Regional Managers of UTI (Unit Trust of India - SOUTH )to become the regional managers for Shriram Group to develop and market various financial instruments of the group. Born 23 March 1939.
Raja works with the local community holding the posts of Managing trustee & Publisher of Amudhasurabi (a 63 years old Tamil literary magazine), founder general Secretary of Towers Club (1989 in Anna Nagar, Chennai), President of Kartik Fine Arts, Founder chairman of Probus Club (affiliated to Rotary Club of Anna Nagar, 1992) and a member of the Rotary Club of Anna Nagar . B. V. Raju
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
B. V. Raju
BhupathiRaju Vissam Raju
Born 15 October 1920
Died 8 June 2002 (aged 81)
Nationality Indian
Occupation Industrialist
Children 3 daughters
Bhupathiraju Vissam Raju (1920-2002) is an Indian industrialist, a former chairman of Raasi Cements and the Cement Corporation of India and one of the pioneers of Indian cement industry. He was the director of Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Constructions and Prasad and Company Project Works Limited. He was also interested in ceramics and refractory industries and is the founder of the Padmasri Dr. B.V Raju Institute of Technology. The Government of India awarded him the fourth-highest Indian civilian award of Padma Shri in 1977 and followed it with the third-highest honour of Padma Bhushan in 2001. Bhagwan Gawai
A Daily Wage Laborer Built a Company with a Turnover of Rs128 Cr
Bhagwan Gawai’s life story is an admirable one. He influences all to change their fate with absolute determination to bring the necessary improvements. His life would seem like a movie plot as he transformed from a slum dweller to a global industrialist.
In Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, Bhagwan Gawai was born to an extremely poor family. His father was a laborer working at a construction site and earning an inconsequential salary. His salary was insufficient to support a family with four kids, which made his mother to also start working as a laborer.
To add up to the misery of his family Gawai’s father died in the year 1964. But his mother was determined and along with her four kids came to Mumbai.
It was a great challenge to find a proper place to reside with her children in the new city. The family resided in the nearby slum. His mother started working with Mahindra and Mahindra in their jeep factory in Kandivali, the western suburb of Mumbai.
Gawai was in the STD 2 at that time. His mother was well aware of the importance of education or otherwise, her children would suffer like her. Thus, she managed to somehow admit them into the nearby school.
But the unfortunate events kept rolling. His mother lost her job as the company’s work was done and the laborers were discharged. It made their situation all the more worst.
Later, his mother started working with a new steel factory of Mahindra located in the Raigad district of Maharashtra. It was 100km away from where they used to live earlier. Gawai’s brother also began working as a laborer. Subsequently, in a few years, the whole family then moved to Ratnagiri where they finally got some stability.
Meanwhile, he passed the board exam with 85%. He applied for a job which he found from an advertisement in the newspaper. He got a job in Larsen and Toubro as a clerk. Correspondingly he prepared for civil services exams.
In the year 1982, he found a new job as a management trainee in the Hindustan Petroleum. He also participated in a training program from the company in Kolkata at the Indian Institute of Management. During this time he learned the nuances of business and also got hold of promotions in the company.
Are you keeping up with the transformation? Soon Gawai learned the technique of oil distribution while he was working in Hindustan Petroleum.
In 1991, he finally decided to shift to Bahrain. He started working with Emirates National Oil Company, where he received substantial salary most of which he saved. Another opportunity came across him from the company to go to Dubai. He found his inspiration when he noticed that many illiterates were running a business related to oil. So he considered why he couldn’t do it having such high qualifications.
Thus he started a fuel company partnering with a local businessman. He gained instant success and never looked back again. The success made him form another company named after his son, “Saurabh Energy”. The company’s turnover today is in several crores.
The person who earned Rs 100-200 as the daily wage is now the owner of a company with an annual turnover of above Rs 128 Crores.
(Photo Credit: Economic Times, Mulnivasi Organiser)
Balu, manufactures soldering equipment with revenues of Rs 2.5 crore. He says 32 girls in a row rejected him as a marriage partner because of his poor prospects! His weak business was regarded as insecure. He says many dalit businessmen hide their caste identity to avoid social sigma and loss of business. That mentality sorely needs to change.
We will continuously strive to be a preferred supplier of crankshafts to OEM's in India and around the world.
We aim to alwaysUNDERPROMISE & OVERDELIVERin all our ventures.
We aim to enhance and grow our reputation as one of the world's most respected manufacturing companies by exceeding customer expectations, providing an engaging and supportive work environment, and delivering financial success.
While pursuing the above, we will ensure that we establish a robust management system so as to enhance customer's experience in dealing with us, satisfaction of all stakeholders and due consideration to the environment.
Bhaskar Majumdar
Managing Partner, Unicorn India Ventures
Bhaskar Majumdar, Managing Partner at Unicorn India Ventures, is a seasoned media and technology executive and entrepreneur. In the past decade, Bhaskar has established himself as a well-regarded early-stage investor and adviser, especially in the UK and India. He has held senior corporate positions with Times of India, Zee Telefilms and Altavista UK.
In 2000, he started his first entrepreneurial venture, Recreate Solutions, a company within the digital media realm and backed by Insight Partners. After scaling the business, he sold the business to a US Systems Integrator. He has since been an investor in a number of technology and media early stage business through his proprietary fund, Heath Ventures, and has invested his proprietary funds in more than half a dozen start-ups in UK and India across media technologies, PaaS and social segments. He has exited businesses as an entrepreneur and as an investor and brings a strong sense of positioning businesses for exit.
An Alumni of IIT-Kharagpur and an AMP from Harvard, Bhaskar is very active in the angel community network in UK and in India. He brings an international flavor to Unicorn India Ventures and would enable early stage business in their international roll-out strategy as well as being potential targets for international business looking at strategic entry into India
B. S. Nagesh
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
B S Nagesh
Born 12 April 1959
Nationality Indian
Alma mater Benaras Hindu University
Occupation Businessman
Spouse(s) Shailaja Nagesh
Children 2
Commencing his career in 1982 with Blow Plast Ltd - the manufacturers of VIP luggage and Leo toys, Nagesh has also worked with Orson sales Ltd (1986-1988) and Carona Ltd (1988-1991). He joined the K. Raheja Group in 1991 as a general manager, to set up the Group's retail business. He subsequently went on to be the managing director and CEO of Shoppers Stop from 1997 to 2009. He is the chairman at Shoppers Stop. Nagesh is the chairman of Retailers Association of India.
Awards and recognition
'One among the Top 33 Indians driving philanthropic initiatives in India' as per an article by Economic Times.
'Most admired Apparel Retail Professional of the Year' at the inaugural Images Fashion Awards 2000.
'Top CEO Award 2001' instituted by Institute of Marketing Management.
Bijendra Singh
Company CEO
Kabeera Printo Graphics
We, Kabeera Printo Graphics, are stalwarts in the industry having introduced an extensive range of Web Offset Printing Machines and Quality Spares for Web Offset Printing Machines. We have made such a deep impact in the domain because of our passion in printing.
We are committed to offer solutions to meet the requirements of printing machinery industry with precision engineered web offset engineering and consistent up-scaling and diversification projects. Our customized offerings have created for us a loyal client base.
Today thanks to high quality, our product enjoys top of the mind brand recall. We leverage our standing in the domain on the strength of the stringent quality parameters that we follow in our manufacturing process. We believe in raising the bar of our standard by continuously upgrading quality and design. Our R&D efforts keep us in sync with latest development that is taking place in the industry.
Basic Information
Nature of Business Exporter
Additional Business
Company CEO Brijender Singh
Year of Establishment 1997
Legal Status of Firm Individual - Proprietor
Company USP
Primary Competitive Advantage Good Financial Position & TQM
Quality Measures / Testing Facilities Yes
Packaging/Payment and Shipment Details
Customized Packaging No
Payment Mode
Shipment Mode By Road
Our Infrastructure
We have installed an advanced infrastructural unit which leverages us to manufacture the bulk orders that we get from of our clients within the dotted line. Our cutting edge manufacturing unit with maximum installed capacity and fitted with the requisite machines is fully geared to manufacture technically astute offset printing machines.
The production process implements most critical technology in the manufacturing process. Our infrastructural unit also has an in-house R&D unit where most current designs of printing machines are developed in the blueprint which are then sent to production department.
Our Aim
We came into the domain to make a mark and create brand recall that clients could readily identify with. Following are the features that we want to be associated with:
Cost Effective
Prompt After Sales Service
Our Goal
We "Kabeera Printo Graphics" has only one and the most prime and important goal which is to focus on Customer Satisfaction.
Product Profile
Over the years we have created a niche for ourselves in the industry for our range of top quality offset printing machines. We are passionate about printing. As manufacturers of Web Offset Printing Machines and quality spares for these machines we are considered stalwarts in the industry. Our Offset Printing Machinery list contains, Mono Printing Unit, 2- HI Printing Unit, 3-Colour Satellite Printing Unit, 4-High Tower Printing Unit, Independent Reel Stand, Standard Half Page Folder, Super Half Page Folder, Quarter Page Folder and 1/8 Folder.
Our entire product range is highly regarded in the market for their industry leading features, some of which are as follows:
Multiple color printing options
Long service life
Cost effective
Both manual and Pneumatic control
Fast output
Reliable after sales service
We believe the best way to serve a client is by deviating from the standard procedure and offer him customized range that would serve his application requirements to the closest approximation. Our offset printing machines offer multiple choice to clients. With in that broad specification there are certain facets that a client may still want to be modified. We create such customized range that fits exactly to the clients ' requirements. We customize in terms of design, performance, raw materials and sizes.
Our team of professionals keep us abreast with the changing dynamics of the industry. Our engineers have the engineering expertise to manufacture the range of offset printing machines based on latest technology. Our R&D unit are consistently is at work to bring out innovation and product development. Our quality assessment unit carries on microscopic analysis of quality at every stage of production. Our professionals, each masters in their chosen professions work in tandem to bring our a product range that justifies the requirements of our clients.
We have our clients all over India, in most of the states of the like U.P, M.P, Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh & Chatttisgarh.
Devanand Londhe
(MD, Payod Industries, Pune, Rs 7 crore)
When 33-year-old Devanand Londhe, a civil engineer from Kolhapur University, decided to leave his job as a disaster management consultant and turn entrepreneur in 2008, he was in for a rude shock. Despite the economic and social changes in democratic India, he realised that being a Dalit (member of Scheduled Caste) can still create numerous hurdles.
Londhe wanted to start a garment manufacturing unit in his home district of Sangli, Maharashtra, but could not find someone who would lend him Rs. 7 lakh to start his unit. A bank denied him the loan at the last minute, without giving any valid reason. This delayed his plans to start the unit by a year, and forced him to sell his house and wife’s jewellery and take loans from a money lender to meet the shortfall. “My qualifications and ability did not matter; age-old perceptions and discriminations did,” says Londhe.
In the past two years, however, he has made good progress. Today, he employs 225 people in his business of exporting gloves to Japanese firms and has a turnover of more than Rs. 1 crore.
Still, he faces difficulties in getting orders or funding from within the country. It is no surprise then that Londhe feels buoyed by the Confederation of Indian Industry’s (CII) latest open declaration for affirmative action.
Devjibhai Premjibhai Makwana
Suraj Filaments Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 22 April 1997. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Ahmedabad. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 20,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 14,500,000. It is inolved in Software publishing, consultancy and supply [Software publishing includes production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software, operating systems software, business & other applications software, computer games software for all platforms. Consultancy includes providing the best solution in the form of custom software after analyzing the user?s needs and problems. Custom software also includes made-to-order software based on orders from specific users. Also, included are writing of software of any kind following directives of the users; software maintenance, web-page design].
Directors of Suraj Filaments Private Limited are Sunilbhai Devjibhai Makwana and Devjibhai Premjibhai Makwana.
Suraj Filaments Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U72200GJ1997PTC032147 and its registration number is 32147
Its Email address is info@surajfilaments.com and its registered address is UL-24, PATANI PLAZA COMPLEX DEVU BAUG, DAIRY ROAD BHAVNAGAR GJ 364002 IN , - , .
Current status of Suraj Filaments Private Limited is - Active.
Company Details CIN
Company Name
Registration Number 32147
Company Category Company limited by Shares
Date of Incorporation 22 April 1997
Software publishing, consultancy and supply [Software publishing includes production, supply and documentation of ready-made (non-customized) software, operating systems software, business & other applications software, computer games software for all platforms. Consultancy includes providing the best solution in the form of custom software after analyzing the user?s needs and problems. Custom software also includes made-to-order software based on orders from specific users. Also, included are writing of software of any kind following directives of the users; software maintenance, web-page design].
Dharm Singh Mourya
Dharm Singh Mourya, 50 year old, is a famous businessman and politician from Saharanpur district and belongs to Chamar community. He is well educated, with an elaborate list of degrees including M.A., B.Ed and LLB. He has two sons and owns a gas agency and a farm house. His father was in government service.
He lives in a famous area of Saharanpur called Ambedkar Puram, where only rich Dalits have their houses. At present his business runs into several crores. His elder son helps him in the business. He was allotted a gas agency in 1986 under the unemployed youth quota. He started business with a total investment of around two hundred thousand rupees (2 Lakhs). He did not have enough resources at the time when he was allotted the gas agency. To overcome the economic disability he found a rich person of nonDalit caste to be his partner. He attributes his success to the government scheme of quota for Dalits.
Without the quota, he wouldn’t have been able to enter the business. At present he employs more than 20 persons in his business.Now that he is a successful businessman, he does not experience any discrimination on caste basis. However, he is aware of the fact that almost everyone in the city knows that he belongs to Chamar community. He attributes his success to his management skills and the formal education, which helped him in understanding the wider social context and the business culture. So far, he has never taken any financial assistance from any bank or government agency. Though he sees himself as a successful person and no longer bothers about his caste, he recalls the kind of discrimination he has faced in his personal life because of caste identity. While recalling his school days and the life in the village, he mentions that untouchability and discrimination were a part of everyday life for almost every Dalit. He vividly recollected the humiliation he felt when he was offered tea in a cup separately kept for Dalits by a non-Dalit family. However, he is not cynical and believes that business depends on good management and skills. The caste factor can be neutralized.
At present holding a position with the regional political party, earlier he served as the Chairman of the Zila Parishad (District council-the highest body in Panchayati Raj System at District level),
Lalit Surajmal Kanodia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dr. Lalit Kanodia
Born 30 March 1941
Nationality Indian
Spouse(s) Mrs. Asha Kanodia (m. 19 November 1965)
Children Rahul Kanodia
Sameer KanodiaAneesha Dalmia and Amrita Bhogilal
Dr. Kanodia (born 30 March 1941) is an Indian business entrepreneur, is currently Chairman of Datamatics Group of Companies which he founded in 1975. He also holds the position of National President of the Indo - American Chamber of Commerce and Vice President of the Indian Merchants Chamber, both prestigious organizations of the Indian business community. He has also served as President of the Management Consultants Association of India. Early life and education
Lalit Kanodia was born in Kolkata (then Calcutta) in West Bengal (India), the son of Shri Surajmal Kanodia, a bullion merchant and Smt. Chandravati Kanodia, a home maker. His family moved to Mumbai in 1942.
Tata Consultancy Services
In 1965, JRD Tata, the then Chairman of Tata Group was contemplating to start a software company. He chanced upon Lalit's CV and asked him to study the feasibility of computerization within the Tata Group. Lalit wrote three papers for the Tata Group which led to automation of the Load Dispatch System of the Tata Electric Companies by Westinghouse, Computerization of the electricity billing system of the company and formation of a software development center. Kanodia then returned to MIT for his doctorate. He returned to India to form and head the software development center for the Tata Group. Kanodia formed the Company in 1967 as Tata Computer Center, christened later as Tata Consultancy Services in 1968.
While in the USA, Lalit consulted for Arthur D. Little and the Ford Motor Company. In India, he has been a consultant to the State Bank of India, the Somani Group and the Kamani Group of companies.
Lalit established his own Group of Companies under the Banner "Datamatics" in 1975. What he started with a modest team of 10 employees is now 8000 strong. In 1979 he set-up the first dedicated offshore development center for Wang Laboratories. He also established the first satellite link for Software development from India, between its software development center in Mumbai and AT&T Bell labs USA in 1991. This led to the foundation of BPO services in India and Kanodia formally started another company "Datamatics Technologies Limited" with 100% focus on BPO and KPO services. The start of BPO services helped Datamatics spread its wing globally and it acquired SAZTEC and CorPay, two US based companies in 1997 and 2003 respectively. Since then Datamatics has acquired other companies internationally. As of Lalit is Group Chairman of Datamatics which comprises: Datamatics Global Services Ltd (A listed Company with BSE/NSE)
CIGNEX Datamatics Technologies Ltd
Lumina Datamatics Ltd
Datamatics Staffing Services Ltd
Personal life
Lalit has four children with his wife Asha Kanodia. Eldest son Rahul Kanodia is vice chairman and CEO of Datamatics Global Services and youngest son Sameer Kanodia is an Executive Director. His two daughters Aneesha and Amrita are married.
Indian Affairs Indian of the year Award for IT, Consulting and BPO services
Special Achievement Award at Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards
Global Achiever Award for Business Excellence
Award from Prime Minister of India for the most innovative software product
Kanodia was president of the Management Consultants' Association of India. He is National President of the Indo - American Chamber of Commerce. He is vice president of Indian Merchants Chamber and chairman of its IT committee.
He was a member of the executive committee of NASSCOM. He has been Chairman of the Electronic & Computer Software Export Promotion Council (Western Region). He joined the executive board of the Sloan School of Management, at MIT in 2008. He served as the Honorary Consul General of Chile in India from 2002 to 2014
Bharat Makwana
Anand Synthetics
Suresh Synthetics Company was established in the year 2011. We are leading Manufacturer of Yarn Thread, Textile Thread and Colored Thread. n order to accomplish specific demands of our customers, our organization has come up with a huge gamut of Textile Thread. The thread provided by us is generally demanded by textile and garment industry for stitching purposes. At our premises, this thread is woven by using premium quality fibers and the modern technology. In order to ensure quality of this thread, our quality auditor checks it against numerous parameters.
We are instrumental in providing wide varieties of useful and decorative White Thread. All these products are made of cotton material for various essential requirements. Our products are best in quality and supplied on large scale to various retailers all across the nation. These threads are strong, durable and high in demand across the country. The offered products find vast application in several textile industries.
Basic Information
Nature of Business Manufacturer
Additional Business Exporter
Company CEO Bharat Makwana
Year of Establishment 2011
Legal Status of Firm Partnership Firm
Statutory Profile
Quality Objectives
We lay a lot of emphasis on quality. We have a separate quality control department where our products are regularly inspected.
Our Business Philosophy
We always prefer to give best quality as per our customer’s desire. We strictly concentrate on quality from the starting of components production up to final completion. We are regularly asking our valued customers about the quality of the components supplied by us. We also maintain records for giving proper feedback and best service to the entire satisfaction to our valued customers.
We always ensure full participation of our employees and suppliers in achieving our objectives. Open management policies, transparent business arrangements are the areas that do carry special significance.
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Baburao Govindrao Shirke
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baburao Govindrao Shirke
Born 1 August 1918
Died 14 August 2010 (aged 92)
Nationality Indian
Occupation Founder chairman of BG Shirke Construction Technology Private Limited (BGSCTPL)
Padma Shri Baburao Govindrao Shirke (1918-2010) popularly known as B G Shirke was an Indian businessman, and the founder and chairman of BG Shirke Construction Technology Private Limited (BGSCTPL).
Early life and education
B G Shirke was born on 1 August 1918, at Pasarni village in Wai taluka of Satara district. Shirke hailed from a humble family background and completed his formal education through 'earn and learn' scheme of the government. In 1936, despite lack of money and educational facilities, he passed his matriculation from Dravid High School at Wai. He obtained BE degree in Civil Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Pune, (then affiliated to Mumbai University) and became the first Civil Engineer from the Pasarani area.
Shirke started Supreme Constructions in 1944, and gained recognition as an efficient builder for building Kolhapur's Jail house in 1945. His business prospered after 1953. 1972 onwards, Shirke expanded to the Gulf Countries via his officially registered company, Siporex. Between 1962 and 1981, Shirke was involved in several projects undertaken by the Kirloskar Group. Some of the prominent projects he completed include the Mumbai-Bangalore highway, the Mumbai Cricket Association's Bandra Kurla Complex Ground, the Hinjewadi IT park and the Wipro IT park in Chennai, to name a few.[3] The Shirke group has built many government projects in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Example includes the 1994 construction of Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex at Balewadi for the National Games.
Awards and recognition
Padma Shri Award - India's fourth highest civilian honour
B G Shirke was awarded Padma Shri award for his dedication in the field of Science & Engineering in 2003
Chaitanya Kanojia
Chaitanya Kanojia is an American entrepreneur and technologist. He founded Aereo, a technology company that provides users access to live or recorded broadcast television on the Internet through the use of its cloud-based antenna Digital Video Recorder technology. Wikipedia C. P. Krishnan Nair
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C. P. Krishnan Nair
Born 9 February 1922
Died 17 May 2014 (aged 92)
Leela Nair
(m. 1950–2014)
Children 2
Military career
Years of service 1942–1951
Early life and military career
Nair was born in a village in Kannur district in northern Kerala on 9 February 1922. At the time the village was located in the Malabar District of the Madras Presidency of the British Raj. Nair was one of eight children. His father, Appu Nair, worked as a government bill collector earning a monthly income of ₹9 (equivalent to ₹1,600 or US$21 in 2020). During a visit by the Maharaja of Chirakkal to his school, Nair wrote and recited a poem in the Maharaja's honour. The poem impressed the Maharaja and he awarded Nair a lifetime scholarship. During his teenage years Nair met Communist leaders such as P. Krishna Pillai and A.K. Gopalan.
Later career
After resigning from the Army in 1951, Nair helped establish the All India Handloom Board. At the board he played a major role in marketing hand-spun Indian yarn in the United States. Through frequent business trips to Europe and the United States, Nair gained exposure to international hotels such as Adlon Kempinski, Dorchester Savoy, George Shanvk and Waldorf Astoria, which would inspire his own eventual entry into the hospitality industry.
Later that year, he started a lace-weaving unit in Sahar, Mumbai.
Leela Hotels
In 1957, Nair was part of a delegation of the All India Handloom Board to West Germany, which involved visits to Frankfurt, Cologne, Munich and Hamburg. Following his stay at the Kempinsky Hotel in Budapest, he realized the need for a luxury hotel chain in India that could measure up to international standards. With the Sahar International Airport opening in 1981, Nair realized that there were no good hotels in Andheri, the Mumbai suburb where the airport is located. Nair established Hotel Leelaventure Ltd. in 1983, and began construction of a hotel in Sahar on 4-acre plot of land that he owned, and an additional 6.5 acres that he leased.
The first Leela Hotel opened in Mumbai in 1987. This was followed by the Leela Goa, the Leela Palace in Bangalore, and the Leela Beach Resort in Thiruvananthapuram.
Krishnan Nair died at 3:30 AM IST on 17 May 2014 at the Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai, following a brief illness.
Personal life
Nair married Leela (after whom he named his hotel group), the daughter of industrialist A. K. Nair, in 1950. They had two sons, Vivek Nair and Dinesh Nair. Vivek is the current chairman and managing director of the Leela Group, while Dinesh is the co-chairman of Leela group. Nair is a relative of V. P. Menon, an Indian civil servant who was the Constitutional Adviser and Political Reforms Commissioner to the last three Viceroys during British rule in India. Leela Krishnan Nair died on 16 May 2021, a day before her husband's seventh death anniversary. Chandra Bhan Prasad
Chandra Bhan Prasad utilised his glamour and name to advance the Dalit cause
Chandra Bhan Prasad was the first Dalit in independent India to have a dedicated column space in the English press. He fronted attacks and counter-punched detractors for berating Dalits, taking on anyone trying to pull them down
Chandra Bhan Prasad (Source: Facebook/@pioneercbp )
Dalitality will be incomplete if it doesn’t honour my predecessor, Chandra Bhan Prasad, a shining thought leader and India’s leading public intellectual. At a time whenDalits were barely noticed, CBP was our eyes and ears. He was our man, dressed in a soigné suit, sharp black tie and handsomely combed hair. Sitting in the studios or penning his philosophy, CBP gave us reasons to be proud and assured.
CBP is known to the world for his stellar work as a columnist in The Pioneer. He was the first Dalit in independent India to have a dedicated column space in the English press. His popular column, Dalit Diary, came at a time when newer interventions in India’s changing geography were desperately needed. His primary motive was to prioritize the Dalit voice. He did that with a flair of robustness and feat of a dapper. He beautifully observed that in their act of love Dalits redefine love. And this experience of love in my opinion is sweeter, lasting and transcendental.
Born in 1958 in Bhadwan village in Azamgarh, UP, CBP began writing as the last decade of the twentieth century dawned. His life at the Jawaharlal Nehru University was shaped by the radical uptightness of the Dalit exploitation. He found a pathway to articulate the simmering anger through the CPI (ML) outpost. After paying closer attention to this politics, and the politics of the liberal and progressive, CBP chose to expose their hypocrisies through honesty. He took upon the liberals and progressives both in the urban and rural scape. His targets were the influential class who were articulating public opinion— professors, editors, columnists and leftist feudalists. In many ways, Dalit Diary was a vicissitude for these people who talked about Dalit liberation but also held on to the beliefs of their varna privileges. CBP’s openness to limited private capital came from his reading of Ambedkar and that of Mao wherein nationalist bourgeoisie were given adequate space in China after 1949 revolution till 1956.
The much-hyped Bhopal Declaration which brought together Dalit academics, thinkers and babus to frame a policy of diversity was token-like successful. It created a buzz but the results are still to be seen across a wide spectrum. However, the credit to articulate that idea and bring about new perspectives can be attributed to CBP. He is the father of India’s diversity movement who argued for an increase in colours to the monochrome of what he called “varna viciousness”.
CBP is a wayfarer. He is trying to find the best possible ways to liberate his people. He loves his community and for it he has dedicated his professional life. CBP has utilized his glamour and name to advance the Dalit cause in his chosen field. He has toyed with new ventures and this is what brought him to propose Dalit Capitalism – a radical imagination of finding avenues in the centers of liberal structures. He was a pragmatic uncle who advised Dalit movements to “seek share in globalization” instead of “wasting resources, time and talent in trying to stop the unstoppable”.
His reasoning for a capitalist solution was his active position against the twice-born left and Sangh. Both these cronies are united in keeping the permanent subordinate positions of Dalits. He was cognizant that American imperialism was going to attack vulnerable Dalits but what would a landless Dalit labourer think of his landlord who has been tormenting him for generations? “What could be a happier moment for Dalits than witnessing the total collapse of farmers (landlords) who do not pay minimum wages and humiliate Dalits in their day-to-day life?” Those ruling classes of India did not democratise resources such as education. Thus, he advised Dalits to “pray for the collapse of desi industrialists”. He took this position from two vantage points: 1. He hoped that the MNC would open space for Dalits like it did for the Black population in America. 2. Empire had a history of turning fruitful for India’s Dalits.
Although, his Dalit Capitalism is an admirable concept it needs detailed scrutiny and much more critical understanding before it is presented as a penultimate panacea after the Constitution. CBP tried his best to find ways for Dalits to explore and I love his heterodox style. That is why, even in my pragmatic critique of some of his ideas, his love for the community and restlessness to liberate our people binds us together in the genealogy of our freedom loving ancestors.
No Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh could guide us nor control our thoughts. Prasad pushed for more Dalit centric voices in the publications. He emphatically argued for every publication to run at least one column by a Dalit in addition to hiring several thousand journalists and few more in weekly edit pages. CBP’s columns were deeply sociological and had a literary command. He believed in the power of English language which gave him a higher status. He wanted the same for his community. He remains a strong advocate of the Dalit English language movement.
In his feisty reprimand of the twice-borns, CBP also held no filters towards Dalits. He felt the Dalit movement’s singular focus on Brahmins as enemy No. 1 was wrongly placed, especially when since Independence the upper Shudras had claimed their dominance in India. Thus, the “principal contradiction of our times” was between “Dalits and upper Shudras”.
CBP fronted attacks and counter-punched detractors for berating Dalits. Prasad was in direct assault mode against anyone trying to pull his community down. His new ventures “Dalit Food” and “Dalit Entrepreneurship” are thought-provoking and inspiring. Needless to say, also entertaining.
Suraj Yengde, author of Caste Matters, curates the fortnightly ‘Dalitality’ column
This article first appeared in the print edition on September 20, 2020 under the title ‘The importance of Chandra Bhan Prasad’. Suraj Yengde, author of Caste Matters, curates the fortnightly ‘Dalitality’ column
From Wikipedia
Prasad in 2014
Chandra Bhan Prasad (born September 1958) is an Indian journalist and political commentator. He also acts as an advisor to the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI).
In 2007-08 Prasad was a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for the Advanced Study of India (CASI) at the University of Pennsylvania. He has been profiled by The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Prasad's writings include Defying the Odds- The Rise of Dalit Entrepreneurs (2014), co-authored with Devesh Kapur and D. Syam Babu.
Deepak Jatav.
Founded in the year, 1999, we, 'Deepak Industries', are known as a prominent manufacturer and supplier of Stylish Footwear. We provide our clients with a wide range of Sports Shoes, Flip Flop Slippers, Sports Sandals, School Shoes and Moccasins. We make use of premium quality raw material and advance technology to manufacture these products. The footwear fabricated by us are available in varied sizes, colors and designs. These products are widely demanded by various sport industries, schools,
Deepak Jatav is a 51 year old successful footwear manufacturer and designer from Saharanpur and belongs to Jatav (Chamar) community. He is educated up to M.A. His father was a clerk in a government department and mother a teacher in a school. He also runs a fertilizer agency and has four sons who are well educated.He started his business in 1974. Since his grandfather and other relatives were in the business, he picked up basic skills of the trade from them. It was easy to start the footwear business as he was supported by other family members and relatives.30 Indian He completed a professional diploma in footwear designing and in 1976 took a small loan from a bank for expanding his business. He has been awarded certificate of excellence from a famous shoe company. He is a successful business entrepreneur and does not have any bitter memories of discrimination at personal level but sees that it happens in society at institutional level and affects the business. There are a number of non-Dalits in footwear manufacturing. He has noticed that Dalits get bad deals while the non-Dalits invariably do better. He says that Dalits are called Chamar in business while non-dalits are addresses as businessmen. They do not get equal treatment in the market. Dalits are second option for upper-caste traders and non-Dalit traders approach their own community members first. He reflects that government does not recognize them as entrepreneurs and does not support them financially due to which big shoe companies exploit the Dalits. He has a legal case pending against a big shoe company which did not pay him the promised price after getting the shoe manufactured by him. Despite all this he wants to expand his work and is trying to link with international markets. He thinks that Dalits need to be very vibrant and should always look for new opportunities and explore newer things. Deepak is also a social worker and a known politician of the district and has a national position with a Dalit political outfit. He proudly identifies with the vision of Dr. Ambedkar.
Sirswal, 75, had started off as a sweeper but is now one of the oldest businessmen in Panipat, Haryana. He quit his sweeper’s job once his handloom unit was on its feet. His success, he says, came largely because he hid the fact that he was born a Valmiki Dalit.
Customers who discovered his caste origins shunned him. Banks would not give loans because caste matters to them too, and Dalit entrepreneurs are too few and far between to work the system as a group like the upper castes do.
Deepak Jatav, 51, is an established footwear manufacturer in Saharanpur, western Uttar Pradesh. Even today, he says, people refer to him by a caste label whose use is a non-bailable offence under the SC/ST Act.
His non-Dalit peers, however, are respectfully called “businessmen”. Upper-caste traders deal with Dalits only if they have to, he says.
Theirs are some of the testimonies included in a pioneering study on first-generation Dalit entrepreneurs by Surinder S. Jodhka for the Institute of Dalit Studies in New Delhi.
Jodhka, a sociology professor with JNU, contests the tendency of academic writings to look at caste as a “traditional system of social hierarchy and culture” that is expected to weaken and eventually get subsumed by the whirligig of development and modernisation.
“In the mainstream understanding of textbook economics, development or the market were essentially secular or socially neutral and anonymous processes. Similarly, the social science understanding of entrepreneurship has typically revolved around the notion of a rational individual operating in a supposedly free-market economy,” he has written in a paper titled “Dalits in business: Self-employed Scheduled Castes in northwest India”.
Jodhka’s study aims to show just how “free” the market economy is for Dalits, two-thirds of whom are land-less or marginal farmers with virtually no employment or wealth-generating assets.
The sociologist, who drew his samples from industrially prosperous Panipat and Saharanpur, found that most of the Dalit entrepreneurs ventured into basic businesses such as small shop-keeping, contracts and dealerships (like gas agencies), and skilled service (like plumbing or electrician’s businesses). Hardly one or two per cent were into more capital-intensive enterprises such as hotels, factories and educational institutions.
When the Dalit entrepreneurs were asked if caste mattered in the “secular” business space, a typical answer was: “They hate us; non-Dalits do not like us being in business.”
A doctor in Saharanpur said upper-caste patients came to him only as a last resort.
Ram Kumar, 35, who set up a school against strong opposition in Saharanpur had to struggle to get it recognised by the education authorities. His students are drawn from among the Dalits, the most backward classes and low-caste Muslims. No landowner, Hindu or Muslim, would think of enrolling his child in Kumar’s school.
Even locating the entrepreneurs was a problem for the researchers: they had to rely on local activists.
Barring one, the rest were first-generation entrepreneurs whose fathers were either unlettered or barely literate.
All of them had a problem finding space to rent.
Despite the hiccups, the study found that the Dalits’ enterprises, however small, had grown — though they were reluctant to fill in the details because most of them kept no books nor filed tax returns.
Most of them also felt that economic success had helped them enter the mainstream political space.
They looked on themselves as “role models” for the community. But every one of them said that if they could, they would send their children abroad where caste did not exist.
Damodar Mall
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Damodar Mall
Born 2 January 1963
Occupation CEO Grocery Business (JioMart, Smart Superstore), RelianceRetail
Spouse(s) Sangeeta Mall
Damodar Mall is an Indian retail professional. He is the President & CEO of Grocery Retail Business (JioMart, SMART Superstore) at Reliance Retail, a subsidiary of Reliance Industries.
He was formerly the Director, Integrated Food Strategy at Future Group and part of Kishore Biyani's core leadership team. Mall has published two books, SupermarketWala & Be A SupermarketWala, on consumer behavior and modernizing retail in India. He also writes an invitation blog for Forbes India. He is married to Sangeeta Mall, who is a novelist.
Early life
Retail journey
Mall promoted a supermarket venture with R K Damani in 1999–2000, as Apna Bazaar stores. With learnings from this incubation venture, R K Damani went on to build powerful retail chain D Mart. Mall went on to lead national retail businesses with Big Bazaar, Reliance Retail supermarkets and also JioMart grocery eCommerce.
Mall was involved in shaping Big Bazaar and has led the creation of Foodhall and Reliance Smart.
With a foreword from Mukesh Ambani and preface by Kishore Biyani, Mall's first book, SuperMarketWala – Secrets to Winning Consumer India, was launched in 2015 with Penguin Random House publishers. A collectivization of Mall's blog at Forbes India, the book has become the focal point of the launch of the retail know-how brand, SuperMarketWala.
Excerpt: "If you leave a space measuring more than your forearm – from the tip of your finger to your elbow – between you and the person just ahead of you in a queue, in India, such a gap is not feasible to sustain. It shall get bridged or occupied within five minutes." – The Elbow Push Factor, SuperMarketWala
Shopkeeper-in-Law: This term is introduced by Mall which represents the scenario for a newly married woman when she visits a nearby grocery shop from where her in-laws used to buy their goods. The shopkeeper is having a good relations with her family and he is aware of all the products as well as their brands which her family uses. If the daughter-in-law asks for a new band which her family haven't tried before than the shopkeeper will start judging her and will indirectly become a shopkeeper-in-law.
Working with TRRAIN (Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India), Mall wrote a handbook for small supermarkets, to help modernize mom-n-pop kirana stores. This handbook, 'Be A SupermarketWala' was published in 4 languages in 2018. Since then TRRAIN Trust has converted this book into a series of simple video lessons too.
During 2020-21, Mall hosted a consumer education series called Trolley Par Charcha. And was interviewed on leadership podcasts.
Mall continues to write an invitation blog "SupermarketWala" for Forbes India. He has written columns for the Economic Times, DNA, and the Times of India. He was profiled by Mint, a business daily.
Mall was a member of Coca-Cola Retail Research Committee of Asia from 2006 to 2009. He is the recipient of the Golden Spoon Award for the most admired Food & Grocery retail professional of the year, in 2011 and 2017. He was also awarded the Retail Icons of India in 2019. Dinesh Paliwal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dinesh Paliwal
Dinesh C. Paliwal
17 December 1957
Children Aasheesh Paliwal, Shriya Paliwal
Dinesh C. Paliwal (born December 17, 1957) is an Indian American business executive. He was the president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Harman International, a provider of audio and infotainment systems for the automotive, consumer, and professional markets, from 2007 to 2020. Paliwal currently serves on Harman's board of directors.
Paliwal also serves as a member of the boards of Nestlé, the Fortune Global 100 food and beverage company, and the boards of Bristol-Myers Squibb and Raytheon Company, both Fortune 200 organizations.
He has served on the boards TYCO International, ADT and Embarq Corporation and is a member of the CEO Business Roundtable, the U.S.-India CEO Forum and serves on the board of the U.S. India Business Council (USIBC). He had previously served as Chairman of the National Foreign Trade Council, ABB India Ltd., Lummus Global (an oil and gas technology company) and as a Director for the US China Business Council, and International Swimming Hall of Fame. He also served for three years as Economic Advisor to the Governor of Guangdong Province, China.
Education and career
Paliwal, a US citizen born, raised and educated in India, has lived and worked in Australia, China, India, Singapore, Switzerland, and the United States.[citation needed] He earned an MS degree in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (Roorkee, India); MS in Applied Science and Engineering and MBA in Finance from Miami University (Oxford, Ohio). In 2019, the board of trustees of Miami University also conferred an honorary Doctor of Laws degree to Dinesh for his ongoing efforts and contributions toward advancing the University's leadership in business, technology, innovation and entrepreneurial endeavors. Before joining Harman he worked at the ABB Group as President Global Markets and Technology. During his 22 years with ABB, he held management positions in five countries and was instrumental in the company's turnaround during the period 2002–2007.
In 2010, Paliwal was named Metro New York Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young, and received the Indian American Achiever Award by the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO). He received the Pinnacle Award as one of the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business 2012 by Asian American Business Development Center. In 2014, Fortune Magazine named Paliwal in their "Businessperson of the Year" list. He was honored by the T. J. Martell Foundation in 2015and also by Breakthrough, a global nonprofit, for his contributions in advancing women's causes in 2016. In 2017, Paliwal was named to the inaugural Recode 100, recognizing the year's most influential people in tech, business and media, and B'nai B'rith International honored him with its Distinguished Achievement Award. In the same year, Paliwal also received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor and made a donation to Miami University's Farmer School of Business along with his wife to create the Dinesh and Ila Paliwal Innovation Chair and the Dinesh and Ila Paliwal Scholarship.
Samsung announced its intent to acquire HARMAN for approximately $8 billion in November 2016, with Paliwal continuing to lead the company post-acquisition. The transaction was completed in March 2017.
Paliwal stepped down on April 1, 2020 after nearly 13 years with the company as President and CEO of Harman and served as a Senior Advisor to the board of directors and to the new CEO, Michael Mauser, until December 2020. The last ten years Paliwal tripled Harman's revenue.
Early life
Paliwal was born on December 17, 1957 in Agra, India as one of seven children in a family of modest means. He married Ila Sharma after attending University of Roorkee.[citation needed] Paliwal's father, Ram Chandra Paliwal, was a nationally renowned social leader who worked closely with Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders in India's freedom movement. He obtained an engineering degree with merit from the University of Roorkee (now renamed as the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee), India. He was later awarded a full scholarship to pursue advanced degrees in Engineering and Management at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, USA.
Paliwal left India in 1981, but still visits frequently with his family and for business activities. His wife, son and daughter are all accomplished musicians.
Devanand Londhe
Payod Industries Private Limited is a Non-govt company, incorporated on 20 Jan, 2014. It's a private unlisted company and is classified as'company limited by shares'.
Company's authorized capital stands at Rs 1.0 lakhs and has 100.0% paid-up capital which is Rs 1.0 lakhs. Payod Industries Private Limited last annual general meet (AGM) happened on 29 Sep, 2017. The company last updated its financials on 31 Mar, 2017 as per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
Payod Industries Private Limited is majorly in Manufacturing (Textiles) business from last 7 years and currently, company operations are active. Current board members & directors are DEVANAND SOPAN LONDHE and SNEHAL DEVANAND LONDHE .
Company is registered in Pune (Maharashtra) Registrar Office. Payod Industries Private Limited registered address is 976, A/P HINGANGAON TAL. K MAHANKAL K MAHANKAL Sangli MH 416405 IN.
