Begging is a Rs 15 crore pa industry in Hyderabad Begging has become a lucrative profession in Hyderabad with the 10,466-odd alms-seekers making a whopping Rs 15 crore per annum. This was found after a survey commissioned by the Hyderabad District Collectorate and conducted by a city-based non-Governmental Organistaion, Hyderabad Council of Human Welfare. The district administration has planned to implement a rehabilitation package for beggars to wean them away from their favourite avocation. In all, 77 volunteers were involved in the two-month-long massive data collection exercise for the survey. The survey reveals that one out of every 354 residents of Hyderabad is engaged in begging. Almost 21% of the 10,466 beggars earn above Rs 2,000 per month, while 47% make between Rs 900 to Rs 2,000 pm. Another 30% earn less than Rs 900 a month. A whopping 92% of the average earnings of the beggars go towards food, followed by shelter, drug habits and entertainment. Sixty-five percent of the be...
Blog included maximum info. on Chamar/Dalits and modifying regularly. Readers are requested to give feedback and help to explore the community people who are known to you or leftout here. Support by sending untold story of SC/STs. I will also request you to join hand with me for the benifit of society and spread awareness for our future generation. I am regularly trying to find enough dalits who had sacrificed their life & ignored by Brahmins