Lord Rama myth or truth By Dr. Vivek Arya Rama - The Role Model Recently issue of Ramsetu is in vogue. Government filed an affadavit before supreme court stating that Rama has never existed on this earth. However, on strong opposition by other political parties and Hindu activist they withdrew the affadavit. Hindu organization like Vishwa Hindu Parishad etc claim that question relating to existence of Rama cannot be simply resolved by scientific or historical findings. Existence of Rama is basically a question of faith for millions of people. Therefore no Government can deny existence of Rama. But these greatest advocate of Hindusim did not show guts to take on Government/Karunanidhi and proved that Rama is as historical fact and not a myth. Neverthless , they got support from unexpected quarter i.e Hurriyat conference from Kashmir. Hurriayat also claimed that scientific or historical evidence are not yardstick to judge various issues related to religion. Hence, whether Rama existed...
Blog included maximum info. on Chamar/Dalits and modifying regularly. Readers are requested to give feedback and help to explore the community people who are known to you or leftout here. Support by sending untold story of SC/STs. I will also request you to join hand with me for the benifit of society and spread awareness for our future generation. I am regularly trying to find enough dalits who had sacrificed their life & ignored by Brahmins