Payod Industries Private Limited Details
CIN U18109PN2014PTC150242
Date of Incorporation 20 Jan, 2014
Status Active
Company Category Company limited by Shares
Company Sub-category Non-govt company
Company Class Private
Business Activity Manufacturing (Textiles)
Authorized Capital 1.0 lakhs
Paid-up Capital 1.0 lakhs
Paid-up Capital % 100.0
Registrar Office City Pune
Registered State Maharashtra
Registration Number 150242
Registration Date 20 Jan, 2014
Listing Status Unlisted
AGM last held on 29 Sep, 2017
Balance Sheet last updated on 31 Mar, 2017
Project: Manufacturing facility for fly-ash bricks, blocks and pavers VC funding: Rs 8.5 crore
When Gurpreet Singh was about seven years old, he would wonder why he could not visit one of the two gurdwaras in Bhajauli, his father’s village in Punjab. “I would ask my grandfather why he would not take us to that gurdwara. He never explained, but I now know that as Dalit Sikhs, we were denied entry into that one,” says Singh, 30, CEO of MGM Infra Development Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Son of an engineer in a government department at Bhaddal, Punjab, Singh went on to do a BTech in computer engineering from the Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bhaddal, in 2008, after which he worked for Dell in Mohali for a year. He later joined a private infrastructure company and was involved in building the “first air conditioned bus stand in Mohali”. But he “always wanted to strike out on his own”.
Another job later, he knew what he had to do. “While speaking to friends in Bengaluru, I learnt that the Metro construction there uses hollow blocks made of fly ash. In Punjab, we generally use kiln-made bricks, not fly ash. So, in 2013, I decided to set up a manufacturing facility for fly ash and concrete-based building material,” he says.
His father sold the family property to give him Rs 4 crore for the initial capital to set up the company. But Singh needed Rs 18.2 crore in all. Once again, he would encounter “caste discrimination, though not so overt”. At least three banks, he says, rejected his loan application.
Finally, last October, the Bank of Maharashtra lent his company a loan of Rs 4.7 crore.
Under the VC fund, he has been sanctioned Rs 8.5 crore. Having secured most of the investment, Singh is looking ahead. “I want to involve the best brains in construction technology, so we have tied up with German company Hess,” he says.
Singh feels there is still a need for “more positive discrimination”. “Reservations are filled to satisfy government norms, but most decision-making is not with SCs”.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
D. Harris Nadar
Born 15 August 1910
Died 23 November 1975
Organization Harris Jewels
Children five
D Harris Nadar was a South Indian entrepreneur and pioneer in gold trading. He was born in the year 1910.
Late Mr. Harris Nadar started a jewellery business, with a very small investment, way back in 1940, in his native village Palliyadi (25 km from Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India). He set out to create and sell custom-made gold ornaments and defined that as the business’ core objective.
His passion for his trade skill earned him a highly respectable name in the market and among its elites i.e. Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The jewels he created became famous for their quality, because of the temple goldsmith's he had and the great demand for his jewels led to the opening of the first retail showroom in Palliyadi and Nagercoil.
The showroom’s customer base kept growing even after his time in his native place of Palliyadi. The Nagercoil showroom was created to deliver a great shopping ambience to customers as well as to showcase the brand’s extremely wide range of designs with respect to the Indian market demand. After his success in his native soil he started exporting gold ornaments to Temples and Indian cities like Madras, Bombay and even as far as to British-Colonial Burma.
Later years
Hanmant Ramdas Gaikwad
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hanmantrao R Gaikwad
Born 21 October 1972 (age 48)
Occupation Founder Chairman , BVG India Limited
Hanmantrao R Gaikwad a.k.a. HR Gaikwad (born 21 October 1972) is an Indian entrepreneur and the Chairman and Managing Director of BVG India Limited, India's largest integrated services company.
Early life
Gaikwad was born in the village of Rahimatpur, Satara, Maharashtra. When he was in class six, his family shifted to Pune and lived in a tiny one room house. Despite the hardships, he secured 88% in class 10 and opted for a Diploma in Electronics from Government Polytechnic Pune. In the second year, he lost his father to a cardiac arrest. Gaikwad completed the diploma and went on to join the Vishwakarma Institute of Technology to study engineering, where he supported himself by working small jobs like taking tuition classes to painting houses and concreting pathways.
In 1994 he joined Telco (now Tata Motors) as a graduate trainee engineer in their Pune plant.
During his early days at VIT, Gaikwad inspired by the writings of Swami Vivekananda, which led him to form a non-profit trust Bharat Vikas Pratishthan which would collect funds from donors to help poor students get quality education. This trust soon expanded into employment opportunities in the sector of skilled and unskilled labour.
In 1997 while working at Tata Motors, Gaikwad earned recognition from company management for his efforts in saving huge costs for the company by making productive use of cables otherwise marked as scrap. This recognition helped Gaikwad become known among the workers, and youth from his village started approaching him for jobs. He used the opportunity to request the management for some jobs for these youth. The plant management agreed to hire eight of them, but could not employ them on the company rolls. Gaikwad suggested that he could employ the people in a trust he had registered and Tata Motors could pay the trust. Given their confidence in him, Tata Motors not only accepted his suggestion but also helped him get Rs. 60 lakh in loan from Tata Finance to buy cleaning equipment. In 2000 Gaikwad formally resigned from Tata Motors and decided to name his organization as Bharat Vikas Group which was focused on a social approach to employment and skill development.
Bharat Vikas Group soon emerged as the leader in integrated service operations expanded into related facilities management operations and skill development in association with the Government of India. BVG’s other notable clients include the residence and office of the Prime Minister of India and the Rashtrapati Bhavan which is the residence of the President of India. As of 2012, the company is valued at Rs 1,000 crore and provides non-core activities such as mechanised housekeeping, hospital maintenance, landscaping & gardening, logistics, transportation, civil and electrical work, ambulance services, industrial and urban waste management etc. to private and government institutions. BVG is also expanding its operations into overseas territories.
Gaikwad is the recipient of several awards for his social and entrepreneurial initiatives and has spoken at international conferences. He received the prestigious Lokmat Maharashtrian Of The Year Award in 2011. He was featured in Rashmi Bansal's book Connect The Dots, a collection of inspiring stories about entrepreneurs. On 1 July 2016, Gaikwad was awarded the prestigious ABP Majha Sanman Puraskar by one of the leading Marathi news channels ABP Majha.
Personal life
Gaikwad lives in Pune with his wife and two daughters. He is fond of meditation
Hari Kishan Pippal
Associated Press
AGRA, INDIA // As far back as he can remember, people told Hari Kishan Pippal that he was unclean, with a filthiness that had tainted his family for centuries. Teachers forced him to sit apart from other students. Employers sometimes did not bother to pay him.
Mr Pippal is a Dalit, a member of the outcast community once known as untouchables. Born at the bottom of Hinduism's complex social ladder, that meant he could not eat with people from higher castes or drink from their wells.
He was not supposed to aspire to a life beyond that of his father, an illiterate cobbler. Years later, he still will not repeat the slurs that people called him.
Now, though, people call him something else. They call him rich.
Mr Pippal, 60, owns a hospital, a shoe factory, a car dealership and a publishing company. He has six cars. He lives in a maze of linked apartments in a quiet if dusty neighbourhood of high walls and wrought-iron gates.
"In my heart I am Dalit. But with good clothes, good food, good business, it is like I am high-caste," he said.
Now, he points out, he is richer than most Brahmins, who sit at the top of the caste hierarchy: "I am more than Brahmin!"
The vast majority of India's 170 million Dalits live amid a thicket of grim statistics: less than a third are literate, more than 40 per cent survive on less than US$2 (Dh7.34) a day and infant mortality rates are dramatically higher than among higher castes.
Dalits are far more likely than the overall population to be underweight and far less likely to get postnatal care.
While caste discrimination has been outlawed for more than 60 years and the term "untouchable" is now taboo in public, thousands of anti-Dalit attacks occur every year. Hundreds of people are killed.
The stories spill from India's newspapers: the 14-year-old Dalit strangled because he shared his first name with a higher-caste boy; the 70-year-old man and his disabled daughter burnt alive after a Dalit-owned dog barked at higher-caste neighbours; the man run over at a petrol station because he refused to give up his place in line to a high-caste customer.
But amid centuries of caste tradition that can seem immutable, there has been slow change.
In an extensive survey by the Centre for the Advanced Study of India in the US at the University of Pennsylvania, researchers found that Dalits living in concrete homes, not huts made from mud and straw, had jumped from 18 per cent to 64 per cent between 1990 and 2007 in one north Indian district.
Ownership of various household goods - fans, chairs, pressure cookers and bicycles - had skyrocketed over the same period. The study also found a weakening of some caste traditions, with, for example, far fewer Dalits being seated separately at non-Dalit weddings.
While most Dalits still support themselves as rural labourers, there is also a growing Dalit middle class, many of them civil servants who have benefited from affirmative action laws.
"Caste is losing its grip," said Chandra Bhan Prasad, a Dalit writer, social scientist and one-time Marxist militant who has become a leading voice urging the Dalit poor to see the virtues of capitalism.
In a consumer society, Mr Prasad argues, wealth can trump caste - at least some of the time.
Growing economies also foster urbanisation, he said, allowing low-caste Indians to escape traditional village strictures.
Economic growth also means the traditional merchant castes are not large enough to fill every job.
No one knows how many wealthy Dalit entrepreneurs have emerged since India opened its economy in the early 1990s, sparking some of the world's fastest economic growth. Hundreds certainly, maybe thousands.
They are also increasingly visible and the wealthiest have become darlings of the Indian media, held up as proof that modern India is an increasingly caste-blind society.
This is nonsense, said Anand Teltumbde, a prominent Dalit activist.
"These stories [about successful Dalits] sit well with the middle class," said Mr Teltumbde, who is a grandson of BR Ambedkar, an independence-era Dalit lawyer revered as a hero by Dalits across India. "The entire world has changed ... but the number of well-off Dalits is no more than 10 per cent. Ninety per cent of Dalits live a dilapidated kind of life."
As for Mr Pippal, he finds himself uncomfortably in the middle of this debate. He is a rich Dalit who thinks very little has changed for India's outcasts, a man who credits his own success to hard work and ego.
"From my childhood, I was thinking, 'One day I will be a big man'," he said.
Raised in poverty, he only made it through high school before his father became ill, so he had to go to work pulling a rickshaw to support the family. His first break came when he married a Dalit woman from a slightly better-off family that owned a small shoe workshop.
Mr Pippal shifted the focus of his father-in-law's workshop, concentrating on high-quality shoes and teaching himself languages - English, Tamil, Punjabi, Russian, German - to sell his goods more widely.
Today, he owns a 300-worker factory where 500 handmade shoes are turned out every day, then packed into boxes already marked with prices in euros and British pounds. The expensive ones retail for as much as US$500 a pair.
He used his profits to start a small Honda dealership, then the hospital. Immense profits are being made in India's private healthcare industry, as the new middle class seeks alternatives to the often-questionable care at most public hospitals.
Mr Pippal has proven himself a success. He is rich. He is greeted with respect on the streets. His children went to good schools and grew up with friends from across the caste spectrum.
Yet he believes he often remains, a figure of quiet contempt.
"These people are very bloody clever," Mr Pippal said of the high-caste businessmen with whom he deals. "When there are profits to be made, then everything [about his caste] is OK. But in their mind, they're thinking, 'He is a Dalit'."
Hari Kishan Pippal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Born 1951
Nationality Indian
Hari Kishan Pippal is a leather exporter from Agra, India. He used to pull Rikshaws earlier but now owns a number of companies.
Personal life
Hari Kishan Pippal was born in Jatav community to Ramsingh Pippal. His father had a small leather processing unit and he used to pull rickshaw to meet daily needs. He accumulated some money and took collateral loan from "State Trading Corporation" to expand his leather unit after the death of his father.
H.K. Pippal is Managing Director of People's Exports (P).Ltd and People`s Heritage Hospital Ltd, which is one of the largest private medical facilities in Braj. His leather products consists of Hush Puppies shoes for Bata and are traded to Bulgaria, England and other countries.
He also owns a Honda dealership, a banquet hall and a publication house in Agra region. He has a turnover of more than Rs.100 crores. He is also the president of DICCI.
Harris Nadar
D. Harris Nadar
Born 15 August 1910
Died 23 November 1975
Organization Harris Jewels
Children five
D Harris Nadar was a South Indian entrepreneur and pioneer in gold trading. He was born in the year 1910.
Late Mr. Harris Nadar started a jewellery business, with a very small investment, way back in 1940, in his native village Palliyadi (25 km from Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India). He set out to create and sell custom-made gold ornaments and defined that as the business’ core objective.
His passion for his trade skill earned him a highly respectable name in the market and among its elites i.e. Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The jewels he created became famous for their quality, because of the temple goldsmith's he had and the great demand for his jewels led to the opening of the first retail showroom in Palliyadi and Nagercoil.
The showroom’s customer base kept growing even after his time in his native place of Palliyadi. The Nagercoil showroom was created to deliver a great shopping ambience to customers as well as to showcase the brand’s extremely wide range of designs with respect to the Indian market demand. After his success in his native soil he started exporting gold ornaments to Temples and Indian cities like Madras, Bombay and even as far as to British-Colonial Burma.
Later years
ज्योति रेड्डी
Jyothi Reddy in Hindi Jivani
By : Jivani.org
ज्योति के कष्ट भरे जीवन और संघर्ष की दास्तां वाकई हतप्रभ करने वाली है। 1970 में वारंगल में जन्मी ज्योति का बचपन भयंकर गरीबी में गुजरा। पांच बहनों में सबसे बड़ी ज्योति को उसकी मां ने इसलिए अनाथाश्रम भेज दिया ताकि खाने वाले मुंह कम हो सकें। अनाथाश्रम में ज्योति को अनाथ बताकर भर्ती करा दिया। अनाथाश्रम में ढेरों बच्चों के बीच पलती ज्योति अपने घरवालों से दूर कष्ट और बेचारगी की जीवन जीने को मजबूर हुई। इसी दौरान ज्योति ने अपनी मेहनत से अनाथाश्रम की सुपरिटेंडेंट का दिल जीता और सुपरिटेंडेंट उसे अपने घर बर्तन साफ करने और सफाई करने के काम पर लगा लिया। सुपरिटेंडेंट के घर पर रहकर ज्योति अनाथाश्रम में मिले कष्ट भूल जाया करती थी। वो दिल लगाकर काम करती और सुपरिटेंडेंट की तरह बड़ा बनने का सपना देखती। यहां रहकर ज्योति ने सरकारी स्कूल से दसवीं पास की और टाइपराइटिंग भी सीखी। ज्योति दसवीं पास करके एक नौकरी के सपने देखने लगी थी ताकि अपने घर लौटकर घरवालों की मदद कर सके।
यह कहानी वहां से शुरू होती है जब उनके teacher पिता अपनी नौकरी छुट जाने पर अपनी दो बेटियों को अनाथ आश्रम मे एवं अपने बेटे को अपने साथ रखने का निश्च्य किया | ज्योति की बहन भाग कर वापस अपने घर आ गयी जबकि ज्योति 9 साल की उम्र मे वही रुक कर आगे बढ़ने का मन बना चुकी थी | अनाथ आश्रम मे अपने परिवार के प्यार के बिना बहुत भी बुरा समय निकला और सरकारी स्कूल मे पढ़ाई शुरू की लेकिन 16 साल की उम्र मे जबरदस्ती उनकी शादी उनसे उम्र मे बहुत बड़े आदमी से करा दी गयी|
इन सब तकलीफों से गुजरने के बाद जिस चीज से ज्योति को सबसे ज्यादा नफरत थी वह थी गरीबी | उन्हें रोज अपने सपनों के पीछे भागना पड़ता| उनके कुछ सपने तो बहुत सरल थे| जैसे चार डब्बे दाल चावल ताकि उनके बच्चे ठीक से खाना खा सके| और कुछ सपने बढ़े थे कैसे सूटकेस में 10 नई साड़ियां
उनका संघर्ष जारी रहा और उन्होंने 1992 मे किसी तरह अपनी BA पूरी की | और बाद मे एक 396 Rupees salary मे teacher बन कर स्कूल मे पढ़ाने लगी | बाद मे कंप्यूटर कोर्स ज्वाइन किया व् किसी के कहने पर Year 2000 मे US का वीसा लेकर अपने सपने पुरे करने के लिए वहां चली गयी | सपना बड़ा था पर पैसे कम |
अमेरिका में करती रही कोशिश
अमेरिका पहुंचते ही उनपर मुसीबतों का पहाड़ टूट पड़ा,जब उसके हर परिचित ने उसे अपने घर पर शरण देने से इनकार कर दिया। एक अनजाने देश निराश ज्योति को एक गुजराती परिवार ने पेइंग गेस्ट के रूप में शरण दी। दैनिक खर्च के लिए ज्योति ने न्यूजर्सी में एक वीडियो शॉप में सेल्सगर्ल की नौकरी की।
यहां ज्योति के जोश और काम के प्रति इनके लगन को देखकर एक भारतीय व्यक्ति ने उसे CS America नामक कंपनी में रिक्रूटर की जॉब ऑफर की। ज्योति ने कुछ समय यहां काम किया और जल्द ही ICSA नामक कंपनी से उसे बेहतर पैकेज पर जॉब ऑफर मिली। ज्योति ने झट से ये ऑफर स्वीकार कर लिया।
लेकिन कुछ ही दिन बाद ICSA ने यह कहते हुए ज्योति को नौकरी से निकाल दिया कि उसके पास अमेरिका में वर्किंग वीजा नहीं है। नौकरी छोड़ने के बाद वर्किंग वीजा पाने में कई महीने लग गए और ये महिना ज्योति के लिए बहुत कष्टकारी थे। ज्योति ने इस दौरान गैस स्टेशन पर काम किया और बेबी सिटिंग तक की। वर्किंग वीजा पाने के लिए ज्योति मैक्सिको गई और वहां भी वीजा पाने में कई पापड़ बेलने पड़े। तब ज्योति को अहसास हुआ कि वीजा पाने की कोशिशों में वो इतना पेपरवर्क कर चुकी है कि अपनी कंसलटेंसी फर्म तक खोल सकती है। उसने तय किया कि नौकरी की बजाय अपने बिजनेस में हाथ आजमाया जाए।
बेटियों को पढ़ाने के लिए ज्योति के पास नहीं थे पैसे
वे कहती हैं कि वे गरीब घर में पैदा हुई थीं और फिर उनका विवाह भी एक बेहद गरीब परिवार में कर दिया गया और उस दौरान पेट भरने के लिये दाल से भरे 4 डिब्बे और चावल उनके लिये सपने जैसे होते थे। ‘‘मैं अपने बच्चों का पेट भरने के लिये पर्याप्त खाने के बारे में सोचती रहती थी। मैं अपने बच्चों को भी वही जीवन नहीं देना चाहती थी जो मैं जी रही थी।’
’ 16 वर्ष की उम्र में विवाह होने के बाद ज्योति ने मात्र 17 की उम्र में एक बेटी को जन्म दिया और इसके एक वर्ष के भीतर ही वे एक और बेटी की मां बनी। ‘‘मात्र 18 वर्ष की उम्र में मैं 2 लड़कियों की मां बन चुकी थी। हमारे पास कभी भी इतने पैसे नहीं होते थे कि हम उनके लिये दवाईयां खरीद सकें या फिर उन्हें उनके पसंदीदा खिलौने खरीदकर दे सकें।
’’ जब इन बच्चियो को स्कूल भेजने का समय आया तो उन्होंने अंग्रेजी माध्यम के स्थान पर तेलगू माध्यम का चुनाव किया, क्योंकि उसकी फीस सिर्फ 25 रुपये प्रतिमाह थी, जो अंग्रेजी माध्यम की आधी थी। ‘‘मेरे पास अपनी दोनों बेटियों को पढ़ाने के लिये प्रतिमाह सिर्फ 50 रुपये होते थे इसीलिये मैंने उनके लिये तेलुगू माध्यम का चुनाव किया।’’
How a girl who worked in Telangana for a daily wage of Rs 5 became a millionaire in the US
Ajuli Tulsyan|
A girl who walked barefoot to school, now drives a Mercedes Benz, owns over 500 sarees and has more than 30 pairs of sunglasses. And those are the small things for Jyothi Reddy –CEO of Key Software Solutions Inc. in Phoenix, US – whose company has notched up a turnover of USD 15 million in 2016!
It is an extraordinary achievement by Jyothi Reddy, now 47, who was born the second of five children to the family of farmer Venkat Reddy in Narasimhula Gudem village in Warangal district, Telangana.
Every day survival was a struggle for the family. When she was nine, Venkat decided to leave Jyothi and her younger sister at an orphanage in Hanamkonda near Warangal - he felt they would at least get food, a place to stay and learn some skills to earn a living. Her sister went back due to illness and homesickness, but Jyothi had to stay on, pretending to be motherless.
“I went through a horrible time,” says Jyothi, who studied at the orphanage from Class five to class ten.
“There was an acute water shortage at the orphanage. There were no taps and no proper bathrooms. I stood for hours waiting to get just one bucket of water from the well. I missed Amma terribly but had to act as if I didn’t have a mother.”
And that was just a small part of her troubles. “There were bugs in the food that left me nauseated,” Jyothi goes on. “I walked two and half kilometers to the Government Girls High School barefoot. On the way I crossed St. Joseph’s School and envied the lucky students there - well dressed, with smart socks and shoes.”
As a student Jyothi was always a back-bencher as she was very conscious of her torn clothes and ‘not so presentable’ looks.
Former Indian president APJ Kalam once said: ‘The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom’ and Jyothi proved this true by faring very well in Class ten.
While at school she had also been taking a vocational course, paid for by her father, in household chores such as tailoring, ironing, washing clothes and the theory of teaching. Jyothi helped the orphanage superintendent with household work. Soon she realized that to lead a good life, she needed a decent job.
She begged her superintendent to give her Rs 110 for admission into Inter BiPC (Biology, Physics, Chemistry) in Andhra Balika College, but her father tore up the form in front of a petrified Jyothi.
Soon, after Class 10, barely 16, she was married off to her mother’s distant relative, Sammi Reddy. Misfortune followed her as Sammi, a farmer, hardly had half an acre of land of his own and Jyothi was forced to work in the paddy fields to earn Rs 5 for 10 hours of hard labour.
Alongside the birth of two daughters, Beena and Bindu, within three years of marriage, she started to work as a Night School Teacher at the local Nehru Yuva Kendra for a salary of Rs 120. In 1988-1989 she joined as a National Service Volunteer there for a monthly honorarium of Rs 190. At night, she stitched petticoats at rupee 1 a piece to make more money. She worked here for a year and then joined as the Librarian in the Jana Shiksha Nilayam in Warangal for a monthly salary of Rs 120.
She determinedly obtained a BA degree from Dr B.R. Ambedkar Open University in 1994 and then got a postgraduate degree in 1997 from the Kakatiya University.
after her graduation she joined as a Government Special Teacher for a salary of around Rs 400. Staying in a small rented room, she juggled looking after her daughters and travelling for two hours to reach work. Even here, she utilized this time to sell sarees to her co-passengers at a small but useful profit of Rs 20 per saree, selling around four pieces a day.
She climbed a step up the ladder when she got the job of a Government Teacher for Rs 6,000 after her post-graduation. Slogging, raising her daughters and saving became her mantra to steadily doing better and better.
One day changed everything.
A maternal cousin visited her from the US. As she confidently emerged from her fancy car, donning cool sunglasses, Jyothi was completely bowled over by her bold assurance. She started chasing, at top speed, her own dream of working in the US. She completed her post graduate diploma in computer application to get the eligibility to work in the US.
A friend, who had a company in California, sent her a job offer and on May 2, 2000 Jyothi flew to the US on a B1 visa, leaving her two daughters in a missionary hostel.
She took on jobs big or small to make a living –working in a gas station, baby-sitting, working in a video shop and a short-lived job as a recruiter. A year and a half of struggle and saving left her missing her daughters and she came back to India in September 2001 to visit them.
During this visit, she met a revered priest who told her that she was born for running her own business. This was playing in the back of her mind while she was in Mexico and waiting for her visa to be stamped before going to Phoenix, US.
It suddenly burst into her mind that she could start a consulting company to help others with the paperwork involved with visa processing required for the US.
Her first entrepreneurship was on its way. With her savings of USD 40,000, on the auspicious day of Vijaya Dasami, she launched Key Software Solutions Inc., a private limited company, in Phoenix, on October 22, 2001. Her company extended services such as recruitment and developing software solutions.
Her entrepreneurial journey had begun. She planned to extend her business and make it more profitable by taking on her cousin as partner. Soon she got her daughters to the US and now both are married and working as software engineers. The whole family lives under one roof in Phoenix.
Key Software Solution Inc. is clearly doing well under Jyothi’s ace leadership. The very first year there was minimal profit of USD 1,68,000 and just after the third year she hit a million dollars.
Year on year she only went from strength to strength and the latest turnover of the company is USD 15 million with 100 employees placed in her company. Today Jyothi has four houses in the US and a mansion in Kompally, Hyderabad.
Not having forgotten where she came from, Jyothi is also passionate about the welfare of orphans and other unprivileged. Last year she got a hearing- and speech-impaired girl in Hanamkonda married to a similarly disabled boy, in such a generous way that the wedding made headlines in local news.
Giving back: Jyothi Reddy has special plans to help underprivileged people in India
“I vow to conduct 99 more such weddings for less fortunate people,” says Jyothi Reddy.
Jyothi’s story is so inspirational that year 2013 saw the publication of her autobiography titled ‘Aina, Nenu Odipoledu’ (Yet, I Have Not Lost) in Telugu by Emesco Publications. “Yes, I have it all today and I have no regrets,” Jyothi signs off. “I am grateful for the hardships that came my way as they made me what I am today.”
Jugul Thachery
ChaYoWo Technology Solutions Launches Online Gaming Portal GameZindia.com
Kochi, Kerala, Bangalore, Karnataka, India: ChaYoWo Games, the gaming division of ChaYoWo Technology Solutions, a leading gaming solutions provider has announced the official launch of www.gameZindia.com, their own online gaming portal.
GameZIndia.com offers a variety of free online games and is India's first gaming portal that has an inbuilt gaming community in the site. The gaming community features scrap books, chat-rooms, user search options, challenging options and the facility to Host Single Player Tournaments among others. The site features continuous tournaments and prizes will be awarded to participates that win games.
The portal also has a host of Casual Downloadable games available from across the world for gamers in India. The portal currently has games for all types of interests – action, adventure, arcade, racing, educational, and more.
Specifically for the Diwali season, GameZindia has launched the ‘Diwali Damaka' competition across India.
"GameZindia.com offers to the Indian audience apart from free online games, a range of casual and mobile games from around the world. We will continue to add new games and features to ensure a remarkable gaming experience for all our loyal community of users. The gaming community on offer at our site will have many attractive features and will really aim at building a gaming community in India" says Jugul Thachery, CEO of www.gameZindia.com
Speaking of the official launch, Gaurav Mirchandani, Co-founder and MD of ChaYoWo Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd and GameZIndia.com said "GameZIndia will also provide game developers around the globe the opportunity to enter the rapidly growing gaming segment in India. We are in talks with several overseas gaming portals to share and enhance the gaming experience for all of our users."
ChaYoWo Technology Solutions was funded earlier this year by US-based seed fund Maxa Group thereby enabling it to grow through its early stages.
About ChaYoWo Technology Solutions
ChaYoWo Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. under its ChaYoWo Games division, is a leading Gaming and Animation outsourcing service provider. ChaYoWo works closely with clients to provide end-to-end game development, game art and game testing solutions. The Company's offshore development center is located in Kochi, India and sales offices are in New York and Bangalore. For more information, please visit www.chayowo.com
J.S. Phulia
Signet Freight Express Private Limited
Established in the year 2004, we - Signet Freight Express Pvt. Ltd. are engaged in offering comprehensive freight forwarding services for export and import shipments through air, ocean and surface mode. These services have enabled us in growing on large scale in the industry wherein we take the complete responsibility of the products.
We provide a full package, designed to carry the consignments, regardless of size from one point of departure to final destination backed up by reliable system. Supported by a fully co-ordinated global network, we are able to command from the carriers both in terms of services and rates. Including associates offices in the world, our network is advanced and specialized, carefully selected and continuously monitored.
Basic Information
Nature of Business Service Provider
Company CEO J S
Total Number of Employees 11 to 25 People
Legal Status of Firm Limited Company (Ltd./Pvt.Ltd.)
Annual Turnover Rs. 2 - 5 Crore
Statutory Profile
CIN No. U60231DL2006PTC156317
Quality Endeavors
Quality Policy: Signet provides a multitude of services such as air & sea freight forwarding, warehosing management, multi model domestic and international transportations and door to door services.
The Objectives
We take pride in our commitment to maximize customer satisfaction by constantly providing best in class services, meeting customer needs and ensuring timely delivery and safety of consignment. Our objective lies in bringing console from Europe, middle east by personalizing channels. To augment our customer delight in terms of quality of services to be measured by:
• Quality service will remain as our pride
• Completion of projects on time and review them regularly
• Adherence to customer specified requirement
• We even aim to continuously motivate ourselves to produce and maintain quality as a team
Value Added Services
We are one of the best advisers and consultants for shipments and others pertaining to establishing various inland depots and clearing offices. Our aim lies in meeting with each of the demand of our client and even assisting them in terms of:
• Various documentation
• Export packing
• Insurance
• Warehousing
• Collection and delivery of consignments
Each of the above aspect holds utmost significance depending on the special requirements of different clients. We mase sure that at every end, we give full convenience to our clients.
Our Services
We are a trusted name in offering freight forwarding services for export and import shipments through air, ocean and surface mode. Our services include sea freight container services, airfreight services, route planning, sea freight consolidation, cost effective transportation, logistics distribution and warehousing services. All the services are excited maintaining timeliness and safety measures for all the products. Each of the products is safely packed, stored and transferred and we make the products remain flawless. We offer fully integrated total logistics service of the highest quality that provides the greatest possible value to our clients.
Our Methodology
A very systematic approach is applied to our work process so as to ensure problem free execution. Following are some of the steps we follow:
• Understanding client''s demand
• Paper work and required legal documentation followed
• Custom Verification
• Checking of the shipments in terms of packing
• Safe loading and unloading
• Abide by all the custom rules and regulations
Dedicated Team
We are assisted by a team of experienced personnel who undertake each activity with full responsibility and commitment. With us, we have a pool of logistics and transportation personnel, warehouse managers, sales and marketing representatives, forwarding experts, inventory managers, security personnel, loading, unloading workmen and other skilled workmen. All our team members posses lot knowledge, experience, market awareness and understanding which enables us to offer the bets services. We assure that we work with a pool of most trusted and reliable personnel.
Domain Expertise
Following stringent control processes, we check all shipments are diligently placed and double checked at entry and exits. Owing our streamlined facilities and coordinated work process, we have witnessing large list of satisfied clients. Other our services, we even offer customized, tailor made solutions based on specific client''s need. Having several years of experience in cargo handling in international freight shipping and delivery, we have been able to meet with all the demands of the clients with perfection.
J Nandakumar
J Nandakumar has craved a niche for himself in the art world. Having completed his Master's in fine arts from Aurangabad university, Nandakumar held many exhibitions of his paintings at J J art gallery. Many corporates have purchased his art works.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Mazumdar-Shaw in 2014
Kiran Mazumdar
23 March 1953
Occupation Founder & chairperson of Biocon Spouse(s) John Shaw
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw (born 23 March 1953) is an Indian billionaire entrepreneur. She is the executive chairperson and founder of Biocon Limited and Biocon Biologics Limited, a biotechnology company based in Bangalore, India and the former chairperson of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. In 2014, she was awarded the Othmer Gold Medal for outstanding contributions to the progress of science and chemistry. She is on the Financial Times’ top 50 women in business list. In 2019, she was listed as the 68th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes. She was named EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year 2021. She is married to John Shaw.
Early life and education
Kiran Mazumdar was born on 23 March 1953 in Bangalore, Karnataka state, to Gujarati parents. She was educated at Bangalore's Bishop Cotton Girl's High School, graduating in 1968. She then attended Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, a women's college offering pre-university courses as an affiliate of Bangalore University. She studied biology and zoology, graduating from Bangalore University with a bachelor's degree in zoology in 1973. Mazumdar hoped to go to medical school, but was not able to obtain a scholarship.
Her father, Rasendra Mazumdar, was the head brewmaster at United Breweries. He suggested that she study fermentation science, and train to be a brewmaster, a very non-traditional field for women. Mazumdar went to Ballarat College, Melbourne University in Australia to study malting and brewing. In 1974, she was the only woman enrolled in the brewing course and topped in her class. She earned the degree as master brewer in 1975.
She worked as a trainee brewer in Carlton and United Breweries, Melbourne and as a trainee maltster at Barrett Brothers and Burston, Australia. She also worked for some time as a technical consultant at Jupiter Breweries Limited, Calcutta and as a technical manager at Standard Maltings Corporation, Baroda between 1975 and 1977. However, when she investigated the possibility of advancing her career in Bangalore or Delhi, she was told that she could not be hired as a master brewer in India because "It's a man's work.": 152–153 She began to look abroad for opportunities and was offered a position in Scotland.154 : 108
External video
Before Mazumdar could move, she met Leslie Auchincloss, the founder of Biocon Biochemicals Limited, of Cork, Ireland. Auchincloss's company produced enzymes for use in the brewing, food-packaging and textile industries. Auchincloss was looking for a partner in India to help establish an Indian subsidiary to supply him with Papain. Mazumdar agreed to undertake the job on the condition that if she did not wish to continue six months later she would be given a brewmaster's position comparable to the one she was giving up.
Beginning with enzymes
After a brief period as a trainee manager at Biocon Biochemicals Limited, of Cork, Ireland, to learn more about the business, Kiran Mazumdar Shaw returned to India. She started Biocon India in 1978 in the garage of her rented house in Bengaluru with a seed capital of Rs. 10,000.Although it was a joint venture, Indian laws restricted foreign ownership to only 30% of the company, which meant that 70% of the company belonged to Kiran Mazumdar Shaw.
Initially, she faced credibility challenges because of her youth, gender and her untested business model. She was unable to secure funding for her company at the early stages of her business. A chance meeting with a banker at a social event finally enabled her to get her first financial backing. She also found it difficult to recruit people to work for her start-up, her first employee was a retired garage mechanic and her first unit was in a nearby 3,000-square-foot shed. The most complicated piece of equipment in her lab at that time was a spectrophotometer. Moreover, she faced the technological challenges associated with trying to build a biotech business in a country with poor infrastructure.: 156 : 114 Uninterrupted power, good quality water, sterile labs, imported research equipment, and workers with advanced scientific skills were not easily available in India at that period of time.
The company's initial projects were the extraction of papain (an enzyme from papaya used to tenderize meat) and isinglass (obtained from tropical catfish and used to clarify beer). Within a year of its inception, Biocon India was able to manufacture enzymes and export them to the U.S. and Europe, the first Indian company to do so. At the end of her first year, Mazumdar used her earnings to buy a 20-acre property with plans to expand in the future.
Expanding into biopharmaceuticals
Mazumdar spearheaded Biocon's evolution from an industrial enzymes manufacturing company to a fully integrated bio-pharmaceutical company with a well-balanced business portfolio of products and a research focus on diabetes, oncology and auto-immune diseases. She also established two subsidiaries: Syngene (1994) which provides early research and development support services on a contract basis and Clinigene (2000) which focuses on clinical research trials and the development of both generic and new medicines. Clinigene was later merged with Syngene. Syngene was listed on BSE/NSE in 2015 and has a current market cap of ₹23,000 crores.
In 1984, Kiran began to develop a research and development team at Biocon, focusing on the discovery of novel enzymes and on development of novel techniques for solid substrate fermentation technology. The company's first major expansion came in 1987, when Narayanan Vaghul of ICICI Ventures supported creation of a venture capital fund of US$250,000. This money enabled Biocon to expand its research and development efforts. They built a new plant featuring proprietary solid substrate fermentation technology based on a semi-automated tray culture process, inspired by Japanese techniques. In 1989, Biocon became the first Indian biotech company to receive U.S. funding for proprietary technologies.
In 1990, Mazumdar incorporated Biocon Biopharmaceuticals Private Limited (BBLP) to manufacture and market a select range of biotherapeutics in a joint venture with the Cuban Center of Molecular Immunology.
Establishing independence
Biocon Biochemicals of Ireland was acquired from Leslie Auchincloss by Unilever in 1989.: 50 The partnership with Unilever helped Biocon to establish global best practices and quality systems. In 1997, Unilever sold its specialty chemicals division, including Biocon, to Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI). In 1998, Kiran Mazumdar's fiancée, Scotsman John Shaw, personally raised $2 million to purchase the outstanding Biocon shares from ICI. The couple married in 1998, whereupon she became known as Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw. John Shaw left his position as chairman at Madura Coats to join Biocon. He became Biocon’s vice chairman in 2001.
In 2004, after seeking the advice of Narayana Murthy, Mazumdar-Shaw decided to list Biocon on the stock market. Her intent was to raise capital to further develop Biocon's research programs. Biocon was the first biotechnology company in India to issue an IPO.: 159 Biocon's IPO was oversubscribed 33 times and its first day of trading closed closed with a market value of $1.11 billion, making Biocon the second Indian company to cross the $1-billion mark on the first day of listing.
Affordable innovation
Mazumdar-Shaw's belief in "affordable innovation" has always been a driving philosophy behind Biocon's expansion. Inspired by the need for affordable drugs in less-wealthy countries, she has looked for opportunities to develop cost-effective techniques and low-cost alternatives. She has also proposed that drug companies be cost-sensitive in marketing to developing countries, so that people can afford the drugs they need, particularly chronic therapies.
Mazumdar-Shaw noticed the market potential for statins (cholesterol fighting drugs) early on. When the patent of the cholesterol-lowering drug lovastatin expired in 2001, Biocon got involved in its development. Then the company expanded to other forms of statins. Part of her strategy was to enter into long-term supply contracts, establishing a dependable market base over time. Statins soon accounted for over 50 per cent of the company's revenue. The company’s revenue went up from ₹70 crore in 1998, to ₹500 crore in 2004 when it went public.
Biocon's major areas of research now include cancer, diabetes, and other auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Because of the high percentage of people in India who chew betel or tobacco, India accounts for eighty-six per cent of oral cancer in the world, known locally as "cancer cheek". Diabetes is prevalent, and people who do not wear shoes are at risk to have a minor scrape or injury develop into gangrene, or "diabetes foot". Biocon is also working on drugs to treat psoriasis, a skin pigment disease.
Bio-pharmaceuticals developed by the company include Pichia-derived recombinant human insulin and insulin analogs for diabetes, an anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody for head and neck cancer, and a biologic for psoriasis. Biocon is Asia's largest insulin producer, and has the largest perfusion-based antibody production facilities.
As of 2014, Biocon directed about 10% of its revenue into research and development, a much higher proportion than most Indian pharmacological companies. Biocon has filed at least 950 patent applications based on its research activity. Mazumdar-Shaw has remained actively engaged in acquisitions, partnerships and in-licensing in the pharmaceuticals and bio-pharmaceutical areas, entering into more than 2,200 high-value R&D licensing and other deals between 2005 and 2010.
Philanthropic activities
In 2004, Mazumdar-Shaw started a corporate social responsibility wing at Biocon, the Biocon Foundation. The Foundation focuses on health, education and infrastructure, especially in rural areas of Karnataka which lack healthcare facilities.
Mazumdar-Shaw dislikes the term "philanthropy", believing that it often provides temporary fixes rather than addressing the root cause or the underlying situation. She prefers the term "compassionate capitalist", believing that properly applied business models can provide an ongoing foundation for sustainable social progress. Mazumdar once said, "Innovation and commerce are as powerful tools for creating social progress as they are for driving technological advancement. When they are put to use for social progress, the implementation is a lot cheaper, a lot more people benefit, and the effect is more lasting." In 2015, she joined The Giving Pledge, promising that at least half of her wealth will be dedicated to philanthropy.
Rural areas in India are estimated to have only one doctor for every two thousand people, it is estimated that 70 million people do not have the money to pay for a doctor's visit or for medicine. The Biocon Foundation is involved in numerous health and education outreach programs to benefit the economically weaker sections of Indian society.
Arogya Raksha Yojana
With Devi Shetty of Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, Mazumdar-Shaw has supported the development of Arogya Raksha Yojana (Disease Protection Program/Health Help). Through this program Biocon Foundation establishes clinics to offer clinical care, generic medicines and basic tests for those who cannot afford them. As of 2010, seven clinics each served a population of 50,000 patients living within a radius of 10 km, treating in total more than 3,00,000 people per year. Clinics organize regular general health checks in remote villages by bringing in physicians and doctors from network hospitals. To improve early detection of cancer, they have trained young women as community health workers, using smartphones to send photographs of suspicious lesions to oncologists at the cancer center. Public health campaigns such as "Queen of Heart" educate people about specific health issues and promote early detection of problems such as cardiovascular diseases.
The clinics operate based on a model of micro-financed health insurance. Biocon provides low-cost drugs, making a negligible profit on a unit basis, but an overall profit on volume due to the participation of large numbers of people. Clinics also use a "subsidised convenience" pricing plan, under which more wealthy patrons pay full price in return for the convenience of scheduling their visits and procedures at desirable times, while poorer patients can obtain cheap or even free services by choosing less desirable times. Doctors and researchers look for opportunities to use cutting-edge technology in ways that will drive down costs and ensure quality of service.
Mazumdar-Shaw Medical Foundation
The death of her best friend, Nilima Rovshen, and the illnesses of her husband and her mother with cancer, have motivated Mazumdar-Shaw to support cancer research and treatment In 2009, she established a 1,400-bed cancer care center, the Mazumdar-Shaw Medical Foundation, at the Narayana Health City campus in Bangalore, collaborating with Devi Shetty of Narayana Hrudayalaya. In 2011, she added a center for advanced therapeutics with a bone marrow transplant unit and a research center. Her goal is to create a world-class cancer center.
Mazumdar Shaw Medical Foundation is a non-profit organization and has two arms to support its cause, which are Mazumdar Shaw Center for Translational Research and Mazumdar Shaw Cancer outreach program.
In collaboration with McMillan India Limited and teacher Prathima Rao, Mazumdar-Shaw has supported development and use of a basic mathematics textbook, introduced in Kannada schools in 2006.: 117
She funded a multi-year research program by creating the Biocon Cell for Innovation Management with Prasad kaipa at the Indian School of Business in 2009.
Mazumdar-Shaw speaks about the importance of improving India's infrastructure,: 112 emphasizing the need to address issues such as efficient governance, job creation, and food, water, and health insecurity.
Biocon, Infosys and other companies have had a significant impact on Bengaluru. These companies attract many scientists who would otherwise go overseas. Once a "pensioner's paradise", Bangalore is now called "the best urban working environment in India". Biocon Park, built in 2005, is a ninety-acre campus with five thousand employees. Outside the developed city, however, infrastructure is still poor.
Mazumdar-Shaw is a proponent of good government and infrastructure. She supported the Bangalore Agenda Task Force, an initiative of S. M. Krishna and Nandan Nilekani to improve the city's infrastructure and standard of living. Mazumdar-Shaw is part of the Bangalore City Connect Foundation, a non-profit trust for discussion of civic issues, involving both urban stakeholders and the government. Mazumdar-Shaw is actively engaged in urban reform, partnering with Jana Urban Space Foundation and local government to improve roads. She is also involved in the Bangalore Political Action Committee (BPAC), which reviews and recommends candidates running in elections.
After the 2009 flood, Biocon, Infosys and Wipro all committed to rebuilding homes for flood victims in north Karnataka. Biocon committed to building 3,000 houses at a cost of Rs 30 crore.
Board memberships
She is an independent director on the board of Infosys. She is also a member of the General Body of Maharashtra State Innovation Society. She is also a member of the advisory board of the MIT Jameel Clinic.
Awards and honours
Mazumdar-Shaw with the Othmer Gold Medal, 2014
As of 2010, Mazumdar-Shaw was named among TIME magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. She is on the 2011 Financial Times’ top 50 women in business list. As of 2014, she was listed as the 92nd most powerful woman in the world by Forbes. In 2015, she had risen to 85th in the Forbes ranking. She was voted global Indian of the year by Pharma Leaders Magazine in 2012.
She was placed #14th in the Hurun India Philanthropy List 2019 for a donation of ₹72 crore (US$9 million) and was ranked #2 in the list of Women Philanthropist of 2019, by the Hurun Report India Philanthropy List 2019.
International awards
Mazumdar-Shaw is the recipient of several international awards including the Othmer Gold Medal (2014) for outstanding contributions to the progress of science and chemistry the Nikkei Asia Prize (2009) for regional growth, the ‘Veuve Clicquot Initiative For Economic Development For Asia' Award (2007), Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for Life Sciences & Healthcare (2002), and 'Technology Pioneer' recognition by World Economic Forum (2002). In May 2015 Federation University Australia (formerly the University of Ballarat) named a road in its Mt Helen campus as Mazumdar Drive. Kiran and Shaw attended the opening ceremony. She was elected as a member of the United States National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 2019 for the development of affordable biopharmaceuticals and the biotechnology industry in India. She is the first Indian woman to get this honor. In January 2020, Kiran became the fourth Indian citizen to be honoured with Australia's highest civilian honour.
Indian awards
Her work in the biotechnology sector has earned her numerous national awards, including the Padma Shri (1989) and the Padma Bhushan (2005) from the government of India. She was given the Economic Times Award for 'Businesswoman of the Year' in 2004. At the Pharmaleaders Pharmaceutical Leadership Summit she was named "Global Indian Woman of the Year" (2012); she also received the Express Pharmaceutical Leadership Summit Award for "Dynamic Entrepreneur" in 2009. The Indian Merchants' Chamber Diamond Jubilee Endowment Trust's Eminent Businessperson of the Year Award was presented to Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw in 2006 by the Governor of Maharashtra, S. M. Krishna. She has also received the Indian Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award (2005), the 'Corporate Leadership Award' by the American India Foundation (2005). and the Karnataka Rajyotsava Award (2002).
Honorary degrees
Mazumdar-Shaw received an honorary doctorate from her alma mater, Ballarat University in 2004, in recognition of her contributions to biotechnology. She has been awarded honorary doctorates from the University of Abertay, Dundee, UK (2007), the University of Glasgow, UK (2008), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK (2008) and University College Cork, Ireland (2012). She received an honorary doctorate from Davangere University, India, at its first convocation, July 2013, in recognition of her contribution in the field of biotechnology. K. C. Malick
From Wikipedia
Khirod Chanrad Malick
Khirod Chandra Malick, Paris Meeting
Personal details
Nationality Indian
Khirod Chandra Malick (born 26 April 1958) is the founder of an NGO Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Agency (BISWA). As of 2012 he was chairman of the group since its foundation in 1994 and is involved in the process of grassroots social engineering. Before starting the NGO, Malick worked at State Bank of India for 26 years, leaving as a senior executive.
Kalpana Saroj
(From a child bride to $112-million CEO)
Serial entrepreneur Kalpana Saroj has tried her hand at producing films, real estate, and is currently the Chairperson of Kamani Tubes, a Mumbai-based company. Born in a village in Vidarbha to a police constable, Kalpana got married at the age of 12. Living in a Mumbai slum, she was subjected to physical abuse by her husband’s family members. She left her husband and returned to her village with her father, only to face social ostracisation.Undeterred, Kalpana returned to Mumbai and started working while living with her uncle. With some saving and seed funding she ventured into a small furniture business. This was the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey, which continues even today. In 2001, she took over Kamani Tubes, and turned it into a profitable company. According to estimates, her personal assets are worth $112 million.
By Mauli Buch
Kalpana Saroj, 50, is the daughter of a Dalit police constable in Akola district of Maharashtra. Today she heads a Rs.3,000 crore business enterprise.
Saroj was one of five women entrepreneurs at the first trade fair organised by the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) who have fought not only social prejudices but also gender bias.
The DICCI fair brought to the limelight some of the successful Dalit women entrepreneurs (Photo: DICCI)
The trade show aimed to change the traditional image of Dalits - some of India's most socio-economically marginalised - as always being seekers and dependent on government aid. And these five women - Saroj, Geeta Parmar, Aparna Kadam, Sana Ansari and Ishita Lal - had more to be proud of in a field that has historically been a male-dominated affair.
Saroj was pulled out of school and married off at the age of 12 only to return home in a pathetic state due to the physical and mental torment of her in-laws.
She attempted to join the police force at age 13, but failed. She tried her hand at nursing and failed again. She then learned stitching and sewing and made efforts to stitch clothes of her fellow villagers. But this only antagonised the villagers who thought a 'returned bride' was stepping beyond her social boundaries.
"At the age of 15, I moved to Mumbai and was lucky enough to be sheltered by a benevolent Gujarati family. I then joined a hosiery unit on a wage of Rs.2 per day and have never looked back since," says Saroj.
At 22, Saroj married a small-time furniture manufacturer. She also revived his ailing steel-cupboard manufacture business.
This mother of two then started a construction company. "In 1995, I bought a piece of land at a throwaway price and managed to clear encroachments and other litigation on it," says Saroj.
In 1997, with the help of institutional finance, Saroj erected a residential and commercial complex at a cost of Rs.4 crore and sold it for a tidy profit.
Often referred to as someone who turns an ailing business to a profitable one, Saroj took over Kamani Tubes. "A brand leader in non-ferrous tubes, the company was started by Mumbai's well-known industrialist Ramji Kamani, a Gandhian and close associate of Jawaharlal Nehru," Saroj said.
Today Saroj's interests include various industries such as construction, hotel, sugar, non-ferrous tubes and art galleries. She is all set to enter the steel business soon.
Another such example is Parmar, who, along with her husband, has been running a furniture manufacturing business since she married in 1971. Though 61, she is as fit as a fiddle and puts in long hours to manage the business in Mumbai while her husband manages the factory in Gujarat.
"It took me some time to settle down in Mumbai. Out of sheer love for the family, I went on to help my husband alongside taking care of my three children," she said.
Also fighting her own battle in a man's world is Kadam, 28, who runs her own event management firm alongside leather and jewellery manufacturing businesses.
"Event management is a strictly male-dominated business. You will see girls working for the firms, but not owning them," Kadam said. "I still face dirty competition from my male counterparts in this business. But with the support of my husband and family, I will make it big here," she added.
An artist and freelance corporate designer Lal, however, thinks life has been easier for her. "I am mainly into corporate branding, marketing and rebranding and have given new faces to existing businesses by way of my rebranding ideas," Lal said.
"I am glad that I have not faced as many problems in my career. However, I have not been professionally trained in art. Hence, the challenge for me is to emerge as the best in whatever I do," she said.
Also sitting quietly at her stall and attending to the visitors is Sana Ansari, 36, who runs a small manufacturing unit that makes scarves and 'hijabs' for Muslim women.
"It started about eight years back when my 20-day-old daughter Iqra's head needed to be covered with the long scarf that women in our community wear. I designed a scarf that could stay on her tiny head and not fall off," Ansari said.
"A lot of women asked me where I got it from and that they also wanted the scarf for their infant daughters. I started to make them on my own initially and also started making 'hijabs'. Gradually, it prospered and I hired people to help me with the tailoring."
Ansari supplies the 'hijabs' and scarves all over India and produces over 10,000 pieces each year. - IANS
Chairperson – Corporate Sector:
M/s Kamani Tubes Limited, Mumbai –400 038.
M/s Acme Steel Pvt. Ltd., Wada, Dist. Thane, Maharashtra.
Chairperson - Social Sector:
Rashtriya Ekata Yuva Manch (Maharashtra State).
Sushikhit Berojgar Mandal, Thane.
Chairperson – Educational Institutions:
Kalpana Saroj College of Law, Kalyan, Maharashtra.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Education Society, Maharashtra.
Saikripa Sakhar Karkhana Devdaithan, Dist. Ahmednagar.
Kalpana Saroj & Associates.
Kalpana Enterprises.
Kalpana Builders and Developers.
Executive President:
Santa Bahuudeshiya Mandal.
Samta Vidyalaya, Kalyan, Thane.
Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Vidhyalaya, Kalyan, Thane.
Dr. Ambedkar Vachanalaya, Kalyan, Thane.
Executive Chairman Reception Committee:
1st International Buddha Phule Ambedkar Literary Conference – 2001, Kalyan, Thane.
Executive Vice President:
1st International Buddhist Conference – 2005, Mumbai.
World Peace Committee (NGO) New York, U.S.A.
International Peace Representative (Recognized by the U.N.).
Executive Member:
Mahilasuraksha Samiti, Thane Police Auyukta.
Police Peace Committee, Kalyan, Thane.
Executive Secretary:
Rashtrawadi Congress party (National Congress Party, NCP).
Ex. National Executive Member (Delhi):
Republican Party of India.
Savitri Phule Aadarsha Mahila Award – from Shri Suradkar, I.G. Maharashtra State in 1999.
Mata Savitri Jyotiba Phule Award – from Ex-Prime Minister of India Hon. Shri V.P. Singh in 2001.
Rajiv Gandhi Award for Woman Entrepreneur
Leo Muthu
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leo Muthu
2 April 1952
Died 10 July 2015
Nationality Indian
Occupation Educationalist, Philanthropist & Industrialist
Spouse(s) J.Kalaiselvi LeoMuthu
Sharmila Rajaa
Sai Prakash LeoMuthu
M. Jothiprakasam (2 April 1952 – 10 July 2015), better known as Leo Muthu, was an Indian philanthropist, educationist and businessman. He was the Founder-Chairman of the "Sairam Institutions", which operates many secondary and tertiary educational institutions.
Early life
Leo Muthu was born in 1952 in Thiruthuraipoondi Village, Thiruvarur District, Tamil Nadu to K G Manickam-Nagalakshmi. He started his career in real estate in 1972 and worked hard to bring his own .Status
Promotion of education
Leo Muthu founded the educational trusts[2] to serve for the cause of quality secondary grade and higher education to the learner community. The group of colleges under the trusts offers education across technical, management studies, research, shipping science and alternative medicine streams and more. About 25,000 students are being given the benefit of education per year through the group’s schools and colleges. Sapthagiri Educational Trust runs the following institutions in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry: Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies, Chennai
Sri Sairam Institute of Computer Applications, Chennai Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai
Sri Sairam Ayurveda Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai
Sri Sairam Homoeopathy Medical College and Research Centre, Chennai
Sai Ram Advanced Centre for Research, Chennai. Sai Ram Matriculation Hr.School, Goripalayam, Madurai
Sai Jothi Polytechnic College, Eliyarpathy, Madurai
Sai Ram Vidyalaya, Madipakkam, Chennai. Institutions run by Leo Muthu Educational Trust include:
Sri Sai Ram Polytechnic College, Chennai
Sai Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Chennai Sai Ram Matriculation Hr.School, Chennai Sai Ram Matriculation Hr. School, Thiruthuraipoondi
The institutions run under Sapthagiri Educational and Charitable Trust are the following:
Sri Sairam College of Engineering, formerly Shirdi Sai Engineering College, Anekal, Bangalore. Shirdi Sai Pre University college, Anekal, Bangalore.
Promotion of Industries
Leo Muthu was the Managing Partner of Leo Real Estates and Managing Director of Leo Housing (P) Ltd., in Chennai. In his housing business, he introduced over 75 housing schemes and industrial complexes in and around the suburbs of Chennai, Madurai, Hosur and Bangalore. For his innovative real estate and construction ventures, Leo Muthu was awarded the “Best Real Estate Promoter Award” by the former Governor of Tamil Nadu, Shri B. N. Singh.Leo Muthu started business enterprises in real estate development in Tamil Nadu and neighbouring states. He also set up manufacturing industries.
Leo Muthu was also the Managing Director of Super Fibre Glass (P) Ltd., a SSI manufacturing unit of Fibre Glass Sleeves and Chords, at Chennai which is a supplier to Lucas TVS, English Electric Co., and Kirloskar Co., among others. He also ran Sri Sairaj Printers, a printing company, Super Sea Food Products Pvt. Ltd, Tuticorin, a fish products company, and Sai Jothi Quarry, Chennai, which is engaged in quarrying stones.
He was a generous contributor to educational funding and scholarships for school and college students. He made regular donations for the construction of temples and mass marriages, free medical camps, social awareness camps and blood donation camps.As a philanthropist, Leo Muthu was committed to the cause of improving the lives of people in poverty and donated lands and buildings to the Government of Tamil Nadu, social organizations, orphan homes, Lions and Rotary Clubs. He donated about 16.5 acres of land in Thiruthuraipoondi, his birthplace, in support of the state government’s scheme for opening an engineering college and high school in every district of the state.
Lalit Bhansod
(MD, Comsolve Mediatech, Pune, Rs 4 crore)
Comsolve Mediatech Private Limited is an unlisted private company. It was incorporated on 18 July, 2007 and is located in Pune, aharashtra. It is classified as a private limited company.
The current status of Comsolve Mediatech Private Limited is - Active.
The registered office of Comsolve Mediatech Private Limited is at 58/65/1, L.B.S. ROAD, 4TH FLOOR FLAT NO. 37, LAXMAN PARK, AMEYA DEVELOPERS, NEW SADASHIV PETH, PUNE, Maharashtra.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Comsolve Mediatech Private Limited is U64202PN2007PTC130460. It's authorized share capital is INR 5.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is INR 5.00 lac.
The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Comsolve Mediatech Private Limited, per our records, was held on 31 December, 2020. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2020.
18 July, 2007 / 14 yrs
31 December, 2020
INR 5.0 Lacs
INR 5.0 Lacs
Post and Telecommunications
Unlisted Private Company
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
58/65/1, L.B.S. ROAD, 4TH FLOOR FLAT NO. 37
PUNE - 411030
Maharashtra - India
The company has 3 directors and no reported key management personnel.
The longest serving directors currently on board are Lalitkumar Dattatraya Bansod and Namita Lalitkumar Bansod who were appointed on 18 July, 2007. They have been on the board for more than 13 years. The most recently appointed director is Amol Manoharrao Patil, who was appointed on 21 May, 2013.
Lalitkumar Dattatraya Bansod has the largest number of other directorships with a seat at a total of 2 companies. In total, the company is connected to 1 other companies through its directors.
M. P. Ramachandran
M. P. Ramachandran
Moothedath Panjan Ramachandran
Years active 37
In 1971, he started working as an accountant while getting a post graduation in financial management in Mumbai. Since his childhood, Ramachandran had washed his own clothes but was dissatisfied with fabric whiteners results. One day he got a chemical industry journal that talked about "purple-colored dyes helping textile makers get the most brilliant shades of white". The phrase ignited an idea. Ramachandran experimented in his kitchen for a year–boiling, diluting and testing–until he was pleased with the results.
In 1983, a brother lent him 5,000 rupees (less than $100) to set up a makeshift factory on family land in Kerala. He named his firm Jyothy after his first daughter. In the first year, sales totaled 40,000 rupees ($727 today) and profits were $23.
V P Nandakumar
V.P. Nandakumar is the Managing Director & CEO of Manappuram Finance Ltd., a leading gold loan company that is ranked among India's top 20 non-banking finance companies. Manappuram's origins go back to 1949 when it was founded by the late V.C. Padmanabhan, father of Mr. Nandakumar.
The company was founded in 1949 by late V.C.Padmanabhan in Thrissur District. The company commenced its operations at Valapad, mainly with money lending activity on a very modest scale. The group's flagship company, MAGFIL, was established in 1992 in the wake of economic reforms launched by the Government of India. Manappuram's origins go back to 1949 when it was founded in Valapad (a coastal village in the Thrissur District of Kerala) by the late V.C. Padmanabhan, father of Nandakumar. Its activity was mainly pawn broking and money lending carried out on a modest scale.
Shri Nandakumar took over the reins of this one Branch business in the year 1986 when his father died. Manappuram Finance Ltd. was incorporated in 1992 (the original name was Manappuram General Finance and Leasing Limited) with its registered office at Valapad, in the Thrissur District of Kerala.
Soon after it commenced its operations, Manappuram Finance Limited gathered several "firsts" to its credit. The company was the First NBFC in Kerala to receive a Certificate of Registration issued by the RBI. It was the first Kerala based NBFC to get a Credit Rating in 1995 of "MA" (current rating MA+) from ICRA, recognising the company's ability to make timely repayments of the principal and interest under its then existing public deposits programme. Manappuram Finance was one of the first NBFCs from Kerala to go for a Public Issue of its shares in 1995. In fact, the company has been consistently making profits and consistently paying dividends from the first full year of operations.
The company was also the first NBFC from Kerala to issue bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1 in 2007 and then, repeat the feat twice, in 2010 and in 2011 (making it three such instances in five years). Moreover, in 2007, Manappuram Finance Ltd became the first Kerala based NBFC to receive foreign Investment from FIIs, and also get the highest short term credit rating of A1+ from ICRA. In 2010, it became the first Kerala-based company to offer ESOPs (Employee Stock Option Plan) to its middle and senior management functionaries. In April 2011, it became only the second listed company from Kerala to have its shares traded in the "A-Group" at the Bombay stock exchange.
M P Purushothaman
Four decades ago a tryst with destiny began with a visionary charting an exciting journey, driven by hard work, will to success and the vision. A vision that propelled the Empee Group into a widely diversifies and well renowned business conglomerate. The vision that set off a success story.
Since its inception in early 70’s the Group has risen to be one of the leading conglomerates in the southern part of the country. The credit goes in entirety to the undying spirit and farsighted vision of its founder-chairman, Mr. M P Purushothaman. Today, the Empee Group encompasses all business related to Hotels, Liquor, Sugar, Power, Packaging, Transport, Construction and Exports.
Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL)
The Spirited growth
The Empee Group realized the importance of brands early on and has laid emphasis on creating brands that would form everlasting relationships with its consumers. With the unique nature of a brand or its personality forming the basis of its relationship with the customer, Empee has created signature products with wide ranging appeal. In today's crowded marketplace, the salience of a brand has gone up hundred fold and the role of brand building is well realized. Empee has invested ample time and resources in this regard and has come out with some outstanding products in its alcoholic beverages portfolio which are now the market leaders. This includes brands in the premium, mid level and economy segments.
The Group now has three modern manufacturing Facilities in three of the Southern States – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala – and has plans to break further grounds at the national level.
Manufacturing Mantra
Every brand in the Empee liquor portfolio is a product of stringent manufacturing processes, from distillation to bottling; utmost attention to quality is maintained through every step of the way. The Group maintains its high production standards by keeping the entire process from blending, bottling to packing under strict quality control.
The Group has to its credit several well known labels covering all the three segment of the IMFL industry. Some of the signature brands are Empee’ Napoleon Brandy, Elcanso Premium Deluxe Brandy and Empee’s Premium Gold Whisky in the premium range; All Gold VSOP Brandy, Old Secret Brandy and Vodkas in the medium range and Old Secret XXX Rum in the low range. Efforts are on to release shortly new Super Premium Brands to cater to the niche upper crust clients.
Posted by Archa Renu Baburaj
I was born in Kerala to a family belonging to the Ezhava caste. We were considered untouchables. My communist governed state once had a history of practicing extreme, excruciating untouchability. The Ezhava community was asked to keep a 32 feet distance from the Savarnas at all times. Touching or even approaching the upper castes (Namboothiri, Nair, Kshatriya) by a member of my caste was considered “polluting”. The women belonging to my caste were denied the right to wear a blouse because covering up your breast was considered a “privilege”. We were a middle-class family. This meant I had friends both from the marginalised castes as well the upper castes. And so did my parents.
Touching or even approaching the upper castes (Namboothiri, Nair, Kshatriya) by a member of my caste was considered “polluting”. The women belonging to my caste were denied the right to wear a blouse because covering up your breast was considered a “privilege”.
I always knew we were from an oppressed caste, thanks to my well-read mother. She filled me in with the history of oppression and subjugation. However, 8-year-old me felt ashamed of belonging to this caste; the priestly castes and other higher castes seemed classier and were perceived as superior. As a kid, I felt everything was perfect in my life except my caste and I carried this feeling with me for a very long time. An 8-year-old had a bad case of internalised casteism.
My parents are ardent followers of Sree Narayana Guru, one of Kerala’s greatest social reformers from the Ezhava community. They always hung a photo of him on the wall, a common practice for most Ezhava families. As a teenager, I resented this. It was a constant reminder that I was different from my posh upper caste friends (most of them had their caste surnames). I wanted their surnames. Teenage me would see their Facebook names and wonder what a fulfilling life I would’ve led if I was born into a Savarna family. I grew up but I did not necessarily grow out of the casteism ingrained in my brain.
Even though my family had a lot of upper caste friends, there were plethora of instances where they would casually crack jokes with casteist undertones. A very vivid memory of one such incident was when we went over to our family friends’ home who belonged to the Nair caste. They had portraits of their ancestors hung up on the wall (guaranteed to give you an eerie feeling). During dinner, my mother joked about the portraits giving her the chills. This did not go well with them. Another woman belonging to the same Nair caste quickly jumped in and replied, “Well you need a family legacy for that, we all know where your family belongs.”
My mother, being the sweet often docile person, remained quiet. Everyone else awkwardly laughed it off and brushed it aside. This was not subtle. This struck a chord with me. As I pursued higher education, I had still not completely come to terms with my caste identity. When people asked me what caste I belonged to, I felt a sense of humiliation and gave them the answer used by most of my Savarna liberal friends today, “I do not have a caste. I do not see it.”
As a teenager, I resented this. It was a constant reminder that I was different from my posh upper caste friends (most of them had their caste surnames). I wanted their surnames. Teenage me would see their Facebook names and wonder what a fulfilling life I would’ve led if I was born into a Savarna family.
Truth was, I did. I saw my caste as clear as day and I loathed it as much as I can and wanted to hide it from the world. Things did not change much when I started college except now my Nair friends thought I was Savarna just like they are. I never changed this false assumption. Isn’t this exactly what 8-year-old me wanted after all! Well, my “fairy-tale” didn’t last long as I realised this meant they would not filter their casteism, it wasn’t the subtle jokes anymore. My caste was made fun of, their blatant casteism was now straight on my face. This would range from my progressive Nair friends talking about how they are “lucky” their boyfriends were from the same caste to flagrantly making fun of our community and our past struggle against caste-based oppression and violation.
I want to apologise to the 8-year-old child, the teenager and the college student who felt like she belonged to a sub-class of human because of an extremely inhumane and oppressive man-made social hierarchy. Today, I am reclaiming the narrative. My ancestors did not fight caste with every fiber of their being so I could feel sorry for myself today. It took me almost 23 years to unlearn most of the casteism that was built into my DNA and shoved down my throat the minute I was born.
It took me 23 years to tell the world I’m an Ezhava without an iota of shame and resentment. I am writing this for the 8-year-old child feeling ashamed, the teenagers from marginalised castes casually changing the topic when they are asked about their caste, for women like my mother who made every effort possible to make her child understand the implications of belonging to an oppressed lower caste. I hope this article helps and it is not 23 years too late for you.
Archa is a final year law student keen on pursuing human rights law after graduation. She loves reading Ambedkar and drinking tea. You can find her on Instagram.
Manoj Karayil Thekkoott Narayanan
Manoj Karayil Thekkoott Narayanan, Founder & CEO, Polarizone Technologies, Kualalumpur
Location Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Work Director @ Polarizone Technologies
Skills Strategic Partnerships, Executive Management, Start Ups, Electronics, Telecommunications, Business Development, Homeland Security, Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Program Management, Product Management, Enterprise Software, Business Strategy, SaaS, Simulations, Software Development, Wireless, Security, Mobile Devices, Cloud Computing, Integration
Mohit Burman
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mohit Burman
Born 20 July 1968
Nationality Indian
Occupation Businessman
Known for Director of Dabur India Ltd. Chairman of Aviva Life Insurance Company India Ltd. Co Owner of Kings XI Punjab
Early life and education
Burman started his career with Welbeck Property Partnership London and then joined Dabur Finance Ltd., a company specializing in fund and fee-based financial activities, as Senior Manager. He worked in the group's financial services businesses including asset management, life insurance and pensions by setting up an insurance company with the UK's largest insurance company, Aviva. His family in November 2011 had established a joint venture with Espírito Santo Investment Bank to set up an investment banking company in India.
Burman has also been actively involved in expanding Dabur India's presence in overseas markets, and was involved in the acquisition of Balsara Hygiene and Home Care businesses for Rs. 1.43 billion by Dabur India Ltd. on 27 January 2005.
Board memberships
Mohit also holds board membership of different other companies like Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Dabur International Limited, Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd., KPH Dream Cricket Pvt. Ltd (Kings XI), Aviva Life Insurance Company India Limited, Markettopper Securities Pvt. Ltd., Elephant India Advisors Pvt. Ltd., Caterham Cars Pvt. Ltd, H&B Stores Ltd., Espirito Santo Securities India Pvt. Ltd.
Mallika Srinivasan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mallika Srinivasan
Born 1959 (age 62)
Alma mater
Women's Christian College
Title Chairman & Managing Director - TAFE
Indira Sivasailam
Mallika Srinivasan (born 1959) is an Indian industrialist and is the Chairman & Managing Director of Tractors and Farm Equipment Limited, a tractor major incorporated in 1960 at Chennai, India. She is also the Chairperson of the Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB) constituted by the Government of India. She is additionally on the Global Board of U.S.-India Business Council (USIBC), and the Boards of AGCO Corporation - United States and Tata Steel Limited. She is a member of the Executive Board of the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, the Governing Board of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai, Bharathidasan Institute of Management (BIM), Trichy, and a member of the Governing Body of Stella Maris College, Chennai.
Mallika established TAFE as a mass manufacturer of tractors. She led the company's growth to its present status with revenues in excess of Rs. 10,000 Crores with diverse interests in tractors, farm machinery, diesel engines, generators, engineering plastics, hydraulic pumps and cylinders, batteries, automobile franchises and plantations. Mallika has led a variety of industry bodies such as the Tractor Manufacturers’ Association of India, The Madras Chamber of Commerce and has held various positions in industry bodies such as the Confederation of Indian Industry, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, etc.
She has an abiding interest in ensuring the development of education and healthcare in India and has been instrumental in supporting organizations such as the Sankara Nethralaya (A leading eye care organization), the Cancer Hospital in Chennai, and a number of educational and healthcare facilities in Alwarkurichi, Tirunelveli district in South India. In addition, she has also been a generous patron of arts through her involvement in the promotion and support of one of India's leading musical tradition of Carnatic music through the Indira Sivasailam Foundation.
Awards and accolades
Srinivasan has received a number of accolades and awards. In 2011, she was voted Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst and Young; awarded the Woman Leader of the Year award by Forbes India; and recognized by Forbes Asia as one of the Top 50 Asian Power Businesswomen. She was named among the six Most Powerful Women of India Inc. by Business Today, while the Asian Business Leadership Forum (ABLF) honored her with the ABLF Woman of Power Award. NDTV Profit, India's leading business television channel, accorded her the honor of Business Thought Leader of the Year 2012 Award, at the NDTV Profit Business Leadership Awards. In 2018, she was ranked fifth among India's Most Powerful Women in Business by Fortune India. In 2020, she was awarded "Businesswoman of the year" at ET Prime Women Leadership Awards 2020.
YearAwards and Honors
1999 First Business Woman of the Year award for India BBC 2005 Zee Astitva Award for Exemplary Women Zee TV 2005 National Leadership Award IIM Lucknow- Lakshmipat Singhania award 2004-10 Among 25 Most Powerful Women in Indian Business - for 7 consecutive years Business Today 2012 Ranked Among Asia's 50 Power Businesswomen Forbes Asia 2012 Forbes India Leadership Awards 2012 Women Leader of the Year Forbes India 2012 Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa) Hindustan University of Technology & Science, Chennai
2012 Ranked 2nd among India's 50 Most Powerful Women in Business Fortune India 2012 ABLF Woman of Power Award Asian Business Leadership Forum Awards
2013 India Today's Power List – The Influencers India Today 2013 Business Thought Leader of the Year 2012 NDTV Profit Business Leadership Awards 2014 Among The Most Powerful Women in Indian Business – Hall of Fame Business Today 2014 Ranked among India's Most Powerful Women Femina 2014 Ranked among Most Powerful Women in Indian Business Fortune India 2018 Ranked fifth among India's Most Powerful Women Fortune India
Organisations and affiliations
Board Member AGCO Corporation, United States Board Member (Independent, Non-Executive Director) Tata Steel Mahavir Singh
Tricon Buildcon Private Limited is a Non-govt company, incorporated on 19 Apr, 2007. It's a private unlisted company and is classified as'company limited by shares'.
Company's authorized capital stands at Rs 50.0 lakhs and has 16.0% paid-up capital which is Rs 8.0 lakhs. Tricon Buildcon Private Limited last annual general meet (AGM) happened on 29 Sep, 2017. The company last updated its financials on 31 Mar, 2017 as per Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
Tricon Buildcon Private Limited is majorly in Business Services business from last 14 years and currently, company operations are active. Current board members & directors are PRAVEEN KUMAR, PAWAN KUMAR, MAHAVIR SINGH and CHANDRA PAL SINGH .
Company is registered in Delhi (Delhi) Registrar Office. Tricon Buildcon Private Limited registered address is 6/37, BASEMENT VIKRAM VIHAR, LAJPAT NAGAR - IV NEW DELHI DL 110024 IN.
Tricon Buildcon Private Limited Details
CIN U74999DL2007PTC162284
Date of Incorporation 19 Apr, 2007
Status Active
Company Category Company limited by Shares
Company Sub-category Non-govt company
Company Class Private
Business Activity Business Services
Authorized Capital 50.0 lakhs
Paid-up Capital 8.0 lakhs
Paid-up Capital % 16.0
Registrar Office City Delhi
Registered State Delhi
Registration Number 162284
Registration Date 19 Apr, 2007
Listing Status Unlisted
AGM last held on 29 Sep, 2017
Balance Sheet last updated on 31 Mar, 2017
Malkiat Chand
Hello, I am Malkit Chand Janagal, Chairman of "JANAGAL EXPORT PVT LTD".
Incorporated in the year 2003, at, Ludhiana, (Punjab, India), we, “Janagal Exports Pvt. Ltd.” are a well established organization engaged in manufacturing, exporting and supplying an astonishing collection of Readymade Garments. We present a vibrant range of Printed T-Shirts, Chest Strips Matty T-Shirts, Knitted Interlock Stripes T-Shirts, Strips T-Shirts, Spun Polyester T-Shirts, Textile Indigo Washing T-Shirts and other allied garments. Our skilled professionals make use of premium quality fabrics and advanced sewing machines in designing these garments. Available in different sizes, colours and designs, these can also be custom designed as per the specifications mentioned by the customers. Famed for their exceptional finish and unique patterns, these are widely demanded in national as well as several international markets that include regions like the Middle East and Europe.
To carry forward our business activities in an efficient manner, we have developed a sophisticated manufacturing unit that is segregated in several independent divisions. Each division is furnished with requisite amenities that help in carrying out all the operations in an organized and systematic manner.
We are also empowered with diligent and committed professionals, who ensure that all the consignments are delivered to the customers within the stipulated time frame. Our range is neatly packed using fine quality packaging materials for ensuring safe and uncontaminated transportation. Moreover, our ethical and transparent business policies also provide us a leading edge in the market.
Madan Lal Khinder
Rattan Brothers
Rattan Brothers was incepted in the year 1976, in the city of Jalandhar, Punjab. We are amongst the reckoned Manufacturers, Exporters & Suppliers of a durable assortment of Sports Goods, Training Equipment, Playground Goods and Sports Training Gears. The company initiated its programs under the proficient guidance of honorable CEO, Mr. Madan Lal. His vast experience of 34 years in this domain has helped the organization in expanding and performing the business activities more smoothly. Further, our company is also a member of INDO-GERMAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SGEPC, SGFI and SGMEA and a holder of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, and SA-8000 certification of International Organization for Standardization. We are also a Professionals Choice company.
Basic Information
Nature of Business Manufacturer
Additional Business
Year of Establishment 1976
Legal Status of Firm Partnership Firm
Statutory Profile
GST No. 03AABFR2521A1Z6
Rattan Brothers was incepted in the year 1976, in the city of Jalandhar, Punjab. We are amongst the reckoned Manufacturers, Exporters & Suppliers of a durable assortment of Sports Goods, Training Equipment, Playground Goods and Sports Training Gears. The company initiated its programs under the proficient guidance of honorable CEO, Mr. Madan Lal. His vast experience of 34 years in this domain has helped the organization in expanding and performing the business activities more smoothly. Further, our company is also a member of INDO-GERMAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SGEPC, SGFI and SGMEA and a holder of ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, and SA-8000 certification of International Organization for Standardization. We are also a Professionals Choice company.
Why Us?
Owing to our vast infrastructure, wide area, cutting-edge machinery and highly professional team, we are continuously striving to achieve the satisfaction of the clients by offering them nothing less than the best. Some factors which assisted us in fast growth in this industry are:Innovative &durable collectionContemporary manufacturing unit &cutting edge machineries for sports goodsR & D facilitiesTransparent dealingsWide networkMarket leading price policyOur company is putting sincere efforts towards manufacturing, exporting & supplying of a durable and quality range of Sports Goods, Training Equipment, Playground Goods and Sports Training Gears. Our policy is directed towards ensuring complete satisfaction of clients by offering high quality sporting equipment and competent services to its valuable clients worldwide.
Dr. Mahesh Chandra

Dr. Mahesh Chandra, 25 yearl old, is a medical practitioner by profession. He is a well-known skin specialist and has a clinic in the centre of Saharanpur city. He hails from Buland Shahar, another district of western Uttar Pradesh and belongs to Jatav (Chamar) community. He lives with his wife, two sisters, a daughter and a son. His wife is also a medical doctor. Before starting his own clinic, he was serving in a government hospital. He comes from a poor family background. His father is a small farmer in Buland Shahar. He came to the Saharanpur in 2003 in search of opportunities to start the clinic. Before starting the clinic, he made a survey of several districts. He went to some districts and observed the nature of skin problems people suffered from and the extent to what these skin diseases prevailed. He came to know that Saharanpur was more prone to skin problems than other districts nearby; so he decided to open a clinic there. In informing people about his clinic, he visited a number of villages, particularly the Dalit habitations. Initially he faced problems as no one knew him in the town. He had no social circle to interact with and was not well off financially and Dalit background was an issue where he often felt discrimination. However, he feels that caste matters only at initial statges of mobility. Most of the times he used to treat Dalit patients. ‘Once your work is recognized you get a lot of work and also respect’. It took him
some time to look for the base for his clinic and to make a name for himself; after which life was smoother. He has also been in contact with Dalit activists near his residence. Through them he came in touch with people and made Dalit friends who were of great help. He now helps other Dalit doctors to start their clinics in Saharanpur. For establishing the clinic he had taken loan from a bank. He mentioned that being a doctor by profession, the bank gave him loan quite easily.He owes his success to hard work, to his consistent curiosity to read the latest
literature on skin diseases, networking with people and, of course, to professional medical education. He joined the medical college in a reserved quota for scheduled castes and comments that such reservations help poor people like him. Although he is happy about the medical education he received, but he has many bitter memories of college days, of having been treated differently and caste-based discrimination. The teachers and non-Dalit students never supported or cooperated with the Dalit students. He always felt excluded in the college. He reported that there is no representation of Dalit doctors in the medical professional bodies.Unlike the Dalits, the non-Dalits have great support from their families and friendswhich encourages them to move ahead. Now that he is of repute and does not feel discriminated, however he is of the opinion that people have tendency to visit their own caste doctor. He wishes to expertise in the field of skin diseases treatment and for this he always tends to update with the upcoming professional knowledge and skills. He has links with international organizations of his field. He desires to prove that Dalits are as competent as non-Dalits and continues to take interest in social and political work of Dalit activities in his town.
Mukesh Gautam
(Head of Manned Guarding)
Management professional with over 22 years of comprehensive multifunctional experience in India & Abroad with overall management of the Business Operations - Business development, Operations, Service Delivery & Commercials.
Business Development / Operations -
Successfully handling the entire gamut of functions related to overall business development & operations in the Physical Security/Manned Guarding , Tower Guarding, &Facility services . Formulating & implementing winning business strategies for the growth of business opportunities Ensuring Deployment plans, Monitoring operations & risk mitigation . Making Business Presentations, to target customers at the high End & corporate decision making level for strategic business in Risk Managementof handling multiple branches and regions.
Administration & Facilities -
Heading the Admin Department; effective Security /facility management with least turnaround time. Purchasing, Vendor Management: Implementing Strict SLAs for all vendors for ensuring best services with maximum cost optimization, Sourcing, Office Administration., Security Management, Building Management systems, Liasoning with various government authorities &Ministries Conducting regular quality checks Supervising the day to day Office Management activities.
Commercial / Accounts -Materials /Stores / Purchase: Independent charge looked after Materials, Logistics & Purchase functions Material movement, Planning, Stock reconciliation, consumption as per BOM, and have successfully handle logistics. Accounts statements, Account receivables, Account Payables, Budgeting cash flow, Branch Accounting, Labor and contractual payments, dealing with Banks, Salary statements etc. services. Manage all India operations and own the SLA with the clients. Pan India Experience
Employment history
BCL Securepremises (Since Oct.2010): Head - Guarding (Sales & Operations)
Is an end to end Integrated Security solutions & Facility provider is one of the emerging leaders in the Indian Security Industry. The strategic partnerships and alliances include global leaders like Gilardoni (Italy), EMESCO (Israel), ESCAPE Rescue Systems (Israel), DiagNose (Israel), VERINT (USA) and KCA (Taiwan).Looking after Pan India Guarding Services. BCL SP has solid financial banking from the diversified businesses of the Kanoria group. As Shristi Corporation, SREI, & Quippo group.
Skylark Securitas Pvt. Ltd. (March 2010to Oct 2010); Head - Business Development (Corp).
Security & Facility Management Company with global presence. Established in 1987 and specializing in world class B to B services... With an Annual Turnover of 120 Cr and employee strength of 28,000, Skylark- has successfully established a network of 45 branch offices, 7 training academies and 12 recruitment centers all across the country. , Leading team of Pan India - Sales, in Regional & Zonal offices, with international offices in U.S.A, U.K and Canada.
Premier Shield Private Limited. (2006 to Feb 2010) : Head - Business Development (Corporate)
A leading Risk Management Enterprise with global network providing complete non financial risk mitigation services, operating in 78 cities across the country and internationally through its own office at Dubai, Bahrain & Bangladesh. Develop and direct resources for locations - risk assessments, incident reporting, investigation, safety, physical security, intelligence, guard force operations. Provide operational, tactical analysis and planning for emergency situations at location, including crisis planning/response, hazard mitigation and business continuity. Communicate and direct effective Risk mitigation strategies ensuring appropriate controls.
Future Systems Pvt. Ltd. (2004 - 2006): General Manager- Projects.
A leading US based ITES, BPO Company, into Market research & Project management. Profile includes Generating new business accounts looking after all Business development activities, in Corporate, Telecom, White Goods, Banking, Insurance, & Educational sectors. Manage Key customer Accounts & Client interaction. responsible for managing entire operations as per Service level agreement, and Manage the Team and Process in various portfolios with managing Customer Services department With Escalation.
Network Inc / Shiva Industrial Security (2000 - 2003):Industrial Security & Facility Management Group in providing consultancy & Security management as Sr. Associate in -NCR. Profile includes Business development overseeing operations and consultancy work in provisioning Manpower outsourcing work with MNCs, Corporate and industrial Houses Ensure delivery of commercial aspects of the outsourcing agreements, recruitments as well as standards of service to agreed SLA's
Garden Dinner - A unit of Sana Inc. New York, U.S.A. (1997 - 1999):
A downtown up market Facility Company with Hotel & Chains of Restaurants worked as Officer In charge Administration & Facilities, Looking after vendor development and Manage Third Party Service Providers and their deliverables, Interface with Internal & external customers, Housekeeping services and recruitments, with overall responsibility of Facility and floor management corporate customer relation & Retention issues.
Gurind India Pvt.Ltd. Noida. (1993 -1996): Noida Sr. Manager - Commercial
A leading Float Glass processing company in Toughened, Laminated, Bend, Beveled Glass etc, looking after Purchase, Excise- Returns & compliances, Materials, Transportation, Billing, Invoices, and Branch Accounting, Liasoning with local authorities in all commercial & Taxation matters, include Administrative Issues.
Hotel Best Western Mela Plaza. (1991 -1993): H.O.D- Purchase & Controls
A Unit of Best Western Surya group as. Responsibility includes Facility Management (Soft Services), Stores, F & B Controls, Finalisation of yearly Contracts, Issuance of Purchase /Work /Standing orders, controlling MIS & Cost reports.
Amalgamated Bank of New York .U.S.A. (1989 - 1991)
As Supervisor Reconcilement & controls for various Branches in Cash, Cheques and Branch Accounts Handling reconcilement for for Deemat, Counters and pension accounts. With complaints and escalations, and handling departmental issues (Customer) with Federal bank In Manhattan, NY.
Consulate General of India, New York, U.S.A (1986 -88 )
Worked in Councilor Department in Passport, Visa and commercial section. Involved in Processing of Visa & Passport queries / with facilitation work for commercial section in Market Research & Visa Services in accordance with policies of Govt. of India.
. Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management.
. M. COM (Prev.) from Rajasthan University Jaipur.
. B.COM from Rajasthan University, Jaipur.
. Matriculation from Kendriya Vidhyalya, Khetri Nagar, Rajasthan
. Certificate course from Environmental Protection Agency, New York, U.S.A
Preferred area of employment
New Delhi /NCR
The curious phenomenon of dalit entrepreneurship
The last two years have seen the emergence of dalit entrepreneurs in the national scene, suggesting a remarkable change in the Indian business landscape. Is it for real?
papers over the last year or two, she would be thrilled. In them, she would find numerous mentions of an avalanche of dalit entrepreneurs who have become millionaires over the past few decades.
Rand was a fierce believer in both laissez-faire capitalism as well as the triumph of the individual, as embodied in her famous hero, Howard Roark. She railed against placing others above the self. Now, it seemed that after millennia of unimaginable oppression, dalits were able to harness the power of markets and the spirit of Roark and rise to the top.
Case and point, Rajendra Gaikwad, 50, founder of GT Pest Control, a Rs 8 crore company. "I didn't have chappals to walk to school in. A bicycle was a distant dream," he says. His family was often refused food at public functions at his village in Maharashtra and he had to endure heaps of insults for many decades. Today, Gaikwad drives a BMW, lives on the 17th floor of a high rise and has started yet another company, which makes conveyor belts that he estimates will book around Rs 30 crore in revenue this year.
In an effort to recognise the near-superhuman efforts of entrepreneurs of dalit business folk, like Gaikwad, the government recently awarded the Padma Bhushan to Milind Kamble, founder of the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) and a head of a Rs 101-crore construction empire, as well as Kalpana Saroj, head of Kamani Tubes, both who came from hard scrabble backgrounds.
But how representative is this spigot of success? Moreover, why is it important to get an accurate measure of how well dalit entrepreneurs have done?
Dalits represent close to 17 per cent of the Indian population, or 200 million people who have been brutally suppressed for millennia, and confined to 'Manu'-dictated occupations of scavenging, leather work or sewer-cleaning. This doesn't just leave enormous psychosocial scars on this community. It also isn't good business. Economists point to India's lost percentage points in gross domestic product growth simply because a large and potentially productive segment of the population is deprived of economic opportunity. So, gauging how well dalit businesses do has larger ramifications for the country.
And, how have they fared? Not terribly well, says Surinder Jodhka, a sociologist at the Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, New Delhi. Jodhka conducted an ethnographic survey of two flourishing industrial towns�"Panipat and Saharanpur�"and discovered that most dalit enterprises there were self-run and into very basic businesses and services such as shop-keeping and carpentry. Only a percent or two had started capital-intensive enterprises such as hotels and factories. Plus, only nine per cent of these mostly first-generation entrepreneurs�"largely between the ages of 20 and 40�"were able to take bank loans.
For sceptics of surveys, Jodhka's findings are reinforced by a study done by political scientist Ashutosh Varshney, who teaches at Brown University, US, along with Harvard Business School professors Lakshmi Iyer and Tarun Khanna. Studying the numbers from the Economic Census of India, which enumerates every non-agricultural enterprise in the country, the trio revealed that as late as 2005, SCs (Scheduled Castes) owned only 9.8 per cent of all the 42 million enterprises that employ around 99 million workers in 2005, well below their 16.4 per cent share in the total population.
More damning is that the national share of enterprises owned by SCs in 2005 was virtually the same as it was in 1990. Gujarat, which booked blockbuster growth of 8.5 per cent between 1999 and 2008 (versus 7.2 per cent nationally), similarly reported the same seven per cent share in SC-owned businesses in 1990 as well as 2005. "These entrepreneurs are real and to be welcomed," says Varshney, referring to the millionaire dalit entrepreneurs. "Without the post-1991 environment, they would not have emerged. But they are a very, very small proportion of the population," he cautions.
So, how does one account for another survey spearheaded by scholar Devesh Kapur, who chronicled an unprecedented increase in the wellbeing of dalits in the same period? This study surveyed 19,000 dalit households in two clusters of villages in Azamgarh and Bulandshahr, backward districts of Uttar Pradesh, where respondents were asked to compare their fortunes between 2007 and 1990.
The results were astonishing. Twenty-two and fourty-five per cent of the surveyed families in Azamgarh and Bulandshahr respectively, owned television sets in 2007 versus negligible numbers in 1990. While 40 per cent of them made a living removing carcasses in 1990, only 2.4 per cent did so in 2007. Most importantly, the survey reported considerably improved social standing. A significantly greater number of dalits were not seated separately at the wedding of grooms in the village (22.7 per cent in 1990 versus 91.1 per cent today in Azamgarh, with very similar figures in Bulandshahr). Today, a majority of non-dalit visitors to both villages readily accept food and drink, compared to almost none in 1990.
Is there some way to reconcile these seemingly divergent studies?
As Kapur et al's paper explains, "Migration has clearly been a powerful engine of dalit empowerment", which in turn brings cash to dalit households in villages and creates a labour shortage there, thereby "enhancing the bargaining power of dalit households… and weakening traditional clientilist political structures." (Clearly, Ambedkar knew what he was talking about when he identified the city as the site of dalit liberation). At the same time, however, dalits suffer from a severe shortage of assets. "A Jat farmer may have five acres or more, but these people have Rs 30,000 or Rs 50,000 at best and no income generating assets of their own," says Jodhka. Which means banks are seldom willing to lend to this community, depriving them of much needed capital to grow their enterprises. Then there's the 'network effect', where dalits are unable to leverage their community, like, say, the Agarwals in the sweets business, to their advantage.
This shouldn't be surprising. Most people have the opinion that market economies and the private sector are neutral agents, indifferent to hierarchies, and functioning on merit. Yet, a few years ago, sociologists Sukhadeo Thorat and Paul Attewell, in an experiment to test the urban labour market, submitted three fake job applications for every listed opening over a 13-month period�"one with an easily identifiable upper caste Hindu name, another with a Muslim name and one with a typical dalit name. All three had very similar fake educational qualifications and work experience. A regression analysis of the outcome showed that for every 10 upper caste Hindu applicants selected for an interview, only six dalits and three Muslims were chosen.
In a separate study, Jodhka and sociologist Katherine Newman conducted detailed interviews with human resource managers of 25 large firms in New Delhi. All the managers insisted merit was the sole determinant in hiring decisions. Yet, every manager also said "family background" (including the educational level of parents) was crucial in sizing up a candidate, something which would instantly put most dalit candidates at a disadvantage. "One must take the profession of deep belief in meritocracy with a heavy dose of salt," say the authors.
In other words, while dalits have posted measurable gains in their own lives, there is nothing to show that a similar widespread trend is taking place in the entrepreneurial realm. If they do succeed, it is primarily because of an indefatigable spirit and a belief in oneself that helps them claw their way to the top. Ayn Rand would be pleased.
मिलिंद कांबले

मिलिंद कांबले आधुनिक भारत के वो क्रांतिकारी नेता हैं जिन्होंने बिना किसी नारेबाजी और धरना-प्रदर्शन के ही एक बड़ी क्रांति का सूत्रपात किया। ये क्रांति कोई मामूली क्रांति नहीं है, ये क्रांति एक ऐसा रचनात्मक और सकारात्मक परिवर्तन है जिससे दलितों की सोच बदली, उनके काम करने का अंदाज़ बदला, उन्हें कारोबार की दुनिया में भी अपने पैर जमाने का मौका मिला। मिलिंद कांबले ने दलित चैम्बर ऑफ़ कॉमर्स एंड इंडस्ट्री की स्थापना कर दलित समुदाय के उद्यमियों और कारोबारियों को एकजुट किया। इसी संस्था के ज़रिये मिलिंद ने दलित युवाओं को कारोबार करने के प्रेरित और प्रोत्साहित किया, कारोबार करने के तौर-तरीके दिखाए और समझाए। बड़ी बात तो ये है कि मिलिंद कांबले की पहल और कोशिशों का ही नतीजा है कि हर साल हज़ारों दलित; उद्यमी बन रहे हैं और अपने घर-परिवार, समुदाय-समाज के साथ-साथ देश के विकास में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाने लगे हैं। इस नयी सामाजिक क्रांति की शुरूआत करने से पहले मिलिंद कांबले ने पहले खुद को कारोबार की दुनिया में स्थापित किया। उद्योग-जगत में धन-दौलत और शोहरत हासिल कर लेने के बाद मिलिंद ने खुद को दलितों के उत्थान और विकास से जुड़े कामों में समर्पित कर दिया। एक साधारण दलित परिवार में जन्मे मिलिंद ने ज्यादा से ज्यादा दलितों को कामयाब कारोबारी बनाने का आसाधारण जन-आंदोलन शुरू किया। अगर मिलिंद चाहते तो अपने कारोबार पर पूरा ध्यान देते हुए तेज़ी से तरक्की कर सकते थे, लेकिन उन्होंने दलितों की मदद करने की ज़िम्मेदारी ली।मिलिंद इन दिनों अगले दस सालों में देश को कम से कम 100 अरबपति देने का सपना लेकर जी रहे हैं। उन्हें पूरा भरोसा है कि उनकी कोशिशें रंग लाएंगी और उनका सपना साकार होगा। इस बात में भी दो राय नहीं कि मिलिंद की कोशिशें कामयाब हो रही हैं। ये उन्हीं की कोशिशों का नतीजा है कि दलित उद्यमियों की एक फौज खड़ी हुई है और इस फौज के सेनानियों की संख्या लगातार बढ़ती जा रही है। दलित समाज के लोग अब सिर्फ नौकरियाँ की ओर भी नहीं देख रहे हैं वे कारोबार की दुनिया में आकर अपने सपनों को साकार करने की भी सोच रहे हैं। एक दलित स्कूली मास्टर के बेटे के कामयाब कारोबारी और फिर कामयाब क्रांतिकारी बनने की कहानी काफी दिलचस्प है। मिलिंद कांबले की कहानी प्रेरणादायक कहानी भी है। इस कहानी में संघर्ष है, जीवन के विविध रोचक रंग हैं, आपाधापी है, उठापठक है, हार न मानने का ज़ज्बा है, समाज के लिए कुछ बड़ा और अच्छा करने की दृढ़ इच्छा-शक्ति है। सबसे बड़ी बात – मिलिंद कांबले की कामयाबी की कहानी से हर इंसान को सीखने-समझने के लिए बहुत कुछ है।
M. P. Ramachandran
M. P. Ramachandran
Moothedath Panjan Ramachandran
Years active 37
In 1971, he started working as an accountant while getting a post graduation in financial management in Mumbai. Since his childhood, Ramachandran had washed his own clothes but was dissatisfied with fabric whiteners results. One day he got a chemical industry journal that talked about "purple-colored dyes helping textile makers get the most brilliant shades of white". The phrase ignited an idea. Ramachandran experimented in his kitchen for a year–boiling, diluting and testing–until he was pleased with the results.
In 1983, a brother lent him 5,000 rupees (less than $100) to set up a makeshift factory on family land in Kerala. He named his firm Jyothy after his first daughter. In the first year, sales totaled 40,000 rupees ($727 today) and profits were $23.
V P Nandakumar
V.P. Nandakumar is the Managing Director & CEO of Manappuram Finance Ltd., a leading gold loan company that is ranked among India's top 20 non-banking finance companies. Manappuram's origins go back to 1949 when it was founded by the late V.C. Padmanabhan, father of Mr. Nandakumar.
The company was founded in 1949 by late V.C.Padmanabhan in Thrissur District. The company commenced its operations at Valapad, mainly with money lending activity on a very modest scale. The group's flagship company, MAGFIL, was established in 1992 in the wake of economic reforms launched by the Government of India. Manappuram's origins go back to 1949 when it was founded in Valapad (a coastal village in the Thrissur District of Kerala) by the late V.C. Padmanabhan, father of Nandakumar. Its activity was mainly pawn broking and money lending carried out on a modest scale.
Shri Nandakumar took over the reins of this one Branch business in the year 1986 when his father died. Manappuram Finance Ltd. was incorporated in 1992 (the original name was Manappuram General Finance and Leasing Limited) with its registered office at Valapad, in the Thrissur District of Kerala.
Soon after it commenced its operations, Manappuram Finance Limited gathered several "firsts" to its credit. The company was the First NBFC in Kerala to receive a Certificate of Registration issued by the RBI. It was the first Kerala based NBFC to get a Credit Rating in 1995 of "MA" (current rating MA+) from ICRA, recognising the company's ability to make timely repayments of the principal and interest under its then existing public deposits programme. Manappuram Finance was one of the first NBFCs from Kerala to go for a Public Issue of its shares in 1995. In fact, the company has been consistently making profits and consistently paying dividends from the first full year of operations.
The company was also the first NBFC from Kerala to issue bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1 in 2007 and then, repeat the feat twice, in 2010 and in 2011 (making it three such instances in five years). Moreover, in 2007, Manappuram Finance Ltd became the first Kerala based NBFC to receive foreign Investment from FIIs, and also get the highest short term credit rating of A1+ from ICRA. In 2010, it became the first Kerala-based company to offer ESOPs (Employee Stock Option Plan) to its middle and senior management functionaries. In April 2011, it became only the second listed company from Kerala to have its shares traded in the "A-Group" at the Bombay stock exchange.
Narayan Ramachandran
Narayan Ramachandran Chairman
Narayan Ramachandran is ex-Chairman RBL Bank and Chairman & co-Founder of InKlude Labs, a social business enterprise working in the field of education and public health. InKlude Labs has dewormed 35 million children in 2013 working in collaboration with the State Governments of Bihar, Rajasthan and Delhi.
He was most recently Country Head of Morgan Stanley India, leading all of the Group’s businesses. Prior to these roles, Narayan was the Head and lead portfolio manager of Morgan Stanley’s Global Emerging Markets and Global Asset Allocation teams, managing over $25 billion in assets. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1996 and has over 20 years of investment experience. Before joining the firm, he was a managing director at Rogers Casey (now CRA Rogers Casey). He began his career at Goldman Sachs.
Narayan received a B.Tech. in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan. Narayan holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. He is on the board of several entrepreneurial companies and foundations. Narayan has a keen interest in using market-based solutions in areas such as micro-finance, social venture capital, skill-development, micro-insurance and affordable housing. He co-invests with a few private equity funds that he works with. He writes a fortnightly column titled “A Visible Hand” for The Mint Newspaper published by Hindustan Times Group in collaboration with the Wall Street Journal in India.
M P Purushothaman
Four decades ago a tryst with destiny began with a visionary charting an exciting journey, driven by hard work, will to success and the vision. A vision that propelled the Empee Group into a widely diversifies and well renowned business conglomerate. The vision that set off a success story.
Since its inception in early 70’s the Group has risen to be one of the leading conglomerates in the southern part of the country. The credit goes in entirety to the undying spirit and farsighted vision of its founder-chairman, Mr. M P Purushothaman. Today, the Empee Group encompasses all business related to Hotels, Liquor, Sugar, Power, Packaging, Transport, Construction and Exports.
Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL)
The Spirited growth
The Empee Group realized the importance of brands early on and has laid emphasis on creating brands that would form everlasting relationships with its consumers. With the unique nature of a brand or its personality forming the basis of its relationship with the customer, Empee has created signature products with wide ranging appeal. In today's crowded marketplace, the salience of a brand has gone up hundred fold and the role of brand building is well realized. Empee has invested ample time and resources in this regard and has come out with some outstanding products in its alcoholic beverages portfolio which are now the market leaders. This includes brands in the premium, mid level and economy segments.
The Group now has three modern manufacturing Facilities in three of the Southern States – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala – and has plans to break further grounds at the national level.
Manufacturing Mantra
Every brand in the Empee liquor portfolio is a product of stringent manufacturing processes, from distillation to bottling; utmost attention to quality is maintained through every step of the way. The Group maintains its high production standards by keeping the entire process from blending, bottling to packing under strict quality control.
The Group has to its credit several well known labels covering all the three segment of the IMFL industry. Some of the signature brands are Empee’ Napoleon Brandy, Elcanso Premium Deluxe Brandy and Empee’s Premium Gold Whisky in the premium range; All Gold VSOP Brandy, Old Secret Brandy and Vodkas in the medium range and Old Secret XXX Rum in the low range. Efforts are on to release shortly new Super Premium Brands to cater to the niche upper crust clients.
Dr Neeraj Raj
Dr Neeraj Raj born 17 March 1964, graduated as Best Outgoing Student from Osmania Medical College with University Gold Medals in Anatomy, Pathology and General Medicine and Distinctions in Pathology & Community Medicine.
He is an accomplished artist who has exhibited his oils and water colors several times and his cartoons have been published widely.
He is well known as a pioneering expert in Multimedia and Animation. He set up AP's first Multimedia Studios in 1993 and Touch-Screen kiosks across Hyderabad in 1995, and one of the first Animation companies in 1996.
As the Visionary Founder and Managing Director at MEdRC (now Medisys) he has digitized the entire medical MBBS curriculum to create the first and largest ever MOOC for Medicine offering over 150 online courses (www.smarteach.com) and has set up the first Virtual Medical University with the Indian Medical Association (www.imaevarsity.com).
Dr Neeraj’s got the project approved by the Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India as an Innovation of National Interest for funding by Technology Development Board and his ambitious “Virtual Health University” concept was approved, endorsed and recommended by the Medical Council of India and recommended by the General Body of the Dental Council of India. Dr Neeraj’s mission has been cited as an example of innovation in specialized up gradation of education in UNESCO’s global report “Developments and Trends in the Application of ICT in Education” by Glen Farell.
Dr Neeraj has been a faculty and speaker at several national and International forums on Digital Medical Education including: Chairing the session on “e-Learning in Medical Education” at the International Conference of Association of Medical Educators of Europe at Norway; addressing the Steering Council Meeting of the International Virtual Medical School (IVIMEDS) at Amsterdam and conducting the workshop on “Future of Medical Education” at Egypt.
Vaidyashree awardee for outstanding contributions to medical education.
Immertive Pvt. Ltd is a Hyderabad based Company with proficiency in designing, creating and delivering highly immersive and interactive experiences using new age technologies of 3 Dimensional Graphics, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) in the field of healthcare.
The Company brings together innovators, design thinkers and business strategists with several decades of combined expertise supported by a stellar advisory board.
The talented team at Immertive amalgamates:
- Domain: Medical & education expertise including access to clinical data
- Art & Design: Realistic 3D art production studios and expertise in UX
- Technology: Interactive VR / AR / MR programming skills
to create a growing library of engaging, magical experiences - called "Immertive" experiences that lead to a subscription based model from the following market segments:
Medical Universities & Nursing Schools: Interactive and Immersive Learning with Intelligent Clinical Simulators that replace dumb mannequins;
Medical Professionals: Continuing Medical Education and Skill Enhancement modules; Pre-surgical Planning Tools using AR
Patients & Caregivers: Therapeutic Aids, Patient Education & Sensitization;
Pharma Companies: Marketing & Sales Tools for engaging customer experiences;
Medical Device Manufacturers: Virtual Device Simulators for Marketing, Sales, Training and Remote Equipment Servicing.
Dr Neeraj’s Profile
Neeraj Kanwar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neeraj Kanwar
Born 6 September 1971
Nationality Indian
Spouse(s) Simran Kanwar
Children 2
Neeraj Kanwar (born 6 September 1971) is an Indian businessman. He is the vice chairman and managing director of Apollo Tyres, India's second-largest tyre manufacturer with annual revenues of over $2.27 billion. He is credited with turning Apollo Tyres from a commercial vehicle-focussed tyre manufacturer in India into a multinational company that now manufactures tyres for commercial and passenger vehicles as well as two-wheeler tyres.
Kanwar started his career with a training stint at American Express Bank in New York City. He thereafter returned to India and started Global Finance Ltd, a non-bank financial institution which shut after three years. In 1985 Kanwar became the third generation of his family to join Apollo Tyres, which was launched by his grandfather Raunaq Singh and later taken over by his father Onkar Kanwar. His first position in the company was in the sales team.
In 2002, Kanwar took over daily operations from his father. Kanwar is the force behind Apollo's international acquisitions. When the company announced its acquisition of Dunlop Tyres, South Africa in 2006 it simultaneously announced Kanwar's elevation as the company's Managing Director. The company later sold most of its South African operations to Sumitomo Rubber Industries in 2013, retaining one plant in Durban.
In 2009, under the aegis of Kanwar, Apollo bought out Vredestein Banden in the Netherlands, thus giving the company a foothold in Europe. Apollo bought Reifencom GmbH in Germany in 2015, giving it access to distribution channels across Europe. After a failed takeover attempt of Cooper Tires in 2013, Kanwar decided to focus on organic growth by investing in new greenfield facilities in Chennai, India and Budapest, Hungary. The Hungary plant was inaugurated in 2017.
Personal life
In partnership with Amit Burman (vice chairman of Dabur), Kanwar bought an Italian restaurant called Scalini in London in 2014. Kanwar and Burman met during their University days in Pennsylvania and remained friends.
Neeraj Kanwar is the second son of Onkar Kanwar and has an elder brother, Raja. He married Simran Kanwar and they have two children, son Jai Karan and daughter Sayra Taru. In 2013, he relocated to London to focus on the attempted buyout of Cooper Tires. Though the deal did not work out, Kanwar settled in London to focus on Apollo's international operations and better manage its international investors.
Kanwar resides in London's Mayfair neighbourhood. Nina Bracewell-Smith
From Wikipedia
Lady Bracewell-Smith
Nina Kakkar
14 November 1955
Years active 1995–present
(m. 1996)
Nina, Lady Bracewell-Smith (née Kakkar; born 14 November 1955) is an Indian-born businesswoman who has since March 2013 been based in Monaco. She was a major shareholder and former non-executive director of the Premier League football club Arsenal.
Arsenal FC
Lady Bracewell-Smith's share in Arsenal comes from the estate of Sir Bracewell Smith, which was split among his grandchildren, Sir Charles Bracewell-Smith, Clive Carr, Richard Carr and Sarah Carr, now Lady Phipps-Bagge. Sir Charles Bracewell-Smith transferred ownership of his shares to his wife, Lady Bracewell-Smith, and she was made a non-executive director of Arsenal in 2005; her appointment increased the membership of Arsenal's Board of Directors to ten.
As of September 2007, Lady Bracewell-Smith owned a 15.9% stake in the club and was the third largest shareholder in the club following Danny Fiszman, with 24.11%, and Red and White Holdings, which is co-owned by Farhad Moshiri and Alisher Usmanov, which owns 24.0% of the equity. In April 2007, she joined with the other board members, her husband’s cousins, as well as Danny Fiszman and the chairman, Peter Hill-Wood, in resisting a take-over by Usmanov, which was believed to have the support of former vice-chairman David Dein. On 17 December 2008 Arsenal Holdings PLC made this announcement: "Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith will be leaving the Boards of the Company and the Club with immediate effect.
On 11 April 2011, she sold her Arsenal shares amounting to 15.9% of club's stake to Stan Kroenke.
Other business interests
Lady Bracewell-Smith was also formerly a director of the Park Lane Sheraton Hotel. The Bracewell-Smith family has strong connections to hotels having previously owned the Ritz Hotel in London, which they sold in 1976, together with a large share of the Paris Ritz; they also held the majority of the shares in the Park Lane Hotel (built by Sir Bracewell Smith in 1920) until its £44m sale in 1996.
She and her husband were ranked 657th in the Sunday Times Rich List 2009 with an estimated family fortune of £85m. She is also 44th on The Sunday Times UK Asian rich list, 72nd on the women list and is in the European Rich List. Nimmagadda Prasad
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nimmagadda Prasad
Born 11 October 1961
Occupation Entrepreneur
With master's degrees in Physics and Business Administration, Nimmagadda made a humble beginning as a company executive.
With over 15 years of professional experience in multinational pharmaceutical environment, Nimmagadda turned entrepreneur in the year 2000 by acquiring a sick pharmaceutical company in Hyderabad, and made it a great turnaround company, Matrix Laboratories Limited. With good product innovation, manufacturing scale, leadership, global marketing footprint and M&A Strategy, Nimmagadda steered Matrix Laboratories as one of the major pharmaceutical companies in India.
In a span of 6 years, Nimmagadda built Matrix to a US$1.03 billion enterprise before it was acquired by US-based Mylan N.V. in 2006.
Nimmagadda continued his entrepreneurial journey by acquiring Maa TV in 2006, along with Nagarjuna being the largest shareholder of the channel, and made it a leading Telugu General Entertainment Channel network. The revenue of the company has grown to ₹3.5 billion (equivalent to ₹9.0 billion or US$130 million in 2019) in 7 years.
In 2015, Maa TV was acquired by Star India, a wholly owned subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch-owned 21st Century Fox for a consideration of about ₹23 billion (equivalent to ₹28 billion or US$390 million in 2019).
In 2008, Nimmagadda joined as a local partner with the Ras al-Khaimah for the implementing of a mega infrastructure project under the umbrella of VANPIC for the development of a world-class port-based integrated industrial corridor in the coastal region of Andhra Pradesh. This project was expected to transform the hitherto agri-based Guntur and Prakasam districts of Andhra Pradesh into major industrial hubs. With regards to VANPIC project, Nimmagadda is embroiled in the alleged disproportionate assets case against Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy, president of YSR Congress.
The consortium actively promotes grassroots and youth development programs for all these sports
Nimmagadda contributed substantially towards the establishment of Pullela Gopichand’s badminton academy in its formative years.
In 2006, Nimmagadda sold off his majority shares in Matrix Pharmaceutical to Mylan Laboratories, USA, a large generic Pharmaceutical Company. For his achievements, the state government has honoured him with the "Best Management Award" in 2006. On the other hand, in 2012, he was jailed during CBI's investigation on Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy's Disproportionate Assets, for allegedly having paid ₹8.5 billion (equivalent to ₹12 billion or US$160 million in 2019) on a quid pro quo amounting to ₹14.26 billion (equivalent to ₹20 billion or US$270 million in 2019) investments in VANPIC and other firms held by him, during Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy's government. However, these assets were subsequently attached by the Enforcement Directorate of India, and Nimmagadda was granted bail after seventeen months.
Early life
Nimmagadda started his career as a management trainee in Indian Molasses Company in Delhi (an associate of United Molasses Company, UK) in 1984 and was promoted to salesman at Rhone Poulenc Chemicals (the company later merged with Hoechst AG to form Aventis, and then to Vorin Laboratories as general manager of marketing in 1993, from his continuous efforts was elevated to managing director in 1995. When Indian pharma market leader Ranbaxy Ltd. acquired Vorin, Nimmagadda was re-designated Senior managing director and chief executive officer.
Political connections
Matrix Laboratories
In 2000, Nimmagadda took over the sick pharmaceuticals company Herren Drugs, and renamed it Matrix Laboratories, and obtained US FDA clearance for the manufacturing facilities in Hyderabad. Matrix grew dramatically through a series of mergers and acquisitions. Nimmagadda acquired Medicorp Technologies in May 2003, Vorin Labs in September 2003, Vera Laboratories, Fine Drugs & Chemicals the same year 2004 and a controlling stake in Concord Biotech in 2006. Nimmagadda set his eyes on the global pharma-scape by acquiring Belgium-based Docpharma in June 2005, and a controlling stake in China's McChem Group. He also floated a JV South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare in September 2005, and picked 43% stake in Switzerland's Explora Laboratories SA the same year.
In 2006, Nimmagadda sold off his majority shares in Matrix to Mylan Laboratories, US, a large generic pharmaceutical company. From an initial investment of ₹30 million (equivalent to ₹78 million or US$1.1 million in 2019), Nimmagadda retained 5% in Matrix, and made about ₹5.7 billion (equivalent to ₹15 billion or US$210 million in 2019) in the transaction in which Mylan picked up a 71.5% stake in Matrix laboratories
Giving back
Nimmagadda implemented his belief that 'the best way to enhance knowledge and wealth is to share it' by sharing his personal wealth of 2 million shares worth around ₹300 million (equivalent to ₹780 million or US$11 million in 2019) with his staff for their housing and children's education through the Matrix Employees Welfare Association (MEWA).
Clinton Foundation's Low cost HIV drugs initiative- Nimmagadda's Matrix part of it.
He is known in the social world for his contribution through “Project Hope” in developing cost effective medicines for HIV/AIDS treatment. Matrix signed a major deal with the Clinton Foundation for the supply of anti-AIDS drugs as part of the latter's initiatives in Developing Countries.
Other investments
Subsequently, Nimmagadda invested his capital in healthcare – CARE hospitals and Asian Institute of Gastroenterology. He also invested in stent manufacturer Relisys, and some genomic research-based companies. In the media business, he invested in MAA TV.
Arrest and attachment of properties
On 17 May 2012, Nimmagadda Prasad was questioned for several days and eventually arrested by the CBI. He was lodged in Chanchalguda jail, where he was always seen carrying a bottle of mineral water.After several failed attempts, he was eventually granted bail after seventeen months, in October 2013.
In March 2014, in one of the largest criminal actions under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) attached about 15 billion of assets of Nimmangada Prasad and his companies: G2 corporate Services Ltd, Alpha villas Pvt Ltd, Alpha Avenues Pvt Ltd, Gilchrist Investment Pvt Ltd, Suguni Constructions Pvt Ltd and Beta Avenues Pvt Ltd. ED claimed that Nimmagadda had obtained illegal benefits of ₹14.26 billion (equivalent to ₹18 billion or US$260 million in 2019) in his firms, and made the quid pro quo investment worth ₹8.55 billion (equivalent to ₹11 billion or US$150 million in 2019) into Jagan Reddy's companies.
On 22 Sep 2016, Bahamas papers revealed that he has 28 secret companies at Secundrabad. Prasad and Prakash Nimmagadda, with interests in real estate to pharmaceuticals, is another set of names. Nimmagadda is already being probed by the Central Bureau of Investigation in another case, which had also arrested him in May 2012, and got bail 17 months later, the newspaper said.
"I would not like to discuss this issue over phone. We can meet personally and talk about it. I will tell you everything," Nimmagadda has been quoted as telling the Express. This was followed by calls by his office later canceling a total of three appointments that had been fixed, the Express said.
Nitin Raju
- June 25, 2021
Nitin Raju Biography:- In this article, We are talking about Nitin Raju is the Husband of famous Indian actress Pranitha Subash. He is a popular and successful Businessman from Bangalore. He also a director of Blue horizon hotels private Ltd. He was born in Bangalore, India. Currently, He is living in Bangalore. His birthday is 27 Jun.
His age info. did not mention. His marital status is Married. He was started his career in 2011 and has regular growth. . So all fans if you find more details about Nitin Bio, Wiki, Age, Family, Girlfriend, Lifestyle, and more then continue reading this article.
He was born in Bangalore, India. Currently, He is living in Bangalore. He has completed his education at School D’ Hospitality. His Qualification is Hospital Management. He is a popular and successful businessman from Bangalore. He also a director of Blue horizon hotels private Ltd.
He won more achievements in his successful life. He was started his career in 2011 and has regular growth. Currently, He tied the lump to the south actress Pranitha Subash in a simple celebration. If you know more details about Nitin Raju Wiki then continue to read the complete article and all details here.
Nitin Raju Bio/Wiki
Nitin Raju is the Pranitha Subash Husband – He was born between 1985 to 1990. He is a biker, businessman, and entrepreneur. Nitin Raju from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. According to the source, He is from Bengaluru (Bangalore) also a successful businessman. Recently, he also works in the status of a director at Blue Horizon Hotels Pvt Ltd. Her wife is famous Kannada actress Pranitha Subhash. She uploads the wedding photos on her social sites.
Real Name Nitin Raju
Nickname Nitin
Profession Businessman
Famous for Pranitha Subash (his Wife)
Instagram Click Here
Marital Status Married
Wife Name Pranitha Subash
According to Social Media reports, his marital status is married. His Wife’s name is Pranitha Subash. His wife is a south Indian actress. We are all details provide updated soon. If you find more details then continue reading this article and know Nitin Wedding Pics, Age, Family, Girlfriend, Wife, Height, and more info Update Soon.
Natha Ram
M.Sc.Ag. DMCC, Dip Participative Method of TeachingAgricultural Economics, Rural Development and CooperationB
1946 - 1961
Activities and Societies: Member DICCI, Business -steel,coal, chemical &fertilizers
Retired government of India servant
Steel Mont Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 05 June 2008. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Mumbai. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 100,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 72,529,952. It is inolved in Casting of metals [This group includes casting finished or semi-finished products producing a variety of goods, all characteristic of other activity classes]
Steel Mont Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30 September 2019 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2019.
Directors of Steel Mont Private Limited are Nattha Ram, Andrew Dsilva, .
Steel Mont Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U27310MH2008PTC200754 and its registration number is 200754.Its Email address is accounts@steelmont.co.in and its registered address is 3501/3502,TOWER C,OBEROI WOODS, MOHAN GOKHALE PATH OFF WESTERN EXPRESS HIGHWAY, GOREGAON (EAST) MUMBAI MH 400063 IN , - , .
Current status of Steel Mont Private Limited is - Active.
Company Details
Company Status Active
Registration Number 200754
Company Category Company limited by Shares
Company Sub Category Non-govt company
Class of Company Private
Date of Incorporation 05 June 2008
Casting of metals [This group includes casting finished or semi-finished products producing a variety of goods, all characteristic of other activity classes]
Authorised Capital ₹100,000,000
Paid up capital ₹72,529,952
N S Babu
N S Babu ,Founder and Chairman, Bharathi Clays Pvt Ltd, Thiruvananthapuram Infosys Technologies Ltd (BSE: 500209, NASDAQ: INFY) is an information technology (IT) services company founded in Pune, India in 1981 by N. R. Narayana Murthy and six of his colleagues.
As on: May 12, 2020
Bharathy Minerals Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 24 March 2015. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Ernakulam. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 10,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 300,000. It is inolved in Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
Bharathy Minerals Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 26 September 2019 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2019.
Directors of Bharathy Minerals Private Limited are Neelakantan Sujaya Babu, Padmini Sankaran and Sujayababu Jayasankar.
Bharathy Minerals Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U14108KL2015PTC038205 and its registration number is 38205.Its Email address is getsanku@gmail.com and its registered address is DOOR No. TC 31/1397 1-A, KALAPAKA NAGAR, CHACKA THIRUVANANTHPAURAM Thiruvananthapuram KL 695024 IN , - , .
Current status of Bharathy Minerals Private Limited is - Active.
Company Details
Company Status Acte
Registration Number 38205
Company Category Company limited by Shares
Company Sub Category Non-govt company
Class of Company Private
Date of Incorporation 24 March 2015
Activity Quarrying of stone, sand and clay
Neeraj Raj
Neeraj Raj is a Doctor by education, artist, animation expert and IT entrepreneur. He is the founder of the e-learning company MEdRC EduTech Ltd. Neeraj Raj graduated from Osmania Medical College (under Osmania University) in 1987, where he studied undergraduate medicine (M.B.B.S.), there-after diversifying into multimedia and e-learning creation.
Neeraj Raj was born on 17 March 1965 at Hyderabad (India) into a family of doctors (Father: Dr. Shyam Raj, Mother: Dr. Alakananda Raj). Early schooling was at prestigious institutions such as Hyderabad Public School (Begumpet) and Vidyaranya School. For a brief period, Neeraj Raj stayed at Glasgow (Scotland) while his father completed Post-graduate course in Medicine.
Neeraj Raj showed an early inclination towards art and underwent various art-education classes, eventually enrolling in classes run by artist "Ambadas Mahurkar". Neeraj Raj was fascinated by challenges posed by water-colours as a medium and chose to focus on it. A selection of his works is available on Flickr.
Neeraj Raj qualified in Engineering and Medicine Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) conducted by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and joined Osmania Medical College (associated with Osmania University, Hyderabad).
Neeraj Raj graduated in 1987 achieving distinctions in several subjects, 3 gold medals and the award of "Best Outgoing Student of the Year".
After graduation, Neeraj Raj started offering graphics design services to his professors, drawing medical imagery a pixel at a time. After completion, he would take a photograph of the screen The pictures were sold to the teachers at the medical colleges for use in class. The colourful and detailed imagery offered a vastly improved experience to the students and time-saving convenience to the teacher.
He formed "MediComs" (abbreviation of Medical Communications) as a proprietorship firm to offer this service commercially facing burgeoning demand.
With the advent of faster computers and improved software, he started offering additional services such as digital presentations and custom publishing for medical teachers interested in offering better learning experience to students. MEdRC (abbreviation of Medical Education Research Center) was formed as a Private Limited company and all clients and services from MediComs were migrated to this company.
In 1995, Neeraj Raj formed DNMS (abbreviation of Dr. Neeraj's Multimedia Studios), a private limited company to foray into emerging world of computer based 2D and 3D animation, multimedia presentations and e-learning.
DNMS was eventually acquired by Sriven Infotech Ltd. which used reverse-merging to form Sriven MultiTech Ltd. (a publicly held company). The company offered 2D and 3D animation services on an outsourcing model to studios around the world.
In 2003, he formed MEdRC EduTech Ltd. (a deemed limited company) which started offering e-learning products under the "SmarTeach" brand to students of medicine in India.
Neeraj Raj married Rashmi Chandra in 1991 and lives at Hyderabad (India) with their two children. Among his other interests are Painting and Photography.
In 2008, Neeraj Raj / MEdRC EduTech were awarded the Manthan Award and received citation for most innovating e-learning product of the year.
Neeraj Raj was awarded the Vaidyashree award for outstanding contributions to medical education.
Neeraj Raj's contribution to the 29th Annual Scientific Congress conducted by University of Alexandria (Faculty of Medicine) was appreciated with a certificate and memento.
He was featured as an “Indian Genius” in The Week Magazine during their anniversary issue.
Nand Kishore Chandan
Not business as usual for a Dalit entrepreneur
Nand Kishore Chandan
When Nand Kishore Chandan’s family shifted from Amroha in Moradabad district to Delhi in 1982 where his father was employed as draughtsman with the Central Water Commission, adjusting to city life was his biggest challenge.
He joined in the ninth standard in a Delhi school, having studied up to eighth standard in the village. It was not so easy in school — he failed to clear examinations for two years in a row. It was only when one of his teachers decided to tutor him gratis after classes that he managed to clear the exams. That turned out to be a turning point. Not only did he clear tenth standard Board with good marks, but he also stood third in the science Olympiad all-India.
Chandan is now a successful entrepreneur with a factory in an industrial park in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad district and a supplier of items such as electricity meter boxes, junction boxes and bus bar boxes to Tata Power-Delhi Distribution Ltd. He is also manufacturing other plastic items such as closed-circuit camera cases and has plans to scale up to assembling closed-circuit cameras and distribution boxes for solar panels.
He helps the Dalit community turn entrepreneurs by outsourcing manufacture of smaller plastic and metallic parts such as screws and plates that he needs in his factory and helping them get finance. He intends to transform his factory into an assembly unit for various products which would be run with components sourced from ventures of mostly Dalit entrepreneurs. “I want to be like Maruti,” says Chandan.
Diwali gift was catalyst
One could call him an accidental entrepreneur. Like most graduates, he too had taken up employment. His first job was in the factory being run by a son of the head of department of his college. The factory was not doing well but his HoD saw potential in Chandan to engineer a turnaround. But he did not stay there for too long.
His reason for leaving was disappointment with the Diwali gift from his employer — ₹101 and a box of sweets.
His friends from college, in comparison, got one month’s salary as bonus, a watch, a silver coin and a box of sweets from their employer in Delhi’s Darya Ganj area.
So, he set out to find employment with that company, only to be turned away thrice. On his fourth attempt, the owners of the business decided to employ him, but offered him only ₹800 per month, a third of what he and his friends were already earning. Chandan was so determined to work for that business — which was engaged in refurbishing and selling used imported photocopiers — that he took that offer.
Chandan impressed his employers with his hard work. He was invited to join the partnership in 1996 as they could not afford to continue increasing his pay. Chandan decided to start his own business instead — again refurbishing imported copiers and computers in addition to manufacturing some spare parts.
By 1999-2000, Chandan was doing business with his former employers. The company, Recon India Spare Parts Pvt Ltd, was set up in 2001 with Chandan holding 25 per cent of the shares and one of his former employers, Anoop Gupta, holding majority. But new e-waste regulations issued by the Centre put a spanner in the works — there was a blanket ban on importing used copiers, computers and parts. Chandan bought out Gupta, invested in new machinery to make plastic parts for the power sector. His company made a turnover of almost ₹10 crore last year and has set a target of ₹20 crore for this year and ₹60 crore by 2020-21.
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton
Hilton in 2019
Paris Whitney Hilton
February 17, 1981
Media personality
Years active 1996–present
Musical career
Instruments Vocals
Paris Whitney Hilton (born February 17, 1981) is an American media personality, socialite, businesswoman, model, singer, actress, and DJ. She is a great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Hotels. Born in New York City, and raised there and in Beverly Hills, California, Hilton first attracted tabloid attention in the late 1990s, when she became a fixture in NYC's late-night scene. She ventured into modeling at age 19, signing with Donald Trump's agency Trump Model Management. After David LaChapelle photographed her and her sister Nicky for the September 2000 issue of Vanity Fair, Hilton was proclaimed "New York's leading It Girl" in 2001. In 2003, a leaked 2001 sex tape with her then-boyfriend Rick Salomon, later released as 1 Night in Paris, catapulted her into global fame, and the reality television series The Simple Life, in which she starred with her friend and socialite counterpart Nicole Richie, started its five-year run, reaching 13 million viewers, on Fox.
Hilton published her debut book, Confessions of an Heiress (2004), which became a New York Times Best Seller, landed her first major film role in the horror remake House of Wax (2005) and released her self-titled debut studio album, Paris (2006), which reached number six on the Billboard 200, and respectively produced the successful single "Stars Are Blind". Her other reality television ventures include MTV's Paris Hilton's My New BFF franchise (2008–2011), Oxygen's The World According to Paris (2011), Viceland's Hollywood Love Story (2018), and Netflix's Cooking With Paris (2021). She has played small roles in Hollywood films and television series, produced several of her own projects, and recorded a line of standalone singles. She was also the subject of the documentaries Paris, Not France (2008), The American Meme (2018) and This Is Paris (2020). In 2012, Hilton made her debut as a DJ at Brazil's Pop Music Festival. She held a residence at the Amnesia nightclub in Ibiza between 2013 and 2017, was the highest-paid female DJ in 2014, and has performed at various festivals, such as Summerfest and Tomorrowland. In 2021, Hilton began hosting her podcast show, This is Paris, on IHeartRadio.
A polarizing and often derided celebrity, Hilton is credited with influencing the revival of the famous for being famous phenomenon throughout the 2000s, and was, for a number of years, one of the world's most ubiquitous public figures. She appeared in the 2007 Guinness World Records as the Most Overrated Celebrity, while Forbes included her in its Celebrity 100 in 2004, 2005 and 2006, and ranked her as one of the Most Overexposed Celebrities in 2012. Critics indeed suggest that she exemplifies the celebutante—a celebrity not through talent or work, but through inherited wealth and lavish lifestyle. Hilton has parlayed her media fame into an eponymous brand, which includes 19 product lines, 50 boutiques worldwide, and an urban condominium development in Manila, Philippines. Her perfume line alone has brought in over US$2.5 billion in revenue to date. Variety named her its "Billion Dollar Entrepreneur" in 2011.
Early life
Hilton was born on February 17, 1981, in New York City, to Richard "Rick" Hilton, a businessman, and Kathy Hilton, a socialite and former child actress. The oldest of four children, she has one sister, Nicky Hilton (born 1983), and two brothers, Barron Hilton II (born 1989) and Conrad Hughes Hilton (born 1994). Her paternal great-grandfather was Conrad Hilton, who founded Hilton Hotels, while her maternal aunts are television personalities Kim and Kyle Richards. Hilton has Norwegian, German, Italian, English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry. The family followed the Catholic faith.
Hilton moved frequently in her youth, living in Beverly Hills, the Hamptons, and a suite in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in Manhattan. Her relatives have described her as "very much a tomboy" who dreamed about becoming a veterinarian. According to her mother, she would save up her money to buy monkeys, snakes, and goats, and once recalled a particular incident in which a young Paris left "the snake out the cage [...] at the Waldorf". Hilton was raised in a very "sheltered, conservative" atmosphere; her parents were particularly strict and she was not allowed to date, wear make-up or certain types of clothes, or go to school dances. Her mother enrolled her in etiquette classes with the idea of involving her in the socialite scene, a world Hilton was at first reluctant to be a part of, as she did not find it to be "real" or "natural". She indeed described it as "very proper, very prim, almost like a Stepford wife". The family's social circle included figures such as Lionel Richie, Donald Trump and Michael Jackson.
Amid a rebellious youth, Hilton's parents sent her, then 16, to a series of boarding schools for emotionally troubled teens, the last of which was Provo Canyon School, where she says that she was mentally and physically abused by the staff. In her documentary This Is Paris, Hilton and other former students from Provo Canyon School recall the abuses they faced, including solitary confinement, forced medication, and being restrained, hit and strangled. She attended Provo for 11 months and was released in 1999 when she turned 18. She then attended the Dwight School before dropping out a few months later. "She knew no one at [Dwight]", said her mother in an interview, while a classmate described her as "sort of more sophisticated. She was different from everybody else". She later earned a GED certification. (From Wikipedia)
Paris Hilton tells Moneyish how she became America's most underrated businesswomanPublished: Feb. 19, 2018
Katerina Ang
The “Simple Life” star, reality TV revolutionary and businesswoman on her new love song, selling nearly $3 billion of fragrances and getting into the tech industry
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Celebrity is cool. But being a lady boss? That’s hot.
Paris Hilton may be America’s most underrated businesswoman. The 37-year-old became a media darling almost 20 years ago with partying antics painstakingly chronicled in the tabloids. She then grew a love/hate relationship with audiences through “The Simple Life,” a reality TV show in which she played a ditzy blonde who seemingly didn’t know what Walmart was. For better or worse, the show—and her signature phrase “That’s hot!”— defined the heiress’ image for most Americans.
But then, something happened. While attention spans were turned to her protégé Kim Kardashian, Hilton was busy building a business empire. Through companies like Paris Hilton Entertainment Inc., the entrepreneur now runs 19 different product lines, ranging from shoes and handbags to a fragrance line that she claims has done over $2.5 billion in sales. There’s a beach club branded after her in the Philippines and the entertainment gigs that’ve made her reportedly the world’s best paid female DJ, with compensation of as much as $1 million a gig.
How did this happen right under the spotlight? “I definitely have a lot of misconceptions about me coming from ‘The Simple Life’ because I played a character on that show,” Hilton tells Moneyish during a recent interview in her impressively furnished apartment in New York's NoHo neighborhood, which features a photo of her as a baby being carried by Nancy Reagan and a huge collage of her with Hugh Hefner and other pop culture icons. Her kitchen also sports tchotchkes like a plaque with the often misattributed Laurel Thatcher Ulrich quote “Well-behaved women seldom make history.”
Paris Hilton's tips on 'adulting' at the office
Paris Hilton's tips on 'adulting' at the office
But changing social mores and growing confidence have led her to embrace her femininity. “I’ve proven myself as an intelligent businesswoman who’s created a huge brand. Being a woman in the industry, there’s always stereotypes,” she says. “But I love it when I can walk into a board meeting and completely take over the room. It feels amazing to have that respect. I feel like an amazing woman!”
A case in point being her recently released single “I Need You,” a love ballad that’s the most unabashedly girly of her music, most of which has been of the EDM genre. In the music video, directed by her new fiancé Chris Zylka, Hilton is decked out like a 50s-era Marilyn Monroe and frolics in a bed of roses, “American Beauty” style. “This is the happiest and most in love I’ve ever been in my life,” says Hilton, who spent the week scouring for wedding dresses with her sister Nicky (she won’t reveal what designers she’s considering.) “I love having him behind the camera because I feel so comfortable. Especially with a love song like this, you can see it in my eyes.”
Hilton grew up with money but also an eagerness to grow it. “I was always asking my grandfather and father for advice, it’s something that runs in my blood,” says the granddaughter of former Hilton Hotels chairman Barron and real estate magnate Rick. “I didn’t want to be another of those trust fund kids but to build something of my own.” Her life today involves the glamor of regular travel, often to Latin America, Asia and the Middle East— Hilton estimates she spends 250 days a year on the road— but also early call-times and jet lag.
So why is this Paris Hilton, an entrepreneurial success rid of the trashy, baby-voiced character she inhabited, so hard for feminists to love? Well, in the #MeToo era, there’s her family’s longtime friendship with Donald Trump. Hilton didn’t do herself any favors when she said the President’s accusers were guilty of seeking attention, though she subsequently apologized for her comments. (Of course, Hilton is a survivor herself, having famously suffered the ignominy of a leaked sex tape in her early 20s.)
Most recently though, she’s embraced Sheryl Sandberg-esque feminism. “Growing up in Hollywood, I’ve seen a lot of [sexual harassment] happen,” says Hilton when asked about the #MeToo movement. “It’s so incredible that all these women are being so brave and speaking out against men who’ve taken advantage of them for years. It’s a very exciting right now to be a woman because everyone is sticking together like sisters. We’re holding people accountable and definitely going to stop that.”
So what’s next for Hilton? There’s a wedding to plan, a bachelorette party set for perhaps Miami or Las Vegas, and also a 24th fragrance to release (she spends the most time on the lucrative perfumes line.) But she’s also hoping to crack an industry with limited female participation: technology.
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Hilton fell in love with the possibilities of virtual reality after meeting in China with industry leaders five years ago. (She previously endorsed a VR headset from Taiwanese electronics brand HTC.) She’s now working with a team of female techies from Germany on a Paris Hilton-branded social media network, but based in the virtual reality world.
Pradeep Nagrare
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P. Gopinathan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
P. Gopinathan
Occupation Master weaver
Padmanabhan Gopinathan is an Indian master weaver of handloom textiles and the founder of Eco Tex Handloom Consortium, an organization promoting handloom weaving in Manjavilakom, a small hamlet in Thiruvananthapuram, in the south Indian state of Kerala. Under the aegis of the organization, he provides employment to over 1800 women in the village. The Government of India awarded him the fourth highest civilian honour of the Padma Shri, in 2007, for his social commitment and his contributions to the art of weaving.
Gopinathan was born in a small village called Manjavilakom, in Neyyattinkara, in Thiruvananthapuram, in the southern tip of Kerala in a poor weaver's family as one of the ten children. The financial struggles of his family is reported to have forced him to abandon education at the age of 10 and move to Nagarcoil, a town in Tamil Nadu, known for handloom weaving, where he learnt weaving skills. Later, he moved to Madurai and Salem, larger cities in Tamil Nadu, for training on how to set up looms and returned to Kerala at the age of 30, with enough money to buy a piece of land. Back at his native village, he set up his own loom in a small shed.
In 1972, Gopinathan organized 30 local women, under a Mahila Samajam (women's self-help groups), and trained them in weaving. He donated his land to the association for them to house their looms and, by 1978, the number of associations under his leadership grew to 26 with 300 looms working in an 80-cents plot. Later, he bought a 10-acre plot for the initiative and gathered the efforts of the association under one umbrella, Eco Tex Handloom Consortium. In 2006, with a ₹ 30 million loan-cum-grant from the Government of Kerala, he modernized the machinery, but it is reported that the consortium is still facing financial problems.
The Government of India awarded him the civilian honor of the Padma Shri in 2007. Three years later, he was chosen as a Real Hero, by the Reliance Foundation and CNN-IBN, in the women's welfare section. Gopinathan is married and has three sons and a daughter. The family continues to live in Manjavilakom where he has also established Gandhi Smaraka Technical School, a vocational training school for girls from scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, and provides them with training in tailoring, embroidery and needlework. P. V. Gangadharan
From Wikipedia
P. V. Gangadharan
Parayarukandi Vettath Gangadharan
Years active 1977 – 2006
He was born at Calicut in 1943 to Madhavi Sami and P. V. Sami, a popular businessman and founder of KTC Group of Companies. He is the younger brother of P. V. Chandran, managing editor of Mathrubhumi newspaper, and an industrialist himself. PVG, as he is known, also serves as the director of Mathrubhumi. He is married to Sherin, and has three daughters. Filmography (producer)
1 Sujatha 1977
I. V. Sasi
I. V. Sasi
I. V. Sasi
Sathyan Anthikad
Sathyan Anthikad
Sathyan Anthikad
Sathyan Anthikad
2005- Best Film with Popular Appeal and Aesthetic Value- Achuvinte Amma 2009: Best Lifetime Achievement Award
Project: Mobile app and web portal for gift cards VC funding: Rs 1.42 crore
It was through a WhatsApp message first and later an advertisement in a Marathi newspaper that Praveen Kamble got to know of the VC Fund for Scheduled Castes. “I told myself, why not take a shot.” That’s how Talenticon Consultancy Private Limited —“the first government-funded private e-commerce venture,” as Kamble calls it — came about. A 2001 electronics engineering graduate from the Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, he hopes to create a digital market place for second-hand gift vouchers. “Many people do not use gift vouchers. But others may want to buy such vouchers at a discount. Talenticon is building a market platform to buy and sell second-hand vouchers,” he says.
Kamble has come a long way. His father Bhagwan Meshram was a lab assistant at Dadasaheb Dhanwate Nagar Vidyalaya in Nagpur and struggled to bring up his four children. “He earned just about Rs 2,000 a month, and we could buy only one pair of new clothes a year,” he says.
Today, he heads a team of 18 engineers, and hopes his e-commerce site goes live well before Diwali.
Kamble has committed Rs 22 lakh of his savings for the Rs 3 crore venture. He is hopeful IFCI will consider relaxing some of its conditions such as asking for collateral even for debentures.
“Business needs funds, but at what cost? If you are funding a new venture, you have to take risks. What is the difference between a loan-giving bank and a venture capital fund if one has to mortgage his family home for funds,” he says. Meanwhile, he is also sounding out his Dalit friends about the VC Fund for SCs. “I am helping software professionals from other places as well. In IT, valuation of a start-up is a big problem. And IFCI is a traditional lender,” he says.
Rani Rashmoni
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rashmoni Das
Born 28 September 1793
Died 19 February 1861 (aged 67)
Kolkata, India
Other names Rani Rashmoni, Lokmata
Spouse(s) Babu Rajachandra Das (Marh)
Children Padmamoni Das, Kumari Chowdhury, Karunamoyee Biswas, Jagadamba Biswas.
Rashmoni was born on 28 September 1793. Her father, Harekrishna Das, lived in Kona village, in present-day Halisahar, North 24 Parganas. Her mother Rampriya devi died when she was just seven years old. She was married to Babu Rajachandra Das (Marh) of Janbazar, Kolkata, a member of a wealthy zamindar family, when she was eleven years old. They had four daughters.
After her husband's death in 1836, Rashmoni assumed responsibility of the zamindari and finances.
The Rani had clashes with the British in India. By blocking the shipping trade on a part of the Ganges she compelled the British to abolish the tax imposed on fishing in the river, which threatened the livelihood of fishermen. When Puja processions were stopped by the British on the charge that they disturbed the peace, she defied the orders. The British withdrew the penalty imposed on her.
The Rani also had to her credit numerous charitable works and other contributions to society. She oversaw the construction of a road from Subarnarekha river to Puri for pilgrims. She funded the construction of ghats such as Babughat (in memory of her husband), Ahiritola Ghat and Nimtala Ghat for the daily bathers in the Ganges. Rahmoni donated to the then Imperial Library (now the National Library of India) and Hindu College (now Presidency University). Prince Dwarkanath Tagore had mortgaged a part of his Zamindari in now South 24 Parganas (part of present-day Santoshpur and adjoining areas) to Rashmoni for his passage to England. This part of land which was then a part of the Sunderbans was marshy and almost uninhabitable except for some families of thugs who found the area convenient to stay and venture out for plunders in far away places mounted on stilts. Rashmoni persuaded these families and helped them to build up fisheries in the surrounding water bodies that later turned into large, rich bheris. They gradually gave up their 'profession' of plundering and transformed into a community of fishermen.
Though having such a great spiritual nature, the society then had discriminated her. Being born in Chasi-Kaibartta family and being a middle-caste Shudra origin, no Brahmin was ready to be the priest in her temple. Later, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa also served as priest of the temple.
Rani Rashmoni's House at Janbazar was venue of traditional Durga Puja celebration each autumn. This included traditional pomp, including all-night jatras (folk theatre), rather than by entertainment for the Englishmen with whom she carried on a running feud. After her death in 1861, her sons-in-law took to celebrating Durga Puja in their respective premises.
In popular culture
Rani Rashmoni on a 1994 stamp of India
An avenue in Esplanade, Kolkata is named after her as Rani Rashmoni Avenue, where her statue is also located. A road is named after her as Rani Rashmoni Road near her ancestral house at Janbazar, Kolkata. A road is named after her as Rani Rashmoni Road at Dakshineshwar. The Department of Post of Government of India issued a postage stamp to memorialize the bicentennial of Rani Rashmoni in 1993
A Ferry Ghat known as Rani Rashmoni Ghat has been built for ferry services in Barrackpore, West Bengal and in Hooghly, West Bengal (just after the Hooghly District Correctional Home)
One of the 5 Fast Patrol Vessels of Indian Coast Guard has been named after Rani Rashmoni. It was commissioned in June 2018 and will be based in Visakhapatnam (indigenously built by Hindustan Shipyard).
R. K. Krishna Kumar
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
R. K. Krishna Kumar
Other names KK
Occupation Business executive
Spouse(s) Ratna
Children Ajit
Parent(s) Sukumaran
Rayaroth Kuttambally Krishna Kumar is an Indian business executive and a former director of Tata Sons. He is a member of Tata Administrative Service and continues to serve as a trustee of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust and Sir Ratan Tata Trust, which hold 66 percent stake in Tata Sons. His contributions are known behind several acquisitions of Tata Group, including the GB£ 271 million buy-out of Tetley in 2000, which made Tata Global Beverages the second largest tea company in the world. The Government of India awarded him the fourth highest civilian honour of the Padma Shri, in 2009, for his contributions to Indian Trade and industry.
Krishna Kumar was born in Thalassery, in the south Indian state of Kerala, to Sukumaran and Sarojini, and did his schooling at Madras Christian College Higher Secondary School, in Chennai where his father served as the Police Commissioner. His graduate studies were at Loyola College, Chennai after which he secured his master's degree from the Presidency College, Chennai of the University of Madras with first rank. He started his career by joining Tata Administrative Services in 1963 and was posted at Tata Industries where he worked for two years. In 1965, he was transferred to Tata Global Beverages, then known as Tata Finlay, and worked through the re-branding of the company as Tata Tea, to become the vice president of South India Plantations in 1982. He was promoted as the joint managing director of the company in 1988 and, three years later, he became the sole managing director, to stay at the post till 1997 when he was moved, as the head of the division, to Indian Hotels Company, the hospitality division of Tata Group which includes Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces. It was under Kumar's leadership, Tata Tea formed a jointed venture with Tetley, UK in 1992, and, later, acquired the British company on a GB£ 271 million buy-out to become the second largest tea business in the world, reportedly the largest overseas take-over by an Indian firm till that time.
Kumar headed the Indian Hotels Company from 1997 to 2002, till his appointment to Tata Sons, the holding company of the Group, as a member of the board of directors. A year later, he retired from the Board and went back to Indian Hotels Company as its vice chairman and the managing director, and stayed on the job till 2007 when he joined Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, one of the principal stakeholders in Tata Sons, as a trustee. In 2009, he promoted RNT Associates, a private investment company of Ratan Tata, the then chairman of the Tata Group and the incumbent chairman emeritus of Tata Sons, to assist startups and new companies in India. He also joined Sir Ratan Tata Trust, another stakeholder of Tata Sons, as a trustee, but continued to sit in Board of Directors of Tata Sons, till he retired from the board on 18 July 2013, on reaching the age of 75, the prescribed age for retiring.
Kumar's efforts have been reported during the Assam Crisis of 1997 when ULFA activists held Tata Tea employees as hostages and during the 2008 Mumbai attacks when The Taj Mahal Palace Hotel was under siege. Even after retirement, he continues his association with Tata Group through his trusteeships at the two major stakeholders of Tata Sons and is now based at Tata Trust office in Elphinstone building, at Horniman Circle Gardens, Mumbai. He also holds the directorship of RNT Associates, along with his long-term associate, Ratan Tata. The Government of India included him the 2009 Republic Day honours list for the civilian award of the Padma Shri. He is married to Ratna and the couple has a son, Ajit. Ravi Rishi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ravi Rishi
Ravi Rishi
Born 9 September 1955
New Delhi
Died 13 March 2016 (aged 60)
Nationality British
Occupation Businessman
Years active 1977–2016
Early life and education
During his stay in Singapore and London, Rishi started investing in Eastern European companies. Rishi soon diversified and ran eighteen companies, mostly in India and Eastern Europe with businesses in aviation, heavy engineering, real estate, security systems, oil exploration and production, automotive, Information technology and service industry.
SEAVIEW SUPPORT SYSTEMS Pvt. Ltd. was established in the year 1996 under the leadership of Shri R.P.Lalaji, focusing its business interests in the areas of IT and ITES, especially healthcare solutions. The company has since diversified into various sectors including digital marketing, software consulting, product development, services support, and IT education. Essentially the group now consists of Seaview Support Systems Pvt. Ltd., Softex Digital, Device Driven, Needstreet and Analyse Digital and is headquartered at Technopark, Trivandrum. Seaview owns and operates Padmanabham, a 70,000 sqft, 6 floored facility, located at Technopark entrance.
SEAVIEW SUPPORT SYSTEMS Pvt. Ltd. was established in the year 1996, focusing its business interests in the areas of IT and ITES, especially healthcare solutions. Within a short span, under the exemplary leadership of Shri R.P.Lalaji, the company was able to expand in both US as well as UK markets. The company has since diversified into various sectors including digital marketing, software consulting, product development, services support, and IT education. Essentially the group now consists of Seaview Support Systems Pvt Ltd, Softex Digital, Device Driven, NeedStreet, and Analyse Digital and is headquartered at Technopark, Trivandrum. The group also operates from various locations across india as well as abroad.
R Sarojini Damodaran
CONDOLENCES ... RKV group head Sarojini Damodaran is no more; condolences pour in
TVM: The business community and followers of the Sree Narayana movement and others bereaved the sad demise of RKV transport group head R Sarojini Damodaran, who passed away on Thursday, July 4. She was wife of deceased RKV Damodaran, who ran a popular bus service in TVM and Kollam districts for long years. She was 94 and died due to old-age ailment at a private hospital here.
Condolences poured into her home at Reetha Nivas at RKV Road in Kanakakunnu here. People from various walks of life and political leaders expressed their condolence at Sarojini amma's sad demise. The cremation took place at the Santhi Kavadam here the next day. The RKV group was based out of Varkala. RKV Damodaran was associated with the Sree Narayana movement for long years, and also involved in the activities at Sivagiri.
Sarojini Damodaran is survived by children Dr D Ratnakumar (retired from RBI, Nabard), Dr Reetha Satyendran (retired professor, department of fisheries, Kerala University), D Unnikrishnan (Business, Malaysia), D Gopakumar (business), D Ashok Kumar (journalist, Delhi), D Santhosh Kumar (secretary, Trivandrum Club), deceased D Radhakrishnan, D Anil Kumar, and D Ravikumar.
In-laws are Dr Satyendran of Govindan's Hospital, Tutors Lane, Latha Ratnakumar, Sudha Rajkumar (retired professor, SN College), Aruna Unnikrishnan, Deepa Gopakumar, Gouri Ashok Damodaran (journalist, Delhi), and Rajashree Santhosh, Rtd manager, Air India. EI-NN
EZHAVA INTERNATIONAL www.ezhavainternational.com
R. Jayachandran
R. Jayachandran Director, Narmada Group of Companies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He is also a well known human rights activist and the founder- Secretary of the Civil Rights And Social Justice Society(CRSJS).
Civil Rights and Social Justice Society (CRSJS)India
Type: NGO
Date founded: 1997
World Coalition member
The Civil Rights and Social Justice Society (CRSJS) is a human rights NGO registered under the Travancore Cochin, Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955 in Kerala State, India in the year 1997.
The members of CRSJS are persons committed to the promotion and protection of human rights in all spheres. However the main area of focus of the Society is on the police atrocities in Kerala state, India. The Society has been regularly conducting awareness campaigns, seminars, workshops etc. It also renders free legal aid and financial assistance to the victims of human rights violations in Kerala state, India. CRSJS has taken up many a worthy cause with the National and State Human Rights Commissions and in the courts with successful results. CRSJS also focuses on creating awareness about human rights at the grass roots level. It partners with the YHRI – India (Youth for Human Rights International –India) in Kerala state, India and conducts the International Walk for Human Rights in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala state, India on the World Human Rights Day -10th December every year.
CRSJS is also associated with the Save Sharmila Solidarity Campaign (SSSC); a nationwide campaign to ensure justice to the Manipuri Poetess and human rights activist Ms. Irom Sharmila who has been on a 12 year old hunger strike to withdraw the Armed Forces Special Powers Act from her homeland and has been actively coordinating its activities in Kerala State, India.
The Rajiv Gandhi Literacy Fund (RGLF) which is owned and managed by CRSJS gives financial assistance to a few under privileged children for their education.
CRSJS believes that Capital Punishment is a sin against humanity and a reprehensible crime and longs for the day when this scourge is finally eradicated from India and the world.
CRSJS depends solely on the funds mobilized from its members and has an undeclared policy of not accepting contributions from non members and funding agencies which has been strictly adhered to ever since its inception in 1997.
Rajendra Prasad
For P. Rajendra Prasad who went to Gulf after obtaining a diploma in Mechanical Engineering, loss of UAE Government job due to political reasons must have been a great shock then. But today he may be counting it as a blessing of fate that turned him into a successful businessman.
As he wandered about desperately searching for a job, he met a friend from his native place. Teaming up with Alex Kozhy he started �Essa Engineering and Marine Service� in Ajman to provide service in the areas of ship repairing, pipe line laying, steel fabrication etc. With hard work they have been able to expand it into a Rs.120 crore turnover company with 1200 employees from South Asian countries.
Later he started �National Packaging Industries� with capacity to manufacture 3000 tons of carton cardboards per month. 2 other ventures followed suit in the coming years and all firms on the growth trajectory. It was at this juncture that Prasad felt inclined to invest in Kollam.
Starting as a corn curl producing unit in 1992, his Pomsy Food Products soon expanded and diversified to produce biscuits in 2000. Use of modern machinery, utmost care for hygiene, and diversity of products saw the company going from strength to strength. The factory that employs 70 persons directly and another 150 indirectly, produces 600 tons of biscuits per month.
Another company, A.K.Flavours, which deals with extracted spice essence, had been started by Prasad in 1995 at Pathanamthitta. This company has an annual turnover of Rs.38 crores.
His son Sujith Prasad, an MBA holder for England, helps him in running the companies in Kerala. His other son Ranjith is pursuing his MBA in England. Sindhu, his wife, is his support in business and life.
Courtesy: P.M.Rejimon, Mathrubhumi, May 24, 2004
Contributed by: Administrator
Pomsy Food Products Private Limited
Pomsy Food Products Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 14 June 2001. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Ernakulam. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 50,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 50,000,000. It is inolved in Production, processing and preservation of meat, fish, fruit vegetables, oils and fats.
Pomsy Food Products Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30 September 2015 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2015.
Directors of Pomsy Food Products Private Limited are Padmanabhan Rajendraprasad, Sujit Prasad, Ranjith Rajendra Prasad and Sindhu Rajendraprasad.
Pomsy Food Products Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U15116KL2001PTC014791 and its registration number is 14791.Its Email address is pomsybis@gmail.com and its registered address is BAKESHIREK S PURAM VAVAKKAVU P O OCHIRA KOLLAM Kollam KL 690528 IN , - , .
Current status of Pomsy Food Products Private Limited is - Active.
Company Details
Company Name
Company Status
Registration Number
Company Category
Company limited by Shares
Company Sub Category
Non-govt company
Class of Company
Date of Incorporation
14 June 2001
Age of Company
19 years, 8 month, 20 days
Production, processing and preservation of meat, fish, fruit vegetables, oils and fats.
Click here to see other companies involved in same activity.
Share Capital & Number of Employees
Authorised Capital ₹50,000,000
Paid up capital ₹50,000,000
Listing and Annual Compliance Details
Listing status
Date of Last Annual General Meeting
30 September 201
Date of Latest Balance Sheet
31 March 2015
Ravi Kailas
From Wikipedia
Ravi Kailas
20 March 1966, Ravi Shankar Kailas
Nationality Indian
Occupation Chairman Mytrah Group
Ravi Shankar Kailas is an Indian entrepreneur. He is chairman of Mytrah Group, a business group in India consisting of Mytrah Energy, an independent renewable energy-producing company, and Mytrah Mobility, an electric vehicle ecosystem company.
In 1999, Kailas founded Zip Global Network, an independent payphone service provider. The firm designed and manufactured payphones that were assembled with computer components, and installed in major urban areas. In 2002, Kailas co-founded Xius Technologies, a telecommunications software company, and launched the world's first inter-operator prepaid roaming service. The same year, Kailas founded Altius Investment Trust, a real estate financial options company.
In 2009, Kailas founded the Mytrah Group. Mytrah Energy, the Group's first venture, owns and operates a renewable energy portfolio of wind and solar assets in seven states in India. Since 2016, the Group has diversified into electric vehicles and deep tech.
Kailas advocates for “open” philanthropy, where multiple sectors of society pool resources to tackle development challenges at scale. The Myth of the Entrepreneur, a book about this subject, authored by Kailas in collaboration with Cathy Guo, is to be published by Harper Collins in April 2019.
Wind Power Person of the year 2015’ at the 3rd World Renewable Energy Conference held in New Delhi.
Harvard Business School (HBS) wrote and taught a case on Mytrah Energy's creative capital formation. The case is entitled ‘Mytrah Energy’, and has been taught at HBS Raju Neele
Sunrise Auto Pack
Incepted in the year 2006, at Aurangabad, (Maharashtra, India), we “Sunrise Auto Pack”, are Sole proprietorship firm, based company engaged in manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing a comprehensive range of Bottle Filling Machines, Labeling Machine, etc. Under the direction of “Raju Neele (Proprietor)”, we have attained a dynamic and perfect position in this highly competitive industry.
Basic Information
Nature of Business Manufacturer
Additional Business
Company CEO Raju Neele
Total Number of Employees 26 to 50 People
Year of Establishment 2006
Legal Status of Firm Individual - Proprietor
Annual Turnover Rs. 1 - 2 Cror
Statutory Profile
Packaging/Payment and Shipment Details
Customized Packaging Yes
Payment Mode
Credit Card
Shipment Mode By Road
Why Us?
Being a leading enterprise of this industry, we are offering a huge range of products.
Other factors that are responsible for our clientele are:
Highly experienced team of professionals
Strict quality standards
Timely delivery
Customized packaging
Competitive price structure
Brands We Deal In
Manufacturing Brand:
Company Images
Ramesh Chand Puhal
Ramesh Chand Puhal is 61 year old and belongs to Valmiki community of Haryana.He is a famous businessman of Panipat. He is running two gas agencies, one petrol pump and also investments in transportation and agricultural land. He employs more than 25 persons and his assets are worth 50 million rupees. He is educated
up to tenth class, but acclaims to be a scholar of Urdu language and writes poetry. He has published two books and is working on a volume on the famous poet of Panipat origin, Hali. His father was an illiterate person, a sweeper at the local municipality. His family also had a business of buying buffaloes from the local market and taking them to Andhra Pradesh for sale. His father wanted him to be a successful businessman.He has three sons and a daughter. All his children are well educated. One of his sons helps him with his business. Initially, he was helped by a friend from Chamar community who helped him getting the gas agency allotment. He did not get any financial support from any government agency but after he managed to set-up his business, he took loan from the bank several times. When he was allotted the gas agency, he had to sell entire jewellery of his wife to raise money for the initial investments. Though he was aware of the government financial schemes, but he did not apply for them. He has bitter memories of discrimination in his life. At school he faced discrimination.And recollects how people used to maintain distance when he would go to sell milk in the city. Very few people used to buy milk from his family. He mentioned that everyone in the city knows him by his caste name and clearly sees the discomfiture of non-Dalits. He takes interest in the social and political life of the city and has been a councellor. Though his caste is always fore-grounded, many people of the town respect him as a successful businessman and a kind human being. Various organizations in the town have felicitated him for his work and for his knowledge of religion and Sufi saints.
Reji Vasanth V. J.
"Following the path of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam"
Reji Vasanth V. J. is an Indian Researcher, Technocrat-Entrepreneur, Chairman & Managing Director of Mibiz Group of Companies. He was born and raised in Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala. He was privileged to get benefited by the birth of Internet Age in India "The Information Age was a boon for a young aspirant like him following the path of Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam." His Scientific findings, Innovations, forecasting as a Research scholar have been highlighted by the mainstream Media, endorsed by renowned personalities and invariably appreciated the merits of its findings and unanimously recommended to take it further for its logical purpose by political and industry leaders. As the Founder of Mibiz he bootstrapped the company from a spare room with sheer ambition & due diligence to develop it as one of the World's Greatest Brands.
Reji Vasanth V.J started his expedition in business as a startup company In 2003. Mibiz Group of Companies www.mibizgroup.com now has strong presence in the Technology, Consulting & Maritime business. | Mibiz Citizen Advisor www.citizenadvisor.in is a Platform for delivering Innovative fast track solution(s). The services comprise Advisory Management, Public Utility services & Public Grievance redressal mechanism. It received Rs 25 Lakhs Seed Fund assistance from the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC) | Mibiz Cyber Forensics www.mibizsys.com provides innovative fast track service(s) in Cyber Security, Investigation & Intelligence. The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) the premier R&D organization of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India is one of Mibiz Cyber Forensics Technology support providers | Mibizkart www.mibizkart.com is India's Premium e-Commerce Platform for selling Products & Services.The Platform sells Mibiz Digital Multimedia Medical & Dental Encyclopedia. | Mibiz Health www.mibizhealth.com is an ambitious endeavor to taper the upcoming potential of the Indian business sector in the Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Industry. The Kerala State Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a Public Sector Undertaking, manufacturing and supplying essential and life saving medicines appointed Mibiz Health as its service provider for the states of Karnataka & Gujarat.
Born Reji Vasanth V. J
05 July 1976 , Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala, India
Residence Tattvamasi, Pazhakutty Post,
Nedumangad, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala India 695561, Indian
Occupation Chairman & Managing Director
Mibiz Group of Companies
Spouse(s) Manma Reji (m. 2007)
Children 1
M. Alina Reji
Vasantha Kumar and Jaya Vasanth
Reni Vasanth V. J. (brother)
[Intelligence Bureau Officer]
Scientific studies:
Digital India Mission CD/DVD Authoring India
Mission 2020 - Knowledge Village (India) & (Maldives)
Cyber Forensics Laboratory (CFL) Project Report
Vision 2050 Report Robotics & Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Digital Multimedia Encyclopedia
Medical Encyclopedia Vol 1
Medical Encyclopedia Master Brain
Dental Encyclopedia
Media studies:
A Critical Study on the Media Industry in Post-Independent India, 2018 -Third Press Commission
Citizen Advisor e-Services Platform
Industrial work(s)
200 MW Coal-Fired Power Plant
Steel Manufacturing Plant
Tourism Infrastructure Development
Official website
Personal website
Ratan Lal Sirswal

Ratan Lal, 75 year old, is one of the most Dalit businessmen of Panipat city. He belongs to Valmiki community who migrated to Panipat long back. His parents were engaged in the traditional occupation of scavenging and were illiterate. He could not receive formal education. He has two sons and four daughters. He is running a Dye House and is helped by his youngest son. He was working as a sweeper earlier with state government but wanted to leave the traditional occupation. For sometime he worked as contractor and cultivated land as a tenant. In 1947, he set up a handloom unit at Panipat. He had contact with some non-Dalit Punjabis, involved in the handloom business who helped him start the business. For a long time Ratan Lal continued to work as a scavenger in the local municipal corporation along with his business and later gave up his job once his business took-off. He feels that caste plays a very important role in achieving success in business. Discrimination was always a part of business and social life. Once the caste identity would be revealed, the business collapsed. As he put it, ‘Valmiki ka naam lete hi saanp kaat jata hai’ (once people become aware of Valmiki, they behave like.
bitten by a snake). Several of his customers did not want to continue business with him after they got to know about his caste background. Even though he has always tried to keep good relations with members of other communities, the shadow of caste never left him. People continue to discriminate. He articulated his agony in following words: “If we were to name our enterprise on the name our caste, Valmiki, or introduce ourselves by caste name, everything (in business) will be finished overnight”. His 30 years old son, who is running the business now, continues to have similar feelings.. The ‘culture of discrimination is very deep rooted’, he argued. He had many stories to tell about how his business was affected due to his caste. It drives him angry knowing that despite good knowledge of his business, he faces hardships. The non-Dalits, happen doing well even if they have no background in the business simply because of their caste. When people ask him his caste, he often tells them that if ‘he revealed it, he will be reduced to dust’. He wants that his children should not face such discrimination and seeks to give them best available education. Ratan Lal did not get any financial assistance from any source partly because of no Valmikis in banks and unawareness of financial assistance given to Scheduled Caste for business. He has been socially very active in the community life of Valmikis of the town and played an active role in constructing the famous Valmiki Temple in the city. Ratan Lal is well aware of knowledge of Hinduism and Sikh religion, and the popular history about the contributions of Valmiki to cultural traditions of India.
Ravi Kumar Narra
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ravi Kumar Narra
Born 1 September 1963
Secunderabad, India
Occupation Businessman and social activist
Spouse(s) N. Vanajakshi
Children 2
Awards Padma Shri
Website Official web site
Ravi Kumar Narra is an Indian businessman and social worker from Secunderabad, known for his efforts for the upliftment of the dalit community. He was honoured by the Government of India, in 2014, by bestowing on him the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award, for his services to society.
The main hurdle faced by Dalit entrepreneurs is from the banking sector. Banks are not extending capital to new entrepreneurs without collateral security in spite of Centre's stipulation that up to ₹One crore should be given by not insisting on it. Ravi Kumar Narra says about the attitude of the banks towards dalit entrepreneurs
Ravi Kumar Narra was born on 1 September 1963, to Shankaraiah Narra, who was a daily wage mason, in a family with meagre financial resources, in a slum in Secunderabad, commonly known as the twin city of Hyderabad, in the south Indian State of Telangana. He graduated in science, (BSc), and continued his education in law and secured a graduate degree, LLB and, later, the master's degree of LLM. He also secured a diploma in journalism (DJ) and a diploma in Public Relations.
Dalit enterprise
Narra Ravi Kumar, is presently the National Working President of Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI). Narra earlier was the coordinator for the DICCI in South India, covering five states. He has also been President of DICCI, Andhra Pradesh Chapter since 2011. As a member of the National Governing Board of DICCI, he helped to modify the Government Industrial Policy 2010-2015 such that it aided Dalits.
He has been a member of the National Task Force (NTF) of the Government of India, for Affirmative Action and Supplier Diversity.
Narra organise IGNITE, a 21 days residential programme for 220 Dalit entrepreneurs including 40 women from all over Andhra Pradesh at the NIMSME, Hyderabad. It is an entrepreneurship development programme involving the Government, CII, banks, training institutions and similar.
Shanti Chakra Foundation
Narra founded Shanti Chakra Foundation, a service organisation to develop networking amongst Dalits. It promotes the philosophy of B. R. Ambedkar and educates against superstitions. The Foundation undertakes weekly classes for Dalits - particularly youths - on a range of subjects.
Awards and recognitions
Ravi Kumar Narra was honoured by the Government of India with the Padma Shri in 2014, in recognition of his services to society.
Kelvin Business Forms Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 20 March 1997. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Ernakulam. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 7,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 7,000,000. It is inolved in Manufacturing n.e.c.
Kelvin Business Forms Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30 September 2019 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2019.
Directors of Kelvin Business Forms Private Limited are Pradeep Kumar Sathyadas and Rajasree Pradeep Kumar.
Kelvin Business Forms Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U36991KL1997PTC011319 and its registration number is 11319.Its Email address is kelvintvm@gmail.com and its registered address is T C 14/2134MEADS LANE PALAYAM TRIVANDRUM KL 695034 IN , - , .
Current status of Kelvin Business Forms Private Limited is - Active.
Company Details
RoC RoC-Ernakulam
Registration Number 11319
Company Category
Company limited by Shares
Company Sub Category
Non-govt company
Class of Company
Date of Incorporation
20 March 1997
Activity Manufacturing n.e.c.
Director Details
DIN Director Name Designation Appointment Date
Director , 20 March 1997
Rajesh Saraiya
(India's first Dalit billioniar)
Rajesh Saraiya might be a name that is not known to many but for the people of his community, he is their superhero. Rajesh is India’s first Mulnivasi billionaire. Born in a middle class family in Dehradun, Rajesh studied aeronautical engineering in Russia. Now based in Ukraine, he runs a multi-national company SteelMont Pvt Ltd that deals in metals.
“People have to change from inside. They have to change their ideology, their mentality and look around the world for what is happening. There are so many opportunities,” said Saraiya.
Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries, whose sole purpose is to bring together Dalit businessman is an organisation which works for the betterment of Dalit businessmen in the country
Despite being a great accomplishment, the grim reality in the conditions of the marginalized sector has not chang
ed in India. According to a report submitted by the National Commission for Enterprises in the unorganized sector in 2007, about 88 percent of Adivasis and Dalits in India, spend less than Rs. 20 a day.
“Mulnivasis are second to none as far as intelligence and entrepreneurship is concerned. We only have to give them an opportunity,” said J J Irani, who works as a Director with the Tata Sons at the conference at the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries.
“We have been trying to bring together SC-ST-OBC businessmen since 2003. After 2005 we changed the name and formed the Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries,” added Milind Kamble, Chairman of DICCI.
In all these cases, education was a key input. Alas, rural government schools are so terrible that many dalits remain functionally illiterate and handicapped. Even so, they have made astonishing strides in the last 20 years, as revealed by a seminal study by Devesh Kapur and others.
This study looked at dalits in blocks in western and eastern Uttar Pradesh. The proportion of dalits owning their own business was up from 6% to 36.7% in western UP, and from 4.2% to 11% in eastern UP. The proportion in non-traditional occupations (like tailors, masons etc) was up from 14% to 37% in the east, and from 9.3% to 42% in western UP.
Many dalits in eastern UP were once locked into the halwaha (bonded labour) system. This has virtually disappeared: the halwaha proportion is down from 32.1% to 1.1%. The proportion of dalit households doing any farm labour has plummeted from 76% to 45.6% in the east, and from 46.1% to just 20.5% in the west. Encouragingly, the proportion depending on their own land is up from 16.6% to 28.4% in the east, and from 50.5% to 67.6% in the west.
Political parties shout themselves hoarse over job reservations. Yet, the dalit family proportion in government jobs has actually fallen from 7.2% to 6.8% in the east, and risen marginally from 5% to 7.3% in the west. Clearly, job reservation has not been a key factor in UP’s social revolution. The main drivers of improvement have been the new opportunities arising from fast growth created by economic reforms, plus the empowerment drive of dalit chief minister Mayawati.
Indian leftists keep chanting that economic reforms have created new inequalities. They may even criticize the rise of dalit millionaires as a new sort of inequality. Phooey! This is a magnificent success. It shows that dalits have become empowered enough to soar into the millionaire range. Long live such inequality!
Ram Singh is a senior photographer at Samalkha, Panipat. He belongs to Chamar community of Haryana. He came from very poor family background . He started working with a photographer and learnt the skills of operating a camera. In 1977 he could raise a loan of Rs. 3000 to open a shop of his own in the local market. There was no other photographer in the town at that time and partly because of his skills of photography earned popularity in the area which enabled him to fetch lot of work/contract from all sections of society. People flock from far off places even now when there are several photography shops in the town. He has four sons who support him in business, and have been attending college as well. One of his son is planning to move to Australia to pursue a professional course in management for which he has been trying to get education loan from the bank. Ram Singh strongly believes that whatever he earned is the hard work, he put in. Personally he did not experience discrimination, yet he states that it is a reality of life for a large number of Dalits, particularly those from poor background. He holds the view that caste acts as a barrier in business life. He apprehends that he could have managed more sucess had he not been a Dalit. Non-Dalits can easily manage to hire people of their own caste for works like photography. However, the quality of work helped him to get recognition. Ram Singh was also the president of photographers association, which does not exist anymore now.
Ra Singhm
Ram Singh is a senior photographer at Samalkha,
Panipat. He belongs to Chamar community of Haryana. He came from very poor family background . He startedworking with a photographer and learnt the skills of operating a camera. In 1977 he could raise a loan of Rs. 3000 to open a shop of his own in the local market.There was no other photographer in the town at that time and partly because of his skills of photography earned popularity in the area which enabled him to fetchlot of work/contract from all sections of society. People flock from far off placeseven now when there are several photography shops in the town.He has four sons who support him in business, and have been attending college aswell. One of his son is planning to move to Australia to pursue a professional course in management for which he has been trying to get education loan from the bank. Ram Singh strongly believes that whatever he earned is the hard work,he put in.
Personally he did not experience discrimination, yet he states that it is a reality of life for a large number of Dalits, particularly those from poor background.He holds the view that caste acts as a barrier in business life. He apprehends that he could have managed more sucess had he not been a Dalit. Non-Dalits can easily manage to hire people of their own caste for works like photography. However,the quality of work helped him to get recognition. Ram Singh was also the president of photographers association, which does not exist anymore now.
Ratibhai Makwana
(Farm-labourer’s son who built a Rs 380-crore business)
Ratibhai Makwana is the Managing Director of Ahmedabad-based plastic intermediaries company Gujarat Pickers Industries. Ratibhai’s father was a farm labourer, who later started making leather pickers. Going to school in a small town in Gujarat, Ratibhai faced discrimination due to his caste. When Ratibhai turned 18, he left college and joined his father’s trade.
He helped his father expand the business into plastic intermediates. Over the years, Ratibhai also led the company into sugar business in Uganda. The 56-year-old company makes annual revenues of Rs 380 crore, and employs around 3,500 people in its Ahmedabad factory, of which nearly 2,000 are Dalits.
Rajendra Gaikwad
Atin Kamble is a third-generation Dalit entrepreneur from Mumbai who has none of Gaikwad's bitter childhood tales to tell.
India Infoline News Service
Around 40 years ago, huddled among a group of hungry children in his native village of Vadgaon Budruk in Maharashtra, Rajendra Gaikwad had an epiphany about how there was discrimination in a simple seating arrangement. It was a mass lunch thrown by upper-caste Marathas and the nine-year-old was seated along with his mother in a corner of the temple where Dalits of the village ate. "We were segregated from the upper-caste Hindus, which was very humiliating. Even as a child, I felt insulted and would cry each time my parents would talk of visiting the village. I didn't return after that,'' he says. Gaikwad is today based in Pune and runs a pest-control firm with operations in India and Singapore. He is also a member of a growing band of Dalit entrepreneurs who have eagerly grabbed the opportunities offered by a booming Indian economy to break the occupational shackles imposed on their community for centuries.
Atin Kamble is a third-generation Dalit entrepreneur from Mumbai who has none of Gaikwad's bitter childhood tales to tell. After eight years in the business of marketing edible goods in Mumbai shops through his venture Arti Enterprises, 36-year-old Kamble is ambitiously pitching for two power-generation projects in Arunanchal Pradesh, which would need an investment of a minimum of '15 crore initially. His grandfather began with a modest business of leather goods, a vocation traditionally allocated to Dalits, in Mumbai's crowded Dadar area; his father expanded the family business but Kamble chose to strike out on his own. "I somehow found sitting in my grandfather's leather business shop infra dig. I mean, it's a peon's job, if you are ambitious. I wanted to do something that would give our business the status of industry," he says.
And adds: "Today I am dealing with distributors and local shopkeepers in the food business. When my children take over, they will be dealing with super stockists." As opposed to Kamble's pedigree and Gaikwad's fortunes, Dashrath Singh, who uses a surname mostly used by upper-caste Rajputs in India, is still struggling in the garments business he runs from a rundown garage in the congested Om Nagar slum in Delhi. Yet, from where he stands today, it isn't just a matter of miles covered, but it's a significant leap from his native village of Vari in Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahar district to Delhi. Singh's work over a decade has included a series of humble vocations, among them a helper at a grocery shop, an autorickshaw driver, a door-to-door salesman of clothes, and a conductor in private buses, before the idea of entrepreneurship struck him. Three years into his business, he sometimes "earns lakhs in a month and sometimes just a paltry sum". But he insists things couldn't get better.
"Whatever it is, I am on my own. I seek no favours," he explains. Gaikwad, Kamble and Singh are three faces of an emerging Dalit capitalism that allows them an escape both from the demeaning tasks assigned to them by the caste system and the stigma of being branded as non-meritorious beneficiaries of reservations in education and employment. D. Shyam Babu, a fellow of the Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies (RGICS) in New Delhi, says Dalit capitalism is still at a nascent stage, but adds that it will help create a Dalit bourgeoisie. "It has the seeds of transformation for Dalits-from the lower class to the middle class and beyond," says Babu, whose research on Dalits and the new economic order has highlighted the social advance of the community in the wake of globalization. "I know Dalit entrepreneurs who manufacture copper wires and cables for use by the Indian Railways and the Delhi Metro, which proves that these businesses are competitive, quality-oriented and efficient. This is what Dalits in business want to prove today: they are good as everyone else," says author and activist Chandra Bhan Prasad, who is currently compiling a database of entrepreneurs in the community.
Though the rise of the market economy has helped break many old social barriers, Dalit businessmen still have to deal with several hurdles on their chosen road. "Most Dalit entrepreneurs face problems varying from difficulty in getting enough supplies on credit, lack of social networks, absence of kin groups in the business, and control of traditionally dominant business-caste groups. These, along with other social variables such as lack of social capital, make the Dalit situation in India more complicated and vulnerable to homogeneous categorization," says Surinder S. Jodhka, a professor at the Centre for the Study of Social Systems at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. Jodhka's paper, 'Dalits in Business: Self-Employed Scheduled Castes in Northwest India', drew insight on the expansion of private capital in India during the post-1991 period and highlighted the discrimination faced by Dalit businesses. The marginal status of Dalits and their continued discrimination in the urban labour market also find recognition in the 11th Five Year Plan released in October 2008. The paper notes that "in urban areas, too, there is prevalence of discrimination by caste, particularly discrimination in employment, which operates at least in part through traditional mechanisms; SCs (scheduled castes) are disproportionately represented in poorly paid, dead-end jobs. Further, there is a flawed preconceived notion that they lack merit and are unsuitable for formal employment".
A poor economic and social background thus makes the beginning difficult-only to be eased by outside help, mostly from the community or well-off upper-caste individuals. "Forty years ago, when I began, I would go on a cycle in rain and sun to various places-from a poultry farm to an army cantonment, to kill rats and do odd jobs. I slowly learnt that businesses need hard work and professionalism," Gaikwad says. In almost an afterthought, he adds: "A gentlemen called Mr. Deshpande helped me get a loan from a bank by agreeing to be a guarantor. The fact that he was an upper-caste man did help in making my application appear serious." S. Galab, a professor at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies in Hyderabad, who carried out research on the role and effectiveness of self-help groups run by Dalit women in Andhra Pradesh, says most Dalit enterprises suffer because of social isolation and the lack of cooperation, and get over the initial hiccups only with help from upper-caste individuals, since Dalits haven't had a strong footing in the social and economic sphere for centuries.
"However, the upper caste help also, kind of, co-opts the Dalits into the overall existing structures, which is why they find it difficult to think about giving back to their community later," he cautions. Various economic fora have also emerged over the years to help Dalits overcome initial hurdles in setting up businesses. At the Pune-based Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, formed three years ago, its chairman Milind Kamble not just works on a database of Dalit businessmen, but also helps them find linkages in industry. And yet, argues author and activist Prasad, the emerging entrepreneurship will need government help to thrive. "The government ought to constitute a body, say, the 'National Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Supplier Development Council', which should identify Dalit/tribal entrepreneurs who are already supplying goods and services to the government through middlemen, and connecting them directly to procurement departments," he says, citing examples from the US, where a national body connects minority entrepreneurs with large American firms.
To those who say that such a practice goes against the spirit of a free market, Prasad argues that the Indian bourgeoisie itself would not have thrived without state support and protection till 1991. "Dalit businesses particularly need help since most of these are small-scale operations," he adds. Explaining that economic standing is the only way Dalits can redefine themselves, RGICS' Babu likens the trend to the wave of Black Capitalism in the US in the 1970s and 1980s. "There are strong similarities. Like the black capitalists of America, most of the Dalit entrepreneurs are first-generation entrepreneurs, people who were never into businesses but mostly relying on agricultural labour. To get into serious business from agriculture is a paradigm shift. And, in both cases, here as in the United States, even though there have been state interventions to promote entrepreneurship, individual motivation and community help have come first," Babu says.
Ramalinga Raju
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ramalinga Raju
Byrraju Ramalinga Raju
16 September 1954
Criminal penalty
Convicted to 7 years prison
Criminal status
Out on Bail
(m. 1976)
Children 2
Byrraju Ramalinga Raju (born 16 September 1954) is the former chairman and CEO of Satyam Computer Services, from 1987 until 7 January 2009. Raju stepped down following his admission to embezzlement from the company to the tune of Rs 71.36 billion (approximately US$1.5 billion), including Rs 50.40 billion (approximately US$1 billion) of non-existent cash and bank balances. In 2015, he was convicted of corporate fraud, which led to the collapse of Satyam Computers.
Early life
Ramalinga Raju, the eldest of four children, was born on 16 September 1954 to a farming family. He earned a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Andhra Loyola College at Vijayawada and subsequently earned an MBA from Ohio University in the United States. After returning to India in 1977, Raju married at the age of twenty two. He ventured into many businesses including Dhanunjaya Hotels, Cotton spinning mill named Sri Satyam Spinning funded by Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (APIDC) with an investment of ₹ 9 crore (worth almost $7 million in 1983 prices). As the businesses failed Raju moved into real estate and started a construction company named Mytas Infra Limited.
In 1987, Raju incubated Satyam Computer Services along with one of his brothers-in-law, DVS Raju at P&T colony in Secunderabad and 20 employees. In 1991, Satyam won its first fortune 500 client – John Deere. Raju navigated Indian bureaucracy to obtain the required clearance to transmit data from India. The company went public in 1992. Raju was enrolled in the Owner/President Management (OPM) program at Harvard Business School in the 1990s.[6] In an interview with Deccan Chronicle way back in 1998, Raju was talking about Satyam's ambition of operating out of 50 countries with an employee count of more than 50,000. In 1999, Raju launched Satyam Infoway (Sify) as Satyam's internet subsidiary, thereby becoming an early participant in the Indian internet service market Sify was later sold to Raju Vegesna.
Business and politics
In September 1995, as Raju was building Satyam, Andhra Pradesh had a new Chief Minister, Chandra Babu Naidu, who wanted to bring in change and saw IT as a strategic industry to focus on and Raju became instrumental in shaping the state's information technology initiatives like 'Mee Kosam'. Raju had unfettered access to the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh at a very personal level. Research into his life has exposed close links between business and politics. Philanthropy
The major philanthropic foundations he has founded and grown to large scale between 2000 and 2008 are:
Byrraju Foundation:
The Byyraju Foundation, a family run philanthropic organization, was started in July 2001 by him and his 2 brothers in the memory of his father Late Byrraju Satyanarayana Raju. The Foundation adopted 200 villages in 6 districts of Andhra Pradesh namely East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Ranga Reddy and Visakhapatnam. The foundation built progressive self-reliant rural communities by adopting a holistic approach. It provided 40 different programs like healthcare, environment improvement, sanitation, primary education, adult literacy and skills development ., GramIT etc. which impacted over 3 million people. Some significant achievements of the foundation are: Over 7 million patient visits, 53,250 persons made literate, 89,000 toilets built in rural homes, Livelihood skill training and certification for over 26,000 unemployed rural youth, setting up 61 drinking water plants and 4 GramIT Centres which employed 500 rural youth.
Currently, after the Satyam episode, the foundation has 117 adopted villages where it runs 110 health centres with the help of CARE foundation and operates 18 water plants.
The local people across the region hail the development works undertaken by the Byrraju Foundation and are appreciative of the positive impact it had on them.
Emergency Management and Research Institute (EMRI 108):
Raju also set up a state of the art and first of its kind 24X7 emergency service named Emergency Management and Research Institute (EMRI 108) in August 2005. It was modelled after the 911 service in America and had an aim of giving citizens in an emergency the benefit of getting timely attention and support. This was done by providing a single toll-free number accessible from mobile and land line. Recently Forbs magazine has published an Article about the "Emergency Management System in US" (see in the External Link below).
Initially started with just 75 ambulances, EMRI has currently expanded to 10,697 ambulances covering 15 states and 2 union territories, serving over 26,710 emergencies per day, covering a population of 75 Crores (increasing reach of health care in rural, hilly & tribal areas). EMRI has more than 45,000 employees on its rolls. Till date 4.7 crore beneficiaries have availed these services, 4.38 lakh deliveries were assisted, and 18.56 lakh lives were saved since inception.
All the call-centre activities and support activities for emergency handling were automated. While state Governments were providing most of the funding, EMRI part funded and managed the services in PPP mode. After the Satyam episode, Raju resigned from the Board of Directors. The GVK group then took responsibility to run the institute. It now runs as a free service as a very successful public private partnership (PPP) model.
HMRI 104 –Raju was instrumental in launching a public private partnership (PPP) model between Satyam and The Government of Andhra Pradesh in 2007, termed as Health Management and Research Institute (HMRI 104). Before its launch, AP faced a massive shortage in Primary Healthcare Centres (PHC) and Community Healthcare Centres (CHC). This resulted in a stressed public healthcare system in the state which meant lower quality care for its citizens. By providing a helpline for all types of health-related queries and telemedicine, HMRI was able to lessen the burden on the public health system.
The program was aimed at the rural poor who had little to no access to qualified doctors and healthcare information. It also constituted a training program for Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs) and ran mobile health clinics.
Naandi Foundation: in 1998, the Naandi foundation was set up by the then CM of Andhra Pradesh Mr. N. Chandrababu Naidu, along with the heads of the 4 major business houses in the state: Dr K. Anji Reddy - Dr Reddy's Labs, Mr. Ramesh Gelli - founder of Global Trust Bank, Mr. B. Ramalinga Raju – Chairman of Satyam Computer Services, and Mr. K. S. Raju-Chairman of the Nagarjuna group of companies.
The aim of the foundation was to increase literacy among the poor and marginalized sections of society by increasing their enrollment in primary school. The students were also provided 1 full meal during the day. The foundation was able to reach 880 schools in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad and feed 150000 children daily.
Accounting scandal
Raju resigned from the Satyam board after Satyam Scandal, admitting to falsifying revenues, margins and over ₹ 5,000 crore of cash balances as the company. The Indian affiliate of PricewaterhouseCoopers, the company's auditors, appears to have certified the company had $1.1 Billion in cash when the real number was $78 million.
Just a fewly months before the scandal broke out, Raju tried to persuade investors by claiming that the company is sound and that past October he surprised analysts with better-than-expected results, claiming that "the company had achieved this in a challenging global macroeconomic environment, and amidst the volatile currency scenario that became reality"
A botched acquisition attempt involving Maytas in December 2008 led to corporate governance concerns among Indian investors and plunge in the share price of Satyam. In January 2009, Raju indicated that Satyam's accounts had been falsified over a number of years. Total assets on Satyam's balance sheet tripled during 2003–07 to $2.2 billion. He confessed to an accounting fraud to the tune of ₹ 7,000 crore or $1.5 billion and resigned from the Satyam board on 7 January 2009. Satyam was purchased by Tech Mahindra in April 2009 and renamed Mahindra Satyam.
In his letter, Raju explained his modus operandi to something that started as a single lie but led to another as "What started as a marginal gap between actual operating profit and the one reflected in the books continued to grow over the years. It has attained unmanageable proportions as the size of the company's operations grew over the years.". Raju described how an initial cover-up for a poor quarterly performance escalated: "It was like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten.".
Raju and his brother, B Rama Raju, were then arrested by the CID Andhra Pradesh police headed by V S K Kaumudi, IPS on charges of breach of trust, conspiracy, cheating, falsification of records. Raju may face life imprisonment if convicted of misleading investors. Raju had also used dummy accounts to trade in Satyam's shares, violating the insider trading norm.
The Andhra Pradesh government attached 44 properties belonging to the family members of the promoters of Satyam Computers in the case against Raju.
It has now been alleged that these accounts may have been the means of siphoning off the missing funds. Raju has admitted to overstating the company's cash reserves by USD$ 1.5 billion. Raju was hospitalized in September 2009 following a minor heart attack and underwent angioplasty. Raju was granted bail on condition that he should report to the local police station once a day and that he should not attempt to tamper with the current evidence. This bail was revoked on 26 October 2010 by the Supreme Court of India and he has been ordered to surrender by 8 November 2010.
Court proceedings
In November 2010, Raju surrendered after the Supreme Court in August cancelled the bail granted to him by a lower court in Hyderabad, where Satyam is based.
The Supreme Court on 4 November 2011 granted bail to Raju since the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) failed to file charges on time. According to Indian law, a charge-sheet against an accused must be filed within 90 days of arrest.
On 28 October 2013, the Enforcement directorate filed a chargesheet against Raju and 212 others. The filed report states that "it transpires that the accused resorted to inter-connected transactions, so as to ensure that crime proceeds were distanced from its initial beneficiaries, and laundered the said proceeds under the cover of the corporate veil, with an ulterior motive to project the properties so acquired as untainted ones".
On 9 April 2015, Ramalinga Raju and his brothers were sentenced to 7 years in jail, fined Rs. 5.5 crore.
On 11 May 2015, within a month of being convicted, Ramalinga Raju and all others who were found guilty were granted bail by a special court in Hyderabad. The bail amount for R. Raju and his brother was set at Rs. 10,00,000/- and the other convicts was set at Rs. 50,000/- only.
On 10 Jan 2018 India's capital market regulator has banned global auditing firm Price Waterhouse (PW) from auditing listed companies in India for two years for its alleged role of collusion with the directors and employees of erstwhile Satyam Computer Services, in perpetrating the country's biggest corporate accounting scandal.
Raja Nayak
From Being a Footpath Hawker to a Multiple Business Juggler of 60 Crore Rupees
Hunger teaches us the value of food. Poverty teaches us the value of money. Being deprived of basic needs in childhood has made many go-getters of today successful personalities of the society. Many of us get inspired by movies, but the intensity of such inspirations is always short lived. But meet Raja Nayak who eloped from his poverty-ridden family when he was 16 years old got inspired by Amitabh Bachchan’s 1978 movie ‘Trishul’, where his onscreen hero succeeds in becoming a real estate baron by starting with a single penny in his pocket to start a venture of his own and get identified as big real estate icon. His ability to take calculative risks has made him a business tycoon of 60cr worth with dexterity in handling logistics, water packaging, beauty & health care, Food Products and Educational Institutes. He has identified himself in society by holding key positions in social organizations like DICCI- Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries. His story is a mimic of the on-screen magic of rag-to-riches witnessed in Indian movies.

PC: livemint.com
Childhood & Poverty – A Learning Curve
Born in a poor Dalit migrated family from a village of Karnataka, Raja Nayak and his four siblings were deprived of minimum needs of childhood as his father was an aloof person who never bothered to take care of the needs of his offspring. His mother who was a housewife fought throughout her life to fund her children’s school needs by pawning whatever jewellery she had at her disposal. At the age of 16, he dropped out from school and was wandering with his Punjabi friend Deepak in the streets of the city of Bengaluru without having any focus on what is his life’s purpose. Both of them were like birds of the same feather as they had flunked in X exams and were confused about future.
It was during this period one of the well-wishers of Deepak’s family advised them to do some constructive work and build a better future. Both managed to accumulate 10000 rupees (Rs. 5000 each) and escapade to a place called Tirupur, in Tamil Nadu renowned for textiles with an idea of doing a garments business. They managed to purchase Export Rejected shirts and trousers from Tirupur and brought it to Bengaluru to sell it off by footpath stalls.
PC: rediff.com
The Footpath based maiden garment business
The export rejected surplus shirts bought for Rs. 50 each from Tirupur in Tamil Nadu proved to be a lucrative one for the duo. They set up a footpath stall near Bosch office of Bengaluru, and all these shirts got sold like hot cakes at a price of Rs. 100 each. During the lunch break of Bosch, its employees thronged to purchase these goods. Raja Nayak and his friend for the first time in life managed to make Rs. 5000 profit, and both of them developed this business aptly by adding new goods to their inventory. From footpath, they grew the business to be operated on a cart and later on started selling the garments in Textile exhibitions by hiring sales boys. They even started selling Kholapuri sandals/footwear by bringing them from wholesales dealers in Kholapur and sell them on posh streets of M.G Road and Brigade Road of Bengaluru in three years they had a well-equipped business in place. But the risk-taking ability of this duo prompted them to take up other ventures too. They both even started a Punjabi Food Outlet called ‘Tawa’ in prestigious Kormangala locality of Bengaluru and operated it successfully by serving authentic Punjabi Roti and Curry. This food restaurant ran successfully for three years, and they decided to sell it off to one of Deepak’s relative.
Emergence of Multi-Tasking Spree
It was during 1991, India opened up to the liberalization of the economy and same year Raja Nayak’s friend Deepak left Bengaluru, so Raja Nayak started operating his business with another friend and started a new venture called Akshay Enterprises that was into manufacturing Corrugated Boxes. With his business acumen, he even joined a logistics organization called MCS logistics International Pvt. Ltd and has become Director of the same. Today these two businesses earn him a significant chunk of revenue.
Venture into Educational Sector
Raja Nayak, frankly admits that his caste has not come in his way of becoming a successful entrepreneur. But he privately admits many people have cheated him in his journey of building his business set up. He also recalls that his sister was denied admission to a school and this motivated him to start up his own school. The school named as K J High School was started in the year 1976 in the form of a Nursery of underprivileged children and has today grown up into nursing and B. Ed school with 600 student strength.
Better-Half & her Inspiration for new ventures
Raja Nayak married a girl by Anita, who was employed in his school and it was a love-marriage. His wife’s enthusiasm in helping him to look after the business prompted him to start a Unisex Salon & Spa chain called Purple Haze and she is successfully operating the same from three prime localities Kormangala, J P Nagar and Madiwala. Clearly, this venture reflects the way Raja Nayak respects his near, and dear one’s viewpoints. Also, his two sons are sharing the burden of looking after his multiple business houses, which has eased out his tension, and thus he concentrates on starting up new ventures.
Jala Beverages Born out of Social Discrimination imposed on Dalit community
Raja Nayak happened to read news about discrimination rendered upon Dalits in Bagalkot district of North Karnataka, where many Dalits on the grounds of caste were deprived of drinking water. After reading the news, he went to the place to witness the scenes of low caste people being denied water mugs and were made to drink water poured onto their hands. This incidence shook Raja Nayak to the core and he started a Water Packaging Plant called Jala Beverages with a social message behind its inception.
Creating Awareness to be Job Creators
Majority of educated lower caste youth try to get into some sort of govt. Jobs by using reservation. Raja Nayak who is also President of DICCI- Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries, is trying his level best create a mindset among Dalit youths to become entrepreneurs and not look out just for some govt jobs. He even emphasized the fact that he has never utilized so-called Reservation policy of Govt. in his path of setting up the business.
His Latest venture is called Nutri Planet, started with three other directors and partners. This venture is a dream project of Raja Nayak and as a part of which he is constantly working with CFTRI-Central Food Technological Research Institute to manufacture products like energy bars and oil made out of Chia rice.
Dream to be in 100 Cr. Club
Raja Nayak, who has built an empire of 60 Cr businesses, is aiming to be in the elite class of 100 Cr. Businessmen of Nation. Kalam Fan Club wishes this entrepreneur success in the future endeavors. India today definitely needs such personalities in big numbers who can be the role models for millions of youth who are deprived of suitable employment even after getting educated.
Raja Nayak was born to Dalit parents who had migrated from a remote village in Karnataka to Bengaluru. His family lived in poverty, with his father’s unsteady income and a family comprising four siblings. When Raja was 17, he got inspired by an Amitabh Bachchan film and ran away to Mumbai with the hopes of becoming a real-estate baron. While that venture didn’t end well with Raja returning home heartbroken, it also gave Raja the courage to keep trying.
He dropped out of school and started with selling t-shirts, and later diversifying into Kolhapuri chappals and footwear. With an ample appetite for risks and diversification, today Raja has a total turnover of Rs 60 crore from enterprises across diverse sectors including international shipping and logistics, corrugated packaging, packaged drinking water, wellness, and chia rice products. He currently serves as President of the Karnataka chapter of Dalit Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DICCI), and runs schools and a college under the banner of Kalaniketan Educational Society for the underprivileged and disadvantaged sections of society.
Ritu Raj
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ritu Raj
Known for Founder and CEO of Avasta, OrchestratorMail, Objectiveli and Wag Hotels
Ritu Raj is an entrepreneur based in California. Raj is the founder of Avasta, OrchestratorMail and Objectiveli, as well as Wag Hotels, a chain of luxury hotels for dogs and cats.
Education and early career
Chapter 2/Avasta
In 1999, Raj founded Chapter 2, an application service provider (ASP) that supports the business applications for companies as an outsourcing company running the companies' existing networks. The company based its name on the idea that chapter one of the internet was web site hosting, with chapter two being business application hosting. In 2000 the company secured $9.5 million in funding. That year they also opened offices that provided back-office operations, security management and call center operations services. As of 2001, the company had raised $50 million from investors. That year Chapter 2 was renamed Avasta - a name based on the Sanskrit word "vasta," meaning "to stand and remain" - in order to reflect the company's new services. In 2003, Avasta was acquired by NaviSite.
Wag Hotels
Following Avasta, Raj was a partner with the information technology consulting firm Accenture. He was away from home and his dog frequently. This was the inspiration behind his venture Wag Hotels, a California-based line of luxury hotel for dogs and cats. In 2005, Wag opened its first location in West Sacramento. The company also operates Wag Store, a hotel-affiliated store. In 2007, Wag opened a location in San Francisco. In June 2007, the company also bought a stake in the Modesto-based pet quarterly publication, Wag Magazine.
Other Ventures
In 2010, Raj co-founded OrchestratorMail, and serves as the company's CEO. An application that works on top of an existing user's email platform, OrchestratorMail organizes email into a set of categories. Users then use this differentiation to determine what emails to reply to first.
From 2011-2012, Raj was an Entrepreneur in Residence at Spring Ventures, LLC, a venture capital firm in San Francisco. While there, he helped launch SideCar, a ride-sharing app that connects drivers with people looking for rides. In exchange, passengers can give drivers a financial donation. The apps were initially banned, however new regulations have since allowed them to operate.
In 2012, Raj co-founded Objectiveli with Jonathan Yankovich. Objectiveli is a web application designed for companies to set and manage objectives and goals and track the outcomes in real-time.
Sarathbabu Elumalai
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sarathbabu Elumalai
Born 10 November 1979
Occupation CEO of FoodKing, Politician
Spouse(s) Ramya Krishnaraj
Parent(s) Elumalai.P
E. Deeparamani
Early life and education
Sarathbabu was born in Madipakkam, a suburb of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.[3] He had four siblings and the family was supported by his mother Deepa Ramani, an Anganwadi worker. She also did various other jobs like making idlis, which Sarathbabu used to sell before going to school.
After completing his management education, Sarathbabu worked for 2 years. In 2006, he started Food King with a seed capital of ₹2,000 (US$28) for delivering food to institutions. As of 2011, it operates in 6 locations in India with an annual turnover of ₹80 million (US$1.1 million).
Personal life
In 2010, Sarath started the Hunger Free India, an initiative to feed poor people. He launched an initiative to observe 10 October as Hunger Free Day. In 2015, he married Ramya Krishnaraj.
Awards and recognition
Pepsi MTV Youth icon (2008)
Example to Youth Award (2008)
RITZ Chennai Youth Icon (2010)
CNN-IBN Award for Young Indian Leader (2011)
Honorary Rotarian
Honorary Alumnus, XLRI Jamshedpur
श्री. सचिन सातवी
आयुश ग्रुप चे संस्थापक श्री. सचिन सातवी यांचे पुन्हा जलद गतीने पदोन्नती झाल्याबद्दल हार्दिक सुभेच्छा !
Congradulations!!! to Sachine Satvi (Founder of AYUSH group) Got again fast track promotion.
Current Position :
Manager, Head Of Section, Interior Trim Design
ref : http://www.linkedin.com/in/sachine
Sent: 01 October 2012 18:17
Cc: 'AYUSH on net'; 'AYUSH yahoo'
Subject: [success story] Sachin Satvi, Founder AYUSH Group (Tribal Social Entrepreneur)
AYUSH success stories
अपले कडलि बिजि लोखा फ़ार सुधरेल आहात. त अपले त्याहि काय वेगला केला त्या समजुन घेव ना आपले हो काहि नविन करुन पाहु. माना माहित आहे अपले सगले फ़ार मोहरप जाव.
Let us do it together!
आजच्या संगणक अन इंटरनेटच्या युगात जगातील सर्वात प्रभावी माध्यमाचा वापर करून सचिन सातवी आणि सहकारी यांनी आदिवासी युवा शक्ती (आयुश) या ऑनलाईन ग्रुप ची स्थापना केली. आज आयुशचे समाज जागृती साठी १७ पेक्षा जास्त वेब पेजेस, आदिवासी जागृकते साठी १२००० पेक्षा जास्त फोटोंचा संग्रह (सगळे स्वतः टिपलेले), आयुशच्या विडीओ चानेल ला ४०००० विव्ज आहेत. या मागचा उद्देश आदिवासी तरुण पिढीत सामाजिक जागरुकता करून त्यांच्या कौशल्याचा उपयोग आदिवासी विकासा साठी करून घेणे व आदिवासी विकासा साठी कार्य करणाऱ्या सर्व व्यक्ती व संस्था यांना एकाच मंचावर आणणे होता
सामाजिक विकास हा कुणी एका संस्थेने, खात्याने किवा योजनेने होत नसतो. त्या साठी सगळ्यांनी सोबत येऊन मेहनत घेणे गरजेचे असते तसेच धेय्य, दृष्टीकोन (विजन आणि मिशन) महत्वाचे असते. आदिवासी विकासाचा विचार करता तेच प्रकर्षाने जाणवते, खूप साऱ्या संस्था, संघटना, समाज सेवक, शासकीय कर्मचारी आपआपल्या परीने प्रयत्न करीत आहेत. पण जो पर्यंत आदिवासी युवकांमध्ये आणि समाजा मध्ये विकास बद्दल जाणीव होत नाही तो पर्यंत एक तर्फी विकास फक्त कागदावरच राहील. म्हणून आदिवासी तरुणांमध्ये आणि समाजा मध्ये जागरुकता करण्या साठी आणि सगळ्या आदिवासी संस्था, संघटना, समाजसेवक यांना एका व्यासपीठावर आदिवासी समाजाच्या भविष्याचा विचार करण्या करिता आदिवासी युवा शक्ती प्रयत्नशील आहे. आदिवासी समाज एक कुटुंब हि भावना तयार करून समाजात एकता आणणे महत्वाचे आहे. आणि हे सगळे कुणा एकाने शक्य नाही म्हणून सगळ्यांनी सोबत येयून आपली आपल्या आदिवासी कुटुंबा साठी प्राथमिक जबाबदारी आही या भावनेने सामाजिक कार्यात सहभागी होणे अपेक्षित आहे!
Let us do it together!
Adivasi Yuva Shakti
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Satish Kumar Kaura
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Satish Kumar Kaura
Born 18 December 1944
Occupation Technocrat
IITK Distinguished Alumnus Award WWF Care for Nature Award Electronics Man of the Year
SID Special Recognition Award UP Transformational Leadership Award
Satish Kumar Kaura is an Indian technocrat, industrialist and the founder of Samtel Group, where he holds the post of the chairman. He is also the chairman and managing director of Samcor Glass Limited and the executive director of Samtel Colour Limited. An elected Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), Kaura is the first recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. The Government of India awarded him the fourth highest civilian honour of the Padma Shri, in 2004, for his contributions to Indian industrial sector.
S. K. Kaura was born in a middle-class family on 18 December 1944 and joining the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, he graduated in electrical engineering (BTech) in 1966. Later, he moved to Canada and secured a master's degree (MS) in electronics from Carleton University. Returning to India, he founded Samtel Group in 1973 and established Teletube Electronics Limited, a small industry for manufacturing television picture tubes, in 1974. This was followed by two more ventures, Samtel India Limited in 1981 and an engineering firm, Samtel Engineering and Sourcing Solutions, in 1983. In 1986, he established Samtel Color Limited, with technical and commercial collaborations with conglomerates like Sumitomo Corporation and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and the company had an installed capacity of 10 million picture tubes per annum. He also set up Samtel Display Systems (Later renamed Samtel Avionics Ltd.) for manufacturing of high-technology products for avionics and military applications, rugged displays, cockpit displays and equipment for military and commercial platforms. His son Puneet Kaura is the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Samtel Avionics Ltd. Samtel Avionics has two joint venture companies, Samtel HAL Display Systems, in association with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited in 2006, for the manufacture of electronic display systems and Samtel Thales Avionics Limited, joining with the French multinational, Thales Group in 2010, for the manufacture of Helmet-Mounted Sight and Display Systems and modern Avionics Systems. Samtel Glass Limited, incorporated in 1986, and Samtel Machines and Projects Limited are the other companies founded by Satish Kumar Kaura. The Group, as of 2005, has an employee strength of 4500 and has nine factories spread across India and Germany.
Kaura has been associated with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), as the president of its Northern Chapter, co-chairman of the National Committee on Defence and as the chairman of the Industrial Policy Committee. He has served as the president of the Electronic Industries Association of India and has been on the board of ICICI Group, SRF Limited, Infinity I, Fame Mercantile, Capfin Leasing, Blue Bell Trade Link, and Parsec Technologies (India). He is also a former member of the Review Committee of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Scientific Advisory Council, attached to the office of the Prime Minister of India.
Awards and honours
Steve Jobs
Birth Name Steven Paul Jobs
Mini Bio
Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco, California, to students Abdul Fattah Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble who were unmarried at the time and gave him up for adoption. He was taken in by a working class couple, Paul and Clara Jobs, and grew up with them in Mountain View, California.
He attended Homestead High School in Cupertino California and went to Reed College in Portland Oregon in 1972 but dropped out after only one semester, staying on to "drop in" on courses that interested him.
He took a job with video game manufacturer Atari to raise enough money for a trip to India and returned from there a Buddhist.
Back in Cupertino he returned to Atari where his old friend Steve Wozniak was still working. Wozniak was building his own computer and in 1976 Jobs pre-sold 50 of the as-yet unmade computers to a local store and managed to buy the components on credit solely on the strength of the order, enabling them to build the Apple I without any funding at all.
The Apple II followed in 1977 and the company Apple Computer was formed shortly afterwards. The Apple II was credited with starting the personal computer boom, its popularity prompting IBM to hurriedly develop their own PC. By the time production of the Apple II ended in 1993 it had sold over 6 million units.
Inspired by a trip to Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), engineers from Apple began working on a commercial application for the graphical interface ideas they had seen there. The resulting machine, Lisa, was expensive and never achieved any level of commercial success, but in 1984 another Apple computer, using the same WIMP (Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer) interface concept, was launched. An advert during the 1984 Super Bowl, directed by Ridley Scott introduced the Macintosh computer to the world (in fact, the advert had been shown on a local TV channel in Idaho on 31 December 1983 and in movie theaters during January 1984 before its famous "premiere" on 22 January during the Super Bowl).
In 1985 Jobs was fired from Apple and immediately founded another computer company, NeXT. Its machines were not a commercial success but some of the technology was later used by Apple when Jobs eventually returned there.
In the meantime, in 1986, Jobs bought The Computer Graphics Group from Lucasfilm. The group was responsible for making high-end computer graphics hardware but under its new name, Pixar, it began to produce innovative computer animations. Their first title under the Pixar name, Luxo Jr. (1986) won critical and popular acclaim and in 1991 Pixar signed an agreement with Disney, with whom it already had a relationship, to produce a series of feature films, beginning with Toy Story (1995).
In 1996 Apple bought NeXT and Jobs returned to Apple, becoming its CEO. With the help of British-born industrial designer Jonathan Ive, Jobs brought his own aesthetic philosophy back to the ailing company and began to turn its fortunes around with the release of the iMac in 1998. The company's MP3 player, the iPod, followed in 2001, with the iPhone launching in 2007 and the iPad in 2010. The company's software music player, iTunes, evolved into an online music (and eventually also movie and software application) store, helping to popularize the idea of "legally" downloading entertainment content.
In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and underwent surgery in 2004. Despite the success of this operation he became increasingly ill and received a liver transplant in 2009. He returned to work after a six month break but eventually resigned his position in August 2011 after another period of medical leave which began in January 2011. He died on 5 October 2011.
Family (3)
Trade Mark (1)
Black turtleneck sweatshirt and blue jeans - he owned over a hundred
Trivia (42)
Co-founded Apple Computer Inc. in 1977 with Steve Wozniak. Was later ousted and then brought back as interim CEO in 1997. His new reign has been controversial: bringing Apple back to profitability (and visibility), yet disappointing many for discontinuing the Newton MessagePad hand-held device.
Officially dropped the word "interim" from his title at Apple Computer sometime in the autumn of 1999.
When Apple Computer appointed its first Board of Directors, the Board insisted that all employees wear name badges with a number indicating the order in which they were hired. They assigned Steve Wozniak, who did all the engineering of the highly successful Apple II computer, the title Employee No. 1. Steve Jobs was officially Employee No. 2. Jobs protested but the Board refused to change the badge assignments. Jobs offered a compromise: He would be Employee No. 0, since 0 comes before 1 on the mathematical model known as a number line. (Source: "Accidental Empires" by Robert X. Cringely).
Purchased the computer graphics division of LucasFilm from George Lucas. This was later renamed Pixar.
Has a daughter, Lisa, from a previous relationship. She is the namesake of Apple's computer, the Lisa.
Attended Reed College (Portland, Oregon), but dropped out after one semester.
Adopted from infancy by Mountain View, California, couple, Paul and Clara Jobs. He was machinist for a laser manufacturer; she was an accountant.
Ranked #23 in Premiere's 2003 annual Power 100 List with Pixar partner John Lasseter. They had ranked #31 in 2002.
Graduated from Homestead High School in Cupertino, California, in 1972.
July 2004: he had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from his pancreas
He was a pescetarian, one whose diet includes fish but no other meat.
Ranked #1 on Premiere's 2004 annual Power 100 List with Pixar co-head John Lasseter. Had ranked #23 in 2003.
Ranked #3 on Premiere's 2005 Power 50 List with Pixar co-head John Lasseter. They had ranked #1 in 2004.
In Forbes Magazine's listing of the 400 Richest Americans in 2005, Steve Jobs came in at number 67 with a total worth of $3.3 Billion.
Ranked #1 on Premiere's 2006 "Power 50" list with Pixar co-head John Lasseter. They had ranked #3 in 2005 and #1 in 2004.
Invited to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Executives Branch) in 2005.
Received a liver transplant in April 2009.
(May 10, 2010) Merited a position in Time magazine's "The 100 Most Influential People in the World" ("Thinkers" category) with an homage contributed by Jeff Koons.
Merited the #2 position in "The Vanity Fair 100" magazine's 16th annual ranking of the most influential people of the Information Age. [2010]
Has a child from a relationship he had when he was 23 with a woman whom he didn't marry. The daughter was named Lisa N. Brennan Jobs, born on 17 May 1978.
Gave the commencement address to the graduating class of at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.
Biological son of immigrants to the U.S., Syrian Abdul Fattah Jandali and German-Swiss Joanne Carol Schieble. He was placed for adoption at a very early age, where he was adopted by an Armenian-American couple, Paul and Clara Jobs, who raised him. As a result of his upbringing, Jobs was fluent in the Armenian language.
Made the cover of TIME magazine 8 times: February 1982, August 1997, October 1999, January 2002, October 2005, April 2007 (group shot), April 2010, October 2011 (special issue).
Had intended to volunteer his service in designing the ad campaign for Barack Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.
Posthumously awarded the Grammy Trustees Award at the 54th Annual Grammy Awards in 2012. The Trustees Award is awarded to "individuals who, during their careers in music, have made significant contributions, other than performance, to the field of recording".
Was friends with President Bill Clinton, and allowed him to stay at his California mansion whenever Clinton visited his daughter Chelsea Clinton, then a student at Stanford University. Clinton in turn hosted Jobs as a guest of the Lincoln Bedroom.
The black-and-white headshot of Jobs that appeared on the jacket of his biographer Walter Isaacson's book "Steve Jobs" (2011) was taken by Scottish celebrity photographer Albert Watson.
Always counted Edwin H. Land, inventor of the Polaroid camera, as one of his all-time entrepreneurial heroes. He based many of his own Apple product presentational styles on Land's.
As a youth he lived at 2066 Crist Drive in Los Altos (CA), where he started his Apple company in the attached family garage with pal Steve Wozniak.
CEO of Apple Computer Inc. [1997]
CEO of Pixar Animation Studios [1986]
Often insisted on using marketing language that was intentionally grammatically incorrect. For example, he usually referred to Apple products without the definite article "the" to emphasis uniqueness. Another example was Apple's slogan in the late 1990s "Think different", in which he stated that "different" was meant to be a noun and sound colloquial.
He didn't use deodorant or shower regularly.
He followed a strict Vegan diet and often ate only one or two kinds of fruits such as Apples or pears for weeks at a time.
His #1 rival is Bill Gates.
Was played by Michael Fassbender in the film Steve Jobs.
Was played by Ashton Kutcher in the film Jobs.
Changed his daughter Lisa's last name from Brennan to Brennan-Jobs by altering her birth certificate.
At the Macworld convention on January 9th, 2007, he announced three new products: a widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone and a breakthrough internet connector. After a moment of letting the audience speculate, he announced that all three products are actually one, which turned out to be the iPhone.
Personal Quotes (19)
[February 1985, interview in "Playboy" magazine] I don't think I've ever worked so hard on something, but working on Macintosh was the neatest experience of my life. Almost everyone who worked on it will say that. None of us wanted to release it at the end. It was as though we knew that once it was out of our hands, it wouldn't be ours anymore. When we finally presented it at the shareholders' meeting, everyone in the auditorium gave it a five-minute ovation. What was incredible to me was that I could see the Mac team in the first few rows. It was as though none of us could believe we'd actually finished it. Everyone started crying.
[1985] I'll always stay connected with Apple. I hope that throughout my life I'll sort of have the thread of my life and then the thread of Apple weave in and out, like a tapestry. There may be a few years when I'm not there, but I'll always come back.
[2003] There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television--but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent.
[1998] A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them.
Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while.
[1993] I'm sorry, it's true. Having children really changes your view on these things. We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It's been happening for a long time.
[May 1998, interview in "Business Week" magazine] That's been one of my mantras--focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.
Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.
My model for business is The Beatles. They were four guys who kept each other's kind of negative tendencies in check. They balanced each other and the total was greater than the sum of the parts.
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything--all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure--these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
In most people's vocabularies, design means veneer. It's interior decorating. It's the fabric of the curtains and the sofa. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service.
I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again.
The unions are the worst thing that happened to education because it's not a meritocracy. It turns into a bureaucracy, which is exactly what happened. The teachers can't teach, and administrators run the place, and nobody can be fired. It's terrible.
You know, everybody has a cell phone, but I don't know one person who likes their cell phone. I want to make a phone that people love.
I'm going to destroy Android because it's a stolen product. I'm willing to go thermonuclear war on this.
All the work I have done in my life will be obsolete by the time I'm 50.
It's more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.
[about how he and partner Steve Wozniak tried to get major computer companies interested in their personal computer, which turned out to be the Apple] So we went to Atari and said, "Hey, we've got this amazing thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you". And they said, "No". So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, "Hey, we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet".
[on the difference between billionaires and regular people] Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.
Sandip Das
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sandip Das
Das began his career with the Indian consumer durable giant Usha International, Shriram Group, where he started as a Management Trainee and left as Joint Divisional Manager after 10 years of service. He then spent five years as the Franchise Head of Toyota cars and Hino trucks with the Al Futtaim Motors of the Al Futtaim Group in Dubai, UAE.
After returning to India, Das joined Hutchison Essar, then known as Hutchison Max Telecom where he started the company's operations in 1994 and was its first employee.He spent 13 years in the company, including his time as CEO of Hutchison Max Telecom's paging division, subsequently made COO of Hutchison Max Telecom in June 1998 where HMTL was an established market leader in Mobile Services and later as the Deputy Managing Director and Director on the Board of Hutchison Essar Limited. During his time with Hutchison, Das helped build the company. In an interview in May 2009, Das said, "I started with Hutchison in 1994. When I left, it had 25 million subscribers. Two months later, the company was sold for US$22 billion to Vodafone. I feel very proud of this achievement as I started the company’s operations from scratch".
In 2007, Das was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of Maxis Communications Berhad, the largest telecommunications operator in Malaysia.
Besides being the Executive Director and CEO of Maxis Communications Berhad, Das also served as Director on the Board of Aircel in India. In addition, Das served the Boards of Sri Lanka Telecom PLC and Mobitel (Sri Lanka) and was also a board member of Bridge Mobile Pte Ltd (Bridge Alliance), a strategic alliance of regional telecommunications provider. He also served for two years on the Board of the Global GSM Development Fund and was the Chairman of the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) Service Industry Panel.
In November 2009, Das led the Maxis's re-listing on the Malaysian Stock Exchange (Bursa Malaysia) in what was Southeast Asia's biggest IPO worth over US$3 billion. In 2010, Das led Maxis controlled subsidiary, Aircel in India, in the successful third generation (3G) and broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum auctions where Aircel successfully bid for 3G spectrum in 13 of the 22 telecom circles in India and BWA spectrum in 8 circles.
Awards & recognitions
Das is listed in the Global Telecoms Business GTB Power100 list as one of the 100 most powerful people in the telecoms industry worldwide in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2014. In 2012, Sandip was also voted Best CEO in Malaysia by Finance Asia Best Managed Companies Awards 2012. He was recognised as one of the "Spartans of Telecom" by MyMobile (telecom business editorial), credited for bringing global experience to the Indian telecom field.
Affiliations: Govt. Medical College, Nagpur,India.
Short Bio: Bio data
Date of Birth: 11th December 1969,
Sex: Male
Nationality: Indian
*MBBS – 1993,
Govt. Medical College, Nagpur.
Nagpur University, (M.S.), INDIA.
*MD (Chest Medicine) – 1998,
Govt. Medical College, Nagpur.
Nagpur University, (M.S.), INDIA.
*Sleep Medicine, Fellowship Training Program, 2008
Johns Hopkins Medical University, Baltimore, USA.
*Advance Cardiac Life Support, Instructor,
American Heart Association-2008
• Fellow American College of Chest Physician, USA.
• Member American Academy of Sleep Medicine, USA
• Fellow National College of Chest Physician, India
• Indian Association of Sleep Disorders, India.
• Indian Chest Society, India.
• Indian Medical Association
CURRENT POSITION: Professor and Head, Department of Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, 4th Floor SSH,Government Medical College, NAGPUR.
Total Post MD Experience: 19 years; Associate Professor Experience: 11 yrs
Organizing Chairman, Sleep Meet 2020, National Conference, 8th March 2020.
Founder President, Sleep apnea Association of India( 2020)
Chairman, Scientific Committee,
National Conference of Chest Diseases.Nagpur 5th to 7th Jan 2019
Expert Member,
New Drugs Advisory Committee(Pulmonary), 2014.
Central Drug Standard Control Organization,
Director General of Health Services,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
Research Advisory Council, Since 2012.
National Institute of Miners Health,
Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India.
Organizing Secretary:
International Conference of Sleep Medicine, 8TH 9TH and 10TH April 2011 at Nagpur, of Indian Sleep Disorder Association, New Delhi India.
International Scholar 2008 .
Mini- Fellowship program, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, USA.
Elected Governing Council Member for years 2008 to 2010, on National College of Chest Physician (NCCP), Delhi, INDIA,
A Professional National Organisation of Pulmonologist of Inida.
Activity: To mark world sleep day 13th Mach 2020, we organised three major activities viz. Conference for Medical Professionals; Public Forum Program from non medical professionals and Common people; Press Conference for creating awareness among masses.
To mark the World Sleep Day, 13th March 2020, Department of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur organised a National Conference “SLEEP MEET 2020” on 8th march 2020. International and national faculties deliberated regarding the Sleep health, its need and present issues and how to manage it, focussing on the world sleep day theme, Better sleep, Better life and Better planet.
Dr Nancy A. Collop, Professor of Medicine,Emory university school of medicine , Atlanta , GA,former president America Academy of Sleep Medicine( 2011-2012), was the keynote speaker. Dr Nancy has delivered keynote address “ Finding sleep apnea in clinic room, Hospital beds and operating suits”. Also briefed about Central Sleep apnea and discussed guidelines for the management of sleep apnea .
Dr Sushant Meshram, Professor and Head, Dept of Pulmonary and sleep medicine GMC Nagpur and regional coordinator of world sleep society, founder president of Sleep Apnea Association of India spoke on “ Future of sleep Medicine in India “with special emphasis on Sleep as an independent risk factor for Medical, Oncological and Gynaecological disorders, the way to address it and the need of healthy sleep habits and maintenance of circadian rhythm and developing sleep curriculum and fellowships program in India.
Dr Abdul Majeed Arshad Assistant Professor, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai talked about positive pressure therapy in OSA. Detailed about the various devices , their judious use and trouble shooting. He has enlightend the delegates reagarding the compliance of PAP devices, and how to make it patient friendly.
Dr Wasundhara Bhad, Professor and Head, Orthodontist, Governament Dental College Nagpur , explained and shared her experience regarding Mandibular advancement surgeries in OSA.
Dr. Sunil Ambulkar Professor of Endocrinolgy, Dr.Dipti Chand, Professor of medicine , Dr B.O . Tayde, Professor of Pulmonar Medicine, Dr. N. Tirpude, Professor of anaesthesiology , Dr.Shashi Bhushan Professor of Pulmonary and Sleep, Dr. Ashok Arbat, Pulmonolgist, Dr.PrafullaKadu Physician, Dr. Ramesh Bharate, Pulmonary and Sleep Physician, Dr, MukundDeahpande, Professor of cardoiology, Dr Sanjay Ramteke Professor of Neurology were the chairpersons for various symposium.
Sleep conference was attended by 411 delegates of various disciplines viz. Neurology, Psychiatry, Physicians, Cardiologist, Anaesthesiologists, ENT Specialist, Paediatricians across the country .
Professional bodies viz. Pulmo alumni association, Indian medical association, Association of Physicians of India, Sleep Apnea Association of India, Indian Chest Society, National College of Chest Physcians, Vidharbha chest Society endorsed the Sleep Meet 2020.
To create awareness of sleep and its importance for wellbeing among common massess, Public Forum– Sleep -A master key for healthy life with the theme of better sleep, better life, better planet was conducted. Panellists Dr Sushant Meshram Sleep Physician, Dr Nancy Collop Sleep Physician, Dr Vasundhara Bhat Dental Sleep Specialist , Dr Chaitnay Shembhekar Gynecologist, Dr Manjushri Giri, Pediatrician, Advocate Smita Sarode Social Scientist, Dr Dhote Social Scientist answered the queries of public related to all scientific and social issues related to Sleep. It was attended by 750 participants from all walk of life.
Organised Press conference which was attended by national and state level media like Times of India,The Hitwada, Maharashtra times, Tarun Bharath, Punyanagri, Lokmath, Loksatta, Sakkal , Nav bahrat, Dainik Bhasker , Deshooniti, and Lokshahi Varta. All the print and electronic media gave wide coverage to importance of sleep with the theme of Better Sleep, Better life, Better Planet under special column of World Sleep Day in English Hindi and Marathi languages.
Location: Nagpur, India
Date of Activity: 08-03-2020
Sramana Mitra
Founder and CEO of One Million by One Million (1Mby1M)
Menlo Park, California, United States500+ connections
One Million by One Million (1Mby1M)
Sramana Mitra is the founder and CEO of One Million by One Million (1Mby1M), the world’s first and only global virtual incubator/accelerator. Its goal is to help a million entrepreneurs globally reach a million dollars in annual revenue, build a trillion dollars in global GDP, and create 10 million jobs.
Since its founding in 2010, 1Mby1M has become a powerful platform for democratization of entrepreneurship acceleration.
Sramana also developed 1Mby1M’s Incubator-in-a-Box methodology for Corporate Incubation that is used by enterprises to manage internal and external innovation endeavors.
In 2015, LinkedIn named Sramana one of their Top 10 Influencers alongside Bill Gates and Richard Branson.
Sramana has been an entrepreneur and a strategy consultant in Silicon Valley since 1994. Her fields of experience span from hardcore technology disciplines like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Semiconductors, to sophisticated consumer marketing industries including e-commerce, fashion and education.
As an entrepreneur CEO, Sramana founded three companies: Dais (off-shore software services), Intarka (sales lead generation and qualification software using Artificial Intelligence algorithms; VC: NEA) and Uuma (online personalized store for selling clothes using Expert Systems software; VC: Redwood). Two of these were acquired, while the third received an acquisition offer from Ralph Lauren which the company did not accept.
As strategy consultant, Sramana has consulted with over 80 companies, including public companies such as SAP, Cadence Design Systems, Webex, KLA-Tencor, Best Buy, MercadoLibre and Tessera among others. Her work has also included numerous startups and VCs.
Sramana has a Masters degree in EECS from MIT and a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and Economics from Smith College.
From 2000 to 2004, Sramana chaired the MIT Club of Northern California’s entrepreneurship program in Silicon Valley.
Articles by Sramana
Author, Blogger & Columnist
Jan 2005 - Present16 years 10 months
Menlo Park, California
Sramana has authored Entrepreneur Journeys, a series of 12 books focused on demystifying entrepreneurship. In addition, Sramana has authored Vision India 2020, exploring India’s problems and solutions that can potentially be sought through entrepreneurship.
Feminine Feminism, one of the Entrepreneur Journeys volumes, focuses on the actualization of female potential. It starts with the essay Talented Women: Please do NOT Quit. Sramana’s speech, Women Entrepreneurs: The Myth, The Minefield, The Movement expands further on the subject. Through 1Mby1M, Sramana has mentored thousands of women entrepreneurs and remains committed to supporting female founders through their challenging journeys.
Sramana has an algorithm-level understanding of Artificial Intelligence, having designed products using core AI technologies. Her Thought Leaders in Artificial Intelligence series on the 1Mby1M blog explores trends, use cases and open problems in various industry sectors.
Her speech on the Future of Capitalism explores the impact of AI-driven automation on the current economic model of the world, and the future of work.
Her Man and Superman series extrapolates AI-driven innovation out to the future and explores its implications for humankind.
Sramana believes that the future of Silicon Valley is at the cusp of the Liberal Arts and technology. She is concerned about the mass addiction to devices and social media that modern society has engineered. She is also concerned about fortune accumulating at the tip of the economic pyramid and extreme inequality making society unsustainable. Through 1Mby1M, she is trying to create fortune in the middle of the pyramid.
As strategy consultant, Sramana has consulted with over 80 companies, including public companies such as SAP, Cadence Design Systems, Webex, KLA-Tencor, Best Buy, MercadoLibre and Tessera among others. Her work has also included numerous startups and VCs. Sramana has a proven track record in turnarounds, both mid-sized private companies (Example: think3, with Joe Costello) and divisions of larger companies (Example: a $100 million business unit of Cadence, with Lavi Lev).
Sukesh Ranjan
ABS Beverages Pvt. Ltd. :-
Established in 2002 , ABS Beverages Pvt. Ltd. has made a name for itself in the list of top suppliers of Spices & Seasonings ,Food Products in India. The supplier company is located in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh and is one of the leading sellers of listed products.
A.B.S.Breverages Private Limited is a UTTAR PRADESH based private ltd. Company Registered at dated 05 SEP 2008 on Ministry of Corporate Affairs(MCA), The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of A.B.S.Breverages Private Limited is U15132UP2008PTC035978 and registration number is 035978. It has been classified as non-govt company and is registered under Registrar of Companies Uttar Pradesh India. Authorized share capital of A.B.S.Breverages Private Limited is Rs.3000000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 1397840. It aspire to serve in food products and beverages manufacturing activities across the India.
Its Annual General Meeting (AGM) was lastly conducted on 2009-03-31 and as per the records of Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 0.
Directors of A.B.S.Breverages Private Limited are sukesh Rajan, Abhishek Rajan.
The registered Email address of A.B.S.BREVERAGES PRIVATE LIMITED is rinku_anand2003@yahoo.co.in
and its registered address c-117,hari har nagar indira nagar lucknow uttar pradesh india 226016.
The current status of A.B.S.Breverages
Private Limited shows as an ACTIVE.
CIN U15132UP2008PTC035978
Registration Date 05 SEP 2008
Company Class PRIVATE
Company Status ACTIVE
Swwapnil Bhingardeve
Khandoba Prasanna Sakhar Karkhana Limited is a Public incorporated on 02 January 2001. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Pune. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 140,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 98,298,096. It is inolved in Manufacture of other food products
Khandoba Prasanna Sakhar Karkhana Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 29 September 2017 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet was last filed on 31 March 2017.
Directors of Khandoba Prasanna Sakhar Karkhana Limited are Vijay Prakash Nade, Swwapnil Jijaba Bhingardevay, Satish Satyanarayan Dandnaeek, Vasant Vaman Paul Kate, Bhushan Vilas Mahadik and Jijaba Tukaram Bhingardeve.
Khandoba Prasanna Sakhar Karkhana Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U15421PN2001PLC015691 and its registration number is 15691.Its Email address is bswapnil.kpskl@yahoo.co.in and its registered address is
Current status of Khandoba Prasanna Sakhar Karkhana Limited is - Active.
Company Details
Company Status : Active
RoC : RoC-Pune
Registration Number : 15691
Company Category : Company limited by Shares
Company Sub Category : Non-govt company
Class of Company : Public
Date of Incorporation : 02 January 2001
Activity : Manufacture of other food products
Authorised Capital : ₹140,000,000
Paid up capital : ₹98,298,096
Date of Last Annual General Meeting
29 September 2017
Date of Latest Balance Sheet
31 March 2017
Sushil Patil
CMD at IEPC - Indo engineering Project Corporation)
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India,
Sushil Patil’s father was a labourer in an ordnance factory, who educated his son. He had to plead with the college dean to waive the last year’s fees, which he could not afford. The investment paid off. Sushil was employed in various firms, but then decided to start his own business, with the help of small loans. He failed in a series of ventures. But he persevered, and ultimately set up a firm, IEPC, providing engineering procurement and construction services. This now has revenues of Rs 280 crore per year.
Seth Munshi Ram Bhatia
Famous Industrialist himself to changing circumstances it would be impossible for him to gain his livelihood. Now the Caste System will not allow Hindus to take to occupations where they are wanted if they do not belong to them by heredity. If a Hindu is seen to starve rather than take to new occupations not assigned to his Caste, the reason is to be found in the Caste System. By not permitting readjustment of occupations, caste becomes a direct cause of much of the unemployment we see in the country.
Steven Kaler
Avinash Leathers Private Limited is an unlisted private company. It was incorporated on 24 July, 1991 and is located in Punjab, Punjab. It is classified as a private limited company.
The current status of Avinash Leathers Private Limited is - Active.
The registered office of Avinash Leathers Private Limited is at PO RAMDASPURANAKODAR ROAD, JALANDHAR, PUNJAB, Punjab.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Avinash Leathers Private Limited is U19129PB1991PTC011519. It's authorized share capital is INR 20.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is INR 20.00 lac.
The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of Avinash Leathers Private Limited, per our records, was held on 31 December, 2020. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2020.
CIN U19129PB1991PTC011519
24 July, 1991 / 30 yrs
31 December, 2020
INR 20.0 Lacs
INR 20.0 Lacs
Manufacturing (Leather and Leather Products)
Unlisted Private Company
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
PUNJAB - 000000
Punjab - India
Sanjay Kshirsagar
Dalit entrepreneur Sanjay Kshirsagar heads biggest dalit business grouping
MUMBAI: Reaching Sanjay Kshirsagar’s office in suburban Malad in Mumbai takes some effort. Steep, serpentine lanes lead to his office at Kokanipada in Kurar village. Shanties and small houses line both sides, intermittently punctuated by tall, modern concrete structures. It’s a rather unusual setting for the headquarters of an established high-end sound systems manufacturer, a construction business, and an upcoming packaged-water franchisee.
In his office, far from the steeland-glass districts of Bandra and Parel, Kshirsagar, 42, has come full circle. Brought up in a dalit middle-class family, he reminisces about the small chawl room close by where he and his younger brother, Satish, were brought up. “My father was an honest government employee,” he says.
“In those days, an officer not accepting bribes couldn’t afford to buy a new house.” Thus, for over 30 years, the Kshirsagars lived in the chawl room. He remembers th ..
Riding on the wave of dalit capitalism in India Inc, Kshirsagar is also the incumbent Mumbai chapter head of Dalit India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DICCI) – a grouping of dalit entrepreneurs. His life’s journey questions as many stereotypes as it replays the story of any seasoned, wellnetworked businessman.
Slum redevelopment was not on Kshirsagar’s mind for a long time till he contested the 2002 municipal elections as an independent candidate from Kurar. Accordingly, his biggest agenda was to herald in the Slum Rehabilitation Scheme (SRS) -- a measure he continues to see as the only way forward for this congested, hilly locality bordered by the Sanjay Gandhi National Park and fraught with incidences of petty crime. ..
“Redevelopment is the key to improving quality of life in this area,” he says. Losing the elections catapulted Kshirsagar into becoming an SRS developer. After college in 1993, he had also worked on lighting and sound projects for Crompton Greaves with expert civil and electrical engineers. Those contacts came in handy in his new construction foray. Kshirsagar launched APA Infraventure in July 2007 along with Atul Prabhu, an architect. Initial funding came from foreign angel investors, he claims.
For the rest, he plans to approach a nationalised bank. Despite earlier rejections, Kshirsagar now seems optimistic about getting the loan. APA has a land bank of 16 acres in Kurar and acquiring this was the biggest task, he says. The economic slowdown of 2008 temporarily halted his plans, but APA now has six projects for residential high-rise apartments on offer.
This is unusual as most developers tend to develop one or two properties at a time, introducing new projects only after the previous ones earn revenue . “Sanjay thinks big. He decided to concentrate all the resources into all his projects at once,” says Rajesh Londhe, senior architect at APA.
Historically, SRS has been fraught with political meddling . Slums form large vote banks, and since there’s no investment by the Government, politicians are known to go the extra mile in claiming credit for SRS developments. According to the Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) website , Malad East has 14 SRS projects proposed by nine developers.
“There is a heavy density of slums here, making it a lucrative place to develop,” says Suresh Bharadkar, a director of Mauli Sai Developers, which introduced SRS projects in Kurar in 2004. Competition for land is intense. “Most of my competitors have used immense political clout to grab land for development,” says Kshirsagar.
He himself denies receiving political assistance, insisting that he chose Kurar for emotional reasons. But he does confess to revering Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) chief Sharad Pawar as an inspiration . A large hardbound edition of Pawar’s autobiography is propped up right behind Kshirsagar’s desk.
“Pawar saheb combines politics and business well,” he says. A close associate confirmed later that APA’s SRS projects received occasional “support” from the party. Even as his SRS plans are underway , Kshirsagar is diversifying into bottling of drinking water. He recently won franchise rights for Eureka Forbes’ upcoming packaged drinking water business. In all this, DICCI has been a helpful forum to build networks and his position in the community, Kshirsagar admits.
“Successful entrepreneurs , who have made it big, seldom talk humbly. In DICCI, you can talk to them as equals,” he says, referring rather tacitly to the elitist nature of leading industry bodies in India. Ever mindful of his humble origins , Kshirsagar ensures his 125 employees are well taken care of. That includes serving them lunch everyday.
“They all travel a lot to come here. As they start early, many of them cannot get tiffins,” he reasons. For the locals , Kshirsagar has also set up the Martand Bhairav Patpedhi, a co-operative credit society, and Indira Mahila Bachat, a womenonly savings scheme. In addition , he runs many small businesses in Kokanipada such as laundry, travel and security services where he employs locals.
Asked about reservation for dalits, Kshirsagar says only the needy should avail of it. “I will never allow my kids to apply through the SC/ST quota. Like me, they should fight it out in a fair manner,” he says. It’s time for lunch and Kshirsagar’s wife waits impatiently outside to serve him his home-cooked meal. Stepping out, he washes his hands from a small bottle of water on to a patch of soil. Glancing across the locality he grew up in, Kshirsagar reveals that his mother’s dream apartmentbuilding will get completed soon. A penthouse, it’s coming up right where their old chawl once stood. The building has been christened, rather aptly , ‘heaven’ . The sense of liberation is almost complete.
A brief profile:
Sanjay Kshirsagar Sound Concepts; APA Infraventure
BUSINESS: Sound systems, construction
YEAR OF STARTING: 1996 (Sound Concepts); 2007 (APA Infraventure)
REVENUES: Rs 1 cr (Sound Concepts); Rs 100 cr expected for APA Infraventure after 5 yrs
Employee - 125
S. D. Shibulal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
S. D. Shibulal
Shibulal at the 2013 Horasis Global India Business Meeting Born
Sarojini Damodaran Shibulal
1 March 1955 (age 66)
Other names Shibulal
Education M.Sc. (Physics) Years active 1981 – present
Net worth
$1.4 billion (April 2019) Globethics.net
Seoul International Business Advisory Council (SIBAC)
Spouse(s) Kumari Shibulal
Children Daughter: Shruti & Son: Shreyas
S. D. Shibulal (born 1 March 1955, in Alappuzha, India), better known as Shibulal, is an Indian business executive. He was the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Infosys, and one of its seven founding members. He stepped down from the post of CEO and MD on 31 July 2014 and was succeeded by the first non-founder CEO of Infosys Dr. Vishal Sikka. He is the President of the Infosys Science Foundation for the year 2015.
Early life and education
Shibulal, born in Alappuzha in 1955, to an Ezhava family. In an interview, he was quoted in reference to his early childhood life - "I was the only child, and my parents were really keen that I stay at home and take up a teaching job." His father, Damodaran, was an ayurvedic doctor; and mother, Sarojini, a state excise department employee. After completing schooling in T. D. High School, Alappuzha, he went to S. D. College in Alappuzha for his graduation. Upon completion, he joined Maharaja's College Ernakulam, then under University of Kerala, where he earned his M.Sc. in Physics. He obtained an M.S. degree in Computer Science from Boston University in 1987.
Shibulal, left Infosys in 1991 for a five-year sabbatical, and joined Sun Microsystems in the US. Between 1991 and 1996, he was responsible for designing and implementing Sun's first e-commerce application. In 1997, on his return to Infosys, Shibulal established and headed the Internet Consultancy practice, which set the stage for the company’s evolution into a major global business consulting and IT services provider Shibulal held a number of senior leadership roles which include: Head of Worldwide Sales and Customer Delivery, and Head of Infosys Manufacturing and Distribution and Internet Consulting practice.
On 22 June 2007, Shibulal took over from Kris Gopalakrishnan as the Chief Operating Officer. In this role, he focused on increasing competitiveness, improving customer experience, enhancing employee engagement and increasing the depth of services. Shibulal also joined as the member of the Board of Directors of Infosys.
On 30 April 2011, the Infosys board announced that Shibulal was appointed as the new CEO and Managing director of the company. On 21 August 2011, he took over his new role from Kris Gopalakrishnan. Soon after taking over, Shibulal announced Infosys 3.0, the strategy that would propel Infosys into its next phase of evolution. He termed, the first 15 years of Infosys as Infosys 1.0 and the next 12–13 years as Infosys 2.0, and was quoted “This was when we innovated the global delivery model and started delivering services, predominantly applications development and maintenance,... The 12-13 years after that constituted Infosys 2.0, developing the ability to supply services that allowed clients to become much more efficient and productive. As the Chief Executive Officer, Shibulal is focused on strengthening strategic partnerships with clients, increasing client relevance and evolving the company’s business model towards achieving Infosys’ aspirations of becoming the next generation global consulting and IT services corporation. In April 2014 Shibulal expressed the desire to retire as its chief executive officer and managing director. On 12 June, it was announced that Shibulal would quit as CEO and MD of Infosys from 1 August 2014.
In 2014 Shibulal co-founded Axilor Ventures, a venture capital service for young entrepreneurs.
Board memberships
Shibulal is a member of the board of trustees, and the Metropolitan College Dean’s Advisory Board of Boston University. He also serves on board of the foundation, Globethics.net, the Seoul International Business Advisory Council (SIBAC), and the Global Corporate Governance Forum’s Private Sector Advisory Group.
Personal life
Shibulal met his wife Kumari, during his university days in SD College. The couple has two children; daughter Shruti and son Shreyas. One of his hobbies is dismantling and reassembling electronic devices to figure out how they work, and likes listening to Carnatic classical music. In a Financial Times interview in 2012, it was cited that his favourite city is New York. Shibulal, along with wife Kumari, daughter Shruti and son Shreyas, holds nearly 2.2% of Infosys shares, which has a market capitalisation of around $30 billion. S Prince
S Prince Hightech Private Limited is an unlisted private company. It was incorporated on 09 April, 2007 and is located in Mumbai City, Maharashtra. It is classified as a private limited company.
The current status of S Prince Hightech Private Limited is - Active.
The registered office of S Prince Hightech Private Limited is at Flat No. 2204, Building No E,Mahindra Splendour Co-op Housing Soc Ltd, LBS Marg, Bhandup (W), Mumbai, Mumbai City, Maharashtra.
The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of S Prince Hightech Private Limited is U74140MH2007PTC169755. It's authorized share capital is INR 7.00 cr and the total paid-up capital is INR 2.11 cr.
The last reported AGM (Annual General Meeting) of S Prince Hightech Private Limited, per our records, was held on 30 September, 2019. Also, as per our records, its last balance sheet was prepared for the period ending on 31 March, 2019.
09 April, 2007 / 14 yrs
30 September, 2019
INR 700.0 Lacs
INR 211.0 Lacs
Business Services
Unlisted Private Company
Company limited by Shares
Non-govt company
Flat No. 2204, Building No E,Mahindra Splendour
Co-op Housing Soc Ltd, LBS Marg, Bhandup (W)
Mumbai City - 400078
Maharashtra - India
Shine Gopal
Shine Gopal is an award-winning Serial Entrepreneur, Global Venture Developer and Ecosystem Builder. IMark works with various Governments, Investor Groups, Public and Private companies to setup innovation / entrepreneurial ecosystems, Industrial parks, Special Economic Zones, innovative business models.
Shine Gopal is an award-winning Serial Entrepreneur, Global Venture Developer, Global Growth Catalyst, Investor, Startup Creator, Open Innovation evangelist and Changemaker. Having decades of experience in International Markets, Shine has wide networks in India, Africa, UK & USA.
He's the founder of IMark Global a venture development company which creates and grow scalable ventures. Venture development is a new model of business where we ideate, incubate, invest & scale innovative ventures of global relevance. We also partner with international companies to incubate and launch their business to the Indian market.
He's also the Founder of Techoo, An open Innovation and technology scouting platform - which helps companies to source innovations and to connect with a network of innovators, develop new products, or outsource the innovation process.
He's also the Founding Chairman of Marketnext Foundation a social enterprise with presence in 14 countries.
We help to engage workforce across the world. Break down entrenched silos and geographic barriers. Foster a global, company-wide culture of innovation
He has spearheaded various international delegations & business promotional programs to various international markets for the promotion of innovations across the world.
Reach Shine for India Market Entry Partnerships, Startup incubation, International Business Expansion, (Africa, India, Europe, USA) , New Venture Creation, New Brand Creation, Tech Venture creation, Technology / Innovation scouting, Offshore R&D Setup, Innovation Outsourcing, Digital Strategy, eCommerce, eMarketplace , Cross Border, Joint Ventures, Technology Transfer & Collaboration, Product Commercialisation, Mergers & Acquisitions.
Dr. Suresh Kumar Madhusudhanan
Managing Director at Seagull International Global Human Resource Consultants. Outsource your overseas recruitment efforts with Seagull International for both ... Winner of Global HR excellence award 2020 for a Best overseas recruitment consultant. ... Dr. Suresh Kumar Madhusudhanan holds Ph. D in Human Resourece ... certified Global Human Resource Outsourcing Consultants, based in Mumbai,
Seagull International
No one knows the third-world as we do when it comes to finding candidates who are 'Best Fit' for employers from the Gulf, the MENA region of Europe.
Recognized for over two decades as one of the leading manpower consultants and recruiter of specialist, flexible and contract work forces, Seagull is accredited by the Ministry of Indian Overseas Affairs, Govt of India and operates from Mumbai, the business capital of India.
Basic Information
Nature of Business Service Provider
Legal Status of Firm Individual - Proprietor
Statutory Profile
* SABIC (Saudi Basic Industrial Corporation), JUBAIL
Sharad Vivek Sagar
Sharad Vivek Sagar is an Indian Youth Icon and an internationally awarded social entrepreneur whose innovative and inspirational leadership has transformed many lives and received global recognition.
Sagar’s work is redefining education and leadership for millions of young Indians. President Barack Obama invited him to the White House, Forbes listed him on its global 30 Under 30 list, Rockefeller Foundation inducted him in the list of 100 Next Century Innovators, Nobel Peace Center invited him to the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony, the Queen of England included him in “Queen’s Young Leaders” and India’s leading media house Divya Bhaskar called him “the Vivekananda of 21st Century”, however, Sagar considers himself a dedicated worker of Swami Vivekananda committed to building servant leaders for India through education.
Early life
Sagar was born in a small village called Ziradei in Siwan(Bihar), India
Sagar graduated from Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts with a degree in International Relations. At Tufts University, he was the first freshman to win the Tufts’ $100,000 Entrepreneurship Challenge. The following year, he was a winner of the Paul and Elizabeth Montle Prize. In May 2016, Sharad delivered the baccalaureate address at Tufts University. He was also one of the winners of the 2016 Samuel Huntington Public Service Award.
Sagar is working in the field of education and public service as an entrepreneur. He founded Dexterity Global in 2008 at the age of 16.
Sagar participated in Telenor Youth Forum 2016 in Oslo.
Awards and recognition
He was in the runners-up position for Queen's Young Leaders Awards. awarded to 240 influential change-makers, representing 53 Commonwealth countries in 2018.
Sudhakar Ram
Sudhakar Ram
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sudhakar Ram
Born 8 September 1960
Alma mater Loyola College, Chennai
IIM Calcutta
Occupation Group CEO and Managing Director, Mastek Spouse(s) Girija Ram
Sudhakar Ram (born 8 September 1960), is the Group CEO and Managing Director of Mastek, a software company. He was awarded CNBC Asia's ‘India Business Leader of the Year’ in 2007. He is the lead contributor to the blog - The New Constructs. Sudhakar Ram recently published "The Connected Age", a book based on the world’s dystopian environment.
Early life and education
Sudhakar Ram was born on 8 September 1960 in Chennai. His early childhood and schooling was in Delhi and Kolkata. When he was eight, his family moved to Chennai. Sudhakar Ram graduated in Commerce from Loyola College, Chennai and completed his MBA from IIM Calcutta. He was the silver medalist at IIM-C. At IIM-C, he developed a keen interest in computers.
Prior to joining Mastek, he served as the Chief Information Officer of Rediffusion Dentsu Young & Rubicam. Sudhakar Ram, along with three graduates from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A), Ashank Desai, Ketan Mehta and R. Sundar, started Mastek in May 1982. Personal life
Sudhakar met his wife Girija while pursuing his MBA at IIM Calcutta. He has a daughter named Samvitha.
Awards & Recognition
2007: CNBC Asia's India Business Leader of the year.
Sharad Vivek Sagar
Sharad Vivek Sagar is an Indian Youth Icon and an internationally awarded social entrepreneur whose innovative and inspirational leadership has transformed many lives and received global recognition.
Sagar’s work is redefining education and leadership for millions of young Indians. President Barack Obama invited him to the White House, Forbes listed him on its global 30 Under 30 list, Rockefeller Foundation inducted him in the list of 100 Next Century Innovators, Nobel Peace Center invited him to the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony, the Queen of England included him in “Queen’s Young Leaders” and India’s leading media house Divya Bhaskar called him “the Vivekananda of 21st Century”, however, Sagar considers himself a dedicated worker of Swami Vivekananda committed to building servant leaders for India through education.
Early life
Sagar was born in a small village called Ziradei in Siwan(Bihar), India
Sagar graduated from Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts with a degree in International Relations. At Tufts University, he was the first freshman to win the Tufts’ $100,000 Entrepreneurship Challenge. The following year, he was a winner of the Paul and Elizabeth Montle Prize. In May 2016, Sharad delivered the baccalaureate address at Tufts University. He was also one of the winners of the 2016 Samuel Huntington Public Service Award.
Sagar is working in the field of education and public service as an entrepreneur. He founded Dexterity Global in 2008 at the age of 16.
Sagar participated in Telenor Youth Forum 2016 in Oslo.
Awards and recognition
He was in the runners-up position for Queen's Young Leaders Awards. awarded to 240 influential change-makers, representing 53 Commonwealth countries in 2018.
Thomas Bata
Tomáš Baťa
Tomáš Baťa, 1920s
Born 3 April 1876
Died 12 July 1932 (aged 56)
Tomáš Baťa (Czech pronunciation: [ˈtomaːʃ ˈbaca]) (3 April 1876 – 12 July 1932) was a Czech entrepreneur and founder of the Bata shoe company. His career was cut short when he died in a plane accident due to bad weather.
Baťa's half-brother Jan Antonín Baťa took over his company, expanding it during the Great Depression. World War II resulted in much destruction of the business. After Communist governments were established in Czechoslovakia and other nations of Eastern Europe, they nationalized the Baťa enterprises, taking over the company group.
Tomáš's son Thomas J. Bata rebuilt and expanded shoe manufacturing in the company name after moving to Canada in 1939, at the time of the Nazi invasion and annexation of Czechoslovakia.
Tomáš Baťa established the organization in Zlín on 24 August 1894 with 800 Austrian gulden (equivalent to $320 at the time), inherited from his mother. His brother Antonín Baťa and sister Anna were partners in the startup firm T. & A. Bata Shoe Company. Though this organization was newly established, the family had a long history of shoemaking, spanning eight generations and over three hundred years. This heritage helped boost the popularity of his new firm very quickly.
In 1904, Baťa travelled to Lynn, a city outside Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States that was then the center of world footwear production. He worked on an assembly line and learned about its machinery, such as Matzeliger's automated laster. He began mechanizing his production upon his return and introduced an assembly line at Zlín in 1927. With modern production and long-distance retailing, Baťa modernized the shoemaking industry. From its start, the company developed rapidly in production and its profits rose.
Tomáš Baťa obtained sole control over the company in 1908 after his brother Antonín Baťa died from tuberculosis. Tomáš brought two of his younger brothers, Jan and Bohuš, into the business. World War I created a booming demand for military shoes, which the company started to produce. During the interwar period, Baťa again visited the United States, to observe progress at the River Rouge Plant of Henry Ford in Dearborn, Michigan. Upon his return, he directed his company to look towards decentralizing operations.
Baťa recognized the needs of his customers, whose purchasing power had been significantly reduced in the aftermath of the war, and enlarged his offerings to produce low-cost shoes for the general public. He also established factories and companies in other countries, including Poland, Yugoslavia, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, the United Kingdom and, away from Europe: the United States and India. These factories were allowed to be self-sufficient and autonomous in their design, production and distribution strategies, in order to be able to cater to their local population.[3] By the early 1930s, Bata had led the Baťa enterprise and Czechoslovakia to be the world's leading footwear exporters. Bata factory at Bataville, France, appr. 1940.
Bata factory at Batawa, Ontario, Canada.
Bata is credited with efforts to modernize his hometown, both through employment and construction of housing facilities, making him a very popular citizen. He was elected as mayor of Zlín. Baťa is widely regarded as a businessman with an acute sense of social consciousness. He is quoted by many as one of the first pioneers of employee welfare and social advancement programs. Tomáš Baťa stated:
"Let's bear in mind that the chances to multiply wealth are unlimited. All people can become rich. There is an error in our understandings - that all people cannot become equally rich. Wealth can not exist where the people are busy with mutual cheating, have no time for creating values and wealth. It is remarkable that we can find the greatest number of wealthy tradesmen and a population on a high standard of living in countries with a high level of business morality. On the other hand, we can find poor tradesmen and entrepreneurs and an impoverished population in countries with a low standard of business morality. This is natural because these people concentrate on cheating one another instead of trying to create value.
We are granting you the profit share not because we feel a need to give money to the people just out of the goodness of the heart. No, we are aiming at other goals by this step. By this measure we want to reach a further decrease of production costs. We want to reach the situation that the shoes are cheaper and workers earn even more. We think that our products are still too expensive and worker's salary too low."
Baťa's leadership for quality and innovation
In a scholarly study of Tomáš Baťa as a leader and business innovator, Dr. Myron Tribus states:
"When I first began this paper, I intended to demonstrate that what Baťa did is a superb illustration of what is now called "quality management". The record shows that Tomáš Baťa did indeed precede modern "quality management" practices by at least half a century. If we look only at that side of the man, we must conclude that he was the first to use quality as a way to lower cost at the same time as he created customer delight."
"However, as I delved more deeply into Baťa's management methods, it became clear that looking at his work through such a lens gives much too narrow a focus. It is possible, of course, to analyze Baťa's work as an example of what W. Edwards Deming has called his "System of Profound Knowledge". However, the level of abstraction at which Dr. Deming describes this system makes it capable of encompassing many different activities and while it provides great generality, it does not provide a focus on what was unique about Baťa. I have chosen a less abstract approach, concentrating on the Baťa contributions I thought would be of greatest value in contemporary management. My objective is to find the most important lessons that the Baťa system of management can teach today's entrepreneurs."
Wages scheme
Tomáš Baťa used 4 basic types of wages:Fixed rate - paid to a technical-operative and an administrative staff
Individual order based rate - paid to some manufacture specialists
Collective task rate - defined for manufacture labour
Profit contribution rate - paid to operational managers
Also typical is so called "Baťa price", establishing a price usually ending in the number nine. He found that psychologically, a price of 99 or 19.99 was apparently more appealing to customers than a rounded number, such as 100 or 20, even though the difference is just 1 currency unit.
Baťa considered aviation another branch of commercial activity. His company was apparently the world's first to use air transportation for travel of not only high-echelon staff, but also to send skilled workers quickly to places where their skills were critically needed. The emphasis was on timely deployment of manpower, not on the creation of prestige travel for a few chosen.
Death and future of company
Baťa died in a plane crash (Junkers J13 D1608) in 1932 near the Zlín airport while trying to fly to Möhlin in Switzerland on a business trip under bad weather conditions of dense local fog.
After his death, his half-brother Jan Antonín Baťa took over ownership of the Bata companies. He greatly expanded the business into new fields, even during the Great Depression. He founded the famous Zlin aircraft works two years after Baťa's death, starting with simple gliders. From the 1930s to the eve of the World War II, he developed for sale several sophisticated types (e.g. the Walter Mikron avgas-powered Zlín Z-XII, which was widely exported, and the Z-XIII, as well as some successful sailplanes) and aero engines. The Moravan-Zlin factory is the direct descendant of Jan Bata's Czech aviation legacy.
In addition, Jan Antonín Baťa started new manufacturing and set up markets in numerous new countries. In 1939 after the Nazi invasion and occupation of Czechoslovakia, he tried to negotiate to keep the company, before emigrating to the United States. In 1941 he resettled in Brazil, where he continued to act as an entrepreneur, creating several company towns. World War II resulted in much destruction of Bata businesses in Europe and Asia. After Communist governments were established in Central and Eastern Europe, they took over and nationalized the companies.
In 1934 his son Tomáš Baťa established an industrial manufacturing unit south of Kolkata, India. It was a complete industrial settlement and was named Batanagar. A Metro station in Delhi, Bata Chowk, is also named after him.
Anticipating the Second World War, Baťa's son Thomas J. Bata, along with over 100 families from Czechoslovakia, moved to Canada in 1939. There he developed the Bata Shoe Company of Canada, founding the factory town of Batawa, Ontario.
During the Second World War, many Baťa businesses in Europe and the Far East that had been developed by Jan Baťa were destroyed. After the War, the core business enterprise in Czechoslovakia and other major enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe were nationalized by the Communist governments.
Thomas J. Bata devoted himself to the rebuilding and development of the Bata Shoe Organization, together with his wife and partner Sonja Bata. He successfully expanded into new markets throughout Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Under his leadership, the Bata Shoe Organization had unprecedented growth. It became the world's largest manufacturer and marketer of footwear selling over 300 million pairs of shoes each year and employing over 80,000 people.
Tomas Bata Memorial
General information
Type memorial
Architectural style functionalism
Address nám. T. G. Masaryka 2570
Town or city Zlín
Country Czech Republic
Completed 1933
Design and construction
Architect(s) František Lydie Gahura
Tomas Bata Memorial is the most impressive architectural work of František Lydie Gahura, it is a modern paraphrase of the constructions of high gothic style period: the supporting system and colourful stained glass and the reinforced concrete skeleton and glass. The building process started in 1932 and the monument was open with ceremony on the day of the first anniversary of Tomáš Baťa death that is on 12 July 1933. Based on the proposals by František Lydie Gahura the monument was meant to be an entrance gate to a complex of four buildings of the learning institute. Between 1936 and 1939 only the Learning Institute I and II were built. In 1954 the monument was rebuilt (academic architect J. Staša) and turned into the House of Arts. Later to be used as an art gallery and philharmonic orchestra in Zlín. The memorial unfortunately lost its architectural qualities.
Tomas Bata Memorial is the most valuable monument of the Zlín functionalism. The idea for the monument is simple - an empty prism placed on a visible spot above the town on the central axis of the ascending park space, made up of several modules of the Zlín 6.15 x 6.15 m frame and clad only with cathedral glass. Inside is Junkers F 13 aircraft in which Tomáš Baťa died in 1932. Gahura reduced the monument to three basic materials of Zlín architecture – concrete, steel and glass. Building's composition express the unique attributes of Tomáš Baťa: generosity, clarity, aspiration, optimism, simplicity and honesty.
1912 में टॉमस ने 600 मजदूरों को नौकरी दी और सैकड़ों को उनके घरों में ही काम मुहैया कराया. टॉमस बाटा ने 1894 में इसकी शुरुआत की थी. कंपनी रबर और चमड़े की खोज में भारत आई. 1939 में कोलकाता से कंपनी का कारोबार शुरू हुआ
Bata की कहानी:
अपने देश में दिवालिया हुई, भारत आ कर किस्मत पलट गई, अब भारतीयों की पहचान है
भारत में जूते व चप्पल की कंपनी में बाटा (Bata) सबकी चहेती कंपनियों में से एक है. बाटा की लोकप्रियता की एक बड़ी वजह है इसके जूते-चप्पलों की कम कीमत और उनका आरामदायक होना. भारत के मध्यमवर्गीय लोगों के लिए ये दोनों ही चीज़ें मायने रखती हैं और यही इस कंपनी की सफलता का कारण भी बना. लेकिन, क्या आप जानते हैं कि बाटा भारतीय कंपनी नहीं है?
स्वदेशी नहीं विदेशी कंपनी है Bata
tomasbataभारतीयों की जु़बान पर बाटा का नाम इतना अधिक आता है कि अधिकतर लोग इसे स्वदेशी कंपनी मानते हैं. लेकिन, बाटा भारतीय कंपनी नहीं बल्कि चेकोस्लोवाकिया की कंपनी है. थॉमस बाटा ने इसकी शुरुआत 1894 में की थी. थॉमस बाटा चेकोस्लोवाकिया के एक छोटे से कस्बे में एक गरीब परिवार में जन्में थे. इनका परिवार कई पीढ़ियों से जूते बनाकर ज़िन्दगी गुज़र-बसर कर रहा था. आर्थिक तंगी की वजह से इनका बचपन काफ़ी मुश्किलों में बीता. परिवार की मुश्किलें दूर करने के लिए थॉमस ने 1894 में अपने पारिवारिक व्यापार को बड़े पैमाने पर ले जाने के लिए गांव में ही दो कमरे किराए पर लिए. उन्होंने अपनी बहन एन्ना और भाई एंटोनिन को अपने व्यापार में सहयोगी बनाया. काफ़ी जद्दोजहद के बाद मां को इसके लिए राज़ी किया और उनसे 320 डॉलर लेकर दो सिलाई मशीन ख़रीदी. कुछ कर्ज़ लेकर कच्चा माल ख़रीदा. किसी तरह कारोबार की शुरुआत हुई. लेकिन, उनके भाई-बहन ने उनका साथ बीच में ही छोड़ दिया. थॉमस ने हिम्मत नहीं हारी. महज़ 6 साल में उनका काम इतनी तेजी से चल पड़ा कि दो कमरे छोटे पड़ने लगे. थॉमस ने कारोबार को बढ़ाने के लिए और कर्ज़ लिया. फिर एक समय ऐसा भी आया जब कर्ज़ न चुका पाने के कारण उनका व्यापार ठप्प हो गया.
जब दिवालिया घोषित कर दी गई कंपनी
उनकी कंपनी को दिवालिया घोषित कर दिया गया. इसके बाद थॉमस अपने तीन वफ़ादार कर्मचारियों के संग न्यू इंग्लैंड की एक जूता कंपनी में मज़दूरी करने लगे. उन्होंने वहां 6 माह तक काम किया. इस दौरान उन्होंने कंपनी के कामकाज से लेकर व्यापार चलाने तक की बारीकियों को सीखा. स्वदेश लौटने के बाद थॉमस ने नए सिरे से कारोबार शुरू किया. एक बार फिर उनका व्यापार तेज़ी से चल पड़ा. 1912 में थॉमस ने अपनी कंपनी में 600 मज़दूरों को नौकरी पर रखा. सैकड़ों लोगों को अपने घर पर ही काम देकर उनकी रोजी-रोटी का प्रबंध किय
मंदी के दौर में थॉमस का Idea चल पड़ा
थॉमस ने उत्पादन को बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ बिक्री की योजना बनाते हुए बाटा के एक्सक्लूसिव स्टोर्स स्थापित किए. उनके जूते आरामदायक, सस्ते और मजबूत होने की वजह से स्थानीय लोगों की पसंद बन गई. उनका व्यापार तेजी से बढ़ने लगा. साल 1912 में उनकी कंपनी में जूते बनाने वाली मशीन का इस्तेमाल होने लगा था. प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के बाद आर्थिक मंदी का दौर आया. इसका असर बाटा के कारोबार पर भी पड़ा.
बिक्री कम होने के कारण उत्पादन को घटाना पड़ा. इस समस्या से उबरने के लिए थॉमस ने जूतों की कीमत को आधा कर दिया. उनका यह आइडिया चल पड़ा. फिर से उनके जूतों की मांग तेज़ी से बढ़ी. बाटा कंपनी के जूतों का उत्पादन करीब 15 गुना बढ़ गया था. बढ़ती मांग को देखते हुए थॉमस ने कारोबार को दूसरे देशों में बढ़ाना चाहा.
साल 1924 तक बाटा की देश-विदेश में कुल 122 शाखाएं थीं. भविष्य को देखते हुए कंपनी जूतों के अलावा मोज़े, चमड़े की अन्य चीजें, टायर, रसायन, रबड़ के उत्पाद बनाने लगी. अब बाटा सिर्फ़ एक कंपनी न होकर ग्रुप के रूप में स्थापित हो चुकी थी. दुनिया के कोने-कोने में उनकी कंपनी के बने जूतों की डिमांड होने लगी.
साल 1932 में थॉमस बाटा की एक हवाई हादसे में मौत हो गई. दुर्भाग्य से उनका विमान एक इमारत की चिमनी से टकरा गया था. उनकी मौत के बाद उनके बेटे ने उनका कारोबार संभाला. वे कारोबार के विस्तार के लिए रबर और चमड़े की खोज में भारत पहुंचे. यहां उन्होंने लोगों को बिना जूतों के देखा. उनके दिमाग में आया कि भारत में भी उन्हें अपनी कंपनी का विस्तार करना चाहिए.
तब भारत में कोई जूता कंपनी नहीं थी. यहां जापानी कंपनियों का बोलबाला था. साल 1931 में बाटा ने भारत में कोलकाता से सटे कोन्नार नाम के एक छोटे से गांव में अपनी कंपनी की शुरुआत की. देश में पहली शू कंपनी स्थापित हुई तो चीजें बदलनी शुरू हो गई. दो साल में देश में बाटा के जूतों की मांग इतनी बढ़ गई कि कंपनी को अपना उत्पादन दोगुना बढ़ाना पड़ा.
विदेशी होकर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी
भारत में लोकप्रियता इतनी बढ़ी कि कंपनी के नाम से वह शहर बाटानगर के नाम से पुकारा जाने लगा. साल 1939 तक कंपनी के पास 4 हज़ार के करीब कर्मचारी थे. कंपनी हर हफ्ते 3500 जोड़ी जूते बेचने लगी थी. बाटा टेनिस जूतों को डिजाइन करने वाली पहली कंपनी थी. सफ़ेद कैनवास से बने जूते लोगों को काफ़ी पसंद आए.
टेनिस जूते स्कूल के लिए इस्तेमाल किए जाने लगे. साल 1980 के दशक में बाटा को खादी और पैरागॉन से कड़ी टक्कर मिलने लगी थी. ऐसे में कंपनी ने विज्ञापन का सहारा लिया और खुद को मार्केट में आगे रखा. कम कीमत, मजबूत और टिकाऊ होने के साथ आकर्षक टैग लाइन ने विदेशी कंपनी होकर ‘दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी’ की मिसाल बनी.
उनमें एक टैगलाइन थी- “टेटनस से सावधान रहें, एक छोटी सी चोट भी खतरनाक साबित हो सकती है, इसलिए जूता पहनें.” इस टैगलाइन के तहत कंपनी ने भारत में जूतों के चलन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया. इसके अलावा एक और टैगलाइन- “फर्स्ट टू बाटा, देन टू स्कूल” जो काफी लोकप्रिय हुई थी. कंपनी की लोकप्रियता की एक बड़ी वजह इसका छोटा नाम भी है.
केवल चार अक्षर वाले दो शब्द लोगों की जुबान पर आसानी से आ जाते हैं. आज भारत में बाटा के 1375 रिटेल स्टोर हैं. इनमें 8500 कर्मचारी काम करते हैं. पिछले वर्ष कंपनी ने 5 करोड़ जूते बेचे हैं. मौजूदा समय में करीब 90 देशों में कारोबार चल रहा है. जहां 5000 स्टोर में करीब 30 हज़ार कर्मचारी काम करते हैं. प्रतिदिन 10 लाख से अधिक ग्राहक कंपनी के स्टोर में आते हैं.
Tarun Das
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tarun Das
The President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam presenting Padma Bhushan to Tarun Das (right), at investiture ceremony in New Delhi on 29 March 2006.
Occupation Industrialist
Corporate executive
Tarun Das is an Indian industrialist, corporate executive, writer and a former Chief Mentor of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). He served CII from 1967 to 2004 as its director general and from 2004 to 2009 as its chief mentor.
Das' name was mentioned in the media reports related to Radia tapes controversy which was later refuted by him. He has delivered several keynote addresses; his lecture on Adapting Indian industry to globalisation at the golden jubilee of the Forum for Free Entrepreneurs in Mumbai in 2006 is one such address. He has published a book, Crossing Frontiers: The Journey of Building CII, which is an account of his years at the Confederation of Indian Industry. Tulsi Tanti
Tulsi Tanti, born 2 February 1958 , is the Founder, Chairman and Managing Director of Suzlon Group, an Indian MNC and a prominent player in the global renewable energy sector. A visionary and world renowned expert on clean energy, he champions the cause of affordable and sustainable energy. He is also a firm believer in creating sustainable businesses and economies through energy independence and security. Tulsi Tanti leads the strategic growth initiatives of the businesses of Suzlon Group which provide a full spectrum of green power solutions. The group has a market capitalization of over USD 1.5 billion and an international presence across 18 countries in 6 continents. Tulsi Tanti spearheaded the wind revolution in India with the founding of Suzlon Energy in 1995. He envisioned the opportunity in the Indian renewable energy industry at a time when the global wind energy market was dominated by international players and characterized by expensive and complicated technologies that were largely unviable for traditional businesses. Instituting a new business model, he conceptualized the end-to-end solution to create realistic avenues for businesses to 'Go Green' and thus emerged as a strategic partner in developing sustainable businesses. Under his able leadership, the company established and went beyond benchmarks, emerging as a prominent player in the global renewable energy market. He is committed to enabling energy security and affordability, whereby the benefit of clean, renewable and reliable energy reaches every sector. His vision has led to Suzlon setting up its R&D centers in Germany, Netherlands, Denmark and India that employ over 200 engineers. In the short span of 22 years, Suzlon has established a global installation of over 17 GW with over 11 GW being installed in its home country, India and over 2 GW installed in its second largest market, U.S.A. Deeply passionate about the environment, he has been globally recognized for his achievements and conferred with numerous awards including: • 'Champion of the Earth' by the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2009 • 'Hero of the Environment' by TIME magazine for his contribution to raising awareness and initiating action on global climate change • 'Entrepreneur of the Year 2006' by Ernst & Young • 'World Wind Energy Award' by World Wind Energy Association • The CNBC TV18 'India Business Leader Award’ • 'Chanchlani Global Indian Award' by Canada India Foundation • 'Global New Energy Business Leader Award' by China Energy News • 'Asia’s Most Promising Leader Award' by Ibrands, Dubai Prominently present in the global energy landscape for many years, he is a strong voice on global leadership forums such as the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) , Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), Conference of Parties (COP) and Wall Street Journal “ECO:nomics”. Tulsi Tanti also serves on the Committee of Energy Shapers, a dedicated group of highly influential individuals that are focused on improving the global energy framework under the leadership of Klaus Schwab, renowned economist, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. Tulsi Tanti is also Chairman of the Indian Wind Turbine Manufacturers Association (IWTMA) and a member of the Board of Management of TERI University, Delhi. Committed to powering a greener tomorrow, he represents renewable energy among all the key energy players, utilities and key policy makers the world over. Regarded as the ‘Wind Man of India’ and a pivotal part of the global renewable energy industry, he leads the development of public policy for energy use and also advises on policy issues with active participation from key industry bodies like Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Considered the Captain of the Indian and global renewable energy industry,
Tulsi Tanti is also on the panel of various forums, including: • BRICS Business Council • India-UK CEOs Forum • India-Spain CEOs Forum • India-China CEOs Forum • India-Canada CEOs Forum • Indo-French CEOs Forum • India-Sri Lanka CEOs Forum • India- Russia CEOs Forum • FICCI International Council Tulsi Tanti holds a Bachelor of Commerce Degree and a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. A leader in every sense, conscientious, astute and devoted to green energy issues, he has worked relentlessly to provide affordable clean energy alternatives to industries and create a sustainable society for people. His passion can be seen in all aspects of the Suzlon Group, motivating all stakeholders with his vision and the desire to pursue sustainable social, economic and environmental development. Through various business and philanthropic initiatives, he is working to alleviate the effects of climate change to enable a greener future for our planet. Tulsi Tanti
Vinita Bali
Vinita Bali
Vinita Bali, Managing Director & CEO of Britannia Industries
Born 11 November 1955
Years active 1980-present
Vinita Bali is an Indian businesswoman who was formerly the Managing Director of Britannia Industries Limited.
Her first job was at Voltas, where she worked on the launch of the soft drink brand Rasna. She worked for the Indian division of Cadbury for 14 years, expanding the company's markets in India and Africa. In 1994, Coca-Cola hired her as its Marketing Director and she was later appointed Vice President of Marketing for Latin America. During her nine years at Coke, Bali also worked as Vice President of Corporate Strategy. She left Coca-Cola in 2003 to work at the Zyman Group. She was Managing Principal and Head of the Business Strategy at the group's Atlanta location.
She left in 2005 to take up the position of CEO at Indian food company Britannia Industries, where she was eventually appointed Managing Director in 2006. Under her direction, Britannia's revenue tripled to $841 million. Bali was awarded the "Business Woman of the Year" Award at the 2009 Economic Times Awards. In 2009, she founded the Britannia Nutrition Foundation which combats child malnutrition through the distribution of fortified biscuits to Indian schoolchildren. She won a Corporate Social Responsibility Award for her work with the foundation] In 2011, Forbes named her on its list of "Asia's 50 Power Businesswomen". Vinita is Chair of the Board of the Directors of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN).

Cognizant Technology Solutions, a US-based IT company with a large presence in India, appointed Vinita Bali as an independent director effective February 24, 2020. "We are delighted that Vinita Bali has joined the Cognizant Board," said Michael Patsalos-Fox, Cognizant's Chairman of the Board. "We believe Vinita's extensive and successful experience at large companies, both India-based and multinational, will make a significant contribution to Cognizant." Vipin Gopal
(American businessman,created the first-ever webpages on Kerala and Malayalam in 1993)
Vipin Gopal
Chief Data & Analytics Officer
Eli Lilly
Vipin Gopal, PhD, MBA, is the Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Eli Lilly, a Fortune 150 Global Pharmaceutical company. In this role, he is responsible for leading next-gen, transformational data strategy and execution across the Lilly enterprise, as well as development of advanced analytics capabilities and data science solutions for the company. Vipin is a 20+ year veteran in the space of advanced data and analytics, and has a significant track record of building high-performance data analytics functions and creating business value with advanced technologies.
His prior leadership experience spans four Fortune 100 companies in industries ranging from healthcare to aerospace. Before joining Eli Lilly, Vipin was the Senior Vice President of Clinical Analytics at Humana, where he was responsible for the corporate organization that developed and applied data science and analytics solutions to advance Humana’s clinical strategy, operations, quality and outcomes. Prior to Humana, he was with Cigna Healthcare, United Technologies Corporation and Honeywell.
Vipin is a thought leader and frequent speaker on the transformational power of advanced data analytics for a broad range of strategic topics in healthcare. Over the past year, he was quoted in Harvard Business Review, Scientific American and Nature. In recognition of his leadership contributions in the space of data and analytics, he was listed as a ‘2018 Top 100 Innovator in Data and Analytics’ and was awarded the 2015 Analytics Leadership Award by Indiana University Kelly School of Business. Vipin has also served on the organizing/advisory committees of many national and international analytic conferences. He obtained his doctorate from Carnegie Mellon University and B. Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, both in engineering, and has an MBA from the New York University Stern School of Business.
Vipin is a passionate advocate of educational initiatives and developing an empowered and diverse workforce. Most recently, he served as Chair of the Advisory Board of Greater Louisville International Professionals (GLIP), and as a member of the Board of Directors of Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC) Foundation.
Vipin Gopal is the Vice President of Clinical Analytics at Humana, a Fortune 100 company. In this role, Dr. Gopal is responsible for the organization that develops and applies advanced analytics that drives Humana’s clinical strategy, programs and quality. He is an expert in developing differentiating analytic competencies, and has previously led analytic functions in diverse companies ranging from industrial conglomerates to healthcare. Dr. Gopal obtained his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University and B.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, both in Engineering, and has an MBA from New York University Stern School of Business.
Dr V P Sidhan
Late Dr. V. P. Sidhan
Founder of Cholayil Group
Among many proficient visionaries at Cholayil, one name that clearly stands out is Dr. V.P. Sidhan. His vision and innovative thinking, coupled with extensive ongoing research, has resulted in many reputed Ayurvedic health care formulations.
He conceptualised the wonder bar Medimix – a natural remedy to multiple skin-related issues – during his academic pursuits. And being an astute businessman, he understood the importance and the power of communication and soon turned a simple Ayurveda product into a highly sought-after brand.
His business acumen was lauded by the Lions Club, with whom he was associated in the capacity of District Chairman for over a decade. The Rotary Club International also conferred upon him the prestigious ‘Vocational Excellence Award’ for his exceptional humanitarian work.
He has and will forever remain the driving force behind Cholayil.
Mr Pradeep Cholayil
Chairman & Managing Director, Cholayil Private Limited
Having started his career as the Head of Marketing & Finance Departments of Cholayil, Mr. Pradeep Cholayil grew to become the Managing Director under the able guidance of his father the Late Dr. V.P. Sidhan. He was instrumental in launching our flagship brand Medimix all over India and subsequently in international markets. The Medimix Ayurvedic 18-Herb Soap has now gone on to become the world’s most sold Ayurvedic soap. It was also through his zeal and efforts that the company could acquire two personal care brands ‘Cuticura’ and ‘Krishna Thulasi’ in the years 2001 and 2011 respectively.
Mrs. Jaya Devi Cholayil
Director of Research & Development, Cholayil Private Limited
A self-taught artist & a trained designer from NIFT, Mrs. Jayadevi Cholayil is recognised for her eco-friendly fusion of handmade traditional and contemporary clothes. She founded the brand Jullaaha and her mission is to incorporate social & environmental responsibility into everyday practices. In order to achieve this, she provides stable employment to destitute women and also trains the inmates of The Banyan – a mental health NGO – in craft forms like Batik, Block Print, Kalamkaari and others. As the R&D Director at Cholayil, she has created a line of exotic handmade soaps and personal care products under the Jullaaha label which have all been very well received. She has also won many awards, with the most recent one being The Women entrepreneur of the year conferred by FICCI – FLO.
If you’re interested in partnering with us, either domestically or internationally, do visit our Business Opportunity page. V Sadasivan
Ex.Secretary, Oachira Parabrahma Temple
Personal details
Sadasivan Vasukutty
1 December 1950
Prayar, India
Nationality Indian
Political party BDJS
Spouse(s) B Anitha
Children Rani, Sony
Education MA,BEd.
Alma mater University of Kerala
Sri V Sadasivan is the Asst. Secretary of Gurudeva Charitable Trust and Governing Body of SVNCE. When retired from service, he was Marketing Manager of Coirfed. Besides his role in the College Governing Body, Sri V Sadasivan was the Secretary of Kshethra Bharana Samiti of Ochira Parabrahma Temple which is known as Dekshina Kashi and is one of the most famous pilgrim centres in Kerala. He is also holding the post of President of Devikulangara Panchayath Coconut Producer’s Federation and Director Board Member of - SN.Trust.
He is contesting as NDA candidate of Karunagappally assembly constituency in the forthcoming election in May 2016.
Vinay Maloo
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vinay Maloo
Born 10 January 1961
Nationality Indian
Citizenship Indian
Years active 1989–present
Spouse(s) Vineeta Maloo(m.1984)
Vinay Maloo (born 10 January 1961) is an Indian businessman, who is the founder and chairman of Enso Group, a diversified conglomerate group. Maloo founded the group in 2005.
Early career
Vinay Maloo started his business career with acquisition of a marble mine in Kankroli, Rajasthan. He left Kolkata for Delhi in 1990 to run Himachal Futuristic Communications Limited (HFCL) with his uncle Mahendra Nahata and Dr Deepak Malhotra, as they had set up their first telecom equipments manufacturing plant in Solan, Himachal Pradesh in 1988.
When they co-founded HFCL in 1987, they were the first private sector company to enter telecom equipments manufacturing in India. In HFCL, they set up manufacturing facilities in India for optical fiber cables, optical transport, power electronics and broadband equipment for global supply, and provided turnkey solutions to the Government of India's undertakings and private sector players across the world. HFCL has an in-house R&D department, developing new technologies. Their $25 billion (₹850 billion) bid for basic services license in India created the momentum for telecom in the country. Late Australian businessman Kerry Packer, also known for his contribution to the sport of cricket, invested in HFCL, in the year 2000, picking up 10% stake. Together, they also launched Metro Gold on the national television channel DD Metro.
During technology boom, HFCL peaked at an approximately $3 billion market cap making him one of the top 10 richest Indians at age 39. In 2005, the partners split, Nahata keeping the telecom business as Maloo wanted to expand into different sectors and be diversified. In 2006, he resigned from HFCL. He also resigned from all its subsidiary companies. He served as chairman and executive director during his tenure.
Enso Group
Enso Group is a growing $7 billion conglomerate which is privately held for most part. It started with oil & gas as primary focus, in 2005, but has made slow and steady progress in few other industries besides energy. The group has expanded horizontally with purchasing controlling stake in operations of a potash mining project in Canada, and have a gas block in Siberian region of Russia. The group sold its stake in Ensearch Petroleum, which had its holdings in 14 oil and gas blocks to Sahara India Pariwar in 2011. Ensearch had oil & gas E&P blocks in Australia, Georgia, Nigeria, Jordan and Gujarat in India.
A PPP initiative of Enso Healthcare LLP, and brand Enso Care, was launched with GE-Wipro and Government of Maharashtra & another one in Punjab with Philips but the group exited before rollout and curbed its healthcare expansion plans. Enso Healthcare LLP is acting as an aggregator for manufacturing of Sputnik V vaccines in India for Russia's sovereign wealth fund RDIF.
They also have interest in solar power innovation, having a modest portfolio of products and capacity to execute turnkey projects.
In early 2020, Enso Group along with Russian Far East Development Fund, tried to rescue the debt laden Jet Airways, and participated in talks for buying controlling stake in it from its committee of creditors (CoC) composed of banks, but talks fell through.
Personal life
Vinay Maloo is a Jain, vegetarian by birth His wife Vineeta is an economics graduate from Sophia College for Women, University of Mumbai and they met through common family connections. They have two children. His father is a chartered accountant and a retired executive from one of India's leading business houses.
Awards & Honours
Asia's Most Trusted Leader 2021 - WCRC International
Dynamic Personality Of The Year 2021 - Xel Research
Vivek Chaand Sehgal
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vivek Chaand Sehgal
Born 1 February 1957
Nationality Australian
Occupation Businessman
Years active 1975–date
Board member of Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd
Vivek Chaand Sehgal (born 1 February 1957) is an Indian-Australian billionaire businessman and entrepreneur. Sehgal is the chairman and co-founder of Samvardhana Motherson Group, an auto parts manufacturer.
Early life
Sehgal’s grandfather was a well-known jeweller. In 1975 Sehgal co-founded Samvardhana Motherson Group with his mother, and entered the silver trade. Samvardhana Motherson Group's future in the silver industry was placed in jeopardy after a competitor faced bankruptcy. Samvardhana Motherson Group became a manufacturer of auto components instead, eventually forming a partnership with Sumitomo Electric and acquired eleven companies in twelve years. Sehgal served as managing director from 1975 until 1995 and stepped back from the day-to-day operations of the business, and has subsequently served as chairman of the group.
Personal life
Seghal is married, with two children, and lives in Delhi, India.
An interview by AL-AMEEN-SALAM S1-MBA student of TKM Institute of Management
· What ignited the spark in you to start a new business?
To fulfil my father’s ambitions and blessing of Sharkara Devi.
· What motivates you and how do u generate ideas?
According to me this business can give me fame and name and I also had the opportunity to start the granite in the area I purchased.
· Where did you get organisations funding?
I get my funding’s from my friends and also due to grace of God (Sharkara Devi).
· How do you find people to bring in your organisation?
My family members and my friends are the workers in my organization.
· How long do you stick with an idea before giving up?
I stick with the idea till the end and make it a success.
· How do you get customers?
I advertise in cinemas and public announcements.
· How many employees do you have now?
· How did you decide Trivandrum as the location for your business?
Because it is my birth place and native.
· Describe/outline your typical day?
I go to temple of Sharkara Devi in the morning then take my blessing from my parents and then I go for work or meetings or business tour.
10. How many hours do you work in a day?
7-8 hours
11. Is your company profitable last year?
12. What is the major difference between entrepreneur and those who work for someone else?
A Business man has more freedom in his life than an executive.
13. How has being an entrepreneur an entrepreneur affected your family life?
It made my family famous in society.
14. What do you do in your non-working time?
Spend my time with my family and my daughter in law or go for a tour.
15. Is industrial experience essential for an successful entrepreneur?
YES, almost because experience make a perfect entrepreneur.
16. What is your most satisfying moment?
First time I gained profit and become successful. I proved myself in front of my family and society.
17. What have been some of the biggest mistakes you have made?
Doing things without thinking is some of the greatest mistakes I did.
18. What sacrifices have you had makes to be a successful entrepreneur?
I sacrificed all my wealth and my family’s wealth. I almost felt sometimes that I wasted my life because I had many debts.
19. If anyone stolen your idea what will you do?
I can do nothing because I have no power to do anything I consider it as my fate and move on.
20. If you had the chance to start your career over again what would you do differently?
I would have done the same thing again because right now I am satisfied with what I did by the blessings of Sharkara Devi.
21. What kind of cultures is there in your organization?
I have different cultures in my organization. I have marbles and jeweller shop too.
22. What piece of advice due you give to college students to become entrepreneurs?
First you have to get rid of your laziness and should have a aim in life. Today’s children should become tomorrows entrepreneur to motivate our dreams.
New Rajasthan Marbles
Parent Company
New Rajasthan Marbles
Jewellery and Marbles,Granite,Tiles,Sanitaryitems,Furniture
Lifestyle and retail
Tagline/ Slogan
Beauty meets Quality; Celebrate the beauty of Life
Services offered to today’s global taste
People who has Upper spending power
Target Group
Peoples who likes beautiful furniture and Indian heritage marbles and for Royal style under the brand name is New Rajasthan
Champion of contemporary and classic Marbles
SWOT Analysis
1.It’s one largest marbles retailer in Asia
2. Offers a lifelong Warranty in Quality
3. 5 stores pan-India and in the Middle East
4. Solid workforce of 990 people
5. Association with film and sports celebrities enhances its brand equity and reach
1. Less penetration across India as stores are present primarily in South India
2.Global footprint is less especially UK and US which has high number of NRIs
1. Expansion Plans in near future by increasing the stores in US, UK and South-East Asia
2.Increase presence across India
3. Tie-up with corporates and sponsorship of fashion events
1. Competition is huge from already established brands in this segment
2.Competition is also in overseas market other players
3.Fluctuating global economy means loss of sale
V.V .Prasad

Travancore Mats & Matting Company
Travancore Mats & Matting Company was established in the year 1917. We are leading manufacturer and supplier of Coir Door Mats etc, Our company is capable of overcoming all obstacles through the consistent efforts towards innovations and maintaining quality. We have produced a totally novel style of connecting link with the clients. We can produce as per the requirements of our clients with assured timely delivery under all circumstances.
Basic Information
Nature of Business Manufacturer
Company CEO Mr. VR Prasad
Total Number of Employees 101 to 500 People
Year of Establishment 1917
Legal Status of Firm Partnership Firm
Annual Turnover Rs. 50 - 100 Crore
About Us
Way back in 1917, a farsighted visionary called Velayudhan founded a business in this land of coir. He imbued his business with values like trust, dedication and professional ethics. Values those were close to his heart. What started as a coir exporting company called Travancore Mats and Matting Company has since grown to be a multimillion dollar business group. With six autonomous, self-propelled business groups whose success is most apparent by their impressive list of overseas clients and associates.
At Travancore , our spirit is our work force, which contributes, shares and learns from success. We inspire our work force and they turn our aspirations into reality.
Our networks are broad. So is our vision. But our philosophy is simple. ‘Future is what you make of it.’ Driven by this, our diversified portfolio today consists of floor covering in coir, cotton, wool, rubber, jute, sisal and synthetic textiles and health care.
Project: A 4 MW solar park VC funding: Rs 14.68 crore
He was the doctor who always wanted to be a businessman. The son of an IPS officer, Vijay Kolaventy did an MBBS from Nagarjuna University in 1993 and joined work as resident medical officer at the Vizag Steel Plant. But within a few months, his entrepreneurial instincts got the better of him. After experimenting for a couple of years in sectors as varied as IT, mining and energy, he started what he claims was India’s first Internet Service Provider, Starnet Online Services Ltd, in 1998. He also launched the country’s first e-sewa project — Saukaryam, an online civic services portal for the Vizag municipal corporation — for which he won a $20,000 UNDP award.
But Kolaventy feels he could have done more. “All my initiatives could have been scaled up. But it is difficult for an SC entrepreneur to raise resources,” he says.
His latest venture, Abhyudaya Green Economic Zone Pvt Ltd, sells mini solar power plants to aspiring SC entrepreneurs. The project has received an in-principle sanction from the VC Fund for SCs. “This is a first of its kind venture in the solar power segment. I plan to strip a 4 MW solar power project in Ranga Reddy District into 20 small 200 KW units, each costing Rs 1.62 crore. Ten of these units have been sold to individual SC entrepreneurs,” he says.
His company already has a power purchase agreement with the Telangana State Southern Power Distribution Company Ltd at the rate of Rs 6.49 per unit of power.
“I came up with this project in 2010 but it is seeing the light of the day only now. But nationalised banks rejected it. They made the SC entrepreneurs run from pillar to post. They do not have a problem funding a 100 MW project, but when you try and innovate, they look the other way. The most unfortunate part is they took a year to deny them a loan, despite the fact that the entrepreneurs provided collateral,” complains Kolaventy. Now, finally, Maanaveeya Development and Finance Ltd, the Indian subsidiary of OIKO Credit, a private micro-finance and development bank headquartered in the Netherlands, has sanctioned loans to the 10 SC entrepreneurs.
IFCI VC is funding 50 per cent of his Rs 30 crore solar park. “I am contributing 25 per cent equity. The remaining amount I have raised from Corporation Bank. Earlier, I never disclosed I was Dalit, and never availed of concessional funding. But given the capital subsidy the state provides SC entrepreneurs, and given the nature of my project, I had to tap banks for funding,” he says.
Banks, he alleges, “seriously discriminate” against Dalits. “A bank manager was keen to buy two mini solar power units. But when I told him that this project was only for SCs, he refused the loan,” says Kolaventy.
The Dalit community, he feels, “needs more entrepreneurs”. “Most SCs study hard for a job, not to start a business. It will take a couple of generations,” he says.
Kolaventy says social discrimination is a reality for most Dalits. “I experience it on trains. The person sitting next to you talks well, but when he asks for your caste, you notice the difference,” he says.
Yashodhan Ramteke
Dalit bizmen are India Inc’s poster boys
| TNN |
MUMBAI: Neglected for years, Dalit entrepreneurs are now gaining momentum and getting ready to expand their horizons and do business with industrial houses.
The Dalit India Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DICCI), inaugurated by industrialist Adi Godrej on Saturday, held its first expo in the city to showcase products of member-entrepreneurs. The association has also decided to create a venture capital fund with a corpus of Rs 500 crore.
Cottage industries like handicraft, T-shirts and leather products were showcased at the event. Firms engaged in construction and manufacturing industrial products also featured prominently. Many Dalits beat the odds to become successful entrepreneurs in their own right. Yashodhan Ramteke, an electronics engineer, set up a private institute to train engineers in maintaining thermal power plants in Nagpur. Dr Nanda Kishore runs a 100-bed hospital in Hyderabad are success stories from the community.
“I was lucky to get good education and a job with the Union ministry of agriculture. However, I would back reservation since it would provide the impetus to my community,” said Natha Ram, the director of Steel Mont Private Ltd—a Rs 600-crore company set up by Rajesh Saraiya (Natha’s son).
Saraiya is India’s first Dalit billionaire. Born in a middle class family in Dehradun, Rajesh studied aeronautical engineering in Russia and is now based in Ukraine. Kalpana Saroj has done what no Dalit woman in the corporate world could. A school dropout, Saroj is the chairperson of Kamani Tubes Limited. The company, which makes non-ferrous tubes, had a troubled existence over the past two decades, requiring constant assistance by the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction, following internecine feuds in the Kamani family.
“Supporters and investors turn up if you are focused on what you want,” said Saroj. J Nandakumar has craved a niche for himself in the art world. Having completed his Master’s in fine arts from Aurangabad university, Nandakumar held many exhibitions of his paintings at J J art gallery. Many corporates have purchased his art works.
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